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NID1053- Grounding.

2020-05-17.  Grounding.


No Idaho #1053


Topic: Grounding
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Dr Mendoza
TR: CathyM




Dr Mendoza.  Grounding is a part of connecting with the grid of Spirit, for all energy emanates from Spirit.  When you are in motion, the energy is flowing and active.  You connect with all around you.  Sometimes in modern societies you connect with frequencies that are not abundant in the natural world.  It is the discharge of the overload of frequency into the earth that has a protective function.  You are usually aware of feeling irritated when these frequencies accumulate.  The body desires to return to a comfortable level.  Many on the planet are existing in the low frequency and are most susceptible to influence of these currents.  Those connected to the grid of Spirit are not adversely affected.  The action of deliberately grounding world be of benefit in bringing into alignment with the Spirit circuits.  You are able to experiment and discover applications of this theory.

Could Mother ground you?

Mother is the source, but factors modify this original energy.  You as co-creator are in control of all aspects of energy.  Your awareness of this ability to control your energy meter allows an upstepping as well as discharge of energy.

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