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NEC17 – Beginning public work; Sci-fi book

New Era Conversations #17
– Beginning public work; Sci-fi book
– Mar. 7, 2014

Teacher: Charles, Executive Assistant to the Triumvirate

The principles and concepts of social sustainability is complete
The public awakening
The destabilization of the Ukraine and other areas
The co-creative process of public presentations
A lesson in humility
The difficulty bringing up the topic of sustainability in normal conversations
Removing fuzzy thinking in politics, economics and social discussions
Becoming sustainably functional
The Urantian community
Waking up the Catholic Church
The intellectual and emotional appeal of science fiction
A question from Jim on the vignettes project
A personal project to pursue for Susan
Charles’ closing message

TR: Daniel Raphael
Moderators: Michael McCray and Susan Bryner

March 7, 2014

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Michael, Nebadonia, and the rest of the Triumvirate and their assistants. We gather together for another session in our series with you, our teachers. We look forward to your answers to our questions and we thank you sincerely for the grace you bestow upon us and all those on our planet. Thank you and amen.

The principles and concepts of social sustainability is complete

CHARLES: Good morning, this is Charles. It is good to be with you once again.

(Group greetings.)

CHARLES : hank you. It is good to be among friends, to be received, to be appreciated and recognized, as you know for yourselves. We have had an intimate conversation with our team—the teams of the Triumvirate—and we hope that you see a significant change of approach to our work. Last time you were told of a change of course, and this was necessary to develop the program along the lines that needed to evolve in correct order. As was said clearly, the fame of this project, of this work, must become firmly anchored in your culture first. What we hope will occur is that it is wholeheartedly embraced by most people. What you have not realized, or perhaps have not conceptualized fully—and it has only dawned upon this one within the last few days—that the era of developing and objectifying, or making concrete, the principles and concepts of social sustainability is complete. That is a set piece; it is done. It is not that it is over with, certainly not, but the production and the organization and development of these concepts are complete.

The public awakening

So, you have seen the completion of “A” and now we begin the initiation of “B.” This program involves the development of presentations by this one, using the materials from the manuscript to provide outlines that are suitable for each new venue that this one will come into contact with. What we want you to know is that this will be very rapid; it will be startlingly rapid to you. This is necessary because you know, as we do, that time is short and that we cannot afford the dithering about of a traditional approach to public acceptance, public awakening of a new idea. This is an idea whose time has come; this is material your societies desperately need, and which will be highly useful to them during these difficult transitional eras.

The destabilization of the Ukraine and other areas

Were these concepts of social sustainability widely known in the Middle East and in the Ukrainian area, you would find that there would be different solutions to their problems, and that these solutions would lead to greater stability. You will see a continuing destabilization, politically, economically and socially of more and more areas around the world. The area in the Ukraine came as a surprise to you, but this is the same type of surprise that you will find come about in China and its environs. This destabilization is what we have been anticipating, which we saw that would be forthcoming, and that we are preparing for. You will find that because the concepts of social sustainability will be widespread in the developed democratic nations that these nations will survive more easily with less difficulty and with better preparation for the future than other nations, which have other non-democratic forms of governance.

The co-creative process of public presentations

This relationship that we have with this one for the development of these ideas is totally co-creative. We open up new venues for his presentations and discussions, and he follows through. What we foresee is a groundswell of interest, gathering social inertia concerning these ideas with greater and greater widespread distribution of these ideas in a short period of time.

He has already begun the development of what would be, to him, a radically different approach of presenting this material to the public. This was in response to one of his friends nominating him for the T.E.D. Conference, though that will not occur. Nonetheless, his preparation for that is sufficient and necessary for the other presentations. We do hope that next year, at the T.E.D. Global Conference that he is one of the speakers there, presenting our material. This would be quite a boon to our advancement of these ideas. We must move forward with someone, and therefore this one is the most appropriate at this time, though we anticipate we will have several others who will be following in his footsteps within the coming months. Be prepared for this and strive to help those who come forward to adopt a uniform method of presenting these ideas.

This one met yesterday with the CEO of a training and leadership company. The CEO has been given a full copy of the manuscript, plus the 12 articles, though he is far too busy to read them in any detail, and that includes even the articles. He is cognizant of the magnitude of this one’s work that we have developed with him, and that these are truly grand ideas. Being a young man of age 42, he too asked the obvious question that most in that age bracket do ask, and that is, “How will you fund this?” The response was as usual, “That’s the Father’s business, not mine,” which is what this one has told him.

This one also has a meeting with a professor who is acquainted with the sustainable communities project. The professor is friendly with the concepts of social sustainability and would now like to see the validity of these materials and who fosters them and sponsors them.

I share all of this with you as a way of introducing our work, that one thing leads to another. We wish to add that we ask for your consciousness, your prayers and supports for a Pastor at a large local church. They have a congregation of between 5,000 to 7,000 people, with many groups there who would be interested in this work. This would be a very rapid means of promoting this work in the Christian Metaphysical communities around the world. They are not organized as is the Catholic Church, but nonetheless, they read each other’s publications and adventures and what is “hot,” and what is “new” for speakers, lecturers and so forth. This would be a wonderful opportunity for us and would be a good preparation for the T.E.D. Conference next year in 2015.

We have made this one aware, though without specifics, that 2015 will be what you might call a breakout year with many developments around the world. There must be a presentation of a solution at the same time as the problems and questions begin to arise. It must be made such that the fame of this is obvious to those who need long-term solutions to the social, political and economic difficulties that are surely going to befall the world in that year and following years. So, you see the necessity of rapid development of these projects in the public’s eye. We start small and proceed slowly to the point of completion, if not perfection, which is always elusive on an experimental planet as this, so that we can move more rapidly and surely when we enter the next phase. We thank you for your patience with this long introduction, this prologue; now do you have questions?

A lesson in humility

MMc: I have a slight aside, and maybe a little humorous: Charles, have you and your team been looking over my shoulder to questions that I’m preparing? It would seem that in the last few sessions that the questions that I’ve prepared seem to be answered before I get a chance to ask them. I appreciate this….

CHARLES: My friend, there is a lesson here, is there not, and it is humility. Also, be comforted with this as the sagacity of your development of questions that we would want to look over your shoulders and use them ahead of time to make a full, integrated statement. So, at the same time you are humbled by knowing that you do not get to grandstand your questions, but on the other hand, you are recognized for your wisdom and your insight through the development of those questions. You are patted on the back both ways.

MMc: Thank you. I appreciate that.

The difficulty bringing up the topic of sustainability in normal conversations

Let me take this in a slightly different direction. I’ve been thinking about social sustainability and for me, the subject does not lend itself readily to normal conversation because of its complexity. I’m hoping that you will help our audience and me to develop a view of social sustainability and its tenets and principles in a form where they might lend themselves to normal conversation and understanding by the general public. Would you like to help us with this?

CHARLES: I would be glad to. Now, my friend, you have been looking over our shoulders, looking at our questions and statements, have you not? (Laughing.)

MMc: Very good!

CHARLES: Let me answer your question, please. This is the presentation style that this one and we are working on. He, AAA and Avila are deeply invested in the process of developing these very same approaches to your ordinary citizen audiences. I am going to make several points, and I wish you to keep these in mind as you take these notes away to your own study after this session today. Can you do that?

MMc: Certainly


1) Know that the three core values are based upon the timeless nature of your species.

2) Note that these are universal to all people of your species.

In the first case, they are timeless in that they have been indigenous to your species from the very beginning of your species, approximately 40-70,000 years ago, and perhaps even more. So they are timeless in nature. This means that they were true then, they were true yesterday and they are true now, and they will remain true through the duration of this species, and even will be applied to the next variant of your species, which are now beginning to come forward, though none of you will be aware of them as you will be long gone. It is important that your audience becomes aware of this timeless nature. You could spend a whole conversation about the three core values simply on this timeless aspect of those values.

When you couple that with their universality, it means that everyone—all people, of all nations, of all races, all ethnic groups, all cultures, both genders, and those transient genders, and applied to children, adolescents, young adults, adults and the elderly—it applies to everyone; it overlays all religious, political, socio-economic and other belief systems that exist in your species and your cultures.

The 3rd point—and it is based upon those first two points—is that all derived and developed concepts and principles from that are equally universal to all people and are timeless in nature. As long as all principles and corollaries are developed and true, proven and validated by the three core values, then they are also inherently valid and timeless. These all form very similarly to the laws of Euclidian physics and geometry. If this is true, then this is true, and this is true, and so you go back to the original principles to validate your new truths. This is very important: the process of investing the three core values in all other social, political and economic dynamics is essential to the development of social sustainability in all cultures.

The synergism of local design teams is such that someone will eventually come to these truths as well, though we will make them plain long before that. And so, they will see the benefit of developing new social dynamic processes for the society, for democratic politics and for economics that is applicable to all nations. Someone will also, in the near future, have a great “ah-ha” in that these principles bind, unite and remove separation from all humanity in those nations which support these principles. Your Urantia Book people eventually will come out of their dither, their cloud, their closet and their fog to realize that this truly represents the principles of the brotherhood of all humanity, that they have one brotherhood/sisterhood under the Fatherhood of all people. Do you see these connections?

MMc: Yes, I do.

CHARLES: And so, when these “ah-has” begin to go off in the minds of people, they will become avid adherents and devotees to this work; then you will see tremendous growth of these ideas, which are so simple and so easy to apply and develop. We must, in these early days, form a solid foundation for what comes ahead. If there is any fallibility in these concepts, either in principle or as they are in context within this manuscript, then all that follows will be fallible as well. We have taken many decades to develop these ideas slowly but thoroughly, so that what comes forward also is infallible. It is essential that these concepts come forward this way. Now, do you think you have enough to talk about to your early beginning discussions?

MMc: I want to make a point that you’ve made, but I want to make sure that it is understood. These derivatives, these offshoots of the original are valid if they can be validated by the original three core values?

CHARLES: That is correct.

MMc: Otherwise, to just say that they are valid is not enough; they have to be validated by the original three core values?

CHARLES: Yes. That would be included in the Team’s Statement of Findings. Just as you learn in simple geometry class in high school that you take the first laws—for instance, the sum of all the angles of a triangle amounts to 180 degrees—so from that law, that truth, then all other corollaries and propositions that develop from that are valid, and there must be a description of validation process as you did in high school geometry and in trigonometry. What is your proof? You cannot just make a statement that such and such is true—even if it is correct—you have to state your proof. Perhaps the statement of findings should be amended to say, “it is the statement of findings—proof—to make it very clear to readers that what follows is dependent upon the original three truths of the core values.

MMc: This takes a lot of the subjective out of the equation, doesn’t it? This is a very objective situation. If we want to go in one direction and we post that direction, it has to be validated by the three core values to be a direction that will lead us to where we want to go.

Removing fuzzy thinking in politics, economics and social discussions

CHARLES: Exactly. You are beginning to see how the process that we have outlined through the Schematic for Social Sustainability also leads to these proofs. This is a multi-sided method of removing fuzzy thinking from political, economic and social discussions. When you take the three core values and you then state your beliefs, you must validate your beliefs by the three core values and then any differences between yourself and other fellow members of your team; then that process exposes their assumptions about those beliefs, and these assumptions then must be exposed thoroughly and then proven (validated) as authentic or not. Some assumptions will be found to be true, but many assumptions will be found to be false. And it is from the falsehood of your social existence that bigotry develops, prejudice and violence against ethnic groups, different gender groups and so on—even against females by males, and vice versa in some cultures.

Becoming sustainably functional

This whole process does not necessarily lead to sanity in your society, but lead to clear thinking. Now, when you couple that, my dear friend, with the art of inquiry you begin to add some very succinct questions, and questions that lead to clarity. And then when you have that backed up with the three core values to validate those insights, then you have great, great clarity and you can then begin designing your societies, the social organizations, processes and institutions so that they become sustainably functional. You now live in a highly dysfunctional society, organizationally, in your cultures, in your beliefs and even your values.

You can see how this will create a huge transnational, trans-racial, ethnic and cultural change throughout your world. This is no small project. The course of this will not be completed for almost 200 years. You are at the very nub of this, and each one of you is making a tremendously vital and important contribution to this work. We would like to draw a metaphor, an analogy: imagine a large circus tent. The circus tent is hauled from one site to another in a very large truck and unloaded onto the ground. Then it is unfolded, and as they unfold it, the outside rings that hold it down to the ground, and also that form the roof, become visible. The first thing that happens is that the workers come along and drive large steel stakes into the ground with sledgehammers at those points of anchoring. You, my friends, are the “sledge hammer” people, who swing the sledge hammers to put those pins in the ground of your culture for this new work.

You are the strong and sweaty workers swinging your twelve-pound sledge hammers in unison with each other to drive those stakes into the ground. It is our hope that all of you would swing in unison, so that three people can drive a post into the ground very rapidly. Our process now is to raise the tent. We are in the process of putting the center poles underneath the tent and raising them into place. Then everyone can see our edifice, our tent, even on the horizon from a long way away; this is what people will see and will be attracted to and will come to investigate. This is a poor analogy but I think you get the point of your importance of the work that you are doing now. Yes, there are only four of you, though there are others outside who are listening and watching, who wish to participate, but for now, it is you four, who are anchoring in the pins for this large edifice that people will see from a long ways away for a long time.

MMc: Very good. All of this is predicated on the acceptance of the three core values by the general public. It can’t go any further if the three core values are rejected by the public.

CHARLES: Yes, you are correct: If people do not accept these three core values as inherent and fundamental to life, as unalienable rights; to refute them and reject them is to reject life, it is to reject growth, it is to reject equality. Only individuals who have a despotic ego state of consciousness would be willing to reject these values. These values are irreducible; they do not go away for anyone. Yet, we do know that there are individuals who will make the wrong decisions, take the wrong actions, even knowing the outcomes will be harmful to them. This is a remarkable thing about your species — knowing the right course and taking different directions in spite of that. It is irrational to reject these values.

MMc: I understand that completely. These values are not values that we hold dear in the society that we live in.

CHARLES: My friend, these values undergird all those other values. Those other values you speak of could not exist were it not for these three irreducible values of sustainability and life. You can have life, but you cannot have sustainable life without these three values being operational. You can ignore these three values, you can be totally incognizant of these values and have a good life, but if you are a social leader, if you are a cultural creative, if you are one who is part of that one percent of your society, then you see that these are necessary and you see that you can use them to the advantage of yourself and for all your people, your community and others. The ninety-nine percent will not see them, my friend—you are correct in that—but for someone to actively argue against them is irrational.

MMc: I can hear that. But the 99% are not going to see that. What the 99% sees are the surface values that we have, but the material is all. What the 1% might see is that yes, these are the values that underlie our being.

CHARLES: What we are striving to do in the development of fame is to anchor in these concepts so that the full 1% of all societies begin to recognize this and take and initiate action in their own communities to begin developing these truths. It is from the 1% who act that we hope to develop into 30-40% who recognize these and value them and say these are worthwhile in pursuing. Many people believe in the truths of social sustainability but have absolutely no idea how to initiate them, and do not have the social courage to do so. That is where the 1% comes in. Those people who can recognize these truths do not have to be the leaders; they need to be conscientious, competent followers, who follow through and make contributions within the venues that the 1% establishes. Do you understand?

MMc: I understand. The thing that we are trying to do here, I believe, is to inform the 1% that form our audience of the importance of these three values, to not only our past, but also our future.

CHARLES: Yes, you are exactly correct. It is all about the future. What we are striving to do in opening venues to this one to present these ideas is to attract that 1%. When we present these ideas in venues, which are full of one percenters in non-traditional churches and in universities. Within some churches it is not 1%, but is approximately 15% of those people are cultural creatives; they are natural leaders in their societies, their families, their communities, their neighborhoods—perhaps even the county and the state. And so, we are opening up venues where this one can present these ideas to a higher percentage of getting what you would call, “social traction” earlier, sooner, more quickly and more effectively. This one asked us yesterday if he should go forward and solicit an invitation to another specific venue, and we told him, “No, this would not be worthwhile, it would not engage those we wish to address.” We are being very selective and we are being very aggressive, assertive, to promote these ideas in venues where we can gain traction in those populations.

MMc: I should state that I am not trying to argue with you.

CHARLES: Yes, I was about to say that let us not argue about things that we agree on.

MMc: What I am trying to point out is that our views are not necessarily the same as the general public.

CHARLES: Yes, we are aware of that.

MMc: And our audience will meet the general public in trying to discuss these things, so discussing them with you at this juncture, or in this forum, I hope will help that audience to discuss them with their peers.

The Urantian community

CHARLES: What we have discussed with you earlier is the crossover between this work and the Urantia Book movement. This is another reason why these materials have been developed to be totally, completely secular, and that these can now be accepted by the Urantian Book population without prejudice against the Magisterial Mission, the Teaching Mission or channeling. Those individuals who are able to examine this material will find that it does not violate any aspect whatsoever of the Urantia Book, but in fact fulfills a great deal of it, particularly in the fourth part of Jesus’ life and in the last 10 papers of that book, where it speaks about the future of this world and the burgeoning age of enlightenment, spiritually.

Though there was a time to promote channeling and such as a means of broadening programs as we have done through this one, there are more minds to attend to in greater audiences with these new ideas and concepts. Now we must close down the importance of channeling to the general population and reserve that for a few who are charismatic enough and mystical enough to engage contact with spirit directly. These are the 1/10 of 1% who will lead your world into the ages of light and life.

When these ideas of social sustainability get past the inherent prejudice of the fundamentalists in the Urantia movement, there will be a great excitement about these concepts that they can take up the cause and see that this world is surely on the cusp of a new era, that the Christian Church is beginning to awaken. The Urantia Book is recognized by many intellectuals and cultural leaders throughout your world. This could become a movement to seed these ideas in those associated individuals and groups who are readers of the book, but who are deeply invested in their own organizations.

Waking up the Catholic Church

This is why, as well, that we are so deeply involved in striving to invest these concepts in the Catholic Church. What better organization to do this than a globally integrated communicative community of Christians throughout the world who have a hierarchy, have an organization and who now have a message and a mission to fulfill? It is important that the Catholic Church wake up, and that it realize that the troubles it has can be abridged by a new social action project. Once it took the evangelistic approach of bringing the message of Jesus to new nations and new peoples, now it has a social action project that it can support to help fulfill the good of all people and still carry the message of the Church forward to those individuals.

It is not enough for a church to solely exist as a voice of Jesus’ message; it must also be its “doers.” It must cast its nets to feed others, and so they feed themselves. Social action that supports social sustainability is one of the highest missions and worthwhile projects that an individual and an organization—and particularly a global organization—can accept and take on. It is a means of showing compassion for the lives of individuals socially, politically and economically while feeding them spiritually through their religious organization. The synergism is tremendous once people begin to see this in their religious organizations. We speak first of Catholics because they have the greatest audience. Two billion people by becoming aware of social sustainability can have a tremendous impact upon your world. It would begin a cultural change that would have immediate results.

Our message of social sustainability is also cast towards those Fundamentalist Christians who can see this as worthwhile; it is in keeping with the heart and mind and soul of all humans, individually and as a race of people on this experimental planet. This work is a worthwhile mission for any group, whether it is the Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary or any women’s group. It is something that can be applied everywhere. So, now, the message must go out through this very small pipeline that we have developed, but will which soon broaden and broaden more and more. I apologize for dominating the conversation and discussion, but you must come to a thorough understanding of what we are doing, why we are doing it and how we are doing it that you could also take up and apply in your own life as you asked the question earlier.

MMc: Thank you. Susan, do you have any questions at this time?

The intellectual and emotional appeal of science fiction

Susan: I do have a question. Charles, you had spoken earlier that you or the team can not afford to “dither about,” waiting for public acceptance and yet that was where my mind was going this past month, regarding sustainability and the topic. To the majority of people it is still an intellectual one and in its current form is probably seen by many as just futuristic material that makes fascinating reading to a few, and then, as you said, even fewer feel a connection and a need to engage it beyond the intellectual. For the vast majority of people, even if you laid out the material to them, they probably would not get past the first few pages of reading it because they have no interest or no emotional connection or need at this time. Of course, we know that [if] they were living it, feeling it, feeling its need and consequences on a daily basis that would be different.

I guess I was wondering about the potential for greater success in engaging the topic in the materials. If we were able to ignite interest without a crisis, part of my question is, is there enough time to even do something different? For example: Would the potential for success in getting these materials and these ideas out amongst more people be enhanced if we were able to create an emotional connection with a broader audience?

Our culture makes emotional connections through heroes and stories, novels and movies. I am thinking in particular of the immediate and widespread fame of some of the past and current sci-fi fantasy genre, and books and movies. Some of the recent ones have been “The Hunger Games,” and now a new movie that is coming out called “Divergent.” They were very popular novels, that were written simply and for a young-adult audience, and yet they had mass appeal. They are typically about a dystopian future that has heroes and re-emerging values, amidst conflict and trauma.

It seems that in order to get this material in front of the 1%, the cultural creatives in our population, we would need to get it out amongst a mass audience. Would it be useful for us at this point to try and engage an author of fiction or a scriptwriter to work with us in this direction?

CHARLES: Yes, overwhelmingly yes! This is a venue that has immense potential. Of course, any novel, any story needs a tension that comes through the development of the plot. It would perhaps be developed as this: That you take this current time now, where everybody is complacent, thinking that the world is fine, and it moves into an era of stress—social, political and economic tension—and along comes these ideas through the hero/heroine to present these ideas and then begins to instill them in society, and then reveals the local tensions between those who promote social sustainability and those who wish to retain their power, authority and control. You could discuss this at an individual level, a family level, a neighborhood level, community level, a city, state and nation and the world level.

You could take this approach retrospectively from 100 years from now. Some child would come along and say, in that 100 years ahead, “How did it come about that we live this way? Wasn’t it different at one time?” And then, of course, the storyteller would do a flashback to Europe and to Columbus and the extensive migrations of people from Europe to the New World, and the exploration and the development of democracy in the United States and the emerging democracies in South America, and say how all these things came together and bring that story into the present time today, 2014. And then, of course, go forward into the time from 2014 to 100 years from now, to 2114.

You could have an effective story through this mechanism and it could take on the capabilities of having multi-versions, multi-editions, and multi-titles. It could also develop into a series on your public media. Yes, you are very much correct that this would make it an emotional situation that people could vicariously insert themselves into. The object of the writer would be to make the present situation, whatever time that is very real to the reader so that they could insert themselves into the story and begin to work to have solutions to problem-solving. This could be an interesting story. Every story that is worthwhile is based on fundamental values, truths and principles; without them there is very little story, it is just so much “pulp”.

We do suggest that this is possible and if you do know a good science fiction writer, we would ask you to move forward to invite them to examine these materials. In many ways, perhaps, many authors would not be interested because it seems so ordinary, but on the other hand, when you take into account the transition of a whole culture, global culture, from the present time to 100 years in the future, as it tries to march forward into social sustainability, through an era of rolling cataclysms, and through eras of significant population loss, this could make quite an exciting story for someone to tell. Thank you for your question; it is very appropriate, very timely and we appreciate the thoughts you have given to this.

Susan: So, what I’m hearing in your answer was an answer to my question of “is this too little, too late?” Again, I’m always feeling the tension of the immediate future being one of great chaos and writing takes time, and engaging the process, developing the story, getting it out takes time. So, I’m hearing you say, yes, this is still worthwhile?

CHARLES: Yes, it would be worthwhile and we would hope that the individual—you—not be so concerned about the destruction that you would stop work in moving ahead to prevent it. Procrastination through whatever reasons is not of assistance to Christ Michael at this time. I say this kindly, without being harsh, but one must not delay good projects because they do not think there is time to complete them. You are seeing in your state (California,) where there are major weather cataclysms occurring due to drought and floods. This is clearly catastrophic and will have a large effect upon the economy of your state and even the nation, and those nations in the Pacific Rim.

There are means of moving forward once an individual has a conceptual idea of what they want to do, and how to move forward. Do not be surprised at the creativity of the human mind to produce major written works in a short period of time. Some of the greatest novels that exist in your culture were written within 90 days. Do not be reticent to begin. You have begun in your community; we wish you to realize as well that you are on the forefront of a new idea, a new concept, a new society, a new process, and that you are leaping far ahead in your thinking in considering that, and it would appear, dear one, that you are over-thinking this situation. Does this help, or should we discuss it further?

Susan: It does help. I’m wanting to ask you to “proceed” and find an author for us. And I’m smiling… there are lots of them out there and I’m thinking of ways to engage them. Obviously, I could use some assistance.

CHARLES: Yes, I would be glad to. You, as a bookstore owner, have access to many literary sources, both hardcopy and on the Internet web sites. We suggest that you invite a science fiction author to explore the development of an idea for a book, and would like to collaborate with them on the development of these ideas in terms of science fiction.

Susan: Thank you!

CHARLES: You are welcome. We also ask Nebadonia’s team to assist in this. We have also talked about tags—meta tags that are invested with spiritual energy—I am putting this very euphemistically; in the written work, in your “ad,” if you place a small ad in a publication, invest that with the consciousness of Nebadonia and the angels to be carried forward to whomever reads the message. Do you understand?

Susan: I do understand that very well. Thank you.

CHARLES: And you will see some results from that, and if not, directly or indirectly, you may be led through at least two or three levels before you arrive at a person who would be interested and who understands the project.

Susan: Okay. Thank you!

CHARLES: You are most welcome. Thank you for your question.

Susan: I have a question off this topic, submitted by my brother.

CHARLES: We love your brother!

A question from Jim on the vignettes project

Susan: Lent is beginning and he has finished all 40 of his vignettes, and he says, “While I was writing and editing, I was completely focused on getting the message right. Now, having finished them, and teetering on the cusp of their distribution, I can’t help asking, ‘Oh God, what have I done?’

(Charles laughing.)

Susan: I never gave much thought to how they would be received, I just asked questions, waited in stillness and recorded what I heard Spirit say. I’m feeling incredibly vulnerable at the moment. Machiventa said I could expect both acceptance and rejection of my stories; he said the truth of my messages would cause difficulty in the beliefs and unthinking reasoning of Christian believers. So, my question is: Jesus was always truthful and uncompromising with error and retrogressive orthodoxy and he was put to death for his teachings. Can I expect a more positive reception to my vignettes? I’m seeing that there are just as many modern day Pharisees in the churches as there were then, knowing they are motivated by fear and ego as well. How should I respond to their fears, suspicions and accusations? What can I do to keep the focus on the truths and the messages and not on me?”

CHARLES: Once again, your brother can take the example from Jesus; when Jesus was challenged by the Pharisees, Jesus would ask those incisive questions stemming from the art of inquiry that would take apart the argument. When the Pharisees challenged him about a pointed question, Jesus would ask them a truth-seeking question in return. Whereas the Pharisee’s question was one to show guilt and shame and condemnation, Jesus’ question in return was one that revealed truth, love and compassion, and insight into the true nature of God and the scriptures, another way of interpreting those scriptures.

Your brother has been trained diligently, deeply and faithfully in the scriptures; he knows them well. He must now stand his ground, not as an aggressor, not even in defense, but continuing as the teacher that he truly is. It is important that he not accept the accusations that his truths are heresy in the name of the church, but he must begin to think as Jesus thought, to think in terms of the Fathership of each individual and God, that there is only one Father and one truth, and that it is based on love, which is total acceptance, not separation.

Your brother has been well prepared for this, except for his rejection. He has continued to desire uninterrupted acceptance by all people. This is very, very impossible to adhere to and to achieve. It is in some ways unrealistic in its entirety. He has been prepared for this challenge, the challenge that he must now come to reconcile are the challenges within himself; it is not outside himself, but the challenge comes as a source, but from within himself. He thinks he is inadequate when he is rejected by others; he has forgotten that the ultimate acceptance is by his Father, God, his Thought Adjuster, who is beside him in all these things, and truly, his Thought Adjuster will lead him in the words of wisdom when he deals with those who confront these questions and these revelations. Ultimately, revelation comes to everyone when they are open. Those who are closed-minded rely upon human and spiritually combined revelation, which is an admix of difficulty in all regards.

His way is not easy, though he has chosen this course as part of his life, just as this one has chosen his course to be a part of this process, which is decades old. So, too, your brother’s preparation for this is many decades old as well. This is part of his life; part of his mission; this is what he signed up for with his Thought Adjuster, to complete this kind of life. It is his destiny, although he has perhaps not seen it that way; this is part of who he is and what he has prepared for, what he has come into this world to share. Having come from a very stable and socially prominent family of great love within the family, it is a source of stability for him. He has been prepared well; he has chosen well. Now he must stand before the Cross and turn it into a boat to carry him forward.

Susan: Thank you. These words will be most comforting for him—and challenging!

CHARLES: We agree.

A personal project to pursue for Susan

Susan: That is all I have at the moment… actually, I do have a further question. Back to my thoughts about creating a story, a novel, a script—that was just an idea. I have lots of ideas but I’m never quite sure which one I am supposed to pursue, and my plate is once again quite full. Do you see this idea of a novel or a script, or a mini-series as being important enough for me, personally, to pursue? Or is getting it out here in these discussions enough to spur someone else on?

CHARLES: We do not see this project as taking much time. To answer your first question, yes, we do ask you to take this on. It is worthwhile, it is meaningful, it is a way of engaging tens of thousands, if not tens of millions of people very rapidly and promptly, with the messages of social sustainability, and it could make interesting reading that ends with hope. We like a good story that has a good ending, and a good ending is not one with existential travesties of philosophical writing. You understand what I am saying?

Susan: I totally agree.

CHARLES: A traditional story with a good ending, where the sun sets and everybody is hugging each other. (Laughing.) And so, yes it has tremendous possibility and it could also be financially rewarding to you through very little effort. Do not be afraid to join yourself and this one with an author or authors, or editors, who would wish to engage this story rapidly for its development.

[This is Daniel: An idea just flashed to me very quickly—it doesn’t come from myself—is that there are editors of large book organizations who seek authors to write proposed books that would be saleable. You may want to investigate how publishing houses propagate the production of books that they have ideas for. Does that make sense?

Susan: Yes, it does.

Daniel: They know authors, they know who has the capability of embracing these ideas and they know a much broader audience of potential writers than you do, or I do, or anybody does here.]

CHARLES: Thank you. Are there other questions? I sense a bit of unsettlement among a couple of you who need completion or closure for today’s session.

Roxie: I have no more questions at this time, although I have a lot to think about.

MMc: I don’t have any more questions. Is there anything you’d like to say to us in closing, Charles?

Charles’ closing message

CHARLES: Yes, so let us tie this whole discussion into a bow; tie the ends together so we end up with something pretty. We have begun by discussing the concepts of social sustainability and we have traversed through that into the question about the book, the potential of having someone write a science fiction book based on this. Throughout all of this there is a need to think in larger terms, of large audiences. We can truncate, we can shorten the time of development of social sustainability being publicly recognized in the large proportion of your world population by addressing larger audiences promptly, and this is of primary interest of the Triumvirate. We have no time for the slow developmental evolution of ideas within an individual that may take another 10-20 years to develop and publish.

We wish to see this coming out, this development of fame to occur broadly within this year and to have an eruption next year that makes it a topic of broad discussion among many sectors of your culture. Again, remember that your major population is approximately 1 billion people, 2 billion at the most, that engages the Western civilization of technologically developed democracies, one that has an integrated language structure based principally on English and that this is the beginning of a much more integrated social awareness project. The development can occur very rapidly, given our co-creative assistance with you. Please do not hesitate to ask for our assistance in any aspect of these projects.

It is in our interests, as well as yours, to promote the development of social sustainability in those practical structures that you spoke about, Susan. This will go nowhere unless these ideas are on the ground where people can engage them in their pragmatic projects. We must first develop these ideas in the cultural creatives, that 1%, who then see the possibility of applying them in their local areas to local projects and problems that they wish to resolve. So, it is all connected. I hope after you have edited and worked with this manuscript of today’s session, that you see the holism of this project we are working on, that we have just begun the development of public awareness with these ideas and we wish to proceed rapidly.

We thank you wholeheartedly and completely in your participation in this work. Without it, we could not be developing it to the point where it is, and you must remember that this team of ours—you 4 mortals—are unique in all the world of over 7 billion people. The importance of what you are doing is primary to the work of Christ Michael in using social sustainability as a vehicle to move your whole civilizations towards the days of light and life. Thank you and good day.

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