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OSC120822- It is not about being right or wrong

2012-08-22. It is not about being right or wrong

Alabama, US of A, August 22, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “It is not about being right or wrong.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “In a world where confusion reigns and where the strangest ideas have been taken as truth by entire societies, some of you may from time to time ask yourselves, what if all this is wrong? What if my beliefs are not the truth?

“Life is not a contest that determines who got closest to the truth of the spiritual world. On high it is known that mortals can’t perceive many things and it is not expected of them to know those things. Many have lived on this world holding the strangest beliefs while living great lives that have benefitted many. Very seldomly one finds the combination of a person who follows the guidance of her Thought Adjuster while being conscious of this ministry. Often their being completely unaware of the working of their Thought Adjuster is a great advantage to these humans.

“However the moment at which human beings in this world must awaken and take advantage of all available spiritual resources is here, thanks to the opening of the spiritual circuits that were closed since the rebellion. Those who search, ask, and thereafter receive, will be the ones who will work on making this world a better place. That still rare combination of wanting to live the Will of the Father with the ability to know Him at a more conscious level will become more common.

“Search always in your heart and progressively the truth will be revealed to you. Everything you may need to achieve spiritual progress will be given to you and everything that brings you closer to God and to your purpose will arrive during your lifetime. It doesn’t matter if your ideas are false. For many, the prospect of a visit to hell is what is needed to become more spiritual, and that is fine. However, sooner or later those who have matured in spirit will discover higher and more beautiful truths behind the partial knowledge of their spiritual infancy.”

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