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NID837- Michael’s Birthday

2014-08-23-Michael’s Birthday
No Idaho #837


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Michael’s Birthday Celebration
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Michael, Aaron, LIGHT, Jonathan, Charles, Nebadonia
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Sheila
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Michael’s Birthday Celebration
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Aaron, LIGHT, Jonathan, Charles, Nebadonia
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris, Sheila


Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, come and join this party. Feel the love as I know you do. Accept the invitation to co-mingle with us in this process, to be with us in forming this circle of love, even now. Help us to access this circle this weekend with each other as we enjoy our creation, as we breathe in and take in all that this experience has to offer for us. Join us in this process, experience the joy with us. Thank you for the opportunity this represents. May we make the most of it, fill our cups to the full. Thank you so very much.


MICHAEL:  [Mark] Greetings to you all, I was not mentioned specifically by name in your invitation to gather with you but I know of a certainty I am in your hearts. I am He who you gather to rejoice and celebrate and I am honored and touched each time you carry this recognition of me in your hearts. Truly it is a joy to come among you and get closer to you in these exercises that we provide. What an opportunity it is when your hearts are open and receptive and this energy which you seek can so easily flow. In the end it all comes down to your willingness, your readiness to accept the flow of this energy. it is always being offered, it is always available to you. It amounts to you your position at any given time as to how much of this energy you can embrace or handle. This is part of the growing process. Each time you expand by being filled by this energy your capacities are greater, the next time you can hold more, you can wield more power, you can go with even a greater flow.

This is how constantly we are expanding your capacities, with your willingness to be filled and filled again and topped off once more. By coming back to this well you show your willingness to expand in the process, to grow in your dimensions. And so, you become more and more spiritualized in this process, able to hold more and more spirit content. This is such a joy to see. Just as it is a joy to watch the trees mature and have fruit and bear great fruit in the process, so it is to watch you each one expand and show the fruits of your spirit content. They are plainly visible to behold, even visible to be harvested and used and enjoyed for the bounty that they represent. I toast you all, I applaud you all who come here on this day to toast me. You are the children in whom I am so greatly pleased who would pursue not only me but through me to our Father. You certainly warm a parent’s heart.

And so I wanted to take the opportunity to kick things off for you today by letting you know that I have accepted your internal petitions to participate with you, to be here now, that I have heard your calls and desires to approach me and it represents my desire to make it so. So this weekend, look for my hand, look for my heart, look for my words, feel my peace, see me in each other. This love that you speak of tapping into in this circuit, this is our love, this is the Father’s love through the Son, to the sons, to the beautiful children. Join with me today in celebration of this love which binds us all. Let us be joyous and happy on such an occasion when we come together to fellowship in the recognition of this thread that binds us, in this peace that we all register in the process, in this sense of belonging as we are one family. Let us celebrate these basic principles of our existence with great joy today. I will be with you throughout. I now make way so that others may access this platform but I will be in attendance throughout. Thank you once again.

AARON:  [Sheila] A celebration of this magnitude is never one way. It is that which is within your hearts that you give that you also receive. In keeping with momentum, you serve as light beings, you serve and the purpose that was to bring balance and love at a vibration that has not been felt for a very long time. We are entertained when we hear any of you pretend not to know your value. We are entertained when you feel that things are going wrong. We are entertained when you think you stand alone. From our perspective we are able to see the ever changing and blossoming of not just you, but what you are doing for the entire planet.

We listen to your ideas of how it should be or, wouldn’t it be great if it were like this? Those ideas, those feelings are in the ether finding their way, finding a platform, finding characters for this is you creating your world that you desire so. There are so many ideas of how to bring peace. Not everyone is geared up for all of these ideas and yet this is why your individual desires are intended to be nurtured uniquely and to allow others to value their ideas of what brings peace to their world. This is much of what is going on in these days as everyone is acting out their ideas of how to make changes. It is when you focus upon your own ideas that brings strength and manifestation.

You are all uniquely qualified for bringing peace and love and higher vibrations and the little things that you do and the little ways that you reach out even in the tiniest moment of your very own peace and your very own moments of gratitude. These moments are what are effective in a very large project. To have you all circle once again as you have so beautifully done year after year, this is not just a date for all of you to gather, it is also a moment where all of us who have been with you through all these years, through all your phases, through all your choices and forks in the road, [where] we gather in this special moment to celebrate you. We so enjoy the exchange, we see your beautiful lights. I am Aaron.

LIGHT:   [Cathy] I also join you in celebration. Together we gather the power of light and reflect it into the world. Let’s play and rejoice in our opportunity.

JONATHAN:  [Mark] Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am Jonathan and I can’t help but come and be a part of such a beautiful crowd, a beautiful circle, a beautiful circuit of energy that is a part of me. I have helped to create this circuit. I have cleared brush and put up tents and folded tables and chairs for many seasons. My energy is present in this very arena, this very field that we enjoy at this moment. I have ownership just as you do in the creation of this energy field. And so, it is such a great pleasure and privilege to make my presence known once again, that I am still a contributor to this energy field just as you are, that in this regard we are very similar.

I still want to stop and reflect at this time, each cycle just as you do on the magnificence of Michael and His mission. It is great to see that the tradition continues and that all of you have been so faithful in supporting the tradition. What a wonderful opportunity it has been for all of us, truly a life changing set of events. It was just my purpose to stop by as you have all stopped by. I received an invitation and by the grace of God, the miracle was granted. I am able to respond because of this unique set of circumstances we observe here at this time.

But then again, that is one of the threads that has bound this group together, the unique set of experiences and circumstances that have always brought us close to each other. The spiritual explorations and where they have led you are the threads that bind you as well, the thread that binds us as I am also one of you in this regard. I thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to express myself in fellowship with you all. I still have such a great fondness. Consider yourselves hugged in spirit, thank you to you all.

CHARLES:  [Mark] Since there is an open mike I will access it, I am Charles. It’s my pleasure as well to join in this energy field. What a treat to join and plug into a group that is already generating such light and has such positive energy contributions to make. When any configuration like this comes into play, there is always so much potential that it is like watching a fast paced movie, to try to keep track of all the good things that are going on and keep them in perspective as they happen so rapidly and so succinctly.

What a treat it is to observe with you, the sharing of the Creator Son who so cares about you and so loves you that he would take all the “time” you could imagine to be with you. Such a love is so profound, so real, brings so much purpose to your existence that all other things seem to pale in comparison. After one finds this energy flow of love they tend to want more and more and focus less and less of their available energies on the superfluous aspects of living and concentrate more and more on finding and having more of the real stuff, the divine energy, the flow of energy from the Divine.

But you are no strangers to this. This is preaching to the choir. You all have tasted it, drank deeply of this cup. That is why you are here, returning to the well for more. So I applaud you for your intentional efforts to access this energy field that you create. Truly you are becoming spiritualized beings. It is a matter of record, it is observable phenomenon. So be it, I am grateful to our Divine Parents as you are for this gift of grace represented by your spiritual growth, your coming to fruition and bearing spiritual fruits. It is my pleasure to make my presence known in the circle as well, and I shall remain in attendance and I shall benefit much as you do by simply observing spirit in action. I adopt the saying from the beginning, let’s play. Thank you all, good day.


NEBADONIA:  [Cathy] My children, your Father and I have embrace you in celebration. We are so proud of your attempt to expand your abilities and understanding. We are most pleased to see the gathering of our beloved family and hear your laughter. Be assured that we joyfully support you as you step out into new experiences. Know that we are with you always. You only need to ask and we are here to help.

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