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PFL13- Serving In The Moment, For The Moment

2004-04-04-Serving In The Moment, For The Moment
Post Falls #13


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Serving in the Moment, for the Moment
o 1.2 Group: Post Falls TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Solonia
o 2.2 TR: Daniel Megow
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Serving in the Moment, for the Moment
Group: Post Falls TeaM
Teacher: Solonia
TR: Daniel Megow

SOLONIA: (T/R-Daniel): Another lesson for you to practice if you truly wish to be in higher service to our Father’s plan, is practicing individual service “In the Moment and For the Moment.”
This is your sister Solonia and it is good to be back with you after a few weeks off. I trust you have each been studiously been practicing our previous lessons?

SOLONIA: You are already aware of the dynamics of tonight’ lesson, and truly you are becoming much better in it’s practice. It is the way the Master served when he walked this world in the flesh, with his individual loving service to each of his children when he was in their presence. Jesus loved people very much, and always did he look for opportunities to be in loving service with each individual in his presence. And when he so served, he did so In the Moment and For that particular Moment. He very much wished to give Spiritual comfort to each of his children, and he knew for a certainty that his loving trust in the Father’s Will would provide for each individual, through his desire to serve, exactly what that person needed for that particular moment in time.

It is to be noted that Jesus never followed up on those he served, to see how they were doing or to see how well his service had served them. For he had absolute trust in the Father’s Watchcare and guidance for those people, and he knew that his loving service was to be but one part of their progress in the Father’s Plan for them. Jesus rarely planned how he would serve in a particular moment with a particular person, for he knew that the Father would take care of that as well.

This is the type of Service that we all must practice—must learn to love and enjoy—for this indeed is being in Service to the Will of our Heavenly Father. You have loved ones and companions and friends for whom you undoubtedly have more opportunities to serve in this way. And yet the opportunities abound around you, whenever you are among your human brethren, in which you may be called upon to be the one to serve In the Moment and for the Moment. You serve by your love for your brother or sister; you serve in your compassion, in your listening.

In these moments words of love often come unbidden, and many times these words are filled with what seems to be intuitive wisdom. In these times you are truly allowing our Divine Parents to minister to their children through you. Concern yourselves not with the consequences of these moments of loving service, for indeed it is truly said, “the action is ours, the consequences, God’s.” The Master never considered himself to be the one who Saved a person or healed a person, for he knew in fact, that it is only the Father who can do these things in truth.

Those of us who serve the Father may truly share in the bestowal and the workings of our Father’s divine mercy and love, but remember always that congratulations are due you, only for your willingness to participate with the Father. All that is good, all that is great, all that is loving, true and beautiful is of our Heavenly Father. What mortals are given, indeed what we are all given who are the children of this Divine Father, is the choice to be a part of His Infinite Love. Each and every time that you choose to serve in our Father’s Love, In the Moment and For the Moment, you have become more an active part of Spiritual Reality—

You have been a participant in the Spiritual Evolution of the Universe of Universes. These personal experiences of God-likeness are what we carry with us forever and on into Eternity. They are a part of the fulfillment of the mandate of the Heavenly Father to each and every one of us, His children, and that is “Be you Perfect even as your Father in Heaven is Perfect.” Indeed no one of us is perfect, nor is the attainment of that perfection in any way foreseeable from the present perspective, and yet each time we serve and each time we love, we have truly taken one step closer.
Be there for your brothers and sisters in need. Be there in the moment and as you pass by. Do your best to be there for one another in all ways, always.

SOLONIA: I cherish my time with you dear ones, but in fact tonight’s time has run out. I dearly love you as my little brothers and sisters. I take great satisfaction in watching each of you grow and mature, and ever do I learn from you as well. Goodnight my loves.

Student: Thank you so much for being with us.

SOLONIA: Thank You so much for being with Us!

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