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NID1031- Ego and Distractions.

2018-09-30. Ego and Distractions.


No Idaho #1031


Topic: Ego and Distractions
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: CathyM




Machiventa.   I am joining your discussion of ego and the thoughts that are connected to ego.  In this life there are many influences that contain the “I” as a focus.  As you go through your activities it may be helpful to recognize that the ego is involved.  Your divine center is connected to thought adjuster action  and  the ego is a distraction.  You are much more powerful than the judgments and framework you see through the ego.  Your divine connection is designed to focus on eternal things instead of the temporal actions of persons and groups.   The concept of focus on the things you intend and desire instead of opposition to the negative things you encounter as you journey through your day.

We see the confusion that is being created, but all is proceeding according to the Creator’s  plan.  Correction is being applied to the built in error from the Rebellion so that a new form of Light and Life can move into prominence.  Continue to shine light in the darkness and live your truth.

Note. The discussion involved the thoughts that uphold the false self (ego) from the book, “In the World but Not of It” by Gina Lake   New teachings of Jesus on embodying the Divine

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