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NID722- Senses-Inner Life Growth

2012-04-08-Senses-Inner Life Growth

No Idaho #722


1Topic: Senses
2Group: N. Idaho TeaM
1Teacher: Charles, LIGHT, Unknown, Michael
2TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Henry Z.
2.1Senses, Spirit
2.2Inner Life, Time
2.5Life, Love
2.6Timing, Growth


Topic: Easter Morning

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Charles, LIGHT, Unknown, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Henry Z.



Prayer: [Mark] I am prompted to ask that everyone center on our Merkaba, our focus, our portal, and make another contribution of your intention that it be so, that it be strengthened and established by our act of will and that we may grow in greater association to this energy form even as we are parts of this energy form. Thank you my friends for participating in this. Every time we do it it is a rebirth, a regeneration, much as the whole Easter celebration is a rebirth, a regeneration, as an act of faith and love and intention. Let it be so.

CHARLES: [Mark] Good morning my friends and happy Easter morning, I am Charles. I feel free to come and join you this morning as my name has been invoked on several occasions during your conversation, prompting me to listen in and see if there was not some opportunity I might be of service this morning. In registering your conversation I am made more fully aware of the earthly mortal paradigm that you exist in. Frankly, from my perspective, it is easy to not take into account the magnitude of the isolation that you feel on your world, that is the isolation from spiritual connection because all of your spiritual connections that you enjoy is brought to you by virtue of your personal desire, intention, and motivation to have it be part of your life experience, otherwise it is completely an optional or recessive part of the human experience.


Senses, Spirit

As you know, one can live a whole life on your world never having ventured into the realm or arena of spirit, merely forsaking that choice in favor of the more materially obvious portion of your experience. As a material being you are in the soup of materialism and must act and react with all the other material influences you experience around you. These are so dominating of the mortal senses that one tends to get caught up in all these mortal sensory experiences. This is completely normal and natural of course and part of your evolution because in a state such as this it truly is the next step or the final frontier as you would view it, to go beyond all these mortal and temporal experiences and to seek for spiritual truth and spiritual presence which transcend and go beyond the limitations of the mortal encounter.

When you act in spirit and when you function using your faith and you experience the dimension of spirit beyond the physical and mortal components, it is a great challenge of faith to embrace this aspect of your individual experience as real and genuine and important and as having any sort of significant impact on the other aspect of your being, all that you are and all that surrounds you as a mortal of the realm. It is oftentimes observable that mortals in your position seek for physical signs to verify their spiritual experiences, to seek for confirmation in the material and real world of that which is in the non-material and spiritual world.

Mortals crave to know that others know of and respond to what brings them peace and gratitude and enriches their experience in the spiritual realm. This is one of the great functions that churches serve for their members; they get together as an expression of similar individuals who wish to share the experience of the spiritual expression with others who are sharing this experience. This group brings you all confirmation and reassurance that you seek when to each other you are counsel and support and understanding fellows who share these similar experiences albeit the individual experiences will never be identical. They may be similar to various degrees to the experiences of others but spiritual experience is a personal and an internal thing.

Inner Life, Time

I bring this up to gently encourage you that while you are engaged in spiritual pursuits while still a mortal of the realm, do not overburden yourself by looking for tangible evidence of your spiritual efforts. These reassurances and fellowship are available to you within, that is where the comfort of being in spirit are attained. That is where the assurance of having acted in faith is constituted and that is where it is needful to go when all things earthly seem to fail you in providing significant evidence that things spiritual are indeed manifesting themselves on your planet and in your lives and in your worlds of experience.

Sure, it would be wonderful to see great effects immediately upon the implementation of new ideas and greater ideals but all this as a matter of course takes time. Time is part of the equation of change, growth, evolution, and increased awareness. It is not possible to fit a quart into a pint container. It is required that one enlarge the container before being able to contain the quart. That is the point we find ourselves right now, this wave of increased awareness and growth and change that is upon us is all about increasing the size of the container, the capacity to contain the greater truths. So, we must anticipate in the mortal process that time is required as part of the equation and thus great patience is required as well, particularly from those who have early on expanded their capacities and increased their awareness and now look around them and wait in earnest for others to become on the same page with them, to join with them as some of the ‘hundredth monkeys.’


I pray [to] the Divine Parents that all of you who have done your spiritual homework and who have gathered to yourselves this greater awareness, that you all be endowed with greater patience. As well as part of your composition it will be needful for you to wait for your brothers and sisters. Likewise, there will be great service opportunities arise as many are awakened to the truths that you have been privileged to gather and they will be in need of those flagstones, those signposts posted along the route pointing in the right direction. This may be the privilege you get to hold as we wait for the tribe to gather as an indicator, as a signpost saying over here is a lighthouse saying I am a fixed point to be reckoned with. Such is the opportunity for those who stand in readiness at this point and whose desire it is continuing and evermore to be of service.

I count myself among you and I am most pleased to be assigned to work with you as such a transition transpires before us. So be it, let us work together and let us be strong as individuals standing in our truth and being certain with our conviction of faith even in the absence of public testimony let us be sure and certain and stand on the rock of our conviction. Thank you for hearing my words this morning, I bid you all farewell.


Light: [Cathy] I am so pleased by the discussion of light and the relation to each cell of the planet. I am honored to be a creation of the use of light and the intention of love. It is true that light flows both directions, inwardly to the cellular structure and outward to be focused and intensified for creative purposes. It is a wonderful tribute to the properties of light that you continue to explore the use and reception of these waves. Light is indeed in the process of transforming all on the planet.

Life, Love

UNKNOWN: [Henry] Greetings to you this morning. So you learned today that the mystery of life is not really a mystery. It is well thought out, it is well designed, that every minute particle created in the universe has a purpose, that the interaction of all these minute particles constitute the complex reality of life. Yet, the intelligence designed life with an antidote, that no matter what happens in life there is an element that can circumvent any aspect of life and that antidote is love. Love can take on the nature of any particle in the universe that may be needed at that moment. Love has the ability to cut through all of the red tape of life and all of the electro-chemical negotiations which are constantly producing life. Its nature is such that in a moment it can change the quality of life, the awareness in that moment, it can change the condition and situation of the moment.

So the intelligent design of life is such that it works without your even being conscious of its operation. Life for you is automatic; you automatically breathe, your heart automatically pumps blood, your cells are automatically processing chemicals, you automatically take in light, you take in water, you take in thoughts, you take in nutrients. What is processed and regurgitated, what is given back in life? This is the individuals choice, to determine what life is, to understand its nature and its needs, to come to an awareness of a greater dimension of life, the spiritual dimension of life, the unseen dimension of intelligence and the curative nature of love on a world such as yours.

This morning in going through the myriad ideas which have been discussed and thrown about, we see that in human life, humans have a tremendous responsibility to make decisions and live out life by making their own choices or going along with the choice that someone else has made for you, whichever comes first. I am not sure that humans totally have come to a place to understand that life is not created by destroying it, that life and its qualities are created with intelligence, with thinking things out, with working through things, working through the tough parts of life. All the while you have the ability to reach within and draw love from your heart and your soul and in a moments notice have a sense of compassion for all life, a sense of meaning and purpose.

It is a tremendous play which is being staged on this world with life. The final chapter has not been written in any sense of the word. You do have a choice and in even the most difficult choices, the understanding may only reside within your heart. Thank you.

Timing, Growth

CHRIST MICHAEL: [Mark] Good morning my dear ones, it is my pleasure to join you this morning, I am Michael and as I understand you all observe my resurrection at this time of year I would have a few words to say about yours. As you are all well aware, this spring time of year brings to mind the triggering by natural causes of your environment around you to come to life after a winter of dormancy and the good gardener is well aware that this time of year brings with it great potential, that if you act in accordance with universal law and principles and in harmony with the gigantic plan and you plant your seeds and time your actions in accordance with established pattern, that you will be provided a growing season and that your efforts will meet with success if you are in harmony with the season and willing to act at the right time and have faith that such action will produce for you the fruits of your labor.

If one considers the planting of a fruit tree, one takes an even greater perspective and exercises an even greater degree of faith, that not just one growing season but several growing seasons may be required to bring a fruit tree to a sufficient state to bear fruit. This is acting on long term faith that such a cycle of life and light will return repeatedly to assist you as you continue to promote your long term vision of a tree bearing fruit over the course of natural time.

This is where you find yourselves as spiritual seedlings. You have been planted here with the knowledge and the faith that many seasons will be required to bring you to maturity, to bring you to a point where you are bearing much fruit. This has been in accordance with universal principles and as a direct result of my intention that it be so and yours as well because you have tended yourself, pruned yourself, fertilized yourself, and grown in accordance with natural law. So your very existence represents my intention and yours combined, both of us relying heavily in faith on the natural order and progression that we are blessed with.

Such is your experience at growing your spiritual component. It is necessary to plant the seed early on, it is necessary for great time periods for you to nurture the seed. It is necessary for you to act in faith that such a seedling will sprout to grow a mighty foundation of faith. But you all have come to count on this as a certainty in your lives as a direct result of your experiences that it is continually and everlastingly so in your experience. And so you continue to nurture these seedling and provide for them what may be done in their time of growth and expansion, all the while relying in faith that many seasons exist before you to fully mature your growing spiritual component.

When I had the privilege to walk on your world, I planted many seeds, I nurtured many seedlings and promoted the faith necessary for others to go out and plant seedlings as well. It was not to be given me in that life that I was to see these seedlings grow up, sprout, and grow fruit. My experience was too short and no matter how long your experience is, I assure you it will be too short for you to see many of these seedlings that you have lovingly and carefully planted, grow to fruition. Yours is not to sit back and enjoy all the fruits of your efforts in this one short life, rather your experience is to plant in faith, to act in faith each day, to act as if you fully anticipate seeing the fruits of your labor even if it is not apparent immediately before you.

To exercise enough faith that at some point in your ascension career you will certainly see the fruits of your labor and be willing to take that as your consolation as you endeavor to prune more vines and fertilize more seedlings, constantly recall that the acts are yours, but the destinies are your Father’s. Be content that you are the ones in position to act and do so with a certainty and conviction and faith that having done so, your contribution has been accepted and embraced and all that is good will survive and all that was done in service is good.

I hope to bring you peace, that while you labor in the fields in this life, yours is not to see all the fruits of your labors, rather yours is to grow your faith in the process. Let others gather the fruit, let others notice that those who have come before them have planted the vineyards and the orchards. It brings me great pleasure to join you in your conversation this morning and I hope to bring you words of encouragement and nourishment to your souls. Let these words bring you the acknowledgement and the peace that the fruits that are ripening are divine and real and that one day, as your capacity has so greatly increased, you will be able to embrace these truths as well.

Father, let it be so for these are my children in whom I am so well pleased.


CHRIST MICHAEL: [Cathy] I am with you in the celebration of this moment of my life on our planet. I was lifted from the physical body in the same manner that all of you will experience. My passage through the process was merely expedited, made faster. In the final hours of my bestowal on the planet I experienced all manner of emotion from the despair of knowing that many of the planet were closed to my message, that many of my fellows had turned from the brotherhood of the kingdom. My assurances of the power of following the Father’s will brought also great joy and peace. I was indeed able to stand and hold my truth in the face of chaos and hatred.

My children you are all called upon to stand in your truth also. As was mentioned earlier, you will need to be a point of light that can be recognized when all is in disarray. I will always be with you in this effort as you face increasing challenges. I will come to bring you strength in moments of indecision. As your Father, I am your refuge and your guide. Your Mother and I are available and eager to support you. Our love is with you always.

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