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NWB25 – Early Teaching Mission Sessions 25

1992-12-22 Early Teaching Mission Sessions 25
Sarasota #25   



26 Session 25 – 26.1 Dialogue
Topic: Impressions
Group: Sarasota TeaM
Teacher: Alfana, Michael, Loe-El, Welmek, Machiventa
TR: Allene Vick

Session 25
December 22, 1992
[[Allene Impressions – December 22, 1992]]

Allene: Dear Father, Michael, Teachers, Thought Adjuster and Unseen Helpers,
Tonight I do give thanks to all of you. You have helped me so much in the last 2 days. I don’t know what you did to me during the meeting on Monday evening, but my energies are definitely different and so much for the better. I am so relaxed. I mean really relaxed! I feel so clear about how to go about my plans.

As I think of them, things just seem to drop into place. It seems truly amazing how easy it all seems. With all I have to do, one would think that to tackle even more would seem stressful, but quite the opposite is the case. I definitely had the feeling that Van-El and Alfana were doing something with me during the time they said they were going to do some experiments. Whatever it was – thank you! I do remember being told that time would expand for us to do all we are now about and this sure seems like what is happening.

UNSEEN FATHER: My dear child, you are a creature of time and space. While you are bound by these limitations at the present time, time is not static. It can be contracted or expanded. As you move further out from the material plane, you will be more aware of this. Already you have had some experience with this. There is never a need to get in a frenzy. When this happens, stop and realize that you are out of balance. As you move up the spiral, you will begin to move away from the limitations of time as you have known them. You will know the difference and realize that you are causing these perceptions of times.

Allene: May I ask who is speaking?

SAMSON: I am a Most High. My name is Samson. I am not from your constellation. I merely happened to be passing when I picked up your thought wave, as you might say.

Allene: Here I went to my Urantia book.

SAMSON: I am amused to see you look to your Urantia Book to see how this could be. You heard me clearly. You heard correctly. If you only knew how many are visiting your planet at this time, you would find it difficult to comprehend. Some are coming to observe. Some are coming to take an active part. Some are coming to learn. All the circuits are open and as you are adjusted and attuned, you will pick up more frequencies as you might think of them. I am not a teacher. It is just a moment in time when your thoughts intersected with path.

Allene: Thank you Samson, for taking the time to speak to me. I am always open to meeting the many beings in our Father’s magnificent Universe and beyond and I look forward knowing many more of you.

SAMSON: It seems certain that you will. May God bless you on your journeys. Do not be afraid to trust the presence of those you feel aware of around you. In time you will know that this is far more real than that which you know perceive to be real. Trust what you know. I bid you farewell.

Allene: Thank you Samson. I will remember your words to me.

ALFANA: Good evening little one. You are progressing well! Van-El and I did indeed work with you yesterday and we are so delighted that you are so aware of your adjusted energies. We are so pleased to see what you just experienced. We know this seems far out to you, but you can be sure what you hear so clearly is not your own mind at work. Did you not hear him very clearly?

Allene: Yes, I did. I was taken back when he said he was a Most High and not from our constellation. It caused my natural doubt to surface, but I heard him say how amused he was as I was going through my Urantia Book. I heard him more clearly than I have heard you at times recently.

ALFANA: You will have many unusual experiences, because you are so willing and so open. You may stumble over your doubts at times, but you are open to all that will be revealed to you and you are able to do this while keeping your feet firmly on the ground and proceeding to do what you feel will be most helpful to your brothers and sisters.

You may be swept away by your natural enthusiasm and this is good as it propels you to stretch further, but you are not swept away by the currents of experiences. These you accept and put aside as you do not understand them nor need to understand. It is enough to know that this happened and someday you will know more. This is as it should be.

LOR-EL: This is a good lesson for your groups. It is good that they, too, have many new experiences, but they must always remember that this is not what is important. What is important is that they learn the lessons of love here among themselves and that of the Father. As they learn the love the Father has for them, they will learn to love Him and see Him in all those around them. This is what is important. This is what the correcting time is all about.

Each will have many new experiences that will be exciting for them. Acknowledge these, but do not let them dwell on them for they will be led away from what the teachers are here to teach them. We realize the temptation to do this and the natural curiosity of those who are being shown so much so rapidly. We try to bring balance to these things.

We do now wish to limit your experiences, we simply do not want them to be the focus, for when this happens, we are not able to do much and must wait for this to pass. Some will fall into this and we must rely on those with sure footing to pull them forward on to the path again. Steadfastness is a word you have not yet derived the full meaning of and tonight you have more insight into its meaning. You must remain steadfast on your path to the Father and not let the wonder of events and experiences sidetrack you.

Allene: Dear Alfana and Lor-El and I do mean dear. Thank you both so much for your guidance. It is so good to have all the help that you both give to Patije and me as we work within our groups. You are certainly right when you say we will not be doing this alone. It is so reassuring and your presence is so loving.

LOR-EL: We are here to help all those who are willing. It is our real pleasure and joy to find two such willing workers to assist us in this. If each group could find two such anchors as you, our task would be much easier and more could be accomplished. It is indeed good to work in pairs as we talked about before -pillars of strength and support. We applaud you for your efforts, your dedication and your purity of intention. As you see and become aware of your mistakes and shortcomings, these will fall away and you will become more effective at your tasks. They are not important. What you are accomplishing is important and in this you will have all the help you need.
Thank you both for all you help and your kind words. They are gratefully received.

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