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REB-1B.4 Confessions: A Kundalini Initiation®


2012-01-01. A Kundalini Initiation.

“Confessions of a Rebel Angel; The Wisdom of the Watchers and the Destiny of Planet Earth.”. – Book 1B. Chapter  4. ~by Timothy Wyllie

‘The Spirit of India, a Snake Charmer’s Music, Cybernetics, Entheogenic Research, and Encountering the Divine”



Confessions of a Rebel Angel.  Book 1B. Chapter  4. A Kundalini Initiation.

All this talk of resisting and defying arbitrary authority is extremely interesting to us angels. Most celestials will go through their entire existence without ever being “tempted into rebellion,” as M A likes to call it. The authority of the Most Highs and the guiding hands of the Mother Spirit appear to be absolute and immutable. Yet Lucifer, the Descending Son in charge of this System of inhabited planets, did challenge the status quo. He questioned the deepest authority in the Multiverse, demanding greater freedom for those he governed and was said to have even called into question the reality of the Supreme Creator. It was this last claim that so perturbed M A, since Lucifer was accusing his immediate spiritual forebears of using the invisibility of the Creator as a fraudulent program designed to keep all sentient life in a state of subservience. Many tens of thousands of years later, we’re encouraged to understand the underlying causes and meanings of this uprising among the angels. I believe the Melchizedek Brothers are now maintaining that it was because of his rejection of the reality of the Invisible Father that Lucifer was incapable of truly understanding the deeper themes behind the uprising.

Unaware that we were all actors in a cosmic drama, Lucifer forged ahead, convinced of the righteousness of his cause and, in my opinion, seemed to go far out of his way to invite M A’s wrath and rejection. As a Watcher, I’ve come to believe that the most instructive lens through which to view the Lucifer rebellion is to understand it as a great experiment. Lucifer couldn’t have known or understood this at the time, of course, as he later accused the Melchizedek teachers in the great universities of the Local Universe of releasing only the most superficial information on the previous two rebellions in the angelic realms.

I suspect that having access to the results of the previous rebellions might well have discouraged Lucifer from his plans. Consequently, he was surprised and horrified when the thirty-seven planets whose angelic administrations followed his lead were promptly isolated, cut off, and deprived of certain incoming cosmic rays, carrying information necessary for the ordered development of intelligent life. There were other problems, too, but these weren’t to show themselves until somewhat later. I believe this cosmic isolation was the last thing Lucifer expected, and yet it also presented him with a horrifying challenge. In many ways he got what he wanted—an opportunity to put his own theories into practice. Yet he  was going to have to do it without the support of M A and the angelic realms upon which any System Sovereign could rely under normal conditions.

Lucifer and Satan were on their own now, alone with those they had swayed to their point of view—in fact, a relatively small number of angels considering the vast numbers serving in Lucifer’s former domain. It was a time full of excitement and adventure, tinged perhaps with a barely repressed doubt that we might have all made a terrible mistake. Not until many millennia later did some of the deeper implications of Lucifer’s courageous stand start to become apparent to some of those concerned—including myself. But, at the time, I, too, was carried away with the excitement of all the new possibilities and new freedoms.

At this point I should fill in some basic facts about this little segment of the Local Universe, unfortunate though they may be. As you will have learned, at the time of the rebellion among the angels, one of the unanticipated outcomes was planetary isolation. The snake eating its own tail—the symbol of a closed system—was used to indicate the very real possibility that a subreality, detached from what was happening in the rest of the Local Universe, was being co-created by the Divine Mother to mask the fundamental reality. If this Gnostic concept turns out to be true, I can only imagine it was designed to act as a sort of playpen in which Lucifer and the rebels might do their worst without inflicting lasting damage on the authentic reality that lay underneath. This subreality, called Maya by Vedic philosophers, would have been conveyed through the spiritual circuitry of the System of planets within which the rebellion was contained and which would have successfully isolated the System.

Because Lucifer was originally the celestial placed in charge of this Local System, it could be said that his nature—his reality—was built into the spiritual circuitry and the subtle energy currents that support planetary life. The rebellion, however, was to radically alter the orderly course of the development of intelligent life in this world. The natural flow of events was forever changed. Those familiar with the elaborate cosmology of the Dogon tribe, in Mali— through the writings of the English astronomer Robert Temple—will recall that the Dogon maintain that they were visited by extraterrestrials from the star system Sirius some six thousand years ago. Among much else, the Dogon were told that life on this planet was regarded by the visitors, the Nommo, as an “interrupted creation.”

However, nothing much is made in the text of this odd assertion. If the Dogon had but known it, the “interruption” referred to was in fact the rebellion among the angels. At this point, largely thanks to Mein Host’s (and others’) insights, I can now more fully appreciate that the rebellion and all that ensued had a purpose and meaning beyond anything we knew at the time. But back then it seemed only that some subtle energy was pointing us toward Lucifer’s revolutionary way of thinking. After all, how could such high and splendid celestials be so misguided? At the time this world was isolated, the Most Highs saw to it that certain incoming cosmic energies—part of the main data-stream intended to inform the human mind of the larger picture— was cut off from reaching humans.

Instead, this constant stream of information was redirected to the Devic kingdom. Certain plant spirits received the catalytic ability, when interacting with the human psyche, to draw out the Indwelling Spirit, the Atman, that lives in every human being of sound mind and spirit. While I am bringing up the Atman, a Vedic word for the Divine Indwelling Spirit, I should try to clarify the confusion that many human beings have over this Indwelling Spirit. This is truly one of the great mysteries of the Multiverse. How the Creator could place a part of Itself in the very lowest form of intelligent life in the Multiverse cannot be explained, even by the Melchizedeks in their universities.

The Atman does not enter the mind of a child until the child is old enough to make moral decisions, to know right from wrong. Generally this is somewhere around the age of four or five, and earlier in more developed children. For reincarnates like my ward, the Atman will sometimes join the vehicle at a far younger age, if the environment is sufficiently stressful. This event can also be thought of as the true start of a child’s life. Although Mein Host doesn’t know quite when he was joined by his own Atman—he maintains that it feels like forever—he did have the chance much later in his life to experience and observe this Divine Spirit enter a child on the stoop in front of a house in Toronto.

My ward was sitting a few steps down on the wood porch while the four year-old son of one of his friends was prancing about on the deck above him. The boy had just seen an ant and was raising his foot to step on it when Mein Host asked the child how he would like to be treated by someone so much larger than himself. With that he stood up to his more than six feet height, looming over the child while the four-year-old considered the logic of the question. After a couple of seconds the child slowly and carefully put his foot back down. There was a slight, almost imperceptible gust of wind and suddenly, it seemed to Mein Host, as he said later, there was an entirely new sparkle in the child’s eyes. However, back in his early twenties and well before this event, it was going to be entheogens that broke open my ward’s head and introduced him to the transcendent reality for the first time.

I am a Watcher Angel and my name is Georgia.


The following is an excerpt from the Timothy Wyllie’s book series on rebel angels, specifically an account as described by the angel referred to as ,’Georgia”.

Click on book to view more at


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