2019-2-11, NET #057; Machiventa
New Era Transition #057 – Expectations; Community Design Teams; Urantian Crankiness – Feb. 11, 2019
Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
What leadership is expected from this group and its readership?
What mission statement would you provide?
Are we to expect a command such as “Follow me”?
How would I know if my project is aligned with the Correcting Time?
Is ocean water temperature a better gauge of climate change?
Is polar ice thickness a better gauge than the extent of ice?
Can the jet stream’s movement have catastrophic effects?
Using the design team to affect community changes
What is the first step to begin this evolution in the community?
A possible community problem concerning garbage
A Question on the failure of non-democratic nations
Urantians and our “cranky disposition”
Are there any advantages to our crankiness?
Gauging the honesty of online sellers
The “Declaration of Fraternity” between the Pope and Al Azhar
Machiventa’s closing remarks
TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD
Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler and Michael McCray.
Invocation: Michael
February 11, 2019
MACHIVENTA: Good morning dear friends in Northern Colorado; this is Machiventa Melchizedek. There are many here and we are ready to begin. If there are questions, please initiate them.
Roxie: I do have some questions that Stéphane sent in; he is not able to be with us today.
What leadership is expected from this group and its readership?
“Machiventa, looking at a cross section of members from this group and it readership, and regarding the specific material that has been given to this group, what leadership do you expect from this group for dissemination of the content?
MACHIVENTA: Answering that question does not take too much thought or time to formulate an answer. How and who is responsible for that is again, co-creative. You as individuals of this group are responsible to share this information with others who are friends of yours, particularly if you belong to spiritual associations, and those who are engaged in work with spirit. We know that there are many groups that have a religious intention who may not look favorably upon this, but we have found within almost every group, whether they are fundamentalist Christians or those who are spiritually eclectic that there are those individuals who have an interest in esoteric material. Fortunately, the material that we are sharing is global; it has to do with everything on this planet and in fact, many elements are in common with the other planets that were in quarantine.
As far as this NOCO team is concerned, that is their interest as well, besides asking questions and discerning the nuances of the messages that come across. For those who are in the audience, the same applies to them. And of course, when you begin this process of sorting and sifting your friends and associations about who to share this with and who not to, we encourage you to invite us to participate in that process, so that you would become aware of the options involved in who should receive it and who should not, which would be most beneficial and those which would provide only minimal or no return at all.
What mission statement would you provide?
Roxie: Stéphane’s next question is: “If this group and its readership is looked upon as a whole, what mission statement would you provide from a celestial perspective for the dissemination of the 7 core values and related morals and ethics?”
MACHIVENTA: The mission for this Northern Colorado group changes from time to time. At the present time, during the time that I have been your Master of Ceremonies, your Guest Speaker, has been towards the definite social aspects of Planetary Management and your planet’s social existence. We have found within this group the capacity to think in global terms and in fact, multiple planetary terms as well. The work that we are doing here is with the mission, or the mission statement of aiding the 1000 year survival of social existence on Urantia. That is the same as it is for the other planets as well. This requires individuals who can think “outside of the box” of your contemporary limited perspective culture. It is important to realize that the work that you and we are doing co-creatively is far different from, though totally aligned with other groups that are working on expansion of the individual energies and clearing away the debris from the Rebellion and the arrival of Christ Michael’s mandate to reform this world into the Days of Light and Life.
It is not a difference of importance at all, for one is as important as the other. It is simply that your missions are different. For this group’s mission it is the thoughtful examination of social existence that includes all cultures, all races, all genders and all people, ethnicities and cultures, and so on. This is of no greater importance than the capability of individuals to reform their lives in ways that bring them into the light of the Father, that personal contact. Our mission within NOCO, however, is to do the same but for individuals on this planet for the next 10,000 or 100,000 years. It is our intention through this group and the work that we are doing with the values and morality and ethics is to begin establishing family systems and social systems such that they become self-sustaining, in that each generation is able to then teach its children and grandchildren the ways of family dynamics that provides for healthy living in all regards.
We have said many times that though the Correcting Time is one umbrella of work, it nonetheless carries within it several missions and within that, dozens if not hundreds of objectives, things that must be done in order to tie all the loose ends together so that the world in the future is able to become one of peace and self-sustaining social existence. It begins with the individual, it begins with the family and of course, the social institutions that support a society, nation and world civilization.
It is essential that they too become transformed into those that do actually make contributions to the sustainability of families and communities. This does not leave out organizations, as organizations are the multiplying factor for developing sustainable social existence. The individual is the person on the end of the lever, and the organizations provide the fulcrum for developing socially sustainable societies and communities. The individual family and organizations are the operational elements within a society and community that give societies and communities the possibility of existing peaceably and stably into the future.
Are we to expect a command such as “Follow me”?
Roxie: Stéphane has two more follow-up questions: “Are we to expect a command similar to ‘Follow me’ as was expressed by Jesus when he gathered each of the 12 apostles? Either by you or Monjoronson?”
MACHIVENTA: We have considered the question and I will answer it this way: Yes, you are to “Follow me.” We are providing you with the moral and ethical and spiritually centered method of moving into the light for yourself and for your families, communities and societies and organizations. The “Follow me” is essential and it is essential for each of you to know how to discern what to follow, who to follow and where they are going. You must understand thoroughly and discern the intentions for that statement and be able to discern who is saying it. Is it one of Christ Michael’s people of the light from the morontial and spiritual realms, or is it from someone else?
You are capable of discerning this and with your Thought Adjuster and Celestial Helpers you are able to discern more exactly what and who to follow. We would not lead you astray, and it is important that you as individuals understand how to discern, how to see clearly in order to follow with confidence. If you do not have confidence in the individual that you are following, then we suggest you not follow. Anyone who works for Christ Michael and who follows us is 100% dedicated to the light and wills to do God’s Will, and to bring that about in an abundance of ways.
The question really begs an important part of human/celestial interaction, as humans are naïve and they are childlike in many ways, and are untrained and unknowledgeable about the sophistries of those who are marginally in the light and out of the light. There are individuals in your world and in the universe who are not totally committed to doing God’s Will, which is unfortunate. We, however, find that those of that kind are usually oriented or centered on the worlds that have been in spiritual violence in the past.
How would I know if my project is aligned with the Correcting Time?
Roxie: His next question I find is also related to our entire readership: “If I was to find a project of my own for dissemination, how would I know if it is aligned with the immediate needs of the Correcting Time and the Teaching Mission?”
MACHIVENTA: You must look to the intentions of your dissemination and the intentions of the Correcting Time and our programs. When your intentions are aligned with these intentions, then you will know how to proceed. What you are speaking about is spiritual leadership, and this spiritual leadership overlaps significantly and is meant to intrude in time very deeply into the cultures of Urantia and humankind. You can disseminate this work by your questions and by their orientation. You can become a powerful element of this group, whether you are a member of this NOCO question and answer group, or whether you are part of the audience. You can do this simply by asking questions that are pertinent and relevant to our work. Through this way you can actually guide the suggestions that are made through this group that can then later be unfolded. As we have said just a few minutes ago that it is the intention of this group to address the larger societal and global civilizational elements to assist your planet to arrive in the Days of Light and Life.
When you begin to take my opening statements and examine them and are able to respond to them off the top [of your head] in response to those statements, then you will be able to unfold the topic in more detailed ways. You see, we truly rely upon you as mortals to develop these topics from a mortal’s perspective. We present this material from the celestial and spiritual realms, from the Headquarters on Salvington and elsewhere. You are the mortal connection to develop the content in ways that become relevant to you, to your neighbors and to the audience. You have an important part to play in this; you are not simply marionettes on the end of strings to be manipulated by us; that would not work. Neither are we asking you to be manipulators of us, to get to issues and topics that you can play with in your life.
By the use of your questions and the type of questions you ask, you are able to guide the topic discussion and its unfoldment in ways that we can contribute to. This is definitely a two-way co-creative process of communication between us and the larger audience. Though our audience is now approximately 500 people, more or less, in the future we anticipate that it will include many thousands, if not millions that will eventually come in contact with these transmissions. You as members and the audience now have a very powerful means by which you can develop the topics that I usually broach in the first part of our conversations. We find too that sometimes the topic is of such depth of nature that it requires a second, third or even fourth session to totally unfold the topic in ways that complement the work that we are doing with you. And so, you see, we cannot do this work without your participation, without your thoughtful and discerning questions.
Roxie: Stéphane has three more questions that are totally unrelated to this thread, so if there are any questions from our group, this would be a good place to ask them.
Daniel: Please proceed with Stéphane’s questions.
Is ocean water temperature a better gauge of climate change?
Roxie: Okay. “Is ocean water temperature a better gauge of climate change than air temperature? We almost never hear of water temperature changes.”
MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is most certainly because it holds more mass in terms of weight and tonnage than air.
Is polar ice thickness a better gauge than the extent of ice?
Roxie: “Similarly, is polar ice thickness a better gauge of climate change rather than polar ice an extent of area?”
MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is the duration of the extent in thousands of square miles, coupled with the thickness. If the thickness is half of what it was last year, then it has changed dramatically.
Can the jet stream’s movement have catastrophic effects?
Roxie: His last question: “It has been noted that jet streams move less, are more stationary, than decades past. Is there an extreme to this that can have catastrophic effects?”
MACHIVENTA: I will give you a human technology answer to that question, and that is that the jet streams that are now produced are usually produced at a much higher altitude than before. The movement of air changes at different levels of elevation.
Roxie: That is all of Stéphane’s questions. I’ll open to the group.
Using the design team to affect community changes
Liz: It has been suggested that a way to move forward with government and design teams would be to eventually have a legislation proposed that in order to affect changes in a community, city or a town, that they go through the design team process and submit a final Social Sustainability report much as the City Council would require an EPA report, an Environmental Protection Agency report in order to validate what it is that they intend to do. Now, this idea is of interest to me; it also sounds like there would be a lot of push back due to more government red tape or regulations, and I am wondering if you see this as a way forward?
MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. Yes, we do see this as a way forward. When you ask that question and state it in such terms, it opens many categories for our comment. One is that we feel it would be highly useful if there were design team groups, design teams who would make comment in a similar fashion as open public hearings by some agency. As you know, open agency meetings are always very limited to only a few people who can attend in a room with those County Commissioners, for example, who would be willing to listen to this. In this day and age, that is antiquarian, just as not having open public meetings was so antiquarian in the past. Now it is time to expand that to include design teams within a community. If you have a population within a jurisdiction of 50,000 people, rather than having one meeting, you would anticipate or require—the operational word is “require”—that there be at least 25-50 design teams that would meet and comment on the topic.
These could then be collected and brought together by another design team to take those into consideration. In other words, you would have a tier level grouping much as you have for basketball teams, football teams and baseball teams that go through their districts and have playoffs and eventually that there are one or two groups that finally duke it out on the field. In this way, what would happen would be that each team would provide a representative to a larger team but of the same number. Teams would still be limited to 5-11 members and there would be the same constituents within the team of the facilitator, recorder, inquiring members and the consultant. In this way, there is more total representation of the population and of the total knowledge and wisdom and intelligence of the large community that goes forward. This is an important process, one that would require much more highly disciplined interactive skills of individuals on teams, particularly as they represent those teams below them. Do you follow me so far?
Liz: Yes, I do.
MACHIVENTA: And that this is a wonderful means by which the intelligence and wisdom of the larger population can be shared in a very positive and powerful way by the constituents of that jurisdiction. When you think of the possibilities in terms of demography and numbers of representatives and of the power of the people to move forward with ideas of wisdom that have been discerned very carefully to be shared with those individuals who make decisions about the topic, then the ethics and morality of the solutions of those people who do make those decisions becomes very evident. In many ways, this would be a process by which a lot of hand shaking behind backdoor deals would be resolved. You can anticipate too, that those old habits would continue, but in time they would diminish greatly. You are in fact, proposing for an evolutionary change in the representative democratic process across a democratic nation, which could be applied to any democratic nation, but particularly those that are technologically developed, those that have a high level of education in the population and who have at least one or two forms of media that are honest and efficacious to represent differing and discerning views that are provided by the people.
What is the first step to begin this evolution in the community?
Liz: Thank you. It sounds as if what you are talking about is far beyond where we are today. What is the first step that we can take to begin this evolution?
MACHIVENTA: There are already the means available for you to do this. We do not suggest a particular way forward. However, what you would be looking for are candidates for elections and those people who have been elected who are friendly to the popular vote. Remember, this is not a populist movement at all. It must be very clear that this is not a populist movement. This is not a populist response to some particular issue that then fades away. This is to become an ongoing process that assists the archaic and antiquarian traditional mode of democratic process that now exists in your nation and many other nations.
What you are looking for, of course, are friendly faces and open hands to shake with who would invite you to share your ideas. You also would need a population that is oriented towards this kind of process. You would find no success at all in some states, counties, and jurisdictions that are opposed to new labels of democratic process that might be “liberal.” This is not a liberal approach at all. In fact, it is very conservative. It is a logical, rational means by which the authority of the public, the people, is able to become more influential and operational as contributory to good decisions by the decision-makers that have been elected. One of the reasons we are loath to share with you a means or several means specifically is because it limits your thinking.
Let me draw a parallel here for you that may sound disgusting to some of you, but which makes a good analogy/parallel: You know how graft works, correct? That people, let us say a contractor thinks of ways to have his projects supported and then he goes out and finds the weakest link in the chain of decision-making to have his project selected for contracting and making more money. This is what I would call “dark influence.” We however, would use the line of “light influence,” the influence of light. You would want to find the linkages within your organizations of honest, decent individuals who are capable of supporting your work and you supporting them with an authentic, transparent relationship. You would be operating with the same intentions, but one is for the good of all, rather than the good of one out of self-interest. The mechanisms operate the same way: You need to be persuasive, you need to find people who want to be persuaded by you; you would want to find public leaders/public officials who want to be guided by the public interest. Of course they are looking toward the next election, and of course you would want to find a group, an audience, meaning a jurisdiction of people who are supportive of your ideas. This is grassroots at its very best, and this is the best outcome that can be achieved at this current level of your democratic process.
Liz: Thank you.
A possible community problem concerning garbage
Craig: Thanks, Liz, for those questions and Machiventa for that overview of how this is intended to work. I’m going to get to a very specific topic, which is here, meaning Haida Gwaii: we have an annual fee for garbage collection, which is quite high. I conserve, I recycle, compost and I put out one garbage can every 6 or 7 weeks that is maybe half full, and yet I’m charged the same amount as people who just throw everything in the trash and put out a garbage can every week and wish they would take more. It doesn’t seem very fair because I am paying something like $40 for each garbage can taken away. So, my thought was, would it be useful both as socially sustainable design teams, and as an actual practice to try and put together a few people who have the same issue and we might together come up with recommendations for our regional director on this matter.
MACHIVENTA: Thank you. That is an excellent, practical problem that we whole heartedly wish to engage with you. We ask you to do a bit more research: One is to go to the jurisdiction records to find how that policy came into existence. And as most garbage collections are under the jurisdiction of some municipality or some jurisdiction, it is usually dealt with as a monopoly, or if there are several different carriers then the process is nonetheless guided by the intention of the policy. You must address the intention of the policy first, before you gather your group and it would be best if you did gather a small group together to research the information to become familiar with it and understand the process of how your current system came into existence. This is background detective work. You must work backwards through the process to understand what happened way back when, when that very antiquarian policy came into existence.
Once you have that in hand, you can proceed with that information and strive to change that intention. In this time and day and age, when there are concerns about plastics in the ocean, of which your island is totally surrounded, it would seem to be a viable option to consider reducing the waste content by recycling. However, you will also come into the objection that recycling is not possible on your island because there are no buyers for the recycle material. You have your work cut out for you, but it is possible and there are possibilities for success concerning the intention of your group and of the question and situation you posed. We anticipate that you come back to us later on with the situation in hand as it exists at the time and ask more questions.
Craig: Okay, thank you; that sounds like a very good place to start with the research.
A Question on the failure of non-democratic nations
Rick: I have two questions. They are both related to the last session, and the first question is: In the last session you mentioned that non-democratic nations will fail dramatically. My question is specifically related to Russia and China. Is there a general timeline you can share with us?
MACHIVENTA: There is no specific timeline for the demise of those nations as organizations. As you know with your own physics that a large truck going downhill that has lost its brakes, and has 40 tons of material in the trailer will push that truck farther down the hill than will a smaller truck: This relates to the mass and inertia of the market capability of those nations to remain as market partners within the global market. They have what is contrary to that model for them in their political structures; both structures are different and they are based on an elite hierarchy of individuals who guide the course of their nation. Both nations are not democratic; they are in many ways autocratic, but leave to the individual the means by which they can make a living and to have the control of major elements of their life. As most people are happy—happiest when they can make a good living and educate their children and have the material accouterments that other nations have—they will not become politically active.
However, when a nations’ people, whether they are 40 million people or 4 billion people are unable to care for those material needs of its citizens, they will eventually become aroused and arise in revolution or some political disruption. And yes, there will be very harsh means of suppression of those uprisings and those will continue and will expand in time to the point when the tables will turn and the houses of power will be destroyed. This is all evolutionary and developmental on the part of all nations. It occurs in democratic nations as well, and it is for that reason why we are encouraging political democratic evolution to occur in democratic nations that allows for a broader consent to be governed by the masses of people in those nations. In those two nations you specifically have named, there is no timeline and most of all we would not intervene in a graphic way, though the Most Highs do have powerful influence in their halls and tables of decision-making, unbeknownst to those individuals. Of course what is provided are rational options to their decision-making, rather than authoritarian “My way or the highway,” decision-making, it comes down to much more rational compromising decisions. Nonetheless, the people are left out of those decision-making processes.
Urantians and our “cranky disposition”
Rick: Thank you, Machiventa, for your incisive answer regarding non-democratic nations failing. My second question also stems from our last session: You made a fascinating comment, you said, “Urantians by and large in general have a ‘cranky disposition.’” I have to say that resonates as truthful to me, but my question is: How different are we in our general disposition as Urantians compared to an inhabited planet about the same age that has not suffered a rebellion or default?
MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your questions, they are thoughtful questions. The response is this: It is vast! There is a preponderance that is vocal and peaceful, that is compromising, that is negotiable and that is able to see the other person’s point of view. On a planet that is not a decimal planet and has not experienced a default and rebellion, the differences between personal demeanors as individuals and as families and as communities, organizations and societies are immense. To draw another brief parallel, what would it be like to you if you were an ant in an anthill and some child came along and kicked your anthill? This is basically the difference between your planet and other planets that have not experienced what Urantia has experienced, that your world is very cranky.
It is mean-spirited in many ways. And kindness as groups, as nations, as individuals and families is unfortunately—I don’t like to use the word “rare”—but it is not the usual behavior of your planet. You, as individuals here on this planet, anticipate that when you go to buy a used car from a dealer, that you will be fleeced, that you will be taken advantage of. The salesperson will not be transparent and will not reveal to you that the transmission has been adapted so that it will last about 1,000 miles and then blow up. On other planets in a similar situation, you would go to buy a used car and all the faults and benefits of that car would be revealed to you.
This goes on and on and on, between corporations and between associations, and such. The meanness that has come about from your species is largely due in part to its survival that it has had to be very competitive to survive as a species. It has become highly adaptable, which that capability has not yet been embedded in your organizations, but will eventually be done. It is one thing to survive, and it is another thing to compete, but when the competition becomes a way of life and becomes a predisposition for all relationships and all interactions, whether it is business and government, or between corporations then social existence becomes even more “cranky.”
Then it brings out the meanness in everyone and that the reasons for survival and existence are changed greatly, and then it becomes a matter of ego and personal power and authority and position. The crankiness is long standing and it is very unfortunate. As we have said last week, it is through the process of family parenting and child-rearing and enculturation that positive epigenetics will be established in your species and become more and more widespread. Just as it may take many decades for Russia and China to disappear, it will take many decades and even centuries to change the innate nature of your species from one of competition and aggressiveness to one of peace and thoughtful interaction.
Rick: Thank you very much for your fascinating and thorough response.
Are there any advantages to our crankiness?
MMc: Are there any advantages that you can see to our crankiness?
MACHIVENTA: (Laughing.) Thank you so much for your question. Yes, in fact there are benefits from that. One, it requires the individual to grow and grow immensely to overcome their own innate crankiness. And you must remember that a thoughtful person who is striving to grow is oftentimes as cranky with themselves or more so than they are with other people. They see their own flaws, difficulties, their crankiness and seek to overcome it, and that there is an innate struggle within the individual to grow beyond the crankiness of their species. And this, my friend, is what will give your species—and you individually—the immense heritage of wisdom as Agondonters who eventually end up as Finaliters. In the process of the many thousands of years it will take for you to traverse your spiritual ascendant career to Finality, you will have shared this wisdom with many hundreds of thousands of individuals, personally and in groups along the way, and that the experiences you have had to overcome your own shortcomings, which are sometimes so aggrieving to you, will provide fascinating stories to those who have lived otherwise.
Gauging the honesty of online sellers
Craig: I recognized this in myself in the past, as Machiventa has said, not to accept something because somebody else thought of it and I didn’t. I was interested in the used car salesman type thing; there is an interesting development in online sales, where the different sellers that customarily sell things online are rated later by the customers and they are much more honest and forthright because they don’t want black marks on their reputation because then people won’t buy things from them. I assume that this would be seen as a definitely positive trend or development.
MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is a wonderful trend of democratizing the public opinion, rather than you being at home grousing to your neighbors about the raw deal you got from the local car dealer, you can go online and share your comments. This is a very positive trend, and you can anticipate that this will become more and more trendy and useful in times to come and in far more fields than just car sales and product sales.
The “Declaration of Fraternity” between the Pope and Al Azhar
Jeff: I have a question for you: Last Monday, would be the 4th of February in Abu Dhabi, the Pope and the Grand Imam Al Azhar signed a historic “Declaration of Fraternity” calling for peace between nations, religions and races, yet none of the global audience of religious leaders from Christianity, Islam, Judea and other faiths. It did not receive very much comment, at least in the media I read. Is there a comment that you would like to make about this?
MACHIVENTA: Most certainly. Now it is time to be revealed what these two religious leaders do with that agreement. Do they pronounce something to their following? Do they require their followers, their temple and church leaders to take positions on this and to act that out? Or is this simply a signatory signing of an agreement between two heads of religious organizations that will have no effect at the ground level of worship in their churches and mosques? This is something for you to look for in what develops out of that Church and out of that Islamic religion.
Jeff: Thank you.
Machiventa’s closing remarks
MACHIVENTA: Rather than a foreword for you this session, I will give you an afterword for this session. This is a thoughtful group and these were thoughtful questions, and we so much appreciate that. You are thinking. You are thinking in behalf and on behalf of others who are not present at this time. You have given us, your celestial team, much to think about in how we can assist you to proceed. Do not forget that this same procedure as we use for the group, and you use with us as a group, can be used in your own personal life and as you live your spiritual lives and your religious lives in your communities and in your families. We truly are extensions of your work, just as you are extensions of our work, and co-creatively we share this work together.
This is the working brotherhood and sisterhood between mortals and celestials at all levels, and this is something that will become known more and more throughout your civilization in time, and eventually when your world approaches the Days of Light and Life it will be a fact, something that is known to everyone and is accepted or rejected consciously. You are living the life of the conscious rehabilitation—a better word is you are living the transformation of yourselves and the transformation of your family structures, your social systems, and social institutions and of your nations and all organizations. This is a time where you can see much tumult. You can feel in this time that you are abandoned, that there is no hope and that everything is going to “smash,” and that there will only be bits and pieces left. You, in our opinion, are wrong!
We are in the process of the reconstruction of houses. As you know so well when contractors reclaim a house and are going to remodel it, it is required in some counties that you leave one wall standing and you can remodel everything else around it, and then eventually after a period of time, you can apply for another permit to change the last wall. So too is what we have done and you have seen it in your world is that the many structures around you have come to destruction, have gone to smash where all that you see is debris around you—social debris. And in this you can only do one thing—rebuild! And that is why we have prepared you for rebuilding, for in fact there will be actual, physical destruction of many of the facades of civilization around you. Yet there will remain that core of belief, and those cores of societies and technologies, belief systems and cultures to regenerate in a new way, a new civilization, new social structures and new revitalized forms of democratic process.
This is essential for your world. It is essential for your families because everything begins in the family—families with your beliefs and those that you share with your children to help them in their own lives, and eventually with your grandchildren. We are here, and yes, you may feel abandoned but you are not. And though we have held off many of these destructive influences in your world, many are being released at this time, though gradually, some of the things you see around you seem to be vastly destructive and that you are left alone, but surely you are not. At those times we advise you, counsel, and guide you to go into the center of yourself in your times of stillness, the times of no thought and know that you are one with the spiritual hand that reaches down to you, waiting for you to grasp it and to become enlightened in its presence. Good day.