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NET71 – Crises Eras, Leadership, Brain Health, Celestial Guidance

2019-8-26, NET #071, Machiventa

New Era Transition #071 – Crises Eras; Leadership; Brain Health; Celestial Guidance – Aug. 26, 2019

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager and Planetary Prince


Long-term planning of strategic team
The pre-crisis era
All facets of human existence
The middle section, the crisis era
Ask the right questions
The angst of this current crisis era
The post-crisis era
Leadership of the crises eras
The process has already begun
Businesses have already begun team solutions
Group intelligence is primary to solving societal problems
Recognize that we are in crisis!
Today you will be looking for leaders
Who supports the potential leaders?
You will begin to see the conflagration of events
The good news
Are the 7 values due to genetics or adjutant mind spirits or both?
How do we account for other species surviving and thriving?
“Life is not a value but rather a phenomenon; survival is the value”
Equality is intrinsic for humans, but not other species
The relationships between personal growth and will
Why use 200,000 years as the reference point for the 7 values?
Call to action: starting an enterprise
Formation of non-profit foundations
Brain chemistry and health
Combining peripheral medicines and ideologies
Infra-red light and brain health
Heavy metals and brain health
What causes humans to be reluctant about making requests of celestials?
Is making requests similar to giving commands?
Asking permission of celestials
A personal question about asking for guidance
A personal question about a website in progress
Group intelligence in the post-crisis era
Is it useful to discern which celestial is helping us?
Question on “grace”
Closing statement concerning stress

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Liz Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.

Invocation: Stéphane

August 26, 2019

Long-term planning of strategic team

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek and I am glad to be here with you. Today we will turn a new page, we will begin a topic that has been on our strategic minds for quite some time and in fact is a part of our long-term planning over centuries. Today you will be listening in on part of our inner workings of our strategic team work that involves myself, my personal team and those of the other Melchizedeks on this planet who have their own teams and missions. This involves the preparations for this curious time in the era of your earth’s civilization, as it is not just the United States, but includes all nations and particularly democratic nations. This is a time where you as individuals will have a tremendous influence on your surroundings in the future.

The pre-crisis era

Let me give you a simple diagram or a linear explanation of what has occurred over the last 5 centuries, and particularly in the last 100 years, even more so for the last 70 years. There has been a preparation for the crisis that will occur in the world before too long. If you take the pre-crisis era as one era, the second is the crisis era, and then the post-crisis era as the third era, then you will understand more of what I am saying. As Christ Michael does not make plans that fail, in the development of time and our efforts, we are about to bring about the healing, the recreation of civilization, particularly Western Civilization, which includes all democratic nations.

This first period, the pre-crisis era, has given us the time for planning for the reconstruction, for the recreation of civilization, and particularly of democratic nations and their social institutions—all social institutions. I will explain further, as I have in the past, that “social” includes all social institutions of the family, church, economy, government, military and the democratic process and so on. Democracy is not a social institution, it is the title; it is the name given for a process. So this pre-crisis era has been one of planning for initiating the reconstruction, the healing, the transformation—whatever you want to call it—of all social institutions during and after, particularly after the crises. As your social institutions exist now, your societies, institutions, governments, and your nations will continue the cycle of initiation, ascendency, achieving the acme of culture of a nation, and then the slow decline, eventual disintegration, and collapse.

This has been repeated hundreds of times in hundreds of cultures and nations, dynasties, empires for the last 30,000 years of human organized social existence. Enough of that, huh? Are you not getting tired of this as a race of people? You have enough wisdom now, enough experience as individuals and as nations to now actually formalize an international library of sustaining human wisdom. This is one of our main projects, something that any nation can go to, to find answers that have worked in the past and that will support a nation’s confidence to transform itself in the future.

All facets of human existence

Our work has involved all facets of human existence, and human existence in its 7 spheres of human existence and potential development. [Physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, social, cultural, and spiritual.] It is important that these be understood thoroughly, and then to exercise the right practices for living sanely, peacefully and stable socially. These provide the foundation and the essence of civilized nations and the core of effective cultures. Our work would not be complete without enhancing the survivability of the arts and the humanities, as well as languages and the nuances that are available in your physical environment. And so, we have worked to develop all 7 spheres of human development and we will continue to do so, and this effort will not cease even in the Days of Light and Life. It is just that your interpretation of these things will ascend or transcend the past interpretations.

The middle section, the crises era

To the middle section are the crises: When you go to the grocery store, convenience store, hardware store, any store, you sense a certain angst with people, at least the ones who are close to us and who are in tune with themselves, their inner self, and their energetic connection with other people, their heart-centered-ness. Sensitive people as these reach out in empathy to feel what is going on with people, not necessarily to ask them, but in their observing and listening to their conversations you realize that there is a building crisis in this nation, and in fact this crisis is building in all nations, even non-democratic nations. This will eventually lead to the eruption of a particular crisis event. What you will be concerned about in that crisis event, of course, is “how will it affect me?” And “how will it affect me and my family in the weeks, months, and years to come?” These are major questions, and it is in this era of crises that will erupt that you will need to rely upon your relationships with each other, and your relationships with your Thought Adjuster and your personal relationships with us.

And as usual, we will not tell you what to do. (Laughter from the group.) That is not our work to tell you what to do. Our work is to lead you through growth into understanding and knowing what to do. You will be given signs, symbols and omens that will lead you in directions. Now, how will that happen? Well first, you must ask. If you have children, had children or grandchildren, when a child comes into the kitchen where you are and says, “Grandma, I want a cookie?” Are you going to say, “No, go away,” or are you going to say, “Sure, Grandma has a cookie for you. I made some yesterday.” And so you give this child a cookie. In this simple explanation, what was pivotal to the outcome? Asking the question. So, ask!

Ask the right questions

Not ask for what you want, but how you are doing. You can ask your Thought Adjuster, and of course all of us will be listening in on your conversation with your Thought Adjuster, and you will ask, “Well, how am I doing?” If you hear, you will get an answer; if you do not hear, then you will have some simple little coincidence that will occur that will assure you that everything is okay. You have heard us say many, many times “all is well” and we truly mean that. We do not necessarily mean it in the minutia of the day or the hour, though we often do sometimes, but we are also concerned with how you are doing in the larger scope of your life. One of the things you need to ask is, “Am I on track with my growth project; and projections with my Thought Adjuster?” “What does my Thought Adjuster say about that?” So if you listen to your Thought Adjuster, your Thought Adjuster will tell you. You think Alexa and Siri are wonderful little instruments? Well you have no idea what your Thought Adjuster and we can do for you! (Laughter.) You simply need to ask the right questions.

You do not need to be asking questions like, “how many ounces are in a half cup, or how many grams are in 16 ounces,” but rather you would say, “Is there something I can do for this world now?” And then, “what comes next?” And, give permission. You give permission. Now in this permission giving process, we have discovered for the last 300,000 years that people are reluctant to give permission to celestials or to entities of any sort. It is because, one, they are not sure that they truly believe in us and our effectiveness, and second, they really want to retain control for their life. As you know, we will not circumvent, overrule or dismiss any of your decisions. When you make a decision, you live with it. If you make a decision to engage us in your life, fully and totally, and for us to lead you along the way, we will do that. If there is any hesitancy in your life about that, you can estimate that our participation to assist you will be halting. Where you give us permission, we will be unhalting in all ways. We will empower you and empower the situation and draw you in to where you need to be.

The angst of this current crisis era

In the crisis that is now evolutionary in this nation, and which its evolution has proceeded abundantly and quickly in the last 2.5 years, the situation around you has begun to appear anxious. There is angst, an awareness but unverbalized awareness that crises are unfolding around you. There is a certain apprehension among ordinary people, and certainly a definite apprehension about those who are in power, those who are moneyed and those who are invested. The crisis is one which we wish to delay as long as possible. You realize that Tel Aviv has not gone nuclear, has it? You realize that Russia has only come into the Crimea and no further? You notice that the efforts of the autocrat in Russia have been unabated in its efforts to subvert the American Democracy, and this will continue. The lessons of history of the pre and post WWII eras are now being relived once again. It is through the subtle persuasion, even subtle coercion and subversion of your cultures and of the loyalties of individuals in their own social institutions and in their government and in their work place, and so on.

The Post-crisis era

Now to the latter part, the post-crisis era: In the latter stages of the crisis era, and the entry into the post-crisis era, you as individuals of this group and this audience—particularly to this audience and those who are part of this audience even peripherally—will be in positions to have a tremendous influence in your local living situation, whether that is family, political, economic, cultural, religious, educational, medical and so on. What you will find is that during this era—the latter part of the crisis and the entry into the post-crisis era—that people will not have a clue about what to do. They will be dithering about trying to fix this, trying to fix that, trying to go back to the old ways and do not know how to go forward into new ways to eliminate the problems that caused the crisis. Guess who steps forward? You do. I do not care how shy you are, you will step forward. You have a loyalty to yourself, to your family and to Christ Michael and to your world and civilization to step forward.

I believe I cited the quote by J. K. Rowling last time, or the time before that “You think it takes a lot of courage to confront your enemies? It takes tremendously more to confront your friends.” And you will find people who react to your suggestions as, “Well, who do you think you are?” “Who made you the seer of these things?” “Who made you the leader of this group?” “Where did you get these ideas? Who do you think you are?” Of course, those are all shame statements; guilt statements. You must say, “This is the way that is right; this is the way that works; this is the way that is sustainable. We will never have a world that is sustainable for our great-great-grandchildren unless we take these actions now. Look at the past—all those solutions have failed. Has anyone tried sustainable solutions?” And so through the gift of Christ Michael in the solutions that we have given you through these last many years, you will be able to rebuild and reform, transform your societies and nations and cultures, while also transcend the past failures of your nations, your societies and your civilization.

Leadership of the crises eras

One thing we have left out of this simple diagram, this 3-part diagram, is that of leadership. We have given you that leadership in this first era; we have shown you the way; we have given you designs for validating your plans to make in the future. We have forewarned you of the crisis that is now building; we have prepared you for the necessity of transforming your ancient old ways into new ways that work, that do sustain families, societies, communities and your social institutions. Will this leadership come from one individual, a group of individuals, many individuals? Will they work in collaboration? How will this form? How will this come about? Obviously there must be an individual or several individuals who lead the way.

The process has already begun

We have already begun that process for you. Unbeknownst to you, many people think as you do now. You think about how to reform your nation and social institutions, and so do many others. We have an example for you that surprised This One: The development of the design and validation team was developed in a slightly different form in Sweden in its Study Circles since approximately 1909 and continues to the present. This is a national social phenomenon where individuals come together in study groups to study one particular problem that they are all interested in, or they can accept a challenge that is given to them by their community or the state board that works with these circles.

Businesses have already begun team solutions

Unbeknownst, also, is the given fact that other people around the nation have realized, particularly in business, that team solutions far outweigh the effective results of individuals, that teams provide a means by which you can examine in detail a given proposed design and then to test it, validate it and study it to see if there are any historic similar situations which were successful. This is not available to many leaders. We do realize because of the history of your species, politically, economically, religiously, culturally and so on, that leadership is usually invested in this ideology or idea of one person, which has been a part and aspect of every regime for the last 30,000 years or so. The exception is when some one individual comes forward to say, “How about this idea?” and other people say, “That is a good idea. What do you want us to do?” and so it begins from there. The problem of all of those historic examples is that the nation, the culture, civilization has failed. What is needed—and I am partial—is an unbiased group that is not prejudiced or bigoted in any direction, but in fact that their opinions are open, objective opinions worthy of examination by others and they so state that.

Group intelligence is primary to solving societal problems

Group intelligence is primary to the resolution of societal problems in a democracy. Yes, it may take an inspiring charismatic individual to begin that process, but the sustainability of a society, nation, civilization, and culture is totally dependent upon group thinking, not the old group thinking where they think alike with the leader, but where the group has decided what to think independently of anyone else, to come up with their solutions about a particular problem. You will find that lo and behold, hundreds of other groups come up with similar solutions; that is the intelligence of the group. You may have read an article that This One wrote some years ago called, “A Murmur of Birds.” Now, which bird in that group decides to wheel and turn and the others follow?

Scientists do not know; they understand the process and how it develops, but there is not one leader. There is a certain group intelligence that is spontaneously and almost instantaneously communicated throughout the community of birds that wheel and turn as one entity. It is important that in team work and the work of the team—all teams—that the emphasis be on sustainability. Primarily there must be a set of universal values that are permanent, in fact timeless, that are inarguably central to all human existence. Attached to that is the morality and ethic that emanates from those values, and the values and the ethic and morality create a logical sequence that leads to action that is sustainable for everyone.

Recognize that we are in crisis!

I awaken you to this crisis situation because what is necessary for your nation that is now in crisis and all other nations that are in this crisis, that you need to say, “We are in crisis!” You may not be able to point to any one development or crisis event that generates further crises but you all know that you are in crisis. Your nation is in crisis; individuals are in crisis; groups are in crisis. When you take the group of people who have huge student loans that they will never be able to pay off in their lifetime, those lives are in crisis. And just as General Eisenhower pointed out to the wrecking yards, the ship yards to the ships and submarines that had been decommissioned, he said, “Look at these instruments of war,” (and this is paraphrased,) “Think of all the lives that could have benefited from the money that was used to create these war machines; the lives that were affected by war directly; lives that were affected indirectly by the loss of these financial advantages through these assets that could have been used more reasonably and suitably and rationally for the good of human-kind.”

Today you will be looking for leaders

You, today, will be looking for leaders. Not theatrical sets that are on television stages and sets that are painted to look so real that they do appear to be real on your screens, but are in fact just simple painted cardboard or other instruments like that. This is true leadership that is needed, will be needed. And what is needed by you is to recognize these leaders when they appear. In the beginning it will not be just one, there will be many. And many of those will be competing for leadership. We have said much about the mindset of competition that is so detrimental in marriages, detrimental between siblings, between marriage partners, families, between families and between nations. You must look at competition in a very discerning way: Is this good? Is it not good? What are the outcomes of applied competition? This is what you must be looking for because when you see competition as a primary instrument of progress, then you will see ego and self-embellishment, self-aggrandizement, xenophobia, nationalism, and fascism as indications that this is not the right direction.

Who supports the potential leaders?

When you look at potential leaders, also look at who supports them. Who is trying to persuade them to go in this direction or that direction? The world famous quote, “Follow the money!” to see who is directing the play of politics behind the scenes. Where does the money lead to? If there is no money, then you might ask, “Who has the influence; who has the power; what do people get out of this? What is the benefit? And who does this benefit most?” For a discerning mind, it is paramount to ask those questions without becoming cynical. Cynicism is useful to become aware; but being skeptical is an honored pursuit of philosophy, but use both carefully. What you do not want to do, to use a very old phrase, is “Throw the baby out with the wash water.” You want to be able to retain that which is good, and discard that which is not useful.

You will begin to see the conflagration of events

We have spoken—Monjoronson has spoken—of the decimation from the multiple cataclysms and the cascading of cataclysms, but we have really never talked about crises on national and international scales, or of upheaval of a nation or a group of nations, but we are now. Even now, you have a leader who is bent on his own ego, bent on his own need for power and self-aggrandizement, similar as a 13-year-old or 15-year-old boy would do. So the seeds of crisis have been sown in a fertile field that was existing long before this president came on board. Now you will begin to see the conflagration of events that are crises in themselves, and when they combine you will have a full-blown crisis then followed by a cataclysm and the cascade.

The good news

The good news—yes, we do have good news—you may have been wondering about that, is that we have you, and you have us, and co-creatively we can and will fulfill Christ Michael’s mandate to bring your world into the Days of Light and Life.


Roxie: Wow! What an important message, Machiventa. I know several of our readers who will really be interested in this transcript.

MACHIVENTA: Would anyone care to step forward as a leader?

Roxie: I do have a list of questions that was sent to me by one of our readers who is planning possible public presentations and making inroads into the mainstream for attention and consideration on the 7 human values. I don’t know if this is the best time to read all these, it is a list of 7 pretty in-depth questions.

MACHIVENTA: Let us begin.

Roxie: Okay. He says,

Are the 7 values due to genetics or adjutant mind spirits or both?

“Are we asserting that the 7 values are innate in humans due to genetics or adjutant mind spirits (or both)?”

MACHIVENTA: Realize that you are created by God. If you acknowledge that you are created by God particularly through the evolutionary process, then your question has already been answered. You have been invested with these things by the Father Creator, Christ Michael and the Life Carriers to be who you are, what you are and give you the capacity and capability to become more.

How do we account of other species surviving and thriving?

“If these values are both (a) unique to humans and (b) essential to human survival, how do we account for other species surviving and thriving without these values?”

MACHIVENTA: Good question. They operate principally on the 4 primary values alone. Their emphasis is to survive; life is primary to their existence. The next one is equality: when one chimpanzee sees what another has and they don’t, they will want it, not necessarily by taking it from the other, but from developing their own equivalent of that. The sense of equality of life is part of the urge for life. Growth is always there; it is not a conscious value to them, but all 3 of the other primary values support the primary value LIFE. Life is the ultimate thing to preserve; all animals have this, even bacteria. How much they relate to equality, growth and quality of life depends on their mental development, the product of their brain and their mind mechanism, even as primitive as it is.

“Life is not a value but rather a phenomenon; survival is the value”

“Please comment: Life is not a value. Rather, ‘Life’ is the ‘phenomenon’, while ‘survival’ is the ‘value’.”

MACHIVENTA: They are equivalent.

Roxie: That would cover his next question as well, which I will not ask. Continuing with this reader’s further questions:

Equality is intrinsic for humans, but not other species

“The extent to which I understand Equality to be true for humans is as ‘an intrinsic right to life & happiness we assign fellow-humans, but not to other species’ Question: To what extent does such a simplification distort the meaning of what is being conveyed about this value?”

[This is Daniel: This is one of those odd situations where an incredibly knowledgeable being as Machiventa is stymied by the lack of knowledge by myself and my data banks, and by the confusing, ambiguous language of the question. You would think he would speak knowledgably through me with the words that I have, but it just doesn’t work that way, at least for me. I’m not a trance channeler.]

MACHIVENTA: I appreciate your question. Could you please divide that into several segments because your question at the end is dependent upon the pre-statement to the question.

The relationships between personal growth and will

“Please comment: The relationship between growth and Will is: (a) The association is only between personal growth (personal expansion) and [conscious] Will – not biological growth. (b) We employ Will to execute actions for the purpose of personal growth (the results of actions may be constructive/destructive – successful/a failure).

[This is Daniel: Read it again, please. I don’t know who wrote these questions but they are really convoluted.]

Stéphane: I have a hard time following myself.

Rick: I have to say I feel there is almost a gamesmanship in these questions, and I think most of reasonably well educated and bright [minds] find them as convoluted. There is something that makes me uneasy about them, but I’ll leave it there.

[Daniel: Yes, many of these questions are trying to push Machiventa into a corner and give him only 2 choices, which is what I think about that.]

MACHIVENTA: Dear friend, forget about growth being incited by your Thought Adjuster and your Angelic assistants. How about their will to involve you?

Roxie: And the last of the 7 questions is:

Why use 200,000 years as the reference point for the 7 values?

“Please comment: Sentient mortals (on Earth) have a ~1 million year history. Half a million years into this history we were provided with Celestial planetary management. 300,000 years later, the planetary management defaulted. Only since this celestial default has 200,000 years passed (humans were here 800,000 years before then). Therefore: Why use 200,000 years as a reference point for the existence of the 7 values in humans?

MACHIVENTA: There comes a point at which the product of what we share with the audience, which is the public, needs to have some scientific basis that they can validate our statements. The least amount of time that scientists have been able to validate in some way or another that humans have been sentient, have been expressing their will and have been able to exercise these 7 values in their lives is 200,000 years. You know and we know that humans were exercising their decisions on some of these values long before that. We do not include that in our comments here, as we do want to have our transcripts, our material read and thrown out by those who may be skeptical. Beginning the way of overcoming skepticism is by appealing to an individual’s knowledge that they already have to help them validate, and cross-validate to extend validation to a longer period of time.

Roxie: And you’ve answered the second part of his question already. He says he “Would like to write papers and give presentations based on these in the future. I am hoping for these works to become acceptable, credible, and impactful (attention-grabbing) to the wider public. Hence my pursuit in these questions.” And he expresses his “Love and Gratitude.” That’s all I have on these questions. Are there any questions from the team?

Call to action: starting an enterprise

Jeff: I have one. It is pretty pedantic in relation to the previous questions. Machiventa, last time you spoke to us, you mentioned starting an enterprise, a call to action. You mentioned vision, intention, operational philosophy, mission objectives and possible corporate structure. You did not mention a possible name for this enterprise. It seems that it is worldwide in its scope and covers all of humanity. Do you have any suggestions?

MACHIVENTA: I will give that right back to you, Jeff. What do you think the title should be?

Jeff: Can I have 2 weeks to get back to you, Sir? (Laughter.)

MACHIVENTA: Most certainly.

Formation of non-profit foundations

Jeff: My only other question is, you told us in NET #33 not to form a non-profit foundation. In light of your recent call for action, can you comment upon that now?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, I would be glad to. Your request at that time for information about a non-profit was situational to you and your business partner at the time. The answer does not necessarily transpose to other situations where that would be advantageous.

Stéphane: Machiventa, how are you today?

MACHIVENTA: I am well, thank you. It is a little difficult working through This One who has been wading through a very deep book, but I personally am great, and thank you for asking.

Brain chemistry and health

Stéphane: I will try to keep my questions simple. There are 3 questions, one for each of the eras that you have mentioned, the pre, this one and the post eras. My first question is about the pre-era, and you mentioned something about being physically ready, that the physical improvements have been remarkable in the last 100 years, and that led to an increase in mental capacity, and then spiritual benefits from all these, of course. But my question is on the physical side: I have recently come across improvements or research on the brain and where 4 key chemicals in the brain improve our ability to plan and improve our ability to execute and improve our ability to understand and be quick, and to be forward in our thinking. Then these chemicals are like serotonin, L-DOPA and others. Are there are other ways to improve the chemicals in the brain so that we can be better overall as humans in priming and executing? Can you comment on brain health as a way to improve our ability to execute once the crisis occurs?

MACHIVENTA: Most definitely; thank you for your question. At the state of your cultures, medical technologies and psychiatric technologies and neural technologies, the chemicals that you seek are beginning to become known, and that there is within naturopathy a definite connection between brain health, physical health, psychic, and psychiatric and mental health in all regards—and emotional health. These chemicals and this lifestyle of your nutrition comes to you in two directions: One is the positive aspects that you can enhance in your body through use of natural chemicals that are naturally available, and second is the deletion or diminution of detrimental products that inhibit or warp the brain activities, which have a direct affect upon your mental capacities in all regards.

Combining peripheral medicines and ideologies

The progress that you are seeking an answer for is being made; there are many institutional resistances to combining the naturopathy and allopathic medicine and all of the peripheral medicines and ideologies of philosophies including Chinese medicine, Hindu and Ayurvedic medicine and dietary needs, etc. The best aspect that you can do for you individually is to attend to nerve health. What enhances nerve health? You of course want to have the basic ingredients that support brain health, and that makes possible the expansion of your mental capacities that you are able to learn more easily and more quickly, and to remember consistently.

I know that I am getting off topic with your question, but nonetheless let me proceed. There are known chemicals that assist individuals that begin before conception that help the child develop into a rational, reasonable, responsible, capable, competent social individual. These include folic acid and there are food groups which assist in the delivery of folic acid plus acetylcholine and other nutrients that help brain health. These are also effective for an inquiring mind, a discerning mind that wants to not only ameliorate, but to resolve emotional conflict. You will find that social, emotional relationship conflicts have as much to do with mental health and effectiveness and decision-making as brain health and perhaps even more. A child/person who is raised in a stable home will have the capacity to expand their mental capabilities beyond the average individual greatly. I will leave it at that for that question.

Infra-red light and brain health

Rick: I would like to ask two questions that are about brain health. The first is that I have been reading that near infra-red light has ability to help improve brain health, directed towards the human skull in particular, but also the human body. Is that true? Can near infra-red light improve people’s brain health?

MACHIVENTA: One of the protocols of this forum is that we do not validate or invalidate existing research. We do not put names on it or deal with its efficacious-ness unless it is totally detrimental to human existence and to their mind and to their body. Therefore, I will set your question aside for another century to answer.

Rick: Yet, you put forward folic acid and you also put forward acetylcholine.

MACHIVENTA: Certainly, I have done that because those have been scientifically proven by mortals to be effective.

Heavy metals and brain health

Rick: Okay, so then my second question is, is one of the major challenges in health challenges in human beings with heavy metals in their bodies and specifically in their brain. Is that a serious problem for humanity with heavy metals in the body, but specifically in the brain? Is that something we should address as individuals to improve our brain health?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, heavy metals have been proven to be highly detrimental to all organs of the body, particularly to the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and to the brain. Heavy metals inhibit the flow of ions in these organs, which is highly detrimental; you end up being an anode or diode and those metals will congregate in those locations.

I would like to finish that comment and that is the second part of your question, and yes, it is very important to limit or filter out all heavy metals in your foods and in the irrigation water that go into your crops, and to where crops are raised, and in the water that you drink.

Rick: Thank you.

What causes humans to be reluctant about making requests of celestials?

Stéphane: Thank you, Machiventa; a great answer to this, and I could expand on other questions, but I will move to this “in the crisis era” and you mentioned that giving permission; when you started, I was perplexed, but you say we are reluctant in giving permission to celestials to make things happen, to make decisions and to live with the outcome after making that request. So, is one of the main reasons for being reluctant, is that an outcome of the rebellion? Was that what the leaders were trying to do, is to keep us from making requests to celestials?

MACHIVENTA: I will give you a very cautionary, “Yes.”

Stéphane: So, this reluctancy then is ingrained in today’s behaviors of society, of humans and of people. And is ingrained also in what the church teaches us, that everything should go second-handed; we shouldn’t first make a request to celestials. Can you give us some advice as to how to change those behaviors in people and to be able to provide real case proof points as to the benefits of making these requests to celestials [directly]?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly, you begin with yourself. You are the best proof of your own life and living, and your habits and beliefs, and the expression of your decisions for effective outcomes for yourself. It begins with knowing that you are loved by God. In the beginning of your experience as an ascending, evolving spiritual being, the first principle is that there is only God; and through the gift of God you are one with God through your Thought Adjuster, that God essence and presence within your being, and that you are totally worthy of this in all regards, and that any external authorities are only superficial and superfluous to this first relationship, and this relationship should command all other relationships into their natural order of importance. Your survival is important; your spiritual survival is paramount. Everything that we do, your Thought Adjuster does, Christ Michael, Nebadonia and their tremendous corps of hierarchies will help you to fulfill this. The church, your governments, the indoctrination that came along through the 200,000 years to the rebellion has had an effect, but they are all subordinate to your primary relationship between yourself and your Father.

You must have the power of discernment, my friend, and this goes for all others as well; you must be able to discern what is of God and what is not of God; what is the authority of God and what are the words of God. Would God want me to do this? Would God want me to believe that? What are my beliefs? Are they bound by God; are they formed by God? But only you, my friend, can form those beliefs for yourself and to live by them. It is a simple task, but most difficult through the life and living as a mortal, particularly in your highly complex, competitive, technologic, materialistic societies that you live in.

You become an outlier; you become one who is not of that culture. When you become one of the “culture” of God, you then have joined the culture of Machiventa and his team, of Monjoronson and the great corps of angels that are upon this planet. It is not an easy thing to do, and it is again the situation that J. K. Rowling had said. You must be able to discern this for yourself, and whose side will you go towards, and how can you compromise your life so you ascend spiritually and yet live in this world and not compromise your beliefs or your morality or ethics, but compromise your existence in a complex materialistic society. This is a challenge for you today; this is a challenge for your children and grandchildren, and my friends, this will soon change.

Is making requests similar to giving commands?

Stéphane: Machiventa, is this similar to the challenge of commands that you gave several lessons ago?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it definitely is. You can command yourself, your conscious mind to be subservient to your Thought Adjuster. I have a side comment if I may turn the page half-way on this topic, and that is you have a conscious mind and many of you have will to make this mind subservient to your Thought Adjuster, and we admire that command because you know what is right and what is not. But the mind that you have is also a gift of the Infinite Spirit; the Infinite Spirit knows that mortals need a mind that is belligerent, a mind that is stubborn, a mind that is subordinate, a mind that is persuasive and a mind that is difficult to bend to your will-mind. And this conscious mind is truly not an adversary, but it is a nemesis—your conscious mind is your nemesis; this is the one that is always goading you; this is the one where you must aspire to your higher mind, to your will-mind, to the Will of God and to what is right and what works for your spiritual life and career. Now, having turned that page back, your question again, please?

Asking permission of celestials

Stéphane: Is this asking permission of celestials similar to the command that you gave us several lessons ago? What you have said is that commanding is more of a mind tool, as well as a spiritual tool?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is; asking your celestials to guide your life. This One has often asked and has said to us, and in his words I will say that, “How am I doing with this project? Am I going in the right direction? What do I need to know about this project to make it successful for you, for Christ Michael? Do you need my permission to command you to move ahead with this project?” And you will get a very definite yes or no concerning that. Giving permission is one of saying to spirit in general, “I give you permission to direct my life in ways that are productive for the life-plan I have and for the benefit of others and for the accomplishment for the Days of Light and Life. Are you willing to accept this permission?” Another question, and so you proceed. This is very logical in a way, but it is also a highly intuitive process that you can pursue. Asking questions is for many people almost an impossible task, and so giving permission to spiritual entities that you cannot see, feel or even hear is asking them to jump off a cliff to 1,000 feet below and knowing that they will be safe when they hit the bottom. They are terrified by doing that, and so they do not do that.

Permission becomes very difficult for most mortals to give permission to the celestials to guide their life forward, and then to see the signposts for leading them forward. It is very simple for a believer who is willing to give up their life, but for those who are living in compromise, it is very, very difficult, and so there are very few who take the risk. Of course those who have families, have obligations, children, financial and economic and other responsibilities, it makes it even more complicated. We are advocating something that is very difficult, but if you do it occasionally or spontaneously or specifically to some particular area of your life, then you want to be led through what you do not know how to cope with, or do not have an answer to, or do not know what you really want to do, then that is the perfect time to invite us.

This One mentioned early in the session that “How is your move proceeding?” And so, this may be confusing to you, which it was. And so, you would want to ask celestials, “I know that eventually I will probably have a job change and relocation. I simply ask that you would guide me to the right and perfect place where I can be effective and to assist spirit and to fulfill the obligations of my employment.” That is the pre-statement; the question is: “Would you be willing to help me with this?” And almost always, unless there are hidden agendas that you have in mind, they will say, “yes.”

A personal question about asking for guidance

Stéphane: Another example may be my son; he was asking me this morning about a university he was wishing to apply to for graduate school, and he was saying he was borderline having the right marks to get in, but would it be something that he would ask the celestials for guidance on as to whether he should apply to this school or not?

MACHIVENTA: Most definitely, this is a wonderful turning point in a young man’s life and that he should pray for going to the right and perfect university, and that if he makes a decision to go to one, definitely, willfully makes a decision to go to one university, he should have a caveat in hand with celestials and say, “If this is not the right and perfect way for me to proceed for my future, please bring this option to an end promptly.”

Stéphane: Thank you.

A personal question about a website in progress

Jeff: I would like to ask you how am I doing, and how is Liz doing so far with the website that we have put up?

MACHIVENTA: I would like to defer that to the individual spiritual beings that are assisting you with that project, and I would suggest that you take some time apart, you and Liz separately apart, to find an answer.

Jeff: It’s delightful to know that there are actually our own individual spiritual people helping us. Thank you for that, that’s very encouraging.

MACHIVENTA: You remember that when you are on course with our work, you will find that there will be people come into your life and your work through serendipity or coincidence or happenstance, unexpectedly that they have some wisdom or guidance or technologies to assist you in what you are working on. And when you do not find those and you are moving ahead and having great difficulty, and you have prayed and asked for these resources to come to you, or you be brought to those resources so you can proceed more effectively, and even after making those prayers there are no forthcoming answers or serendipity or coincidences, then you can fairly well trust that you are on the right track or that it has already been done, or there is something else that we wish you to do.

Jeff: Thank you.

Group intelligence in the post-crisis era

Stéphane: I have a third question; it’s about group intelligence and the post-crisis era, and of course group intelligence being a proof point of different groups coming up with similar outcomes independently, and it leads to my question that I have often wondered: how can we discern between the influence of our Thought Adjuster and influence from angels, from Nebadonia and influence from the Spirit of Truth? And to me, it’s very hard to distinguish between these influences, but is group a part of these influences?

MACHIVENTA: In this regard to your question, group intelligence is how we operate. You often hear me say, “we” the third person—“we” do this, “we” do that, “we” have proposed that, or “we” are effective doing this—and so yes, rather than specific individuals coming to you with answers, you will have the group influence to you.

Additionally, considering the work that you do with a group of mortals, a group situation without a leader, but only a facilitator to facilitate the process, provides for the influence of spirit that can be much more effective when those minds are open. Then members can think in terms of possibilities—you become possibility thinkers; you are able to take risks where you would not by yourself or with only one other person. It means that you are open to the whole spectrum of what could be, rather than what is, and so in a group situation to resolve or validate something, you want to be open to all possibilities and the work of the group can work very well with our group, with us being unbeknownst to anyone else, other than yourself. Does this answer your question?

Is it useful to discern which celestial is helping us?

Stéphane: Yes it does, but more specifically, how can we discern, is it useful for us to try to discern which from those four entities, the Thought Adjuster, angels, teachers, Nebadonia and the Spirit of Truth are the ones helping us?

MACHIVENTA: No, it is not necessary for you to discern that. You simply have to discern that having spirit on your side doing what you are doing, assisting you in your work is simply the best option that you can use to identify our work. When you see doors of opportunity open to you, or invitations come to you then you know that this is something that is at work in us for you, and therefore you must come to a point of discerning to accept that or not. You are working too hard at this, my friends. Simply accept that God loves you and has a host of individuals to assist you, and when you are specific about a project you definitely want to have help on, you don’t have all the answers to and you ask for help and assistance, and in discerning the help that comes forward, then we most certainly will be there for you in all regards.

Stéphane: Thank you.

Question on “grace”

Liz: One quick question: In the Urantia Book Jesus speaks a lot about grace, and how important it is not only to grow spiritually, but also in “grace.” I’m not certain that I know how to define “grace.” Could you speak to that, please?

MACHIVENTA: I chuckle because you have written evidence in your household about that. If you read the manuscript that we wrote co-creatively with This One, “Making Sense of Ethics,” and you do a word search in the WORD document for the word “grace,” you will definitely find the grace of living in that book and this was the major influence for the inclusion of those graces. It is important that there be a grace to living by humans. More is required than is simply being ethical. More is required of believers to have a grace about them to have an even more than conciliatory acceptance of differences with others, there must be an abiding acceptance of those differences and a respect for that.

When you look up these words, you will find them: They include tolerance, forgiveness, forbearance, patience, kindness, caring, loving and many others. I ask you to do that research to answer your question. The graces of God are all those things and more; the graces of Jesus that he spoke about are all those things and more—the more is your total acceptance of those graces; the total acceptance and their participation in your daily life. It becomes a mantra; it becomes part of who you are. You become identified by others as being kind and patient and tolerant, and reasoned, and thoughtful, and foresightful and discerning. These are all things that are necessary for you to become more like a master that Jesus was.

Liz: Thank you very much.

Closing statement concerning stress

MACHIVENTA: This is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager. In closing there is much to think about. We have given you a tremendous amount in my early entry statement of this session. The world is in tremendous turmoil and nothing can be done until you recognize and admit, and say aloud, even write it out: “Our world is in crisis. Our nation is in crisis. Our culture and all our institutions are in crisis.” And once admitting that, then you would begin to search for the recovery, which we have shared with you. So, too, as you go forward today, is your life in crisis, or is it in peace? Do you live with this ongoing nagging tension in your body called stress?

What is that stress about? It is important for your peace of mind as an Agondonter to understand your stress, and to work with that stress, and to remove that stress. And you know in the embrace of Christ Michael and Nebadonia that they give you now, their anointing of you, you can have that peace and a stress-free life. It is from your decisions previous to knowing these things that you created stress in your life, and yes, we know for mortals it is not easy to go backwards in your life, to go back to that time when there was no stress and to relearn how to become an adult with the responsibilities to live a stress-free life, for being stress-free you become, then, a more effective agent of Christ Michael, your Thought Adjuster and your influence upon yourself to grow into your potential, which never can be expressed in stress, through stress or by stress. Yes, you can get things done, but can you become a “being person,” to be a living being in that stress? And the answer is that you cannot. So in other words, you must become a “being of Christ,” a being that totally accepts being loved by God. Knowing this, it is shot through the whole of your life in all spaces and all places. We wish you a good day, please be in peace. Good day.

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