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OSC120426- Laws Upon Laws

2012-04-26. Laws Upon Laws

Alabama, US of A, April 26, 2012.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Laws Upon Laws.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “Learning to trust and to guide your decisions and actions depending only on your Inner Compass — the wisdom and the advice of your Thought Adjuster — is a step forward in your career of perfection. Once you learn to guide yourself in this fashion you will not be affected by the temporal tendencies of that which is considered as worthy to worldly eyes.

“One thing you should learn in this life is to develop an eternal point of view, beyond time and space. In other words, you should become truly independent from the place where you find yourself and from your environment. The human personality is original from the beginning, but human beings initially try to conform to the norms and traditions of the environment and time in which they live. As a spiritual awakening takes place the personality achieves an increasing manifestation of his or her originality and the human being starts seeing things from a different point of view.

“For a human being in search of perfection the laws of the world are irrelevant. These enlightened human beings have an internal moral code always higher and better than any human legal system. These human beings are never against the material laws under which they live, except in those cases in which the laws go against the law of the Father as in the case of unconditional love. For example, many of your laws indicate that murder is illegal, unless there is a just cause. However, for those who truly love their neighbors, killing is always an unjustifiable atrocity.

“It is time that government leaders stop trying to control and regulate their people’s behavior and instead appeal to their better nature and humanity. Instead of creating laws upon laws, promote love for each and every person in this world. Stop instigating mistrust and enmity, accepting that you are all equal and part of the same system that is advancing towards perfection with each one’s cooperation. For a moment try to see the whole opus and not just focus on the pieces. Discover how each of you is indispensable in the creation of a new and beautiful reality, filled with light and wisdom.

“Remember the example of your best leaders who achieved the truly great things of your history. They achieved important things by promoting ideals that moved human souls to intelligent action and decisions of spiritual value; ideals that inspire and motivate work that elevates the spiritual level of this world and its inhabitants. Choose as your leaders those who have great confidence in humanity and great hope in the potential and greatness of every individual. They will be the ones who will effectively show a higher path and will allow the divinity within each one to shine though, extending once and for all true love upon this world.”

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