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NET58 – Progress; Monetary Systems; Inequality; Melchizedeks

2019-2-25, NET #058, Machiventa

New Era Transition #058 – Progress; Monetary Systems; Inequality; Melchizedeks – Feb. 25, 2019

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


A new beginning in the Teaching Mission

Celestials are heartened by the progress being made

A change in concern of individuals toward their world

Imbalance is a motivator for positive social change

Young children can make ethical and moral decisions

Adults must make decisions about their lives

Not making decisions is an act of personal disempowerment

The New Era Transition will continue

A question on democratic republics

Monjoronson’s 3 part mission

The current mission of the NOCO group

Debt based monetary systems

The culture of having “more is better”

We can easily be headed for an era of material prosperity

We are all equal in the eyes of Deity

Inequality must evaporate

Changes in the world since the Urantia Book and the Bible

Personal questions about Machiventa

A question on incarnation

Mortal fusion with Thought Adjuster

Does Machiventa have a partner?

Collective thinking among Melchizedeks

What celestials anticipate for us

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler and Michael McCray.

Invocation: Roxie

February 25, 2019

A new beginning in the Teaching Mission

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager. Today is a significant day for us here in the celestial morontial realms, and also in the spiritual realm. This day marks a new beginning in what you call the Teaching Mission and we call the Correcting Time because there is more movement about in the hearts and minds of people in all Western democratic nations, particularly those centered in the spiritual essence, knowing the God presence exists within them and that they are in touch with that in one way or another. Many are not, as you know, but none the less are spiritually led in their lives to their advantage.

We are able to mark the developments of organizations, particularly the individuals who participate in organizations as we are seeing changes slowly in the internal movement of those organizations. You, in the western realm of your civilization notice a slow, very arduous and difficult movement within organizations as they begin to accept the equality of other people, particularly of women. The inclusion of the feminine gender into organizational decision-making structures and processes is vital to the progress of those organizations and to the integration of societies within themselves. As organizations are ever present throughout all societies and nations, the individuals who make decisions who are also in touch with their Thought Adjuster consciously or unconsciously, is an important advent for the social change and the energetic changes of your world.

Celestials are heartened by the progress being made

These are on levels that are very subtle to your own personal awareness. Many of you have no awareness of this and few of you notice slowly the changes in the news media that you receive. We are heartened by the progress that is being made. In the meantime there are many who are kicking and screaming, resisting all of these positive changes of equality. They would rather seek personal dominance and self-interest to influence decisions in the way they would like to see the world develop. This in reality is a small minority—or is a minority in most nations—the most obvious majority to us, the one that is well over 60% of any population are the inactive individuals who do not take a stand on the issues at hand, do not make decisions, do not have opinions one way or another and do not act in regard for what you would call righteous decisions for right outcomes; they simply are inactive. It is because of this inactivity of the dominant population that persistently negative and detrimental actions are able to dominate the course of organizations, and cultures.

A change in concern of individuals toward their world

This too will change. What is changing that we see is the concern of individuals, of people, individually and collectively, that something is not right in their world; something is not working—not necessarily for their advantage, but for the smooth operation of their societies, communities, their schools and medical care, and so on. There is obviously something out of step in the United States, as it is politically in a tremendous era of turmoil. This is something we have not generated. It is something that we do abhor and do not encourage individuals to sustain or maintain. Rather, it is a natural development of the powerful on one side and the very un-empowered individuals on the other side; one side is highly moneyed and the other is living on their hopes and dreams.

Imbalance is a motivator for positive social change

It is this situation of imbalance that is causing many in the middle to be of concern and this is an important motivator for positive social change. That is where we in the Correcting Time come in to participate with you and to encourage all others to participate even as they sit in their armchairs reading their daily words or their daily spiritual guides, and so on, and their meditation practices to project that energy throughout the world.

Young children can make ethical and moral decisions

From our perspective, your world is not idle. There is what you call “nothing happening” in your terms, but on our side we see that there is tremendous activity going on in the minds and hearts of people. Unbeknownst to many middle class people in the United States is that they are not speaking from the parental or grandparent position to their children or grandchildren to help them understand what is occurring in their nation and in their society. Children are in many ways unaware of the influences around them, but are nonetheless being formed by those influences, and in that situation children are not making choices for themselves. Children who are 2 or 3 or 4 years past their age of moral decisions are at an age where they can now begin to make ethical and moral decisions for their own lives.

Parents have not in the main given their children this option of thinking, that if they see a situation that is disagreeable, they have a choice to move away from it, to exit that social environment to one that is either by themselves, or healthy with other people who want peace in their lives too. It is this influence that is so important in children whether they live in the ghettos or whether they live in multi-story, multi-million dollar homes. Children have an opportunity to make decisions about the course of their life. The great dis-empowerment of children is that few have ever thought of the option of making decisions which are different. They have simply learned to accept the situation as it is and have not made a moral conscious decision about that. You as parents have a moral obligation to teach your children this wonderful skill that they can make decisions of their own, to accept what is around them or not. This is the great dividing influence that children in ghettos and lower class families, even those who lack education have that has enabled them to escape those situations and to rise above their peers in those socio-economic levels.

Adults must make decisions about their lives

It is important that you too, as adults, know that you have a decision to make about your life. You can either accept those situations around you, that environment, or you can change your thinking about it. It is not necessary for you to move away, just as children in the ghettos do not move away; they simply change their thinking and pursue different avenues of interest and self-achievement to help them rise above the level that they came from. This is a major decision-making process that immigrants have gone through in their movements around the world. They are seeking a society that allows them and empowers them to make decisions for themselves to grow into their potential in positive and constructive ways.

Not making decisions is an act of personal disempowerment

In balance of what I have just said, you realize then that 60-65% of your population who has not made a decision is disempowered and they have done so on their own to themselves. You may say, “Oh, that is unfair, Machiventa; they have never really had the option or given the option to think otherwise.” And therefore for you, that percentage among us that can make the decision, it is your moral responsibility to teach them how to do that. Even if that is in a 15 second conversation on the elevator, that is all that many people need to change their minds and change the directions of their lives. And from the improvement of their quality of life, they can grow, and they can grow into their spirituality because that is where their potential lies. A great deal of their potential is spiritual, it is social, it is emotional and it is individual. Once an individual has empowered themselves to make the decision that they want to grow into their potential, they will. If you have questions regarding this topic, you are most welcome to ask them.

The New Era Transition will continue

Roxie: At the beginning you mentioned that we have entered into a new phase. Does that mean that this is the end of the New Era Transition, or will that continue for us?

MACHIVENTA: My mentioning that does not involve this New Era Transition. It simply is a change that we have noted in organizations where people who participate in committees and boards of directors, and so on, have begun to see their situation much more differently and that they are much more responsible for the course of the organizations than they had been before. It is important that these individuals realize that they are the decision-makers along with families and individuals to change the course of their society.

Roxie: Thank you for clarifying that.

A question on democratic republics

Craig: Last session I was a little surprised to hear Russia and China being discussed in the same breath. I know that Russia has gone from being a Communist dictatorship; I thought it is now a democratic republic. Of course we know that all governments are collapsing, but is Russia considered to be a democratic republic in the same sort of way that other democratic republics are?

MACHIVENTA: The short answer is “no.” The title of a democratic republic for that country is a façade for the dictatorship of one individual.

Craig: Okay, thank you.

MACHIVENTA: For those who are astute and observant of changes within the cultures of China will note as others have only recently, that the thrust of the highest echelons of leadership in China have changed from promoting the economic improvement of their populations to now controlling those populations on an individual basis. This, if you realize it, is the beginning of their end because as I stated last time, that even those who were under dictatorships, as long as their quality of life is improving and they can grow and they can express some potential within themselves they will tolerate that situation. But when their lives begin to be controlled individually through identification of their DNA besides their fingerprints, and so on, then you have seen the demise of that leadership. It may take a decade or more for this to erupt and to evolve into an eruption but it surely will. As you know, the heart and spirit of humanity is to be free and to be self-determining of their own course in life and their own potential.

Jeff: I actually have three questions, one of which is only vaguely related to your introductory comments, and that question is this: In the post cataclysms, what will be the role of poorly educated males?

MACHIVENTA: This is a topic which is not relevant to our venue today; it is speculative and it will not provide you with any information to guide you in your decisions personally or collectively.

Monjoronson’s 3 part mission

Jeff: Thank you. Last December Monjoronson spoke to Valdir Soares and mentioned, “The three part aspects of my mission: the Brotherhood of Man and Women, the establishment of a global government, and the global diffusion of one language.” It is fair to assume the NOCO group rests in global government, but are there any comments you care to make about where we sit in the overall architecture of that aspect of his mission?

MACHIVENTA: I take exception that the NOCO group is working on a world government; therefore it does dismiss the other half of your question. You are most welcome to rephrase your question with that knowledge.

The current mission of the NOCO group

Jeff: Okay, if we are using words like “Introduction to Planetary Management,” and we are working towards that with the values based decision model and co-creation ideas, if this global government is part of the overall mission of the Correcting Time, are we doing the right thing by our emphasis on the efforts we have right now?

MACHIVENTA: You definitely are doing the right things by what you are doing right now, using the innate 7 values and the morality and ethics that emanate from those values and using those with other people to develop competent, capable and humane social policies are essential to the work of the Correcting Time. You mentioned government; government is not a concern of ours in the Correcting Time effort. The work that we are doing right now in the Correcting Time involves culture change. We seek to create a culture change within all societies of all people of Urantia. Within a culture change there are a change of values. You will find the core of any culture is represented in its values.

When you change the values, you change the culture. Once you change the values and the culture, then you can think about developing those global holistic enterprises for governance or for economics or for healthcare, education and any of the other major social institutions of any people. Do not think of our work as being to develop a government; that is a consequence or a development out of our work which will be eventual just as a single language will become eventual. It is not an issue of immediate concern.

What we are concerned with particularly in the NOCO group and the work that we are doing in the Correcting Time is to teach people how to make decisions that are socially sustainable, decisions that are ethical and moral, decisions that take into consideration life, equality and growth and the quality of life, the empathy, compassion and love of all humanity in a balanced way so that decisions are not out of self-interest, but other- interest. You see, you do not have a word that fits in the middle between self-interest and other interest. You must begin making decisions that are integrated, decisions that consider both sides of self and mutual and not exclusive so that decisions made by individuals for their own personal life and for raising their children, or those decisions they make while sitting on a board of directors in a mega-corporation, or if they sit on a board of directors with only 3 people in a small company, though there must be an integration or a holism of those decisions that come about from the values that they have for their life and the life of all others.

Debt based monetary systems

Jeff: My last question today is a rather specific one: Is a debt based monetary system socially sustainable?

MACHIVENTA: Our advisement is that the debt system of an economy is only one form of economy. It is sustainable only as long as the culture of indebtedness remains and that the values of power, authority and control are in place. There will always be those without those embellishments of life. The answer to your question on another scale is dependent upon what magnitude of thought you are engaging: What time frame of evolutionary social development you are thinking about in a society. Ultimately a debt based economy is not socially sustainable; therefore there will be changes along the way that will have an immense effect upon the life and culture of the societies where indebtedness has been a way of life.

On the third level of considering answers to your question, it also engages the difficulty of overpopulation, that there are those who “have” and those who “have not,” that arises from a fact of uneven distribution of the resources of this planet to all people, and available to them equally. When you have an overpopulated world, you will have indebtedness, you will have positions of authority, control and power which dominate, and you will have those who are weaker, who have disempowered themselves by not having a process that is individual and community based that assists them to participate in the processes of governance.

Your question is very broad in the extreme, and very narrow in one regard in that you are living now in a culture of economic, a financial culture of indebtedness of which all of you are a member and you have accepted and assumed that this is the only way of doing business.

Jeff: I’m sorry to be so broad and non-specific. I think part of the purpose of my question is that if we are going to have cataclysms that are going to get worse, it seems to me that currently I am living not too far from the San Andreas fault in Southern California and I’ve been to visit the other day and if there are tectonic plate movements in the future, it seems to me that a tremendous amount of collateral, of debt obligations are going to be destroyed. The purpose of my question is to find out if it would be desirable to try to pursue other forms of exchange for goods and services, other than just Medieval barter, to step in and suggest to the local communities that they try community banking, or they issue script, or they do something at a local level to facilitate recovery from catastrophes?

MACHIVENTA: No, it would not be advisable to begin initiating those changes now. Those changes will come about as circumstances change throughout your world due to the cataclysms and the depopulation of the world. Just as an individual who may owe a great deal of money and has no assets or reserves upon their debt, then the companies that are owed will simply write that off of their ledgers. This is one solution, but when you take into account billions of people and trillions of dollars of exchange that occur in a short period of time in your world, those economic financial transactions processes will change. They must be reinvented. This topic could develop into quite an extensive discussion, however all processes are inter-related and as your world is now in the process of experiencing cataclysms physically, meteorologically and tectonically—which also includes volcanism—you are only in the beginning stages of this. There is much concern by those who are in the top 0.1 of 1% of the wealthiest people in the world as they are concerned about this as well.

The culture of having “more is better”

The difficulty in your society is that you have a culture of “more,” that more is better and that you want to get more. But when you have more, whether it is a million dollars or a billion dollars, or 200 billion dollars, how much more do you need and what then is the significance of the culture of accumulating more money? Some have taken on the task of using philanthropy to disseminate and distribute this money. However this is not an equitable process across the world. What you are thinking of must change in terms of thinking globally, that you must begin to think in terms of options for global solutions that will cut across all political boundaries. As the times change and circumstances of your world change, there will occur a leveling of all people, culturally, economically, materially, and so on. There will be eventually more abundance of goods than there are people to use and absorb them; therefore you must come into the creative process of devising a means that is non-financial or simply “something on the books” for you to use.

What is not measured in your economy now, if you will allow me to continue on, is that you do not have the capacity to measure self-interest. When you have a world that is equitable in nature, self-interest and ego and fear become very, very paramount and observable in the behavior of individuals by what they are accumulating far beyond what they need. The process that has happened in your nations, the accumulation of billions of dollars, kroners and lira, and so on, of people beyond what is reasonable to have for their own needs is something that is a cultural development. There never were options given to people in the beginning of your monetary system for distributing goods and moneys as other options.

The interest of the future is to sustain sustainable societies, sustainable families, sustainable organizations, and to do that there must be a new economic system that is involved. The “get more” culture must be dissolved, it must be disempowered, it must be diluted so that it becomes obvious that the more one has, the more service that one provides to their fellow human beings. This is only fair, is it not? And fairness is one of the critical elements of personal ethics that is involved in the 7 values. You see, we have come full circle again to values, the values of a culture, the values of a society, and as you see in many regards in your societies today with its financial and economic systems that are inequitable, and inequitable healthcare and politics, and so on, is that you really truly live in a very primitive society, a society of gross inequality.

Jeff: Thank you very much for your answer, I appreciate that.

We can easily be headed for an era of material prosperity

Craig: In recently observing online, that we have all kinds of new tools for perhaps local, or even individual development and creation and production of new products, and so I can see that we can easily be headed for an era of great material prosperity and the facility to have whatever you want, even to custom make whatever you want, and so I can see how materialism will inevitably wane where there is no scarcity of sort of material goods. I guess that’s not much of a question, but do you have any comments on that?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, I do and thank you for your comment/statement. Yes, the value system will eventually have a tremendous influence upon the thinking of individuals and the decisions they make in life. This is what the Correcting Time is all about, changing the culture to correct the old culture to create a new culture, a new culture of decision-making. When individuals see themselves as wanting to be more powerful, they are really speaking about their own powerlessness. They see themselves as not having power and that it is comparative that by having more power, more money and influence that they have more self-worth—at least to themselves. Whereas other people do not regard their self-worth as increasing to, and in accord with how much money they have.

We are all equal in the eyes of Deity

When you see this value system beginning to be embedded, then you will see individuals beginning to have consideration of others equally as they consider themselves. When you begin to see what your financial, economic materialism has done to your societies, it is embellished in creating powerful inequalities among people who are basically the same type of individual, just bigger or smaller, weigh more or weigh less, but still have a mind, two arms, two legs, and so on, that truly all people are equal, and in the view of Christ Michael as your Creator and the First Source and Center, you are all equal and seen no differently from one to another. There is no appreciation by those of Divine nature for your differences of materiality and sense of self-worth; you are seen as equals and valued equally.

Inequality must evaporate

Therefore, you can understand Jesus’ comments about the rich and the poor, that there is great difficulty in life for those who are wealthy because their wealth is part of their thinking, and their thinking is governed by their wealth and their needs to have dominance in comparison to others. This sense of inequality must evaporate, must eventually meet its own demise. Your nations and your world will never enter into an era of Days of Light and Life where inequality is the dominant value of all people. There are always enclaves of individuals who sense and feel that life is sacred, that life is special, that it is paramount to all individuals as their equality is equal to other people, as is their growth, quality of life, and so on. When you see this in operation, then you are seeing the 3 secondary values in operation as well. There is empathy for those with less. There is concern and compassion to reach out and assist them—not to give them gifts of money and material prosperity, but to teach them how to improve their skills so they become equally empowered as those who have billions of dollars. This is the essence of the Correcting Time, this must begin in the families, and this is where the values must be taught and supported and in creative participation with the educational systems of your societies.

Craig: Thank you.

Changes in the world since the Urantia Book and the Bible

Rick: Halbert Katzen recently highly recommended a book on prophesy. It is based on the book in the Bible and the Urantia Book. It is titled: “Apocalypse Now: Are We the End Time Generation?” Machiventa, do you agree with this book’s interpretation of Biblical and Urantia Book prophesies?

MACHIVENTA: Oh, you want me to take a stand? (Rick: Please!) I will give you a statement, but I will not draw a line in the sand. Your world has changed immensely from the times when John wrote “Revelations.” Your world has changed immensely since the Urantia Book was copyrighted. Your world has changed so much since the inauguration, and the actual, physical, spiritual bonding between your world and our world in the form of the Correcting Time. Our presence became known to you approximately 35 years ago and has increased since then. To answer your question, it would be most difficult to agree with that book.

Rick: Thank you, Machiventa.

Personal questions about Machiventa

Liz: We have been discussing very weighty issues for years now, and I am wondering if there is time left at the end of our session if you would entertain a personal question, or two?

MACHIVENTA: I would love to.

Liz: Great! So can you tell me, do you work in an office or a command center? (Laughter from the group.) Do you go home at night?

MACHIVENTA: One question at a time, please. Yes, I do have an office. It is a morontial office. I cannot even describe it as a parallel universe. I cannot even describe it as parallel dimensions that exist on your world. It is here, it is among you, it is where I go to meet with others, and yes, we do have conference “rooms”—these do not have a physical nature to them and they do have the wonderful nature that we can expand them upon the need to, so that we can hold 4 or 5 people, or maybe 4000-5000 people (celestials), or more if needed.

Your second question is most intriguing, at least from your perspective and my own, is that I do take time off. Home is on Edentia for me as one of my residences, and the other is on Salvington, so that I have the capacity to be in either one of those, or here. It is important that you do know that I do take time apart, that I as a Melchizedek am a created being through the influence of Christ Michael and Father Melchizedek, and that I am in need of regeneration, time away, time for reflection and time to go into my own form of meditation with the Holy Father of All, to grow in my insight as I evolve as well.

It is not that I am going to make some graduation ceremony as you do when you fuse, but I nonetheless evolve as you evolve. The evolution of Melchizedeks is a very carefully orchestrated process. It is well known among all orders of Melchizedeks. Therefore, my time apart is very sacred to me, and that I use it when I am able to. I do try to take 1/3 of my time apart away from work, and as most of my work is also social in nature. I enjoy the social company of other Melchizedeks and all spiritual and other beings who work with us. Home for me is that place of respite, that time apart, that time for being still and being in oneness with the Father.

A question on incarnation

Liz: Thank you; that was very interesting! And so my next question—and I won’t take up too much time with these personal questions, although I think it is good for all of us to get to know you personally a little bit better—when you incarnated on Urantia, have you done that many times? And were you nervous? (Laughter.)

MACHIVENTA: I am enjoying the play you are having in your mind about asking these questions. (Machiventa is laughing.) Yes, to answer your questions, and please keep them simple or separated for the mind mechanism of This One that I work through. I have incarnated more than once, and each time I have done so, it is one with anticipation. There is no nervousness about that. It is with the same assuredness that you will have, with the same lack of nervousness, it will be with the same confidence and the same knowingness that you will have with anticipation when you fuse. You will anticipate it, you will look forward to it with wonderment and excitement and joy.

Mortal fusion with Thought Adjuster

And once you are fused, then you will have a time—an immense time if you need—to integrate yourself and your Thought Adjuster on all levels of your new being. So too, when a Melchizedek incarnates for the first time, it is very similar to you arriving in a foreign city where you step off the airplane and step right into a crowd of people, and you must take time apart for yourself, take a breath, see your surroundings, think about where you are, what you are going to do, why you came there and how you are going to approach the next two minutes. So too, when you incarnate, but for us who incarnate there is already a devised plan in mind, there are already the alternative options to circumstances which may arise that almost always do occur. The main option is to engage the mission of why you are incarnate, and this is the dominating force for moving forward and meeting the people with whom you will be teaching.

Does Machiventa have a partner?

Liz: Thank you; that was very interesting and so the last question I have for today is: Mortals, such as we, come male and female, and angels have partners. Christ Michael and Nebadonia are partners. Do you have a partner?

MACHIVENTA: No, Melchizedeks operate when there is more than one they operate in associations, in a single-minded collaboration, so to speak. This is what gives the Melchizedeks such great flexibility and adaptability to almost all circumstances on all planets, that there is a partnership between the self and the All, without losing the unique individuality of the individual Melchizedek from being swallowed up by the whole of all others. This would be untenable in all regards and not very useful for the spiritual evolution of the individual. Having a partner does provide options to thinking. We, however, operate in those associations—sometimes close associations.

Collective thinking among Melchizedeks

You have oftentimes heard me speak in terms of “we.” When I use the third person “we” pronoun, it is a means of describing that we are a thinking collectively that are now providing an answer to you. This gives us the most reason and thoughtful, logical and creative solutions and answers to your questions and to the situations at hand. As you can see this is a necessary and requisite skill and faculties of the Melchizedek mind to be able to engage the management of the world. I am not the first Melchizedek to be a Planetary Manager. There have been others on other creator universes as this one. We have that collective knowledge through undescribed channels to us—undescribed to you—channels of communication to us that provide us with these insights that are then applicable to the worlds in which we manage. I am fortunate to have had the “partnership” of many millions of individuals throughout the tenure of my existence, and I am looking forward to the development of the billions of minds that will develop on Urantia who become more evolved in their spirituality and their oneness with their Thought Adjuster within.

Liz: Thank you very much, Machiventa. That’s all of the questions that I have today, but I hope you will welcome further personal questions at the end of our sessions in the future.

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. I digress from discussing my dietary needs, though. (Laughter from the group.)

Liz: Okay, noted.

Craig: Thank you very much!

Roxie: Machiventa that was very interesting; thank you.

MACHIVENTA: Are we ready to close? Then let us begin the closing.

What celestials anticipate for us

What we anticipate truly lies in the hearts and minds of each of you, that joy of understanding, that peace that is beyond comprehension to you, know that wonderment of engagement with your Thought Adjuster, the sense of oneness with all people through that inner connection within you. You truly are one when you begin to think of yourself in co-creative union with your Thought Adjuster. This is the very essence, the beginning of joy in knowing other people, of engaging them and getting to know them better, to form that bond which creates a team of humanity. You are one with us when you reside in that special sacred space.

It does not need to occur during prayer or meditation or contemplation, but can occur simply at a stoplight or when you look down at your grocery list in the grocery store wondering what to do next. It occurs when you open your mind to the presence of goodness and joy and satisfaction of life and living, the capacity to make decisions that are yours that determine the course of your future and for you that have families and children to guide the course and direction and development of your children. You truly are the beginning of the new generations, just as Abraham and Sarah were the generators of new generations, and were told that there would be so, so too you are the progenitors of generations to come who will know life far more peacefully, far more satisfactorily and far more full of joy than you have now. In this regard, we anoint you, we bless you and we see the light within you glow towards us. We love you! Good day.

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