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NID1054- Correcting Time Progress.

2020-05-24. Correcting Time Progress.


No Idaho #1054


Topic: Correcting Time Progress
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Serena
TR: CathyM




Serena.  I am pleased to bring you news of the Correcting Time.  Progress is phenomenal and we are encouraged that an awakening is truly in progress. The entire world is becoming aware.  As the systems around the world are paused to control a virus, the individuals are more open to spirit.  Spirit is indeed increasing and connecting with people throughout the world.  We see progress on all levels of activity.  In the near future of your time, a definite shift will be possible for the majority of mortals on this world.  We are facilitating as allowed.  Please continue to work on the Peace and Harmony Project to create a connection point to radiate this energy to all around you,

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