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NWB17- Early Teaching Mission Session 17

1992-12-07- Early Teaching Mission Session 17
Sarasota #17


1 Heading
1.1 Topic: Impressions – 1.2 Group: Sarasota TeaM
2 Facilitators – 2.1 Teacher: Alfana, Vanessa, Michael – 2.2 TR: Allene Vick

Topic: Impressions
Group: Sarasota TeaM
TR: Allene Vick

Session 17
December 7, 1992
[[Allene – Impressions December 7, 1992]]

Allene: Dear Father, Michael, Universe Mother Spirit, Thought Adjuster and Teachers, Thank you so much for such a wonderful meeting this evening. Thank you for all the help you have given our three new members. It surely is confirmation of all you have said about working with those we bring to you. It gives me much encouragement to continue even though there is little time to catch up on any other part of my life. I am so thankful to be a part of all that is happening.

ALFANA:  Allene, this is Alfana. Write this down. Do not doubt the authenticity. You do not fully appreciate the fact that your willingness, faith and effort is what makes your experiences possible. We are here, but we cannot act alone. It is through those of you who give of yourself, your time and willingness that much is accomplished. You have no comprehension of the far reaching effects of your groups.

You are correct in perceiving that many come to your groups to observe. Some of you are able to pick up their presences. It is the fertile soil we find in your hearts and minds that lead us to plant so many seeds among you for here we know they will be cultivated into gardens of truth, beauty and goodness for all to see.

It is your ability to come together without preconceived expectations and take joy in all that happens that allow for the many varied experiences and visitors. What VanEssa was trying to tell you is that you need only be present with an open willingness to experience and participate.

VANESSA: Yes, this is what I wanted to convey to you tonight. You do not know what to expect, so there is nothing for you to do to prepare for each group meeting. It is enough for each of you to be fully present, aware, alert and open to what unfolds. As questions come to you, we are here to assist you in finding the answers. The more you share among yourselves, the more you will grow and the more we will all learn in the process.

Allene: Thank you VanEssa.

VANESSA: You cannot know how exciting this is for me. You cannot know how long we have waited for these days to come, when we could at last make ourselves known to you on Urantia.

Allene: VanEssa, we too are very excited about getting to know you better. Dear Thought Adjuster, what does it mean that Michael’s Thought Adjuster came to our group this evening?

VANESSA:  It means, dear child, that the Father is most pleased. This means much to the Thought Adjusters who have labored so hard with each of you. It is very rewarding and brings much honor to each of us. We must thank each of you for your cooperation as we must rely on your free will for all final decisions. There is much that we can do, but we are unable to make any decisions.

A parent may lovingly try to guide a child, but in the end the parent will have no say in the decisions the child chooses to make.

As you choose to do the will of the Father, that choice allows us more freedom to operate within you. Thus, you have sometimes found yourself in amazement at what you have just said. It did not seem to originate from you. This happens even when you are not aware of its happening. Life becomes more easy and the road more smooth as you learn to relinquish control.

As you come to trust the Father and learn more of his great love for you and his pure goodness, you come more in line with the divine flow that emanates from Paradise itself. The path of least resistance is the path you want to follow for there is no resistance to the Father. You are ever drawn to him. This is what you are seeking. The resistance is always within the self – a battle, if you will, between your will and his will. You have won that battle.

What you are now experiencing are minor skirmishes caused by the residual effects of past attitudes, judgments and a lack of knowledge and understanding. These are being corrected.

Do not be so hard on yourself. It is a monumental task to bridge the gap from humanness to divine perfection. One crosses back and forth many times, before the final crossing is made. This takes time.

I thank you for all you have been doing to assist me in this crossing. I know with your help we will journey together as one up the spiral to perfection. This gives me comfort, peace and joy.

Dear Michael, I like to hear you call us your lambs and I like thinking of myself as one of your lambs.

MICHAEL: Little “lamb”, you are truly one of mine. Your gentle ways will bring many more into my fold.

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