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NID682- Fatherhood and Family

2011-06-19-Fatherhood and Family

No Idaho #682


1Topic: Fatherhood and Family
2Group: N. Idaho TeaM
1Teacher: Michael, Charles, LIGHT
2TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.
2.1Fatherhood, Parenting


Topic: Fatherhood and Family

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Charles, LIGHT

TR: Mark Rogers, Henry Z.



Prayer: Divine Father, Divine Parent, today here in our culture at this time as you are aware, we celebrate the increased awareness of our fathers, those who have come before us, our fathers and their fathers and the many fathers in line and in this way we also think of You, our Divine Father who is responsible for our very lives, our very creation and all that we have to enjoy and experience as part of this life that You have made possible for us. We are so very deeply grateful for this relationship, for this cause and effect, for this life that we lead that was your idea, that was your intention, that You chose to make real at this time for us. And now, we would ask your help as we grow as your children, to become more like You, to resemble You more and more each and every day as we attempt to do that which we think You would do to the best of our capacity. You are our hero, You are our Parent and we have an enormous affection for You because You have such an enormous affection for us. Let us come close together at this time and let us remain linked forever together, close as we are able to embrace. Let it be so now and always as we go through our lives, remembering to include You in our gratitude, in our expression of ourselves, and who we are in relationship to You. Let it be so now and always. Let our affection for You ring out not only on this day but always, as your affection for us is so profound. Thank you.


Fatherhood, Parenting

Michael: [Mark] Greetings my dear family. What a joy it is to be welcomed with such a tribute. It pleases me to strengthen the bonds between us at any and every opportunity that I foresee and so it is my pleasure to swoop in and be as one among you once again by virtue of your loving invitation. Any good father has a profound degree of affection for his offspring. They represent the culmination of his intention made manifest, that is his desire to spread himself out to be experienced by others. The experience of being a father brings to one this expression of [being] self fragmented out and also this unique relationship which is so cherished between the parent and the child.

Any parent knows that their children, their offspring, are not identical copies of themselves, rather they are unique individuals in all of time and space, a unique combination of traits, characteristics, possibilities, and potentials. This brings even greater joy to the parent/child relationship as the parent watches the individual child reach maximum expression of their unique identity in the process of growth and evolution. There is a key sense within the parent of wanting to foster this growth and to promote this expression of the individual and this is the basis of the parental relationship and the support that the parent provides the developing child.


Along the way in this relationship, the adult may encounter many false steps or many misjudgments, many erroneous choices and unfortunate circumstances that befall in the course of the development of this eternal potential; but a wise and good parent sees all this with the greater perspective of maturity, of wisdom, and understanding and this perspective provides for the overarching awareness that these temporary missteps or lapses in judgments or unfortunate circumstances are merely tiny blips on the experience of the developing individual.

They are transient, they are normal, they are natural, they are to be expected. This does not mean that they are irrelevant in any way for they are responsible for providing this experiential base so vital and critical to the developing individual but they are also only small pieces of this overall experience, tiny aspects of this foundation of awareness. No single stone may be critical to the foundation of this eternal dwelling yet all stones come together to be critical to the foundation, each one having its distinct purpose and relevance in the overall context.

This is the wisdom of the parent, as the child endures these steps one by one they are so big and overwhelming sometimes to the child who has such a small base of experience but the good parent is always there to comfort the child with the assurance that all such encounters of experience are merely another stone in the foundation and as such, none are over important or under important, merely another step, another stone to be added, another piece to be brought into the whole.


This analogy goes for all of you as maturing spiritual beings as well. I come to you today in an attempt once again to bring my assurance, bring a little more of my perspective to your day by day, hour by hour journey of experience and you by this process of trusting me as your parent, you have accepted these truths that I bring that you are my child in whom I am deeply concerned and that I have a plan for you which provides for your every need as a good parent would and that I have a commitment to you to be with you throughout, as any good parent would, and that all that we traverse in this preliminary experience of the mortal realm is but a stepping stone, a means to a greater end.

You have grown to trust me and to believe in my words that this is so, to exercise your faith in this belief so that you will witness you are freed from so many of the fearful and uncertain encounters around you by virtue of believing in who you are in your relationship to me and who I am and believing in that which I have told you, that you are safe, you are even well and that all this is a certain reality. Even in the face of obstacles that arise before you, you still maintain this certainty, this conviction of purpose because we share this relationship of parent and child. It is extremely gratifying when the child looks to the parent with such trust and faith and belief so that the parent can truly be an effective guide. And so you have entrusted me with your faith. You look to me for the truth and you receive it when I so willingly offer it. Truly this is the best of the family relationship, this desire of the parent to provide, and the reciprocal trust of the child to receive.

Thank you my children for being such good and faithful children and providing for me such fulfillment of our relationship. It is so, so be it. I look forward, as you do my dear ones, to our closer and closer relationship as we grow to be mature individuals, side by side. No longer will you be so dependent on my role as parent; more so we will develop another relationship of friend, much as occurs when the child grows to be an adult, side by side with the adult parent and the relationship is changed and modified to be one of mutual respect in the experience of being similar beings. And so it will be. For now I will cherish this aspect of our relationship where you look to me as the child and I reach to you as the parent. Let us take this in and be in gratitude for where we find ourselves at this time. Let it be so. My love I leave with you always, my presence is always available to you and my peace always surrounds you. Good day my dear ones.

Charles: [Henry] Greetings my friends, it is good to be here today, a part of the larger family relationship, I from the spirit end of it, here to co-mingle with this circle of human and spirit family. The great task at hand in the human part of the family is the relationship between members of the family. Not all people realize they are part of a larger family. The family concept allows for the loving parents teaching and taking care of the loving children and the loving children in relationship with each other, solving their problems, moving ahead, taking care of the tasks at hand.

It is no great wisdom of the universe, this family concept. It is sort of an actuality, it is something that works and can work real well. This is why the family relationship is referred to in spiritual terms, the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. It is somewhat perplexing from a spiritual standpoint, to understand why humans cannot make the transition from the immediate small family to the large family, the community of families working together, functioning correctly. So many variables come into play.

Those of you that do understand this, understand the need to be in continual relationship with the greater and the Divine Parent, to be in relationship with that which is. The Father is constantly giving of Himself to His children in hopes that the children in giving to each other will return all of this [which] we are experiencing to the Father. It is a reciprocal situation. The tasks at hand are tremendously overwhelming on a human level. Humans are caught up with many different things, a lot of which gravitate away from the Father. This is why it is so important to constantly reconnect and be in relationship with the Father, not that you have all of the answers and life will become easier, but that within your own relationship a secure trust and faith develop and this trust and faith begins to be transferred to others in the family.

The Father just intends love for His children. In all of the complexities of life, the Father intends love, happiness. It is the thing which untangles the knots. There is a tedious task to humanness and in the days that are upon you now, the task is tremendous. To be in relationship, to hold forth with trust and faith and to know that what you are doing is bringing spiritual awareness into a greater reality within the human context. [It] is a tremendous time to be here because defining your spirituality is defining it in human terms. It is not something which is automatic, it is something arrived through doubt, through searching, through conflict, through need and want.


The spiritual elements in spiritual relationships contain the tools for human development, human relationships. To grow into this greater understanding is the immediate task at hand. Much of what you need, you already have. What needs to be strengthened is the will and desire to pursue these tasks, these tasks of spiritualizing your life, of securing your relationship with your Divine Parents. In all of these aspects you are tremendously aided by the spiritual universe. Go forth from this glorious day and know that you are one with us, as all of you are one with us. In the Father’s eye, we all see you as perfect and great. I take my leave this morning, I am Charles. Thank you for allowing me these few words.

Light: [Mark] Hello to all, I am Light. I am indulging in the opportunity of joining you today. In all this talk of parents it is my great desire to make my presence known and my gratitude felt for the experience of having been created, having been brought into existence through this process of intention and action. On behalf of Fathers Divine and fathers mortal I express my gratitude for the role they play in bringing to me such an opportunity as I now enjoy, this opportunity of having been created and launched out into the experiential realm is a great gift and one that only a parent can initiate and bestow. And so it is with great affection and recognition that I honor the parents involved in the creation of their intention.

Like you, I am grateful for having been created and it is my desire to grow in perfection as it is yours. It is my desire to be a good child as it is yours. It is my desire to one day grow up to be a worthy adult in the realm just as it is yours and we owe all this to the intention and application of fathers and mothers, so it is good to acknowledge this and be in awareness of this act of grace, this act of creative prerogative and as well the enduring relationship which exists as a result. So I join you this day in being glad for the role that fathers play in the grand scheme and as individuals within our immediate family and in the greater context. It is a pleasure to join you in this attitude of gratitude on this occasion. Thank you for allowing me to join in in this petition, farewell.

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