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NID36- Satania Reconnected

1996-12-15-Satania Reconnected
No Idaho #36


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Satania Reconnected
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Elyon
o 2.2 TR: Jonathan
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Patience, Personality
 3.2.2 Circuits, Correcting Time
o 3.3 Dialogue
 3.3.1 Mansion Worlds, Afterlife
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Satania Reconnected
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon
TR: Jonathan


ELYON:  (Jonathan TR): We welcome you to our presence as you, this hour, welcome us who are but a short distance beyond your sensory capabilities. If your physical systems were morontia, you would realize the continual co-presence we share with you.

Patience, Personality

ELYON:   Personality has attributes; these are not fixed in the sense that you are capable of removing and adding attributes, though your personality is always. It may acquire attitudes under which it may find expression. Your mind is the applicator for these attributes as the mind encircuits the many lobes of your physical brain. Patience is an application of a personality attitude. I spoke of patience previously from the viewpoint of realizing the potential pitfall in applying patience. Today I would address the benefits of patience.

The recognition of potential, the perception of growth, is good. You have spoken of gardening; when your beds are seeded then the shoots sprout. You must patiently await the arrival of the harvest. This patience recognizes the potential. It is not the patience I referred to earlier of value judgement, of bearing the hardship. This form of patience is pleasant; it speaks of the maturity of the personality. When each of you expresses an attribute, your manifestation through your mind colors, transforms, an identical attribute we each share into a unique expression much like a round ball may be constructed out of the tool box of the carpenter, the metal worker, the seam- stress.

The manifestation differs; the source for the expression is the same. Understanding this relationship divorces the value of an individual from the value of the act in the arena of judgement. Herein you can understand the unconditional acceptance you may hold for anyone alongside with your variable value system of behavior. The garden is not inferior mid-season because it hasn’t produced fruit. No patience is required. The potential is resident therein. This is like the acceptance of another who may behave contrary to your preferences. This patience is one of joyful acceptance allowing duration, unfoldment, and attainment.

Each one of you is like a different seed, and though your radishes fruit early; your corn is later; both are correct in their unfoldment. When displeased with your own characteristics, the process of reforming yourself is expedited through altering your applicator, the mind.

Some characteristics of personality appear to be disagreeable, when in reality it is the application of the characteristic that gives it disagreeable qualities. The attribute itself may prove highly useful in another method of expression. Understanding this with another allows acceptance. But even though you may find it easy to let slide behavior, it is a stumbling point for many to accept an attribute with neutrality, for the behavior often leads one to evaluate its source from which the personality has expressed itself. This source is not to be judged. I am hopeful this has increased insight into this topic.

Circuits, Correcting Time

Now for something different. Satania is currently celebrating its success in its reinstitution. Your planet is celebrating seasonal festivities, and I express to you similar festive activities throughout this bundle of planets. Michael is making his rounds addressing the administrators and caretakers of each world, acknowledging the efforts. For, you see, each planetary representative is, in a symbolic sense, a Joseph or Mary making ready for the reception of the Son of Light on each of the darkened worlds. Peace on earth, goodwill among men has been expanded to over 100 planets. Please feel free to interject at any time.


Evelyn: What do you mean by that last sentence, peace on earth has extended to over 100 planets?

ELYON:  It is the awakening of the awareness of life on other worlds by your planet that has begun the expansion of your high ideals to include more than your planet’s population. The global viewpoint is enlarging such that the truth of the phrase can move beyond earth and mankind. Do you see?

Evelyn: Are you saying that 100 other planets in our system have reached the point where they recognize that they share the system with other inhabited planets?

ELYON:  “Recognized” is our goal. “Recognizing” is the current status. It is the correcting time de-quarantinizing efforts.

Tom: So, we have 160 planets that went into rebellion. So, is this portending that there will be some celebrating when all 160 get re-hooked up into the circuits? Maybe the second coming?

ELYON:  Yes and perhaps. The celebrations, may I use another seasonal phrase, joy to the world, is an ongoing jubilee that we have been celebrating since the sovereignty attainment of our universe creator. In some respects the celebration of these few planets is a minor highlight in the big party. I know to you who have a dissimilar timeline to mine it may seem odd that such celebrations may continue for thousands of years, but it is a remarkable event. It is like Christmas everyday, and we are loyally dedicating to massing the Christ-quality of each of you throughout the system, enlarging the presence of Michael through his Spirit of Truth in each of your personalities. For the record, this is Elyon.

Evelyn: I still don’t follow the numbers here. I thought there were only thirty-odd planets that were in this recent rebellion, not 100. I realize that all the planets have to evolve and go through a phase of not knowing they are part of system. I understand you are saying Michael is going around visiting the ones coming out of rebellion. We can look forward to this visit, too.

ELYON:  Planets that were not isolated through rebellion have been affected. Please note that your world went into isolation at a fairly primitive stage in its development. Some worlds were more advanced, and there were connections between these worlds that were sorely missed by their administrators. It is these borderline worlds, those on the fringe of the rebellion who likewise are receiving the benefits of this reinstatement. The mechanics of this I cannot detail for you. It may be sufficient to realize the consequences of all one’s actions do have bearing upon another and must be patiently awaited by the outlying worlds in relation to the quarantine arena for the transformation.

Evelyn: That makes sense. On our planet when a country that was at war gets over its warring the whole world benefits. We all have new potentials that arise from being able to interact with a country at peace, rather than isolated at war.

ELYON:  Excellent, Evelyn. Well said. This is why the correcting mission of the Melchizedeks has expanded beyond mere system assigned personalities to include all under Michael’s banner. The effects are wide in scope. Light and life implies great interconnection between worlds, systems of worlds, and aggregations of systems. No one in Nebadon will be left out of universe light and life. It is a building process.

Mansion Worlds, Afterlife

Tom: We were talking earlier about microcosm and macrocosm. When someone passes on to the morontia worlds or goes into the sleep, it is a form of quarantine for us. I have some dear associates who have moved on. Whether they are in limbo or alive on the morontia worlds, if I were to go to a celebration here, let’s say that involved their children, can I petition their presence? Or are they privileged to their own children’s public forums? For example, one friend who passed on, if I were to go to a basketball game of his son, – I know we are supposed to ask for just about everything, you have mentioned that many times – can I ask you to contact him, for him to come to the game with me, for example? Or does he get to go to the game without me even asking?

ELYON:  In relation to offspring, these resurrected parents keep constant monitor directed toward their offspring. Your petition for their attendance is, in this regard, unnecessary, for they are so interested in their children’s progress. But rarely do they leave their assigned world, for the communication avenues are quite excellent in perceiving the event like the one you speak of. The post-life mortal who has not resurrected is similar to isolation, but I would alter your use of the word “quarantine” to be “isolated”, for it is not bad to die; it is not a contagious thing. But the personality does experience a season of withdrawal from all external things but the Father, whereas you know that the Father is within.

The Father’s personality ever embraces the personality of the individual. It is an occasion of great joy, upon awakening; many attend. I would address your question about asking for attendance of beings in morontia states. I spoke of parents and offspring. Others not so tied to loved ones left behind on a physical planet do become so engaged in their current career that their nativity world begins to be rather remote. Your prayer is routed their way, and they may choose to monitor the activity for a time. It is difficult when the vast potentials of the ascension career are at your feet to spend much time in retrospect. This is reserved for times of rest.

Tom: Thank you.

ELYON:  I am always happy to be sitting among you and will now take my leave.

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