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NID683- Transition of Death

2011-06-26-Transition of Death

No Idaho #683


1Topic: Transition of Death by a Beloved Friend
2Group: N. Idaho TeaM
1Teacher: Michael, Unknown, Charles
2TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Henry Z.
2.1Transition, Death
2.2Communication, Portal


Topic: Transition of Death by a Beloved Friend

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Michael, Unknown, Charles

TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Henry Z.



Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, many times we ask you to come and be with us in our joy and in our love as we commune and share together, and there are times that we ask you to come and be with us in our pain and so we trust and know that you are with us in all the phases to be with us as we rejoice and to be there to comfort us. So it is we request you be with us now. Of course we know you are always with us through all and that in itself is great comfort. Thank you for being here with us to help steady us as we take the steps and move forward.


Transition, Death

CHRIST MICHAEL: [Mark] Good morning my dear ones, I hope you do truly register in your hearts that we are always with you because it is so. We rejoice at times like this where we can utilize another form to come together in this way, but we are truly always there with you, bearing with you the burdens of life and the joys as you encounter them. I say good morning to you this morning because I hope to instill in you that each day is a new beginning of course, and in the case of one dear comrade who undergoes a transition, I assure you there are good days and good mornings to be had. Truly, the burden of this transition is borne by the ones who stand to the side and observe because there is this great sense of emptiness or loss that creates rather a vacuum for some time but I assure you, this vacuum too will be filled, this sorrow at loss in your individual experiences will be overcome and shall pass.

Each day passes into a new day and with each new day there is new opportunity for peace and grace to prevail, and so it is as you are encountering the mortal experience of passing from that which you are so familiar with and know so well into a day of uncertainty and transformation yourself. Each one must reconcile within themselves this new reality that exists, where one day there existed someone, a friend, and the next day they were not. Such is the contrast provided on the mortal plane. Such is the faith required to understand such contrast. Such is the opportunity for the exercising of your faith to be fully aware and understanding of this event, is the opportunity for you to exercise your spiritual awareness.

You all know I have your dear comrade as I will receive each of you and so you should fear not for his safety, for his journey, for his experience. It is only up to you each one to come to terms and bring to bear your spiritual awareness in the equation to help you reconcile this and embrace it as merely another aspect of your mortal experience. All this of course does not negate the normal and natural experience of loss and recognition of the value of each individual in your experience but it does provide you to summon the strength and the wisdom to put some perspective into this event and realize that each one will come to this point and each one will undergo this experience, everyone, and it is not until you are received on the other side and awake into the new reality that you will fully appreciate the magnificence of this event of transformation. It is truly a liberating experience and one that cannot be appreciated until it is experienced individually and personally.

So today I come to be with you in joy, even amongst the existing sadness because I assure you that there is great celebration on high. There is magnificent expansion of experience to be celebrated and as if in divine demonstration, so too are your experiences being expanded. All things are turned to the good and so it is even now with your enhanced appreciation of your comrade; your heartfelt devotion and dedication are heightened and experienced in a way they never have been before. It is only in the lack of understanding that one is troubled by such an event, the lack of awareness of the truth of the event, the entire scope of the event, but that is what this world is full of, lack of awareness, lack of understanding as to how it all works, and here is yet another opportunity for you to discover this and to grow in so doing.

I bring you my peace this morning and my comfort and my assurance that all is well, that this temporal pain and sadness you may encounter will give way to a greater awareness of this process. Let us take this opportunity together to expand the awareness. Let us approach this event with a willingness to be expanded and let us turn all things to the good. We shall do this together. I assure you I will be with you throughout. I hope my words can bring you some peace as you make your way through this maze of opportunity. I am here with you and shall remain by your side. Let it be so. Thank you. Be at peace now.

Communication, Portal

Unknown Source: [Cathy] We appreciate your desire to contact your lost friend. The portal has its uses. If you intend this use and the Father wills it, it will be so. Continue building the portal and increase your vibration level. If the factors are favorable it is not prohibited.


CHARLES: [Henry] Greetings my friends. It is good to be in this circle of friendship this morning, to share in the human reflections of life and its many attributes. Life is a functioning of the divine outworking. Life is a gift. On one level life is nothing more than an electrochemical phenomenon, on another level it is combined with mind. Mind accounts for the meaning of life, its quality, its activity, its determination, its desire, and its will. Mind ensures that life will dedicate itself to the furthering of life, to the furthering of the divine will in life.

Yes, it is important to stop the mental activity and just to focus on the breath of life, the breath which sustains all life, the rhythm of cycles, the movement of fluids and the transfer of thought in the mind, the transfer of the idea, the divine inspiration within the adjutant chords in the mind striking out the eternal harmony of Havona into the meter of life’s time. The combination of mind and life is a true divine expression of love. The repetitive cycle of life ensures that on the worlds of nativity, the worlds of origin, that the meaning of this life culminates in its eventual translation to further continue life in a different space in a different form serving the same will and desire of our Heavenly Father.

What can be said of life can be said of divine will, that it continues to exist to express something greater, an awareness, a simple awareness, simple but an awareness which apparently constrains life, the awareness that all life is related, that all life is to be loved, all life honors the Father. Not all will necessarily honors the Father, the wisdom of the gods in allowing creatures free will choice is certainly a risky decision but a decision in which greatness can be expressed also. The wisdom of the gods deem it correctly so and one day all life will rejoice in the awareness and love of the divine.


Life is precious my friends. Learn to take time to stretch the moment. Learn your lessons well for one day, ready or not, it will be time to move forward into a new life. So give expression this day to the wonderment and the glory of life as it is on your world. It is vigorous and vital, it is beautiful and loving, its breath is full of desire and its goal is a divine will. My peace I leave with you today along with my thoughts. Know that you are all embraced in love. Thank you and good day.

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