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PFL7- Michael’s B-Day

2002-08-24-Michael’s B-Day
Post Falls #7


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Receptivity
o 1.2 Group: Post Falls TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Elyon, Aaron
o 2.2 TR: Jonathan, Daniel Megow
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson

Topic: Receptivity
Group: Post Falls TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Aaron
TR: Jonathan, Daniel Megow

Saturday evening

ELYON: (Jonathan TR): Friends, I join you; I fellowship with you. It is my greatest pleasure to be among you. You are my buddies. I have been with you for many years as one of your teachers. It is such a joy to witness your fellowship, your levity, your camaraderie. These qualities you exhibit are morontia; they will continue to develop in you for thousands of years. Though you may be concerned over the appropriateness of your joy, your levity, your humor, do realize that the experience and expression of your mirth and your joy is important in order for you to ascend to higher spheres of spirit standing.

All too much of earthly religious engagement imposes a solemnness that can cripple joy — without bringing any undermining impact upon the fact that sincere dedication is a high value in a spiritual pursuit. The goal of your ascent is the blissful embrace of the Father of all. Every child that you witness is excited over experience, discovery, acquiring skill, exhibiting ability. It’s not a duty; it’s not an obligation. It is an adventure. So, I commune with you, enjoying your ability to fellowship, to express yourselves, to let go of propriety, to set aside status, to be as one who is a brother, a sister; one free of title, one independent, one who knows that you belong to the Almighty of all creation, and that Being accepts you totally and unconditionally.

As you each accept each other totally and unconditionally you reflect the divine on earth. My friends, it is of great reward that I have accepted the assignment to be among you for these years. I cannot express through just this receiver/transmitter my love, but I know you know. I say in simple words, I love you. I am Elyon.

AARON: (Daniel): Greetings, my friends, this is your brother Aaron. A great and significant change has occurred. Early on when we began this method of teaching with you we told you to look for the coming of this great change, and it has indeed happened. It has happened within each of you. You are no longer the ignorant infants that you were these few years ago when we began. At that time you may have been expecting this to occur as an individual event outside of you. We at the time did little to discourage this outlook, for the excitement which you experienced at each suggestion of the coming change brought you one step closer.

It is likely difficult for you to remember precisely what you were like before, but the transformation has been incredible. Yet still you see so much that has yet to change. It may not seem like you have come so very far because you have changed gradually throughout, yet if your present state of understanding had been instantly placed with you in those early times you would have considered it well nigh miraculous. I am here to tell you that truly it is miraculous.

You have transformed; you have experienced a metamorphosis, and you are able to see how far there is yet to go. Do not get discouraged, rather embrace once again the excitement which you experienced in those earlier times, for I tell you now there are great changes coming soon just like before. It is also my honor to be with you as a participant in this mission of personal growth. You have significantly touched the lives of many who without your personal input would be far less comfortable with their lives, perhaps steeped in far more self pity and self hatred, who through your loving and unselfish service have learned perhaps for the first time that they are lovable and that they are indeed loved. You cannot know how you have changed the lives of so very many of our Father’s children. You are truly respected for your willingness to serve and your abilities as teachers. Grow in your abilities, grow in your desires, grow in your excitement, grow in your love. You are truly children of God.

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