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NET72 – Quivering on the Brink, Anxiety, Cascade of Cataclysms; Life Carriers

2019-9-9, NET #072, Machiventa

New Era Transition #072 – Quivering on the Brink; Anxiety; Cascade of Cataclysms; Life Carriers – Sept. 9, 2019

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


Quivering on the brink
“The event”
The effect of prayers
The definition of “evil”
Anxiety level of this stressful environment
How to handle anxiety
Natural chemicals to enhance health
Improving nerve health
Does the 10-fold increase in anxiety affect everybody?
The cascade of cataclysms
Confronting conflict or escaping it?
Capitalism is not working
Developments are too slow to “save the planet”
Using our thoughts to lessen the outcome of cataclysms
Accelerating social improvements
Life Carriers of Urantia
Flora and fauna evolution on a decimal planet
Invitation for the Chief Life Carrier of Urantia to join our forum
Focus of situation
Closing statements

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Liz Cratty, Doug Dodge, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael

MACHIVENTA: Invocation: Machiventa Melchizedek (by his request): Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek and I am here now to provide you with our invocation. You realize that the conceptual development of the Deity, the Divine, the Creator and the Divine Beings are far less in the mind of This One than we are able to express with the database that he has. Nonetheless, I will strive to portray most accurately, so you can understand the greatness of who we work for and who is our Creator.

We give great thanks to our Creator, Christ Michael of Nebadon and to Nebadonia—who are our immediate Creators, whom we love and adore, appreciate and give thanks to every day and with “every breath” of our lives. Christ Michael and Nebadonia are also children of God the Creator, the First Source and Center, and for whom we are ever grateful and always mindful of the Source from whom we came. We appreciate that even more so for your mortals who are so fortunate to have the presence of God within them, that spark of Divinity, the essence of the presence of Deity. That is one of the most magnificent creations of all the Universe, for you are endowed with the fragment of Its own personality in you, as you can develop a personal relationship. And so, you are a part of the One of the whole Universe though you are of the most intimate and lowly basis of mortal growth in the Great Grand Universe, and so we give thanks for that.

And now as your Planetary Manager, Machiventa Melchizedek: I am greatly indebted and grateful to our Creator, Christ Michael for his largess in providing us with such an expansive and exciting and unpredictable world in which to govern.

September 9, 2019

Quivering on the brink

MACHIVENTA: For our opening statement, we will provide you with this brief statement. You have read and wondered in the Urantia Book for so many decades about the phrase that your world, your planetary civilization is now “quivering on the brink” of a great new era, and so we are here to tell you that this brink is now here.

If you can imagine standing with your toes hanging over a precipice of great grandeur and depth, and look into the sky and see the magnitude of the universe above you, you will have an idea of where you will go, where your brink will lead you. It is not down but it is up. The civilization of Urantia and all mortal beings have suffered for over two hundred millennia in the darkness of the quarantine. Now you have progressed across the empty plain to this precipice, this brink where you will now ascend, that gives the potential of your civilization to ascend.

“The event”

We have spoken many times of “the event.” The event is the beginning of that ascension. The brink is a falsehood in the minds of most people—you think of falling off the precipice because you are gravity bound. However for us, we see humanity as capable and powerful to lift itself from the precipice and into the depths of space and spiritual growth. We are here to help you do that. This “event,” this brink of civilization will change when this occurs. Many people around the world will have no idea that it occurred, or that they even care. They will say that this is some far off idea from someone in another nation, someplace in the world that they do not even know by an individual or groups of people who we could care less about. Nonetheless, it will occur in the eventuality of time on this planet, it will occur and that this new era that we have been talking about will have begun at that time. I am open for questions regarding this or past sessions, or open questions of that type.


The effect of prayers

Liz: Machiventa, good morning. Last week there was a great outcall for prayers to push the Category 5 hurricane off the coast of Florida, and that is exactly what happened. My question is: Did prayer have an influence on the path of that hurricane?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, of course it did. What is more powerful than prayer is actually using your mind as an energy source to push, as you would push a scoop of snow or water down a driveway with one of those very wide squeegees, and when you can visualize that in your mind as pushing that hurricane to the side, then you will have engaged the prayer of the most effective kind.


Liz: The Urantia Book states that “all conflict is evil,” that it is like a “civil war in the mind.” Monjoronson said at one time, and I think I have this correct: “The only difficulties you will ever have are with yourself.” Yet, when I think of the crises to come, I think that there will be room for plenty of conflict, and perhaps I am equating two things that should not be equated. Could you speak to that, please?

MACHIVENTA: Monjoronson was correct, for if you perceive conflict, then you are in conflict. If you perceive peace, then you are at peace. It is the eye of the beholder that wonders and is intrigued by the beauty of a flower; other people would see it as so much fodder for their goats. You are the center of your universe; you determine how you live and where you live. The difficulty with conflict, or seeing conflict, could also mean that you are a competitive individual, that you think you know what is right and that you want to enforce the right way to go. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous positions a person or a nation or group of people can ever take, because it perpetuates conflict. The only way to overcome conflict is to be at peace, peace within yourself. It is the individual who rules their life as they choose. When you are at peace then you truly are thinking that way. Did Christ Michael see conflict? Did he feel conflict? No. As Jesus he did not feel conflict and he was not in competition with anyone, even the Pharisees. You see, he is the Master; he is at peace within himself; he is the ruler of all good; he knows the way of righteousness and he knows the way of peace. He may see conflict, but he is not in conflict—there is the great difference!

The definition of “evil”

Liz: My understanding of the definition of “evil” is that which is not the Will of God. Is this correct?

MACHIVENTA: This is correct.

Liz: Thank you for your answer; I appreciate it.

Anxiety level of this stressful environment

Rick: I have a few questions. All of my questions are based on what Machiventa shared with us in our last meeting of Aug. 26th. One statement was, “In the crisis that is now evolutionary in this nation, in which its evolution has proceeded abundantly and quickly in the last 2.5 years. The situation around you has begun to appear anxious.” Has this anxiety stressful environment you referred to peaked, or can we expect it to go even higher?

MACHIVENTA: You insights and your discernment are very accurate, and yes, your anxiety will increase at least 10-fold.

Rick: Holy Moly! Would it be helpful to identify the cause or causes of this stress in us?

How to handle anxiety

MACHIVENTA: We refrain from correcting historical problems. This is similar to Freudian Psychoanalysis of finding the origins and trying to heal that. It is far more effective to operate in the “now.” What is your anxiety about? And you, of course are the source of the anxiety—the ideas that you have, the beliefs that you have, the expectations you have around you and for your life. If you accept that anxiety is a statement of a situation that occurs and you are at peace with that, then your anxiety will diminish. As I have answered for the question from Liz, you are the center of your anxiety. What does this cause you? You must examine that and find the weakness in your being, in your expectations for life and bring that into correction. If you were a business-person, if you were a business analyst, you would see the situation in terms of numbers and decimals, and so on. You would find the difficulty and you would do two things. One, you would strive to correct that, and second you would create a solution so that it would not occur again. You as a spiritual being must have that in mind also in order for you to live at peace, even when chaos reigns around you is an accomplishment as a master of their life.

Natural chemicals to enhance health

Rick: Okay, thank you. In the last session you stated, “You can enhance in your body through the use of natural chemicals that are naturally available.” My question is you mentioned folic acid and acetylcholine. Are there additional natural chemicals that can help us maximize our health?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, and that is a subject that is worthy of consulting with the Life Carriers, concerning. For my answer for you today, is very brief: Yes, that there are natural components, natural elements and molecular structures in nature that are highly beneficial to the human body. The determination then is how much to take. If you take too much Vitamin A, then you will certainly be in great trouble. If you take too much of any one substance, it could be detrimental to your life and to the functioning of your organs. It is essential that this be determined ahead of time. The allopathic doctors will tell you to just eat a regular diet, yet there are substances in a person’s life that are missing from a “normal” American diet. What you want are the right substances in the right quantity—not too much and not too little.

Improving nerve health

Rick: Last time you said, “The best aspect that you can do for you individually is to tend to nerve health.” This seems especially important if our anxiety level is exactly 2.5 years ago. In 2017, I noticed in myself an enormous rise in anxiety and irritation and all the associated feelings. I thought that maybe it was something that I was doing, and perhaps what it is, is this transition that you were referring to 2.5 years ago, which would be April, 2017. If this is going to go up 10-fold, then I guess my next question is: What can we do to improve our nerve health?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. I will enjoy very much answering your question. One is to meditate. One is to go into the old Taoist practice of “no thought,” where you are not thinking, where you are not having visions of being someplace, teaching or doing or having agendas or schedules that you have to attend to. You would then be in the moment of extreme knowingness without thinking; you would be in contact with your Thought Adjuster and those around you who care for you in many ways. You are in fact then uniting with your Thought Adjuster who does not have a car, who does not have a bank account, who has no job, and who has no assets or 401K’s and so on. When you become in contact in the mystical realm of ecstatic union with your Thought Adjuster, you are in a perfect place to be at peace.

It is the outer world that causes you tremendous anxiety and will continue to do so. The place to find centeredness and peace in your life when anxiety multiplies 10-fold and more is to go within to that quiet place. For some of you, you love to stand at the sink doing dishes rather than putting them in the dishwasher; you want to comb your dog or your cat; you perhaps like washing the windows in the house. It is some mundane activity that occupies that part of your mind so that the rest of your mind can be at peace. If you are not at peace when you are washing windows, certainly you will see when the sunlight hits it right that you need to wash them again. Being at peace means no anxiety; it means being one with the universe and that “all is well.”

Does the 10-fold increase in anxiety affect everybody?

Rick: Thank you, Machiventa. I have another question, which is if this 10-fold increase anxiety is going to be occurring from what we have experienced in the last 2.5 years, is this affecting everybody on this planet, and if so, I really worry about behavior, such as violence and wars, and so that’s my question; is this 10-fold increase in anxiety going to affect everybody?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, yes it will increase 10-fold and eventually it will encompass the whole world, and yes, there will be violence. There will be violence in the cities; there will be violence in the suburbs; there will be violence in those populated areas. There will be an opportunity for militaristic and aggressive nations to then attack their neighbors or to assault those that they have had long-term grievances with. The situation will be of a military situation where it is “volatile uncertain, complex and ambiguous,” the old VUCA acronym. You will see this occurring in many, many places. Some of you have been drawn to other nations where it is much more peaceful. The safest places of course will be those in 4th world countries—not 3rd world, but 4th world countries—where you would live indigenously with the local natives on a subsistence basis. However, this is not possible for everyone, and so you would want to do what is necessary to be safe.

We anticipate that this violent era will last about 7 months, after which will be a tremendous loss of humanity for one reason or another. You can also anticipate at the same time that pandemics that have begun in one place will then occur in many places. It will be most unfortunate to be a healthcare worker at that time because you would be exposed to tremendous problems from patients who are brought to your care facility. We have said many times that this will be a cascade of events. You will know, those of you who have read our materials or have listened to us, will know when this cascade begins because it will then predict what is going to occur in the future, and as you have been forewarned and foreknow there will be no stopping once it begins.

The cascade of cataclysms

When you couple that with the opening statement about being on the brink, and of the event occurring, the event of a beneficial one, you will find that on the opposite spectrum and the other end of the continuum that there will be the event that will then cause the cascade of cataclysms. You are now experiencing the cataclysms of severe weather, and this too will increase many, many times more in its power and voracity and its destruction. What you have not seen yet are hurricanes and tornadoes in Newfoundland and farther north. The upper latitudes will not be saved due to their distinction from the equatorial region. You must find a means by which to be at peace.

You may find that when tremendous despair and economic turmoils have grown worse, and you who are faithful to your indebtedness, some of you will strive to continue to make your payments but eventually there will be no banks for a while, no one to receive your money. This is a severe a development for most people who are materialist to think about; and it is very difficult for people who have lived their lives on their credit cards, credit and refinancing their mortgages, and so on. You must come to peace about how you will handle that situation so that you in the end have the needed resources to continue on even if it is only the cash you have in your pocket.

Rick: Thank you, Machiventa!

Stéphane: How are things today?

MACHIVENTA: Very good, thank you. The sun is always shinning where we are and so we appreciate being in the light of God and in the light of your wonderful sun.

Confronting conflict or escaping it?

Stéphane: Sometimes things look gloomy on this earth. You referred to conflicts earlier and I believe conflicts were engrained in us by our nefarious rebellious leaders and now established in our DNA. There has to be a way for us to get out of behavior trends that keeps feeding conflict. My question is: Jesus behaved in such a way that he would never breed conflict, he seemed to not confront conflict at times only to return at a nexus time to face the conflict with the most effective way. Do you see that as an effective behavior for us when we are faced with conflict, to wait for the appropriate time, a nexus time for us to make the most impact with a non-conflict response?

MACHIVENTA: Most definitely! There are two philosophies that would aid you, one is Taoism, and the other one is the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu. Waiting for the most opportune time to bring peace and healing to lessen anxieties are perfect way[s] to approach this. Kneejerk anxiety reaction with violence is the worst scenario that you can take. It is again as the Urantia Book, and as Christ Michael as Jesus said, it is much like taking a stick and striking a hornet’s nest. You don’t want to be around for what will occur. You want to take the advantage of deeper thought, deeper knowledge and much wisdom. This is most applicable when it is on a multi-group, multi-person basis where you can stand aside and wait to see what happens.

It is not necessarily [that] in a group, if there was an assault you would be called a coward, but you would see the opportunity in a violent situation to then use your capability to make the most effective response. This will be most difficult for people because they will have loyalties to peace and to their own personal philosophies and spiritual growth, but on the other hand they will be faced with eminent danger and hardship from strangers to themselves, their children and their family and neighbors. It is difficult to have poise in the face of conflict and battle, but that is the place where all generals who are successful have come from to overwhelm the much larger opponents. You as an individual have a huge number of opponents, the master of which you must become of yourself.

Capitalism is not working

Stéphane: Thank you; that was very good. Since the last session I have been made aware of an article discussing how capitalism is not working, jobs are plentiful but growth is sluggish, inequality is too high and the environment is suffering. 180 major companies around the world have signed pledges, have overturned 3 decades of orthodoxy to pledge their firms’ purposes was no longer to serve their shareholders alone, but also to serve customers, staff, suppliers and communities also. We’re talking large companies like Wal-Mart and J. P. Morgan, 180 of them have signed such an agreement. It is not binding, but it displays a trend in society today with public companies where they need to be seen as serving others than the shareholders. and some people are skeptics and say the companies are only doing this to make more profits, but I do think it is a trend that reflects the 7 values. Can you comment, please?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, and thank you very much for your question. You mentioned that there were the staffs, shareholders, vendors and those they serve. If you halved, or simply used 40% of the profits of any one of those corporations and divided it equally among those parties, you would have set a tone and a trend that would be immense.

It is difficult to make recommendations that are so unorthodox, though we see that 180 companies/corporations have signed an agreement. It is now up to them to devise a means by which “excess” profits are returned to those who serve that company. The largest group within that are the employees. Obviously there must be a significant return for dividend holders as well, and that the vendors, staff and others that you mentioned are given compensation for that. It could be the most rational way to do that is to dilute the stock of the corporation by giving the employees/staff and vendors and so on, a proportion so that they become employee shareholders, which exists in many corporations. This would then be extended to the categories you mentioned.

It is important that profits be connected to those who serve and receive services from the corporation and also not disconnected from the cycles of boom and bust that everyone suffers when there is a decline and everyone benefits when there is improved profitability. This is a mechanism that we recommend and one that is in accord with the 7 values. It is the beginning of understanding the morality and ethics of the 7 values. These corporations have in fact jumped ahead in their policy making and in their decisions to take on the morality and ethics of the 7 values. It will one day be a remarkable insight to them to understand that their reasoning does come from the 7 values and that these 7 values are the social constants of human behavior for a world that is becoming self-sustaining. Do you have questions concerning this?

Developments are too slow to “save the planet”

Stéphane: Yes, I see a trend here. This is an event or development that would have been unthinkable even 40 years ago or 30 years ago. There seems to be a very fast changing mentality around the world. Maybe it’s due to the global dissemination of information, people are much more aware, so there seems to be progress and this seems to be the beginning of the ascension that you mentioned in your opening statements. To me, it seems like the world is heading in a better direction, but it’s not fast enough; the brink is still going to happen, the event is still going to happen in the middle of all this. My question is: if the event (cataclysms) didn’t happen, would these developments be too slow to “save the planet?”

MACHIVENTA: I can appreciate your caution in making these statements. Who we must give thanks to, tremendous thanks to is Nebadonia and her Angelic Corps who have pervaded, created what you might call a fog of light around your world to give people the opportunity to think of other options in a positive way for their businesses. This is a positive influence on your world. Now back to your question, is that what we find most significant is not necessarily the agreement of the 180 corporations, but the fact that they have the open-mindedness to accept an option which would assist and support the division of properties, assets and income so to balance the wealth inequity that exists in the world. This is a slow process. What you will find even when the cataclysms begin, the harmful event, is that people will have an open-mindedness and will see that they were too late and not enough.

On the other hand, this would require signing this agreement and then doing something effective and that is the critical part of signing any agreement, whether they are international treaties or trade agreements, etc., is actually putting them into effect. It is important that they do something meaningful and that they talk about and compete with each other to see who can be the most equitable in this adjustment of dividends. The open-mindedness is a critical factor in how the negative dimensions of the cataclysms develop, particularly those that are social in nature—anything that has to do with people in their organizations. This open-mindedness must not be forgotten when these difficulties abound. Rather than doubling down and creating more profits at the expense of other people, they will do the other thing—they will decrease the amount of dividends and divide the surplus to those groups you mentioned. I feel I have not quite centered my answer to your question properly; could you help me out?

Stéphane: Yes, it’s about the pace of the improvements we are seeing. We can see developments and improvements in society along the 7 core values, but this development is too slow. If the cataclysms did not come, I think these developments would still be too slow to “save the planet.”

MACHIVENTA: You are most correct; you are definitely correct in this in that it would still take at least 40 years for the major number of tens-of-thousands of corporations around the world to adopt these new practices of the division of profits. Nonetheless, you know and we know that the march of these cataclysms is coming. Rather than their coming, we—meaning this planet and civilization—are approaching the time when they occur. This is a much different scenario than they are coming to us. When people use the saying, “these cataclysms are coming, they are coming, they are coming,” is actually the enticement to the universe energy that these cataclysms do come to them. But if you say to yourself that we as a civilization of individuals and so on, are approaching the time when these occur, that is an empowering statement where you in fact have the universe energy in yourself to deflect these disasters in one way or another. Nonetheless, they will occur and they will be most destructive.

Using our thoughts to lessen the outcome of cataclysms

Stéphane: Thank you. Similar to changing the course of a hurricane, we could put our thoughts together to try to deflect its path and lessen the outcome.

MACHIVENTA: That is correct. You would then be in unison with the Power Directors and the policies of Christ Michael.

Accelerating social improvements

Stéphane: That is important for us to be aware of the potential events coming so that we can think about how to divert their effect and thus accelerate social improvements.

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it certainly does and also it is empowering. When you are empowered, you do not feel anxiety; you worry less; you see yourself as being capable and competent to challenge those things that you are approaching, individually and as a nation and society. It is much different from wringing your hands as compared to where you are holding your arms out and say, “Bring it on; I can handle this,” to use a colloquial phrase.

Life Carriers of Urantia

Stéphane: Machiventa, you diverted some of the earlier questions to the Life Carriers. Is it in our power to ask those questions to the Life Carriers ourselves?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is possible for you to do so; you of course would want to speak with the Chief Life Carrier of Urantia.

Stéphane: Okay, thank you. We’ll give it a shot. (Laughter from the group.)

Flora and fauna evolution on a decimal planet

Liz: Speaking of the Life Carriers, I have a question about something on a lighter tone. I had this vision on my mind of how a decimal planet is populated by flora and fauna. My vision is that there is a professor and a giant class of thousands of students, each of whom has an assignment to design a plant or a creature within certain parameters and it would have to include a food source, or perhaps there would be a food source, and an evolutionary track. Some designs are accepted and some are rejected, and that’s how I look at how decimal planets are populated with animal life and plant life. Is that how it goes?

MACHIVENTA: Another speculative question, huh? This is a most interesting process the professor is pursuing and it obviously to us is that he is being guided by instructional Life Carriers, angelic types to assist in this process. It is important for students to understand the complexity of designing a new molecule, a molecule that can be joined with another molecule and have the innate capability of adapting to its environment and of learning from those experiences and to then growing into greater dimensions. The professor has an insight in what he/she is doing to assist students to think in terms of Life Carriers, that there are certain necessary quantifiable and definite qualitative aspects to any creation in a new design to ensure that it is not only in the last evolutionary development of this creature or this plant. When students begin to think in those terms, they then have an appreciation of the plants that exist of the flora and fauna of your world and how truly fragile they are, but on the other hand how truly capable they are. So we have great congratulations to that professor and best wishes for all the students to in fact expand their knowledge and pass that of their professor.

Liz: There seems to be a decimation of life forms going on on this planet at this time. Will after things settle down on this planet, will the Life Carriers come back and help to repopulate some of those species that were lost?

MACHIVENTA: That too is speculative, but I will be glad to answer: No, they will not.

Liz: Thank you very much.

Invitation for the Chief Life Carrier of Urantia to join our forum

Stéphane: Machiventa, would it be appropriate for us to invite the Chief Life Carrier of Urantia to this forum for discussion?

MACHIVENTA: One moment. Yes, it would be, but at another session and after a period of time for us to discuss this within our own ranks and with the Life Carrier staff. They wish to remain virtually anonymous as individuals and the projects they are working on, as that leads to many speculative questions and questions that lead to non-answers. If/when this does occur that determination will be totally made by the Chief Life Carrier for this decimal planet. We are only offering the opportunity for them to respond if they wish to. If they decline, then that is the end of our discussion. Let us wait a few weeks to see what they decide.

Stéphane: Yes, thank you; that would be useful. I wouldn’t ask for anything outside of what has been discovered on this world, but I would want to put these discoveries of say, human brain health, nerve health and the topics we have been discussing, and perhaps putting these in a different context so that we could get some insights.

MACHIVENTA: I will tantalize you and not give you an answer to my tantalization, and that is within the capability of the genome there is the possibility of other more advanced species developments for Homo sapiens.

Stéphane: Humm; and you think if we ask questions about that, that we might get some answers?

MACHIVENTA: Who knows! (Laughter from the group.)

Stéphane: Well, you’ve tantalized me enough.

MACHIVENTA: I would like to bring this session to an early close, unless there are some pivotal important questions that need to be asked. You have approximately 60 seconds to formulate that and present that.

Focus of situation

Doug: In what I’ve heard today, it seems like I just need to focus on this as a civilization breakthrough, not a civilization breakdown, and that every anxiety, fear, panic that I have, that energy should be channeled to focusing on seeking guidance from my Thought Adjuster and put into prayer and radiating out to the rest of humanity.

MACHIVENTA: (Clapping.) Bravo! I could not have said it better. Thank you.

Doug: Thank you.

Closing statements

MACHIVENTA: Let us close now. We thank you for your presence here today. We feel this world quivering on the brink and as the young man just stated. It is not a precipice but it is an ascension. It is not a breakdown but it is a breakthrough and expanding and growing into the world that was envisioned by Christ Michael when this decimal planet was created. This is a time of great, great, great change; this is a time when you too must stand the test of time, the test of circumstances to be at peace even in the face of destruction around you. Someone must have a cool head besides those Planetary Manager’s Assistants who see you in this travail. And you will certainly have a cascade of tears as you grow through these decades. It will be very difficult, but on the other hand you will see what is occurring that must have occurred long ago to bring you to where you should be, or could be, or can be, and will be in the near future.

Remember that societies evolve as individuals evolve and it is our intention, our work to be effective as the initiators of the evolution of your species in all regards to your culture, to your minds, to your physiology, to your spiritualness, your culture, your intellect and all that you have achieved in the 7 spheres. This is our playground, this is where our chores are to lead you individually and collectively, willingly into this evolution. The evolution is difficult in the beginning, but in the end when you see what it is becoming, you have hope—it is much like birthing a new infant, that you feel the water break, you feel the urges, the cycles, the pains, the pushing and soon there is something new that is born and will grow into the delight of your eyes as its parents. So today we give you thanks for the experiences that you have had, the wisdom you have gathered, the insight and quickness of your minds to understand your situation and to realize and to recognize that you are loved, you are cared for and that you have an intimate connection with God within you, and through your Leader, your Brother, your Father, your Creator, Christ Michael and Nebadonia. Good day.

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