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NID717- Struggles of the Part & Whole

2012-03-04-Struggles of the Part & Whole

No Idaho #717


1Topic: Struggle of the Part and Whole
2Group: N. Idaho TeaM
1Teacher: LIGHT, Michael, Unknown
2TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.
1.2Progress, Perfection


Topic: Struggle of the Part and Whole

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: LIGHT, Michael, Unknown

TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.




Light: [Cathy] I am pleased to join the discussion about the uses of light for healing. I was brought into existence as a seed of light and have indeed blossomed into a being of intensity through both training and experience. My hope is that you will join with me in increasing your capacity for healing on this world both in physical aspects of bodily healing and in the repair of broken areas of social and group dynamics. I am always available to enhance light, to focus into areas of darkness. I am your ally in all efforts to focus light on this world. You have grown in the capacity to recognize and focus your own light. I will add to you extra capacity as requested. Opportunities surround each of you and I am with you always.

Michael: [Henry] Greetings to you my friends, this is Michael. My life and teachings have not been tremendously popular on Urantia. It has become such that one must find perfection [within] themselves. One must be able to see within your own life what it is that you have to do to move forward. Many are not interested how someone else has done it correctly, they are only interested in how they themselves can do it correctly, and I honor them. This is natures way, this is the plight of the human mind, to at first trust that which it is familiar with and then slowly, incrementally, to take in one thing at a time that it has a problem with and get used to it.

Progress, Perfection

It is like loving others; it was no problem for me to love others, love was my nature, it is my nature; but for many, love is not their nature. This is something that must be reasoned in the mind and there must be a reason to love another, according to the human mind. This is why there is tremendous emphasis on the spiritualized mind, the mind that has opened itself to a process of evolving thought form into action, into mimicking universe directives, into seeing that in the end a perfect human life is a human life of love.

It is one thing to backtrack and feel guilty about all the things that are incorrect in your lives but spirit does not view a human life as such. Spirit truly sees the goodness in each of you, it is you who must learn to see the goodness within yourself instead of focusing on the things which have not been so good. This was very true of the individuals that were left on the planet who experienced my life and teachings while I was here on the earth. They were at a tremendous loss because I was not there to guide them. Even though I was there in spirit, they clamored for the physical presence, they were downhearted, downcast, and at a loss.

Persecution was at an all time high. People had to hide in secrecy to meet. It was not my intention to set up what has become known as the Christian Church; these were human intentions, these were necessary bridges that humans needed to bridge the gap between the actuality of their lives and the perfection they sought within. The evolutionary worlds were created for human struggle for it is through human struggle that the values, ideals, and goals of humanity are defined. They are not defined in their complete sense at first; one part at a time, each step of the way must be defined, for as a human evolutionary struggle, there exists a tremendous possibility for error which results in the awareness of what needs to be corrected.

This is the part of imperfection seeking to become perfect. There are constant adjustments which must be made. The evolutionary struggle is no different than the individual struggle. In this sense, the part is the whole and the whole is the part. No one of you is without struggle. The ability to have less struggle in your life results from a deep personal commitment to understanding who you truly are and to beam the light which shines within for all to see. Besides the universe protocol of my universe sovereignty which had to do with my living the life in the flesh, I came here completely on my own accord, willingly accepted to live a human life perfectly as God would. As God is in me, I Am in Him; as He is in you, you are to be with each other. Thank you.

Unknown: [Cathy] Leverage your knowledge to enhance your experience of spiritual living.

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