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NEC42 – Self-Examination and Reflection; Thought

New Era Conversations #42
– Self-Examination and Reflection; Thought
– Mar. 16, 2015

Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek

Upstepping of consciousness
Bringing good to the world for all humanity
Good parenting skills
Recognizing defective thinking
Institutionalized religion does not promote independent thinking
The function and purpose of the Correcting Time
Re-education of education is vitally important
Can spirit effect changes without violating free will?
Effect of sending children to preschools
What is thought?
Emotional communication with child by parents
Deflecting negative influences by creating a shield
Effect of sunshine on humans
Freedom from material wealth is a personal preference
Is creativity hereditary or can it be learned?
Questions on brain differences
Brain injuries and the effect on spirituality
Questions concerning secular versus co-creative design groups
Machiventa’s closing remarks

TR: Daniel Raphael
Team Members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael McCray, and a Student

March 16, 2015


Upstepping of consciousness

MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa. Thank you for your presence here today. This is an opportunity for us to be in communication and communion with our listeners and readers. Some of you have become aware that your spiritual skills, your development of your consciousness is being upstepped, or upgraded, that you are receiving new instructions to your consciousness where you can be much more in tune with us. You can identify this as your greater approximation and approach to the morontial state of mind. You are also aware that you are being consciously brought together with other individuals of like-mindedness and like spiritual power and authority.

You are also aware that we are bringing you together into working groups for the accomplishment of what needs to be done for the Correcting Time. Many of you are extremely aware, very conscious that these connections are being made and that you perceive what is to be done through these new relationships. Some of your relationships are old, but they are being reformatted and given a new re-purpose, giving them a new function, one that you have been prepared for, for a long time. Many of you now see that your work is broader than you had thought, and that your audience and your potential audience is far larger than you had anticipated. On the other hand, for those who do not have audiences, then your work is becoming much more finely tuned in your mind and that you have a clearer direction of what you are to do to assist us in this larger endeavor.

Bringing good to the world for all humanity

The years, decades and centuries—and even millennia—of preparation are now coming to a point where you will begin seeing outward developments in your organizations and your relationships, and in the expression of the better good of the common good for all humanity. All efforts of peace and love and associations that are benevolent are now being developed much more clearly. As we have said over this era of centuries, that we are focusing on those who will be of assistance to us.

As God loves everyone, no one is forgotten, but it is truly a matter of personal choice and decision how individuals join with these efforts to bring about the good of the world. This distinction will become more and more clear to you as the years go by. People see this distinction being made more and more in your societies as those who support sustainability of societies and of families and individuals is made clear from those who do not, those who are predators of individuals, families and communities and societies as a whole will surely be very distinct and very much known by everyone else. Your societies then will have decisions to make, as to how to treat them.

We have been speaking in the past about mental health issues of Urantians, and this is a topic worthy of continuation. You are welcome to present questions concerning that and we are open for them at this time.

Good parenting skills

MMc: Thank you, Machiventa. In our last session, I asked what are the good parenting skills we need to teach this generation before they become parents? You responded, “They must seek the root values of their existence and living.” In your opinion, Machiventa, what should these “root values” be?

MACHIVENTA: They are, of course, the values of social sustainability; they are, of course, also the three value-emotions of empathy, compassion and love.

Recognizing defective thinking

MMc: How does a person first recognize that their thinking is defective?

MACHIVENTA: It is not so much the “how,” as the “what.” Neither are we interested in the “why” question as well. What is it that initiates self-observation? Self-observation is almost always reflective of the Thought Adjuster’s work within the individual. It is that seminal moment when the individual sees themselves in comparison to how they were; comparison of how they were with other people; and in comparison of how they are different from the way they used to be. What is it that causes this initiation of self-awareness [that] is primary to all spiritual growth? Self-awareness, as we have said, is primary to anyone becoming greater in their movement towards becoming morontial in this lifetime.

Yes, it is the Thought Adjuster whose work it is to initiate this along with the seven Adjutant Spirits. They, in combination with the Guardian Angel, often set up a situation where the individual is seen as distinct from other people. This is the moment of immense decision-making on the part of the individual as the initiator of soul growth for themselves. This is the moment when you see whether a person will become pigheaded and deny the reality of others, or the difference that they see within themselves and pursue thinking their own egoistic inclinations, or whether they truly accept the humility of where they are in the situation that they are in and wonder how to move on from that point. Self-awareness is the beginning of growth, but then there must be addressed to the individual, how to grow and what to do to promote growth, and sometimes this is also where decisions of individuals skew their growth into ways that are unproductive and sometimes even harmful to them. Thank you for your question.

MMc: I believe that most people have difficulty recognizing their own defective thinking. Are there ways of successfully demonstrating this to them?

MACHIVENTA: The ways of demonstrating defective thinking is fairly innate to your society by being raised as a child in a community with peers and parents and other authority figures, and the laws, values, mores and social standards that exist in a society. Given that, you can understand that it is far more difficult for a child who is raised in a dysfunctional family, whose aberrant thinking is seen as “normal,” for that individual to eventually see their thinking as defective, and then seek assistance to correct that—and to learn new functional thinking processes that bring benefit to their life. I’ll let you ask more questions to uncover this topic.

MMc: My questions are built around people who are unable to recognize their own defective thinking, and how to demonstrate that their thinking is defective.

MACHIVENTA: I believe I have answered your question in the previous statement.

MMc: Yes, you have. So, in order to make any real headway here, people have to be able to recognize that there is a problem and look within themselves to try to fix that problem. Is that what I’m hearing from you?

Institutionalized religion does not promote independent thinking

MACHIVENTA: Somewhat. The religions of your world are also an authority figure for right behavior and right thinking and right speaking. Yet, in the Christian Church that has evolved since Jesus’ life, it has gotten to be an institutionalized way of thinking that does not promote independent thought; it does not promote individual self-examination and self-reflection. In many ways, these traditional religions have become of no functional use for the improvement of society, not that we are discounting the benefits that they do provide to individuals and families and communities.

The function and purpose of the Correcting Time

We hope that you are beginning to see why the Correcting Time has come into existence, and what its function and purpose is. When societies, families and communities no longer provide a base for self-reflective and self-improved thinking, action and self-examination, then there must come an outside influence to assist in that process. As society and social existence provides a stable and helpful environment for the development of social individuals who are moral and ethical, there needs to be a broader base in your world of helpful societies to provide that. This is the foundation for spiritual growth and even positive and functional religions.

There must be a social process that is functional and provides a helpful and friendly environment for individuals to grow within, and to be able to reflect freely in their lives, in their thinking and to change their lifestyles to be more productive, should they choose to do so. The Correcting Time has been introduced to provide that level, worldwide social base of stability from which individuals can grow into their spirituality and their ever-increasing approximation of perfection—even in the mortal lifetime. This may seem laughable to you at this time in view of the cynical view of social existence in your world, whether it is in a developed democratic nation, or in the ravished countryside’s of rebellious nations and ethnic groups.

Yet, this is the beginning that we have come here to initiate beginning with the values of social sustainability and the value-emotions that promote compassion, caring and that heartfelt connection with your fellow brothers and sisters. In that vein, you will begin to see new outreach concerning those processes through professionals who espouse this as the way of the future. Of course, this is almost non-existent and it is non-visible in the public sector at this time, yet it is something that will develop simply because there is a crying need in your world for social stability, and there will not be any social stability until they are based on the values that promotes good functioning within the social climate and environment of your world.

MMc: As part of this greater emphasis on individuals, do you foresee the medical system, the educational system and social service system becoming more involved in the evaluation, identification of these people with defective thinking?

Re-education of education is vitally important

MACHIVENTA: That is a later development that will occur. They have much self-examining to do in their own right, don’t you believe, for them to appreciate self-examination by individuals? This is the great trouble with the medical field and educational field, at least in developed democratic nations, particularly in the United States where they are functioning simply because they are important, without examining their intention or their purposes and their processes for doing that. This re-education of education is perhaps one of the most vitally important fields that we [will] be entering into social progress in the next decade. Many individuals, knowledgeable, educated and otherwise, are clearly aware that basic education from birth until a 12th grader before college, is virtually functional-less and disconnected from the growth of individuals as professionals, or in technical fields, or in their own psychological social development.

Self- examination and self-reflection are vital to progress, whether in a professional field or for individuals. The question must be asked then, using education as the example, “Does our field, professional field, contribute to the social evolution of societies, families, communities and the individual? Is there more that we can do?” It is essential when those questions are raised, to think in terms of creating new models of education, rather than striving to fix the old paradigm, which is dysfunctional. This will emulate pretty much the process by which we are also re-creating your societies.

We are doing that with individuals and groups of individuals, who are friendly to our work. So, too, the re-invention of basic education in these nations will begin with a few individuals who understand that the old paradigm is dysfunctional and cannot be fixed, and they seek a means to create a functional educational system. We are investing highly in our efforts to create a new educational model in this nation, as education is the essential indoctrination factor for individuals when families are not [invested.] And when both the family and the educational system are dysfunctional, then you see generations upon generations of individuals who are socially dysfunctional and self-destructive.

The germination of self-reflection in one of your earlier questions then begins in if there is something wrong with what we are doing is to ask, “Is there something better that we can do? Is this model working?” And so on. Asking those fundamental questions is the process of self-awareness and comparison between what is and what could be, and what works and what does not work.

Can spirit effect changes without violating free will?

MMc: I have a question from one of our readers. They ask, “I see the three core values as a better way to organize and run societies, politics/governments, economics/finances. We know the Ancients of Days will be working within the organizations of men. His question is: Will the mind adjutants, the Thought Adjusters, and the other spirit helpers who routinely work in the minds of men and women be working for the acceptance of the three core values by individuals?”


[Daniel: Come on Michael, ask a few more questions about that one.]

MMc: The other part of this is the spirit helpers are going to be working with us, to help us see the positive aspects of the three core values for those of us that are working to have the three core values accepted by the rest of society this is a great boon, I think. Spirit does not interfere with a person’s will, and the question has to do with is spirit able to affect acceptance of the three core values without disturbing a person’s will, or does that become a hindrance to this process?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. First of all, when the Correcting Time began, it was assured that all realms of spiritual beings from Paradise, Havona through Uversa, through Nebadon and that everyone is on the same page working together. There is what you might call a “conspiracy of angels,” working together to promote the Correcting Time and to promote the key factors that will bring about the positive outcomes that Christ Michael desires through this larger program. At no time do any of these individuals abrogate the individual’s self-will, either to tell them what to do, or to deny and rescind any decisions that mortals do make.

So, in this regard in those two factors, that there is no influence brought to bear on individuals mortals or groups of mortals, to change the status of their thinking, [or] to achieve the status of decisions that they have made. By giving options to individuals who are open to receive more options concerning benevolent work is one of the factors that we use. The work of our midwayers and angelic corps is to perceive and identify those individuals. It is important that we bring options to those people who are already friendly to benevolent outcomes, positive thinkers and so on. Those who are negatively inclined either through fear or ego, are also given these, but the payoff for us is minimal. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate and no one is denied the possibility or the option to do so. Is this clear, or do you wish to make further questions concerning this?

MMc: No, I’m pretty clear on that. I don’t have any further questions on this at this time.

Effect of sending children to preschools

Student: I would like to talk about a few things we talked about last time, and this is to do with early childhood. Today, in our societies and a lot of others, children from age two, even, are sent off to playschool. The effects on these children where they do not have their parents there to guide them up until the time they actually should be going to school—usually by five years old, or so—a need that is detrimental in a sense, because the children should have the guidance, thoughts and ideas, values of their parents guiding them along until they are in with the general public and other children. Would you give me your thoughts and directions on this please?

MACHIVENTA: Certainly. Were children to be born in highly effective and functional family systems, staying at home with the parent would be highly beneficial. But in societies where many families are dysfunctional and parents have not been indoctrinated themselves, or enculturated with beneficial parenting skills to lead their children into greatness in the fullness of their life, then that option falls to other agencies—preschool and so forth—to assist in that process. There is becoming more and more competitive development within those groups of educational agencies and institutions and organizations, to improve the care of children who are enrolled in their programs. Parents recognize programs that improve the psyche and the self-worth and self-image of their children are highly beneficial, and even though those parents are not capable of doing so themselves, they nonetheless recognize the value of those programs to improve the wholeness of their child/children’s behavior, thinking and social development.

Children, who are raised solely alone by their parents at home, oftentimes lack the social skills that are necessary to work with larger groups of people. Early social skills development begins early in life, and the friendliness, the openness and the facility, their capability to be facile and flexible with groups of people stem from this early era when they are exposed to learning situations, working with others, under the care of a school teacher or some parental mentor figure. In a society that is not wholly functional, then it falls to good working social educational facilities to do so. Does his help?

Student: Yes, it does. It gives me more things to think about, because it makes me realize too, that I’m quite narrow-minded in my thinking. I have another question and my question is: What is thought?

What is thought?

MACHIVENTA: It is not so important to know what thought is, but what is the content of thought. You must realize that “what” is an empty bucket—it has no value unless it is filled with something and carried forward to another location. So, too, empty thought is worthless and of no use unless there is an intention for meditation and self-reflection and contemplation, and the absence of active thought. “What is thought” has no pure meaning or pragmatic meaning in the context of these sessions. We are striving to assist you and our readership to fill their thoughts with positive attitudes and opinions and content, so that they are able to become supporters of Christ Michael’s work, whether they are spiritually inclined or not.

Student: So, when a person has a thought, and they state their thought and the emotion that goes with it, that emotion comes out and effects not only them and other people, and if it’s a strong emotion, does that emotion reverberate around and affect other people?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, the emotion that people have is the energy factor that influences consciousness. When you see a nation that has a disordered or dysfunctional or hostile emotional attitude, it affects everyone in the nation and society. This is how consciousness gains its energy, and that is why positive thinking, constructive thinking is essential to the proper and correct influence of society at large. It is through the use of emotional energy that the individual affects the whole, and the whole affects the individual. We have said before, many times that emotions are reflective of the spiritual maturity of the individual. When you see a person who is very angry, reticent, spiteful or resentful, that reflects negatively on their spiritual development. True spiritual masters do not reflect negative emotions, but they reflect the positive emotions of wholeness and completeness. They are able to do so even without speaking any words that they are the embodiment of that emotion and that spiritual evolution and development.

Student: That emotion goes out from the person into the world?


Student: I see!

MACHIVENTA: It becomes what individuals call “race consciousness.”

Emotional communication with child by parents

Student: Last session you talked about the conscious intention of the mother and father to be in mental and emotional communication with their child. So, they are putting out these communications with their children, with whatever thought the father and mother have that is in a positive manner, and this is actively affecting the child. If the child is not at home, but is in school or wherever, is this true?

MACHIVENTA: That is correct. It affects the child before they are born; it affects the holism of the mother’s energetic being, which will become the seedbed, so to speak, of the evolving and growing embryo.

Deflecting negative influences by creating a shield

Student: Therefore, I go to another question when you talked about the power of thought can also deflect negative influences by creating a thoughtful shield. And when you do that, when you talk about a thoughtful shield, can that be a thoughtful shield that can include a whole community, or… I’m trying to get my head around that one.

MACHIVENTA: Yes, it most definitely can, and that is how group prayer becomes powerful. When people are in union consciously with others, with the same intention, they do not have to be together, they do not have to do it at the same time, but they are in synchronistic union with each other, that they live in harmony. Does this help?

Effect of sunshine on humans

Student: Yes, thank you; it certainly does. I would like to please, ask a question about the effects of sunshine on us humans. Some people it doesn’t bother; other people never see sunshine and it doesn’t bother them; and other people who do not get the sunshine, they get moody, depressed, whatever. Would you please talk about that?

MACHIVENTA: Yes. Sunshine is more than simply the electromagnetic vibration along a spectrum. Sunshine is reflective of the energetic linkage between the center of Nebadon, center of Uversa, and the center of Havona, which is Paradise. There is in the sunshine something that is not recognized by your scientific community, but has been recognized for millennia by the more esoteric thinking individuals and cultures. Sunshine has a tremendous effect on individuals, and particularly beneficial when individuals/people begin to have the intention of being in sunshine to enlighten themselves, to come into a brightness of their being, something that they enjoy, something that helps them become balanced. There are individuals as well, who do not do well psychologically and have sunshine deprivation problems and depression, and so on. Sunshine is essential to the well being of individuals and of your species as a whole.

Student: Thank you. My next question, therefore is: People who live in an area that never see the sunshine, except for a few hours a year, what is the difference then that it doesn’t bother them at all?

MACHIVENTA: It is because they have become adapted to that environment and that it has no apparent effect upon them outwardly.

Freedom from material wealth is a personal preference

Student: One more question I would like to ask, and it’s about freedom and it’s a word I’m using, in a person’s life. Would you talk about how [if] a person lets go of a lot of material thinking and material well being, that they would realize a way for them to go so they could realize how more free they are, and working with spirit, and how much freer they become?

MACHIVENTA: This topic as well is one of personal preference, personal interpretation of the three core values of social sustainability. It is the interpretation of those three values that give such great variance of how people achieve “happiness,” and how societies develop “progress.” I put those two words in quotation marks simply because they are interpreted and they mean different things to different people. People who are multi-generationally wealthy understand their wealth as opportunity, it gives them freedom to grow, whereas a person who has new wealth, sees their wealth as an opportunity to possess the things that they had thought before would bring them happiness. So, it is their interpretation, where in fact, when individuals, when people do become wealthy quickly, and acquire all the material accouterments of what they call “wealth,” then they really become “owned” by their property, and they lose their freedom; then they are concerned about the security of their financial material wealth, to the point where they are captives of that wealth, and they have fear of losing that wealth; they are in bondage to the material and financial wealth that they have gathered.

Whereas, there are other individuals who come into wealth and riches, who see this as an opportunity to grow, and not to be possessed by the possessions that wealth and property and materiality brings, who have chosen to interpret the improvement of the quality of their life in ways that gives them opportunity to express their freedom to then become “more,” to grow. And this is the huge difference in individuals and people. When people see wealth as a social symbol of accomplishment, then they have lost their freedom.

Is creativity hereditary or can it be learned?

Student: Thank you. One more question, and that is: Can a person who has no creative imagination, like myself, cultivate one, or is it mostly a hereditary thing?

MACHIVENTA: It is a learned behavior, as we have spoken of before, and creativity comes with the development as an expression of imagination. And, being able to imagine in your mind, something new and something different that did not exist before, is creativity and imagination and it can be learned. It is a slow process, but once it begins to develop, then the mind can realize its capability to be facile and flexible, and then can begin adapting many, many things in its thinking, so that it can then express that thinking in creative ways, and manifest them or devise them, make them in some material form, or written form. For instance, there are individuals who cannot imagine a brand new yellow pencil with a pinkish rubber eraser on the end, with a brass bezel holding the eraser to the wooden pencil, nor can they imagine seeing that pencil on end, seeing the wood that surrounds the gray of the graphite. Some people cannot imagine that; they are unable to rotate it in three-dimensional terms in their mind. Yet, this very simple example can be taught to individuals to imagine this in their mind. It takes a concerted effort.

It is much like the skills of an old fashion draftsman, or a new draftsman who uses the computer assisted design process software, and that they must have it held in mind in some fashion before they can begin drawing the first line. If you were to take a drafting book that is at least fifty years old, and there were instructions to the student to draw such an object, and to draw it in three dimensions, showing all aspects and angles of it—and perspectives—that takes in a tremendous amount of imagination, and those skills are learned. So, yes, you can become creative at any age; you simply need to want to do so and have the intention to learn—and be humble enough to expose yourself to your ignorance and seek ways to gain knowledge.

Student: Thank you, Sir. I have no more questions.

Questions on brain differences

Roxie: Is there an evolutionary or designed difference in the “brains” of males and females?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, and I say “yes” as a simple answer, anticipating further questions.

Roxie: The next question is there an evolutionary or designed difference in the “minds” of males and females?


Roxie: Can you elaborate on those two for me, please?

MACHIVENTA: I’d like you to ask further questions concerning that. You have boxed yourself into a hole.

Roxie: It seems to me that men are more inclined to think in esoteric areas than females. Females seem to be more linear in their thinking. It doesn’t apply to all people, of course, but do you see a correlation there?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, there are certain predispositions to the genders, and predispositions that express themselves at different ages of development of the individual; and, you can make generalizations for large numbers of males or females, and draw some appropriate conclusions that way. However, upon examination of individuals you’ll find many men who are very similar to women in their thinking and also find many women who are very similar in their thinking to men. If I draw this right from your questions that you are asking whether they were “designed” into those differences, or those differences were designed into their thinking by the Life Carriers. Is this too large of a leap to gather from your questions?

Roxie: No, that is right on! I’m fascinated by the work of the Life Carriers.

MACHIVENTA: (Laughing.) Many of your life secrets for your species would become immediately clear if you had access to the tutorials that are given to new students in the Life Carrier Laboratories. There are many differences in your genders, but also you must remember that your species, Homo sapiens, is many hundreds of thousands of years old, and that consciousness and physical abilities have driven many of the predispositions and temperamental differences between males and females. If you examine in the text of the Urantia Book of Adam and Eve, you will find that they were very much alike, but there were some early predispositions, which they brought into existence in their lifetimes, though the differences were very minute and insignificant.

Roxie: This may seem like a strange question, but it does have a purpose:
Do the mortals that have three brains have longer heads in their brain cases than two brained individuals?

MACHIVENTA: (Laughing.) Again, the differences in morphology are minor when you take into account large numbers of individuals on two brained planets and three brained planets. Individuals can express many differences in width and length of their brain case, compared to others, and some will appear more as Homo sapiens on Urantia, whereas others on Urantia would appear very similar to others on other planets. Your question really is unproductive for spiritual understanding of these individuals and in the three-part brain thinking processes and those of the two-part brain.

Roxie: The reason I am interested in this is that archaeologists are finding these long skulls buried in the soil in areas all over the world, and I wondered if they are mortals from this world, or if we have been visited by mortals from other worlds in the past that have three brains.

MACHIVENTA: Your question to other races on other planets is a significant question and we will leave it as a mystery for your archaeologists and paleontologists and geneticists to reveal in time.


Roxie: I have some questions on the topic of genius minds. There is evidence of new inventions, or new understandings that happen simultaneously between two individuals who do not know each other, who filed for patents on the same day, such as Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray. There are records of 148 pairs of these simultaneous inventions. Is this due to cosmic mind, or something else?

MACHIVENTA: The answer is presented this way: That God is a generous God, and God does not give secrets to special individuals, but that there are needs for technical advancements—even mechanical advancements—in a nation to assist in its maturity and its evolution, thus strikes a difference. There are indigenous populations of the world that have existed for tens of thousands of years, and their descendents exist today, yet they have remained principally as aggregates of people of the same ethnic group, same genetic group, without what you would call social or industrial progress. Why is it that this occurs? What promotes the growth of individuals for the progress of societies is principally the involvement of spiritual revelation to individuals, giving them options in their thinking, which can be developed into technologies and even specific instruments, as in the case of the telephone and telegraph, and use of electro-magnetic impulses and devices that can do so.

There are societies of people who are not receptive to invention, either socially or technologically. Other groups of people are open to invention, so it is that the work of midwayers and others—social architects, commercial architects—work with large groups of individuals across the world. It is as though some of these options for invention completely miss some societies, whereas in other societies, many people are open and receptive to these options of thinking. These ideas are spread across the world so that individuals who are receptive to them have that “ah-ha” moment, that moment of wonderment and curiosity to pursue this option of thinking. As you know from your own work and the work of others, one little idea seems to lead to another, and then to another, and to another until there is a conceptual whole that develops.

There are many individuals who are almost identically alike in your world who have a predisposition to particular ways of thinking, and so, when an idea or option of development is given to them through Spirit, in a rather broadcast method, they receive this and proceed. Sometimes, how they proceed is almost identical from step to step to other steps. Sometimes they skip steps and have that “ah-ha” moment where they do not need to go through some evolutionary steps to get to the new stage. Much of the progress you see in social evolution among societies is initiated first by spirit, and as all spirit is receptive to one mind, they are all tuned in to the same ideas and share those options alike with individuals throughout the world.

This is probably more than you asked for in your question, but it is important to realize that consciously and unconsciously, your world is under the tutelage and Planetary Management of many teams of individual spiritual entities and beings, and bodies of individuals who think as one mind to assist your world to progress. As we have said before, it is only necessary that three percent of all of your social sustainability design teams have an operational transmitter/receiver and a spiritual being to act as consultant to bring about social progress in your world. Yet that small percentage is sufficient and powerful enough to bring across rational conceptual developments, so everyone sees the benefit of doing business and living life more easily and more functionally.

Roxie: Yes, you answered some of my other questions, so I will skip through those. Can mortals tap into the Local Universe Mind through the Akashic Record?


Brain injuries and the effect on spirituality

Roxie: There have been several records where after a brain injury, some mortals are suddenly able to do things that they never could do before, like play a piano or speak a foreign language. Can you explain how this happens?

MACHIVENTA: I could, but I will not provide the answers today.

[Daniel: He sees ahead what you are doing, and he knows your next question, or what it ought to be. It appears to me that your next question “could” be, “Is it possible that a person who has had a TBI (traumatic brain injury,) an accident, becomes more spiritually inclined and more receptive to spiritual influence? Is that close?]

Roxie: Yes. I was afraid he would not answer that one, but yes, I would like to know the answer to that: if brain injuries do cause some individuals to have greater spirituality.

MACHIVENTA: Yes, some traumatic brain injuries do result in spiritual unfoldment, spiritual expression or latent capabilities that become expressed. How that comes about, after it follows the accident, is the most meaningful part, and that is the interpretation of the injury in that person’s life. If they ask the question: “What is this accident about?” rather than, “Why did this happen to me?” to ask the “what” question begins a cascade of thinking and reflection that gives the individual opportunity to interpret that event in positive terms, rather than saying, “Oh woe is me, I cannot go back to work to earn the money I used to in my old profession,” they rather interpret it saying, “This is an opportunity to reinvent myself. I obviously cannot go back to how I was working before, what I was doing, so what is it that God has in mind for me in this accident? This was an accident, and so how do I reinterpret this?”

As in most things, and most developments in a person’s life that gives new direction to them—or simply gives them direction—is the intention and the interpretation of what has happened to them. If the intention they have is to be in wonderment and be curious about, “what is this all about?” and then strives to interpret it in positive ways that give fuller expression to their life, then their life will take on a much different course than the person who sees the accident and interprets it as an interruption in the course of their life, and then strives to go back to how they were living. Whether that interpretation involves spiritual unfoldment in communication with spiritual entities is also dependent upon the person’s intention for their time of recovery. The capacity of humans to reinvent themselves is almost infinite, given their capacity to have a positive intention and how they interpret those events. Many people interpret a serious accident as an opportunity to become disabled and then receive disability payments, whereas other people see this accident as an opportunity to reinvent themselves, given the freedom that the accident gave them.

Roxie: Thank you, that was interesting. You mentioned once that Urantian scientists do not understand the human brain very well. What are they not seeing that would be helpful to us?

MACHIVENTA: I could pursue these answers for you, but I see no benefit in the spiritual interpretation that people might gain from reading a scientific explanation for this, and so I would prefer not to answer it.

Questions concerning secular versus co-creative design groups

MMc: Machiventa, I wonder if I can go back a little bit to something you said today? You said that roughly three percent of the design teams will have celestial counselors and the rest of the design teams will receive celestial help. Am I correct in that interpretation of what you said?

MACHIVENTA: No. What I said was that it is only necessary that three percent of all social sustainability design teams to be connected to the celestial realms through a TR, with a resident Melchizedek consultant. Three percent is all that is necessary to bring progress to the course of development of the social designs of your communities and societies. Some months ago, many months ago, there was a discussion about the relevance of secular oriented social sustainability design teams as opposed to all teams that exist have a resident Melchizedek speaking through a transmitter/receiver in the design team. There was a question about whether it was necessary that all design teams be invested with a Melchizedek speaking through a TR, and the answer to that was given at that time, as I have repeated today, is that it is only necessary for three percent of all existent social sustainability design teams to have a resident Melchizedek speaking to the team through a TR for the course of your societies to continue their evolution in constructive and positive ways.

MMc: Thank you for the clarification. Since the design teams that do not have a Melchizedek counselor are performing the same type of work that the co-creative design teams are, is there… are they going to be as effective?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, they will be as effective, but in different ways. You see, the teams that are invested with a Melchizedek consultant, speaking through the transmitter/receiver in the team, provides new ways of viewing the design team process giving rise to new “ah-ha” types of revelations to other teams around the world. They will be seen as socially inventive, as social initiators of new ways of interpreting social issues and topics that were by-passed or not seen by the secular teams.

MMc: Is the reason to initiate the secular teams simply a matter of there are not enough TRs to outfit all of the design teams that will come into existence?

MACHIVENTA: That was one consideration, and a minor one at the time. We know with great assurance that eventually there will be many more transmitter/receivers who come online and who become fluent and open to the influence of spiritual mind and concepts. The larger concern for us was to initiate the social sustainability design team concept in the broader parameters of all societies of the world, and of all nations and organizations, and promptly. There simply are not enough spiritually inclined individuals to fund or outfit all of the design teams that will come into existence.

Our appeal is to the broader numbers of humanity to begin the constructive evolution of societies to become more functional and sustainably operational. This simply cannot be done through those few teams that are invested with a Melchizedek who is in operation. The necessities of time provide a very tight constraint upon us to “get the word out,” about social sustainability across the world in the broadest and fastest means possible. It is important that secular teams develop rapidly throughout the world, almost spontaneously, so that the good working development of societies can be developed before the cataclysms come into full swing.

MMc: Is there anything else that you can tell me about the decision that will help me understand why it was made?

MACHIVENTA: And what decision is that, Sir?

MMc: The decision to basically begin with the appeal to the secular design teams first?

MACHIVENTA: If you recall correctly, it was not promoted to the secular design teams first. This has always gone out first to the spiritually inclined individuals, and if you recall, the very first teams were invested with a TR and a Melchizedek. Sondjah was the Melchizedek [and he] was the first design team Melchizedek who spoke through a transmitter/receiver, giving direction and development to the first experimental design team. Only later when more spiritually invested teams did not develop was it necessary and pragmatic to begin including secular teams as the mainstay of the social evolution of Urantia.

MMc: I feel I have a very good handle on what’s happened here. Thank you very much for helping me understand the various decisions that were made.

Machiventa’s closing remarks

MACHIVENTA: You are welcome. My closing statements:

Christ Michael, who is the Creator Son of all Nebadon, has an equal concern for every individual, on every inhabited planet, whether they are sentient or not. He has a care and compassion for all sentient beings who will eventually, or who are already invested with the Son Spirit, the Infinite Spirit or Father Fragments. Your planet is occupied by over seven billion individuals, each of whom is loved by Christ Michael. His care and compassion for them emanates from his empathy that he has for their lives, as he knows this well.

The empathy that he has for individuals is true and authentic, as he lived a life as a mortal on a most difficult planet; he was in fact, crucified and killed as a mortal being on that planet for the words that he stated. He is equally concerned about the spiritual and social development of individuals who have no spiritual understanding, or who do not believe in God, or who have no religion. He is as much caring for them as he is for those individuals who are religious, and for those who do meditate or are in fact, mystics. His care and concerns for them is not differentiated, but equal.

His provision of the Correcting Time is his way of embracing all humanity, on this world and on all other worlds that were in quarantine. His concern to provide the same benefits to secular social sustainability design teams is the same as it is for those that are invested with the placement of an operational Melchizedek speaking through a transmitter/receiver. His care and his responsibilities are no different; it is simply that those individuals who care and wish to improve the functionality and civility of this world’s civilization can come forward whether they believe in God or not.

They are equally valued and have the capacity to bring about an equal accomplishment of those that are spiritually inclined. His concern is for the welfare of all people, so that the spiritual maturity of your civilization would provide a friendly base for the evolution of many souls into higher planes of spiritual existence and to know God more clearly and functionally. This is his design and this is his world, and he has provided it with the best benefit to everyone equally. Thank you and good day.

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