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NID1032- Activate the Light Body.

2019-01-13. Activate the Light Body.


No Idaho #1032


Topic: Activate the Light Body
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan
TR: CathyM, AlleneV




Discussion of Activate the Light Body from 11:11 April 15, 2018
Teacher Ophelius. / TR Chris Maurus. – “today we are giving you the coded words for the next level of attunement/participation.
“Activate The Light Body”

Machiventa.  I will expand on the concept of “light body”.  The energy of the universe is expanded and enhanced when it is activated in the Light Body.  Each mortal has a connection with Source through the Divine Monitor. The physical form is not a part of this connection.  But the light body is a field of activated energy that has capabilities of action.  Manifestation is enhanced by the increased energy that can be gathered and  maintained in a light body form. The light thus gathered  can be sent out as a beacon for others to follow.  This is a gift that can be provided for others in distress.  This is why you are encouraged to create an enhanced light body for use during The Correcting Time.

Machiventa. (TR Allene) Verified the information received.

Jonathan. ( TR Cathy) Hi gang,  I am indeed here to confirm the usefulness of a light body and the reality of it’s use In manifesting  change.  You can be assured of the reality of creative manifestation as an action available to all in spirit. Don’t be afraid to step out in action.  We have taken steps in faith before to great results.

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