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NEC41 – Power of Thought; Engaging Will-self; Parenting

New Era Conversations #41
– Power of Thought; Engaging Will-self; Parenting
– Mar. 2, 2015

Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek

Brief history of the Correcting Time
New exploration into South Africa
The plan of Planetary Management
The power of thought
Clarification on the will-self
The thoughts of the mother during pregnancy
Do unspoken thoughts influence the child?
The positive influences of the parents on the child
What constitutes “defective thinking?”
What would be considered “normal?”
Consciously changing “two brains” into “three brains”
Your decisions are irrevocable until you change them
When the Thought Adjuster becomes the Thought Controller
Think in terms of what is to become
Take charge of your thinking
Engaging your will-self
Clarification of the three parameters
Body-self, mind-self and will-self
Recommended affirmations
Self-observation on your own thinking
What constitutes a successful marriage?
What are the causes of good parenting?
What constitutes good parenting?
Teaching good parenting skills
Imagination in childhood is a sign of an evolved mind
Parents can squander their child’s development
Question on genetic counseling
Planetary Management belongs to all—celestials and mortals

TR: Daniel Raphael
Team members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael McCray and a student.

March 2, 2015

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Christ Michael and Nebadonia, we come to you once more to take advantage of your kind offer to have conversations and ask questions of the Triumvirate. It is our intent to share this session with others who are interested in correcting our wayward planet so that it will someday be able to enter the Days of Light and Life. It is our hope that our brethren will see the need of correcting our social ills and join us in forming sustainable societies. Amen.

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Roxie: Good morning, Machiventa. We are pleased to have you with us again.

Brief history of the Correcting Time

MACHIVENTA: Thank you. It is good to be here with you once again as well. Let us review the history of the Correcting Time, just very briefly: As you well know, Christ Michael is the Creator Son of Nebadon and has particular attention on the planets that were in quarantine, and eventually chose Urantia to be the home for his seventh bestowal. That bestowal confirmed his estimations that there would be some program needed for this world, and so the plans that he had made before his bestowal were put in place as the Correcting Time, which eventually came into being.

The Triumvirate also includes Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son, and it also became apparent on Uversa and Paradise that a Magisterial Son would be needed to fulfill the program of the Correcting Time, and so he was chosen and assigned, which he accepted gladly. Myself, I am the Planetary Manager of Urantia, and so I am here today with you to put those three relationships into perspective. Christ Michael is ultimately responsible for the welfare of all the inhabited planets of sentient beings in Nebadon. Monjoronson has completed his fundamental work of establishing programs that would lead this world into the Days of Light and Life. And I, the Planetary Manager am here to fulfill those plans for Christ Michael and for Monjoronson. I am your Manager in place to oversee this. This is why you are seeing and hearing more from me now than from Christ Michael and Monjoronson, and this pattern will continue, though they will participate occasionally.

In the aspect of Planetary Management, we have sent our emissaries forward into the world so that we can learn experientially through mortals more about your societies and how to approach them in terms that would lead to social and spiritual evolution of this planet and your societies. We have explored South America to some extent, where we found that the family is well developed as a bonded social unit within that continent. There are, of course, overlays of strong religious opinions and beliefs, which cause some difficulties. But on the whole, the family structure and the bonding that goes on, and the relationship between the members is sufficient for us to use that as a pattern.

New exploration into South Africa

We have only recently experientially begun to explore Africa, and particularly South Africa, where we find that community building is at its utmost and its most fervent energetic levels. Their family structures, however, are shattered and in great disarray due to the apartheid regimes and belief systems that prevailed for so long. This country offers tremendous hope for community building and family rebuilding, so that we can begin to work at the local level to rebuild family structures and to build new communities. What is evident in that nation is the plasticity of a new democracy, where no one knows all the answers and there is tremendous hope yet in that nation at all levels of society that positive change will take place to improve that nation’s social existence. Its democracy is also young enough and plastic enough to be molded into a sustainable democratic process in time. There is existence of the old “good ol’ boy” system of power, control and authority, which tends to prevail, though there are positive elements within the society that counter balance that and see that the old regime is irrational and unproductive, and in fact, pernicious and parasitical.

What is exciting to us is that this nation represents the best of the feminine efforts in the world to reform a whole nation, that there are women leaders who are altruistic and who are looking for a new pattern for re-establishing a new society of family and communities. They have already begun the team work, team development, though the teams in many regards need improvement and which has been suggested to them to take on the mantle of social sustainability and the three core values, and the team process, which uses specific roles to engage the social problems and projects that they want to develop. So, you are seeing within this nation a possibility of tremendous social evolution within the next few years. We have engaged this nation and the women of it to begin to use the principles of social sustainability, and particularly the three core values, and the three value-emotions [empathy, compassion and “love”] to rebuild their society and to do so humanely.

It is not that other nations are not prepared to take on this work; it is simply that we have been looking for the most adaptable and amenable nation, socially, politically and economically that is capable of rapid, positive social evolution, one that could set an example for the rest of the world’s democracies. As you may be aware, one of the last nations to engage social sustainability will be the United States, and other well established democratic nations, which have in place embedded power structures and hierarchies that are resistant to social evolution. They are resistant because social evolution that is positive would displace them, or remove their hold on society and therefore their control. This will be a process that will take some time, and in fact, will require an amendment, or an adaptation of the democratic process to do so. This will come later.

The plan of Planetary Management

If you are a student of Planetary Management, you have begun to see our strategic plan, and that is to approach the nations that are most capable of adaptation and change, and social evolution, and then create a union across sovereign boundaries of individuals and groups of individuals who see the commonalities across all democracies, and then to begin changing those more difficult and more established democratic societies to accept and take on positive social evolution through the processes of social sustainability.

This is my overview for now; remember that we are among you and with you, and that we are listening to you individually, as well as in groups. Our project is to ultimately begin to establish organizations as becoming sustainable. I am open to questions regarding this topic, or other topics at this time.

Student: Good morning, Machiventa.

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, _______! Welcome to our forum.

The power of thought

Student: Thank you. I would like to go back to the previous talks to do with mental health issues. One of the things that I have been thinking about, and I was wondering if you would mind discussing is “the power of thought.” I’ve always thought that the power of thought is very, very important as to how people think, and how it creates their own reality. My own thinking is that I think thoughts are living energies, and that we have the ability to choose either to use constructive thoughts in our lives, or the opposite, negative thoughts. For my first question: Would you please discuss the power of thought in us as humans?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. Thank you for your question. You have gotten to the core of things rather quickly, _______, that the power of thought is core to changing yourselves, and changing your families, communities and your world, and all your societies. The power of thought is immense. Most individuals, however, do not see their thought as separate from themselves, that they do not see thought as powerful, or as adaptable, or manipulable, or subject to influence. Until individuals begin to see this intimate reality within themselves, that they are in charge of what they think, then they are just simply cultural automatons who carry out the belief systems of their culture.

The power of thought is core to your becoming who you will be. The power of thought is ultimate to your becoming a morontial being, and actually entering into morontial thought structures before your passing from this world. Individuals who are self-observing and who wish to change their thinking begin to take responsibility for what they think, and that they would direct the power of their thought towards positive living and positive thoughts and positive emotions that develop out of their thought and their beliefs. Emotions then become the source of much energy for all individuals on this plane and in their spiritual existence as well.

The power of thought is the leverage of moving yourself into a more evolved individual, whether you believe in God or not; whether you believe in an afterlife or not. Surely secular thinking individuals would want to have a more productive life. And this begins in their thinking. The power of thought is not apparent to individuals who are constantly busy doing this and doing that, regardless of how intelligent they are. The power of thought is primary to who you become. Once your will-self begins to harness the power of self, and your thoughts, then you can change who you will become, and you can change who that individual becomes as a positive contributing member to their society. The power of thought is primary to the expression of your consciousness and the projection of your consciousness as a positive influence upon the world.

You, as well, and the power of thought can also deflect those negative influences of consciousness towards you by creating a thoughtful shield that reflects away those negative influences. Yes, this is psychical in nature, but your thought under-girds and builds those structures psychically and consciously in your life. What you have hit upon is core to who you are, and who you will become. Until you give appreciation to your thought as being powerful, then you are easily influenced by the thoughts and influence of others.

Clarification on the will-self

Student: Wow! Thank you. When you talk about the will-self, Machiventa, could you please talk about it a bit more so I can understand it and maybe others too?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, certainly. I spoke of this a couple sessions ago, but I am most willing to review much of that material and to explain it further for you. You are firstly, as Genesis said, “You are created in God’s image.” That you are whole and complete unto yourself, and that as you are whole and complete, you reflect the eminence and authority of God when you are in alignment with God’s thoughts and you understand the God presence within you. Your will-self is not synonymous with the presence of your Thought Adjuster within, though they work in concert with each other. Your will-self is the superconscious aspect of yourself that makes decisions that are more removed from mundane ordinary life, and that helps you evolve.

Your will-self is the command-self that says, “I will to do this,” whether it is to delay gratification in order to grow, or whether it is to take a class in another language to learn a new culture and the way of thinking of other nations. Your will-self is mostly concerned with the evolution of your soul, its completion, its fullness, its wholeness, so that you when you graduate from this mortal life, you will enter into the very early stages of the morontial life and living and be an advanced individual in some classes. Your will-self consummates the best efforts of the power of your thought. For God-believers, when your will-self is in charge of your life, then your thoughts are in alignment with that of your Thought Adjuster and your will-self chooses—willfully chooses to do God’s Will, and willfully chooses to give over to your Thought Adjuster the control of your thoughts. This is very powerful!

Many of you have ideations that emanate, that have their origins in your early childhood, where you were subjected to authority and to the meanness of human life, and so you carry this ideation around with you, mostly unconscious until you become aware of your own thinking, and through your will-self and your Thought Adjuster, you can pinch this out of your life; you can make it diminish so that your thoughts are constructive and positive, that your mental ideations are positively constructed of a person who is moving into their morontial life. Yes, your will-self is that central authority of your whole being, and it is the one aspect of yourself that raises you into the Christ Consciousness so you survive mightily and progress well in the morontial life.

The thoughts of the mother during pregnancy

Student: Thank you. Now, one of my first questions to do with thought that I would like to ask is: The affects of thought which the mother has when she carries the unborn child, how does that affect the unborn child?

MACHIVENTA: It affects the child directly. There is already in the developing brain, as an organ, the minded-self, which is evolving and coming into its own consciousness, slowly. It is easily influenced by its environment; even the social and emotional environment outside of the mother. The thoughts and words and emotional energies of others, as well as that of the mother, begin to imprint themselves on this very malleable mind mechanism. It is important for the mother to be at peace, to be in harmony, not to be in fear, but to be in happiness and gladness and joy at living in life and to see their life experience as in balance, if only for the welfare of the unborn child. This child is easily influenced by those emotional states and the mental well being of the mother, even outside of the chromosomal aberrations that may affect the child eventually as they grow into adulthood.

Many of the pre-dispositions of children are formed through the thoughts of the mother, particularly if those thoughts are persistent and ongoing and powerful. This is one of the factors that must become a part of prenatal and preconception education and training for mothers and fathers who wish to have children. What you have hit upon is core to what kind of society you eventually have collectively, as more and more individuals are influenced positively. As you are seeing in your society and many other societies that are at war, that adversity, social destruction and disturbance and emotional chaos and fear are pandemic in those societies, and taken on by the infants who are now being carried by those mothers.

Do unspoken thoughts influence the child?

Student: Thank you, Machiventa. After a child is born, do the unspoken words of the parents have an influence on the child? These are thoughts that are not spoken.

MACHIVENTA: Those unspoken thoughts still have an influence upon the children. Though as the children become older and out of infancy, they become more and more influenced by the verbal and nonverbal cues that parents reveal to their children. Children easily understand resentment from parents towards the child, even when it is nonverbal. There are many cues that children learn early on. This aspect of modeling becomes taken on by the child, which they will duplicate in their own life, with their own children later on. This is most unfortunate, when it is not used constructively.

The positive influences of the parents on the child

There are instances, however, where there is a conscious intention of the mother and father to be in mental and emotional communication with the child as a positive influence for them to carry on their lives at home and at school and away in a positive way. You may find this interesting that the positive aspects of child rearing become conscious, and they become a part of the parents’ mental conscious and unconscious projection towards the child, whereas negatively charged parents tend not to organize their thinking as a conscious effort of projecting those thoughts to their children. There is not the intention on their part to have a negative influence, though their lives may, of course, dominate their children with the negative ways that they live, and they therefore model that to their children.

The positive influence of parents can be mighty when there is a concerted effort between the mother and father to project kindness and love and joy to the child, to see them working in an orderly fashion in their society. The children then grow up with this envelope of consciousness of order and timing around them that brings harmony to their life and to the structures of their living as children, as adolescents and as young adults. This is highly influential and when done consciously through parents and through other family members and others in the community can be highly beneficial and create a very positive influence upon that evolving and developing child.

What constitutes “defective thinking?”

Student: I would now like to go to what you had discussed in a previous transmission, and this is to do with what you had stated previously that most people are unaware that they are “defective in their thinking.” Would you please expand on the word “defective?”

MACHIVENTA: Yes, defective thinking does not contribute to your social, spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth. Defective thinking is simply a flaw in thinking. It may have been learned from parents; it may have been learned from an authority referent, or from their own peer group. This is unfortunate; it however, can be rectified through self-awareness of the thinking processes. Much thinking of many individuals is in fact, irrational, but accepted as “normal” to most people. When this is accepted as “normal,” then you have familial and community and social development which can become aberrant as you saw in Nazi Germany.

What would be considered “normal?”

Student: Thank you. From there I would tie this in then from the defective thinking, if from your viewpoint, what is the criteria or the “norm?” What is considered “normal” or is “normal” the wrong word?

MACHIVENTA: Normal for and to what?

Student: For a human being that is not defective in their thinking? Everybody we think has some defects in their thinking, but then it has been stated that there are some people that are considered very “normal,” and they don’t have any defective thinking. So, is there a “line,” is there a correlation… I’m trying to say what is “normal,” and what is not “normal?” I don’t know how to word it… I’m sorry.

MACHIVENTA: (Chuckling.) Certainly. You live on a confusing planet where “normal” is not the “normal.” Use of the word “normal,” depends on your social referent. “Normal” on Urantia is abnormal from most other planets. “Normal” on Urantia is defective in most regards. I would ask you to strive not to use the word “normal,” as it is relevant to which culture and which planet you are speaking of. In terms of Planetary Management and the evolution of the social aspects of your world, from pre-birth childcare to the development of adults into contributing members to society, “normal” is what we are striving to achieve for your society where normal becomes a positive, ongoing, conscious thought of intention to bring about good in your world. The aspects of social sustainability strike to the very heart of this effort. It is a process of culture bending, and bending the thinking of individuals, and bending the thinking of millions of individuals collectively to choose change in the course of their culture and their societies, and the conduct of their nations.

We are dealing with a highly aberrant social structure around your world, where war and aggression are seen to be “normal” and continuous. This is highly destructive to all best efforts to bring about a peaceful world. Therefore, we are asserting and investing our efforts in nations and societies where change is anticipated in a positive way, where there is hope for better days. Your societies and culture in the United States are highly cynical of any hierarchical authority of making positive changes and being effective to do so. Therefore, there is a resistance of any authority, even celestial and spiritual in your nation to bring about positive good. You have seen this within the ranks of your Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission efforts. So, when you think in terms of “normal,” we wish you to think and aspire to a “normal” that we are bringing to you.

Consciously changing “two brains” into “three brains”

Student: Thank you. Yes, I won’t pursue that for now. My last question is: I’d like to go back to developing the software in our brains. I would like to know that by doing this consciously, working with the will-self, are we really making changes in going from a two-part brain to a three-part brain? Is that possible here?

MACHIVENTA: As was explained in the previous session, yes it is possible for you to take that on, even without an organic three-part brain. As we said, you can aspire to use your will-self as the third party to estimate the differences and what works and what does not work to improve your life. The will-self is able, with your Thought Adjuster, to choose what thoughts it wants your mind to think, and of course, you, _______, as an individual have a will-self and you can will and command your mind-self not to think certain destructive thoughts, and to take on positive thinking processes. This is highly effective, particularly when you engage your Thought Adjuster to take control of your mind mechanism to make it amenable to your influences.

Your decisions are irrevocable until you change them

Your decisions—remember that your decisions are irrevocable, that they are in place forever, until you change them. So, when you ”will” and ask your Thought Adjuster to take control of your mind, your will-decision is invoked, and your Thought Adjuster will do Its best to help you work co-creatively with amending the software of your mind-self. This may seem ambiguous and confusing, but it is really quite simple; it is simply choosing to do God’s Will consciously with your Thought Adjuster to amend your thinking processes to become much more positive and constructive.

When the Thought Adjuster becomes the Thought Controller

You have come into the elder years yourself, and your thoughts as well as those of men is less of a sexual nature, which diverts huge amounts of your mental energy into that ideation. Other ideation has occupied the minds and energies of many, may include acquisitiveness to come into great wealth, or to possess many wonderful material objects that would raise the person’s self-esteem above their neighbors and of their peer group. This ideation diverts tremendous energy from your growth spiritually, socially and emotionally—and also intellectually. Your Thought Adjuster becomes your thought controller in the elder years, and becomes highly effective when you will to work in concert with your Thought Controller. Your Mystery Monitor then becomes a personal part of your daily life and living, and you begin to think in concert as and with your Thought Adjuster, and this is the best of all conditions for your spiritual growth and evolution.

Student: Thank you very much; I have no more questions.

MMc: I understand that what is considered “normal” on our planet is possibly “abnormal” in other places within the universe. What wording would you suggest to designate—rather than using “normal” and “abnormal”—what wording would you suggest that we use?

Think in terms of what is to become

MACHIVENTA: Is that the end of your question?

MMc: Yes.

MACHIVENTA: We suggest that you simply move away from “normal and abnormal” completely and focus your thinking and your words and the construction of your sentences more on what needs to become. “Normal and abnormal” stick you in historic reference, which is unproductive and is comparative. If you do that, then you will always be looking back and looking over your shoulder, and questioning your thinking and your wording in your sentences. Therefore, we suggest that you think in terms and speak in terms of what is “to become,” and this is the most powerful position you can take by not using those two words.

MMc: I can see how that would be very enlightening to not only myself, if I can do that, because I tend to think in comparisons, as you say. So, if I was to think about things that might become, that would be very enlightening to me.

Take charge of your thinking

MACHIVENTA: It is your choice to think that. If you will your mind-self to think of becoming, then you have taken charge of your responsibility for your thinking. Do you understand?

MMc: Yes.

Engaging your will-self

MACHIVENTA: It begins now—not tomorrow, not yesterday—but it begins now. The choice to will or not to will, to evolve is personal and intimate with yourself, and of course with your Thought Adjuster. We suggest that in your times apart, you, as an individual, and others, do this; to take that time apart to think and to offer, and to will your mind-self to come into its evolution of thought, and also to engage willfully with your will-self to engage your Thought Adjuster to assist in that process.

Clarification of the three parameters

MMc: Okay. A little clarification, if I may? In NEC #39, you were speaking to me of the balance that a thoughtful person might develop. You said, “A person has numerous spheres of awareness that need to be balanced. Consider the physical, the mental, the emotional, intellectual, social, cultural and spiritual. These seven spheres need to be in balance in themselves and between themselves and among themselves.” And “when you think of yourself as whole and well, that you take into account three parameters in these seven distinct spheres of your being, that you weigh this accordingly.” I’m sorry, but I am unclear about which three parameters you were referring to?

MACHIVENTA: We used the word “parameters” as synonymous with “planes” relating to the physical, mental and spiritual planes of existence. Does this remove the confusion? Those statements were concise and intentional on our part to share them with you. Very few of you are able to appreciate the holism of your being, concerning those seven spheres of influence, and that you would serve yourself well in striving to do so. It is a matter of balance. Many of you become tri-athletes; you engage in Iron Man events, which stretch the limitations of your physical plane to their utmost. You also engage your mental and emotional spheres as well to focus all energy into that physical development and completion of those events. Often, this is to the detriment of your social existence and to your intellectual existence as well. Your spirituality oftentimes is the last to be appreciated and developed, though in some cases where some athletes, the spiritual aspect is completely engaged. This offers the individual a much more whole, balanced and way of engaging all the energies of those seven spheres of influence into the event.

Wholeness is in some ways completeness, in that it continues to evolve. Your language does not use well the word, “completeness,” because completeness should be a verb; it should be an evolving, developing state of existence that continues to improve. When you focus all your energies on all these seven spheres of influence upon one activity, you will have great influence and others will appreciate that. You will also be able to come away from defeat without succumbing to the crushing sense of failure. You will simply appreciate that situation as how it is, and that you can engage it later, or to accept it as it is, as a simple statement that your completeness and wholeness is not sufficient to overcome the focused energies of an individual who have concentrated all their energies upon one aspect of their life, but who would remain incomplete in the other six spheres.

Body-self, mind-self and will-self

MMc: In NEC #39, you said, “One of the other aspects that is so desperate about mental health in your species is that most people do not know that they are separate from their mind. Do you foresee as part of an individual’s training that they will be taught, that they are not just their body and their mind?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it is definitely a necessity of your educational processes, and also of your spiritual, psychological and religious educational and training processes to include the aspect that you are not your thoughts; that you are not your mind; that you are your will-self, and your will-self must come into agreement with your Thought Adjuster, the God-self, to come into alignment with all the energies of the universe. You are not what you think; you are not who you think you are. More than that, and this must be taught early on to children after the age of five, that they can choose what they think, and to think positively and constructively.

There are individuals who are taught the opposite, however. The will-self can become very “evil,” in that they can use their will-self to tremendous detriment of themselves and others, and particularly to the detriment of their existence into the morontial realm. It is important that children be taught that they are innately “good,” and that they are taught how to have good thoughts, and how to make good thoughts, and how to be in control of their “little-minded-self,” which is difficult and ornery and cranky at times—and selfish. Does this help?

MMc: Yes, it does; thank you. A reader asks, “Are there affirmations that you could recommend that would be useful to those of us who wish to be of aid to the Magisterial Mission?”

MACHIVENTA: Yes, there are many affirmations; most of them are very fundamental to the Christian/Metaphysical religious groups—Unity and Science of Mind, come to the front of this effort to develop affirmations. The affirmations are a way of forming, of beginning the elemental aspect of re-educating your mind-self, to think positively, to create a mantra within your mind-self to have positive thoughts throughout the day, and when the conscious mind is idle, that those affirmations would come to the forefront, rather than negative thoughts from the mind-self, which are historic.

When one says, “I am a contributing member of God’s community on earth,” they then become part of that contributing effort. When they say, “I am open and receiving all the good that God wants in my life,” they then become open and receiving of that, and they anticipate that and look forward to that. They see those evidences of good that come into their life as evidence of the agreement between their life and living, and that of God’s presence in their life. This agreement is essential on the conscious level, so that people see the good things that are present.

Certainly, when people are in despair, an “attitude of gratitude” overcomes great amounts of depression and confusion in thinking. An attitude of gratitude goes far to assist every individual to infuse their body with energy for healing, for social good, and for new opportunities. When one says, “I am open to receive opportunities to assist in God’s evolving universe and in this world,” they truly do become open, and they are able to see opportunities where they had seen none before. Yes, certainly affirmations are a necessary aspect of creating a mind-self that has a mantra of goodness and joy and pleasing thoughts, which makes life joyful and reconciles all difficulties and regrets of the past.

Recommended affirmations:

[Our Team has asked me, Daniel, to provide some affirmations to help readers train their mind-self to come into alignment with their will-self and their Thought Adjuster. Because each of us had our mind-self formed by our parent’s verbal and non-verbal indoctrination, you will need also to use your voice aloud to retrain your mind-self’s scripts of negative thoughts. This is best done when you will not be heard by other people nearby. Secondly, the strength of the voice-command that your will-self uses to retrain your mind-self will also need to match that of the powerful scripts your parents, or others, used to train you. Scary, huh?

This is not an easy or comfortable task to take on for most of us simply because we are so socially self-conscious even when we are alone! When you realize that fact, then you know how powerfully you were indoctrinated by your parents or parental figures. You will need to match that intensity and repetitions to reprogram your mind-self.

* “I command you not to keep repeating negative thoughts!”
* “I command you never to spontaneously think negative thoughts! You do not have the authority to think negative thoughts!”
* “I am in control of all volitional thought, NOT YOU!!!”
* “You are useful to my greatest good by automatically running the processors of my mind, without interfering in my conscious life.”
* “I will to do God’s will by giving my Thought Adjuster full authority and control of my conscious mind-self.”
* “My will for myself is to be(come) in full alignment with the thoughts of my Thought Adjuster!”
* “I now give my Thought Adjuster full authority over my mind.” ]

MMc: Thank you very much. A reader asks, “Are there specific things that we can focus our prayer energy on at this time that will be most effective in changing world events toward Michael’s plan for Light and Life?

Self-observation on your own thinking

MACHIVENTA: Yes, certainly there are. You must begin by focusing attention and self-observation on your own thinking. This is the best place to begin to have a positive effect on the consciousness of your world, and to be of assistance to your world whether you leave your reading chair or not, whether you help in a homeless shelter, or in a soup kitchen. You must begin by beginning at home, and the home of your thinking, to begin having those positive thoughts and a minded-self that is positive in nature. Then and only then will your efforts be sincere and effective on the outside when you leave home.

What constitutes a successful marriage?

MMc: In your opinion, Machiventa, what are the causes of a successful marriage? Or what constitutes a successful marriage?

MACHIVENTA: Once again, it begins by a successful marriage of your mind-self with your will-self, and being in alignment with your Thought Adjuster, a willingness to be of service to God from within and without. When you are humble in this way, you become humbly powerful and able to effect much good in your world. A successful marriage can exist outside of a certificated marriage. It can exist in the union of two friends, to be humble and accepting of the other, as they are, without striving to change them, without trying to embellish your own perspective by arguing the other person into submission of accepting your opinion as correct. Great marital turmoil is caused by the selfishness and domination of one person over another, one who thinks they are right and who thinks their thinking is right and correct, who is not open to examination by themselves and examination by others; one who is not open to suggestions of self-improvement by the God-self within them, or by their partner.

We see marriage as a state of relationship between two people who care about each other, not necessarily a marriage of two individuals who live their lives together for many years, with or without children. A successful marriage is evident in the success of their children to become whole and complete individuals in their own lifetimes, because of or in spite of the influence of the parents. Parents offer their children ways of growing into their independence to see their parents as being foible, yet as the great contributors to their own personal happiness. Yes, there are definite ways of measuring successful marriages and those that are in failure. It begins with your own thinking in your relationship with your self, with God and with all others.

MMc: In your opinion, Machiventa, what are the causes of good parenting? Or what constitutes good parenting?

MACHIVENTA: Your two questions are vastly different and require vastly different answers. I would ask you to choose one to ask.

What are the causes of good parenting?

MMc: What are the causes of good parenting?

MACHIVENTA: The causes of good parenting are again, self-observation. The causes of good parenting are first having had a good parent as a model for yourself. Sometimes a model may only be that which one assumes or receives from a book. Oftentimes, a child will revile the models that their parents gave them, and choose their own independent model of parenting, and choose to actively, consciously engage a new model and express that model through their life and living with their own children. Good parenting begins with knowing that you do not have all the answers and are willing to admit that, even to your children, as they grow up, but that with your children who are old enough that you can begin to seek answers in parenting and successful childhood development. It requires a tremendous amount of humility, and in fact, requires the engagement of your

Thought Adjuster and your angels to bring to you opportunities to grow into the parent that you wish to be. The great trouble and difficulty of parenting is that there are very few parents who intentionally engage parenting as something that they intentionally want to become—to intentionally want to become a father and intentionally want to become a mother, a successful, helpful mother and parent and father of their children. The intention of children must be foremost in the minds of individuals who want to become parents. This is essential to the outcomes of good parenting, don’t you think?

What constitutes good parenting?

MMc: How would your answer change if the question was: What constitutes good parenting?

MACHIVENTA: What constitutes good parenting is to assume the personage of Jesus as both your father/brother and son image of yourself. You would wish to become fair, loving and kind, even in the most difficult of situations. You know and we know that Jesus was greatly stressed or troubled by those around him, yet he acted in a way that was a very highly beneficial parent, one who loved those who might have been vexing to his patience. But nonetheless, he chose to act out that which was the God-expression coming through him. He saw his own brotherhood of all humankind as a way of evolving his own consciousness to become more God-like—as you might say, “more Christ-like.”

And we would wish that you would become more Jesus-like in your parenting. Yes, it is true that Jesus did not have a life-partner, nor did he bring children into existence, yet he was truly the utmost fair father/mother/brother/sister personage and model that you can envision in his life and living. If you want a model, this is surely a good one. You must, of course, assume his humility, even in his greatness, to do that effectively.

Teaching good parenting skills

MMc: What are the good parenting skills we need to teach to this generation before they become parents?

MACHIVENTA: They must seek the root values of their existence and living. This is essential to the beliefs that evolve from those values and then their expectations, and then the demonstrations of good parenting and the expectations and demonstrations of good childhood development. There is too little appreciation of the influence of values in your lives at this present time. The one great deficit of the Millennials is that they have no values; they have seen the values of prior generations and many of them are quite disgusted with the values that are evident in the lives of their parents and grandparents.

It is not that they are valueless, but they are waiting to be filled in on the essential values of becoming who they will be. This is essential for you as grandparents and parents of the generations that are now in existence. You literally will be forming who they will become, but furthermore, you are also forming the families, communities and societies that will come into being. Your influence in this generation is pivotal to what your societies and civilization of this world become.

MMc: Thank you. Good parenting skills actually begin before conception. The child then learns parenting skills from his or her parents. Should formal training then begin in preschool and continue beyond?

MACHIVENTA: Education for parenting should begin with the pre-conceptual couple—of the pre-creational couple. This is the place to start because they are able to accept and reject the models that their parents gave them, and accept and reject the beliefs that were given to them by their parents. The time for analysis and examining, weighing and sifting and discerning how they want to raise their own children must begin before conception. It is important that this be in mind with the couple during pregnancy, particularly so during the first two weeks and two months, and first two years of their child’s life, as the education and modeling of this child who will eventually become a parent themselves is most influenced at these times.

And yes, there should be, must be, preschool education on parenting and childhood skills. Children must not think that they are adults before they are; they must realize that they are children who are learning to become adults, and that they are learning what to do and what not to do, and the values and beliefs that support happy parenting as they grow older. This is the continuum that must continue to exist throughout an individual’s life. Grandparents do not escape this responsibility and this burden of becoming good models to their grandchildren. They are in a prime position to help the child weigh and sift those events that come into their life from their parents in a positive way—and also in a negative way.

Grandparents must be there to assist the child to think through what they conceive to be the unfairness of life from their parents’ parenting skills. It is not just one part of a person’s life where parenting skills and childhood skills are learned, but all through life and the continuation through your life and living. What we find and have seen almost without exception is that once individuals become parents and their children become teenagers, that the parents often forget that they even had a childhood themselves, which is most unfortunate and which makes it difficult for them to be empathic with their children’s situations.

MMc: If children receive good parenting from their parents, are they less inclined to have mental health issues themselves?

MACHIVENTA: That is correct. This is very much evidenced when you compare the lives of siblings and cousins, where there is in fact, a genetic defect or pre-disposition towards mental health issues within that family strain. When one child is raised in a very positive influence and beneficial environment usually does not end up with mental health issues. Their cousin or their sibling, however, is presented with great trauma in their personal life, which often results in a crisis that the inherent weakness of the mind mechanism cannot bridge, and it then becomes evident that they have mental health issues.

This is most unfortunate, as their life then becomes one of great struggle to overcome the illness while also striving to become mentally healthy and well balanced, even while trying to overcome the vicissitudes and difficulties of ordinary everyday life. Learning, therefore, becomes three dimensional—or four dimensional in many ways as they are confronted with difficulties on many levels simultaneously. The great difficulty is that once a predisposition to mental health problems is overwhelmed by life’s circumstances, that predisposition becomes evident.

It requires great effort on the part of the individual to then knit their life into wholeness where they become able to overcome further difficulties in a positive, constructive manner. As we have said in prior sessions concerning mental health, there are many types of mental health difficulties through many of your families and genetic strains, and that these become evident during times of great strife, individually. Thank you for your question.

MMc: Roxanne, do you have any questions?

Imagination in childhood is a sign of an evolved mind

Roxie: Yes, I have a couple. Machiventa, in observing children throughout my adult life, I noticed that some children have great imaginations and can entertain themselves for hours on end, where other children have very little imagination and need constant interaction with other people who have skills in leading them. It seems like having an imagination would be a definite plus, however I wonder if it leads to having a busy mind in later years?

MACHIVENTA: Your question is multi-faceted. I will begin with the first segment of your question. An imagination, as you have seen in evidence, is prima fascia evidence of an evolved mind. It is evidence of one who is capable of engaging many facets of their own thinking, that in many ways, they are already using their mind mechanism in ways that are positive and constructive. This is where the parental model comes in very well. The parental model allows and encourages the free-thinking of the child, and gently guides that imagination into positive and constructive ways of viewing their life around them, the physical aspects and social aspects, which can be moved and changed through the imagination of the child. This is creative ideation at its very best.

The assistance of the parents then becomes necessary so that the child does not use their imagination as an escape mechanism from the realities of life, as a child in a family situation with responsibilities and obligations to the family and to school, to academics and their extra curricular activities. Parents then have the necessity of guiding the child in positive thinking, in use of their imagination to then create positive outcomes in their schoolwork, or in their creative endeavors. Children should not be left on their own during these formative years to create whatever reality that they need.

Children who are burdened by life often become distracted by many elements around them, and are not able to manage or to train their thinking processes to continue their constructive imaginative processes. Do not confuse this development with attention deficit disorder, as those are different elements. The imaginative mind of the individual can evolve to become a highly creative individual in their life in almost any endeavor they would choose to take on, whether it is to write music and become a highly creative musician, or as a painter, or as an architect, or even as a academic who is studying social structures and social evolution of societies.

It is important that parents see that they are responsible for making positive contributions to the mental and emotional evolution of their child, and particular to engage the children on all seven planes of existence, so that the child can choose how to expend their energy in what fields that they choose, that they wish. This way, the individual child can grow into becoming a highly adept professional, or a highly skilled parent in their own right. I hope this answers your question; if not please ask more in depth questions.

Roxie: That gives me a lot to think about. I appreciate your answer, Machiventa.

Parents can squander their child’s development

MACHIVENTA: I add that because of the depth of that answer, you can see around you how the development of children is being squandered by parents who do not have time to engage their children positively.

Question on genetic counseling

Roxie: I have a question sent in by one of our readers: “When will the “participating public” (those truly interested in its endeavor) be able to seek and obtain truly reliable “Genetic” testing information about themselves (and their partners) to be able to reliably make a truly informed good decision if they can/should, have/produce, children/offspring?”

MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. It first begins with the individual to investigate the availability of those services. Genetic testing now can be very inexpensive to very expensive. This One was reading just this morning that a complete reading of one’s genome can be accomplished within approximately one to two days at a cost of $3,000. Yet it depends on what you are looking for in your genetic makeup. If you have an idea of what you are looking for, then this will greatly assist in the analysis of your genetic structure and lessen the costs and the time required to do so. Genetic testing can be as simple as taking a sample at home and sending it to a laboratory for a cost of less than $100. More capable tests cost more money. When you consider the cost of having a child that you must care for 24/7, around the clock, a test of $300 – $500 would be extremely inexpensive in comparison to the cost of raising a child who will never go to school, but remain disabled and at home.

It requires more education on yourself to become aware of what you are looking for in your genetic analysis, and then seeking out information as to what is available, and then finally to have an appointment with a genetic counselor to predetermine what you are looking for and how to search for, and what it might cost, and what the repercussions of those tests and analysis may find. The core of genetic testing is to have an accurate analysis, and then a reliable counseling and advisement by a professional.

Roxie: Thank you, Machiventa. That is all the questions I have today. Do you have anything you would like to add in closing?

Planetary Management belongs to all—celestials and mortals

MACHIVENTA: Yes. When you begin to think of Planetary Management, all of us, all realms of influence upon your planet, wish you to appreciate that each of you, individually, is directly involved in Planetary Management. You have a direct influence upon the care of your planet in all planes of its existence, in all sectors. And that you, as parents, have a particularly powerful influence in the management of your planet. How easy that becomes—or how difficult that becomes—begins with consciously choosing how many children you will beget, and bring into existence.

Secondly, Planetary Management is highly influenced by the modeling that you give your children and the assistance you give to them to become mature individuals who are able to observe their own thinking, and to consciously choose what they think and how they develop options and the choices they make, the decisions they make and eventually the actions to implement their thinking and their choices. All of this begins far earlier than most of you are aware. Children can engage this type of thinking easily by age 9. Already in these early years they are making decisions about their own children that they may have, and that you must instill in them the thought that they are truly Planetary Managers as well. Planetary Management begins at home, as this is, in the larger sense, the home that you will live in the rest of your life.

You, as well as your neighbors are part of this family of humanity, and that you live under one house, on one world, in one environment, and that you are creators of it—or destroyers of it—through how you parent your own children. You have seen little dictators at home—where did they learn this? Surely they learned it from their environment around them, whether it is from their parents, or from their referent authority figures, or from those figures that they take on through television and videos. Planetary Management is something that you are responsible for, as well as we. Planetary Management begins in the family, and is particularly expressed in the community, because this is the beginning of your societies and your global civilization. You are all responsible for the care and management of your world, first of all beginning at home, and ultimately in your own thinking. We wish you a good day, and we wish you to take on the responsibilities intentionally, consciously, and responsibly. Good day.

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