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SBK2- Noting Your Reactions

1993-12-12-Noting Your Reactions
Seabrook #2


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Noting Your Reactions – o 1.2 Group: Seabrook TeaM
• 2 Facilitators – o 2.1 Teacher: Iruka – o 2.2 TR: PamE
• 3 Session – o 3.1 Opening – o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Focus, Body
o 3.3 Dialogue
 3.3.1 Responsibility
 3.3.2 Names
 3.3.3 Humanity
 3.3.4 Free will
 3.3.5 Teacher Contact
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Noting Your Reactions
Group: Seabrook TeaM
Teacher: Iruka
TR: Pam


IRUKA: The love of God surrounds you, the joy of God enfolds you, the courage of God protects you, wherever you are, He is. Good afternoon I am Iruka, I am your friend and teacher. It is an especially beautiful afternoon, and yet very cold. I do not experience the cold as you do, but I can perceive it, so I am aware of how it is affecting you. But the sun is bright and like God’s love, it pours down on you continuously, even through the clouds, even in the rain and the wind, I am of course paralleling this to personal storms in your life.

Focus, Body

IRUKA: When Father’s love is always there, sometimes it is difficult to see because you are focused on the problems. But if you refocus you attention, you will see that He is there, that He will help, He will guide, and He will change your attitude. The situation itself may not change, but you will perceive it differently, and your attitude will be different and thus you will respond differently. That is how changes occur inside of you, your love, your focus changes, your understanding grows, you see with new eyes, with Father’s eyes. In the same situation that several month’s ago may have been devastating, now you find the joy, the love, and the hope. In your new insight, you become a beacon to others for that love, that hope, that joy. You become Father’s representative, His lighthouse because through you others can perceive Him.

Nothing I have said is new, but maybe the perception is a little different, the focus is changed. This was just to help you see things around you differently. We have talked about being conscious, living in the present, being aware of what is around you, several months ago, but I wanted to remind you to change your focus to right now, because by doing this you learn about yourself. You begin to understand why you are reacting to a certain situation. If you can focus on the steps that you go through, then your awareness grows and then your knowledge grows and if you choose to, you can change. This actually applies to almost any situation for instance, anger. If you practice becoming conscious when you get angry, and understand why you are angry, it may change how you respond.

You may realize the situation itself is not what is making you angry, something else is. A memory of a bad situation is coming back, you may be responding to something else. This is merely an example, but by being conscious you can be more in tune with yourself, more in tune with your body, and listen to its signals, and thereby improve your life, improve your health. We barely touched on this last week when I was trying to answer questions about how the body and the mind affect health. In large, it affects your whole life, and I am planning several teachings under one major topic. As your awareness grows, your understanding will grow.

This is not an easy subject, but part of it will be helped if you yourself notice what is happening to you throughout the week. So for now, I call your attention to what is happening to you. What is going on when your stomach suddenly tenses up, or maybe it affects your neck muscles which gives you a headache. Maybe you find yourself clenching your fists or your jaw, but something in your body reacts to something that happens during the day. My assignment is to notice your physical responses to unpleasant situations. If you are already aware of what happens, of what you do to yourself, expand your consciousness to also what happens in nice situations, when you are visiting with friends or relaxing.

But my focus right now is for you to perceive what happens physically when something goes wrong in your environment, a fight, a traffic jam, bad news on the TV. Learn to read your body, and we will go from there. Now, I will accept questions.


E1: Hello Iruka, I won’t change the subject yet, but in terms of your discussion….I am not sure if you are familiar with the Book of Job where Job made a statement ‘that which I feared has come upon me’. Can you elaborate on that before I ask my question.

IRUKA: In some very general terms…oftentimes we create our own situations. It can be out of fear, but overall, humans and on our side it is similar, we are responsible for not only the good things that happen but our own problems. So that was a very insightful sentence for Job to say. We do create our own problems, along with the good things. Does this answer?

E1: Yes. Now in terms of things happening, I know it is not always true, but being that thoughts are very, very important, the things that happen to people would it mostly be because of their fear that has attracted the event to come to them?

IRUKA: In a very general way, yes.

E1: So then who would be the victim?

IRUKA: Individuals create their own situations of being victims.

E1: What about the person that committed the act? I mean he had to fulfill that person’s fear so he himself, the culprit, would also be a victim, isn’t that right?

IRUKA: I am referring to the topic of health and the signals we send to our body. You are talking more about a criminal situation.

E1: Well, the health part is also included because also your thoughts create your health. But also in terms of a person’s everyday existence, in terms of being in tune with what is going on with your body, you would also have to be in tune with the thoughts you are putting out and thereby the events that you are creating. I was just making a statement in terms of when things happen that are bad. One instance would be for example, if someone is mugged or hurt in any way. The person that is a victim, is himself also a culprit, isn’t that right, based on the fact of being fearful and attracting these kinds of events. Health also, but I am trying to put it on another parallel.

IRUKA: Basically, it is different. If you are talking about a mugger looking for a victim, perceiving one who would be weaker if you will, than another, and picking up messages, that is true. How you walk, how careful you are, the image you project, yes. But to say that it is the person’s fault, no, in the wrong place, yes, perhaps, how do you know if you are in the wrong place? It is better used to teach someone to project an image of power than to blame them when they aren’t. Do you understand this?

E1: It is not a matter of trying to place blame, but I thought it was a rather paradoxical situation. I am just trying to illustrate the point that you also need to be conscious of the kind of appearance that you project in terms of inviting this “mugger” into your existence, to create this evil event. I am not saying that the person that is the victim is to be blamed but there is some point where you can say that ‘you brought it on yourself’.

IRUKA: At this point, I am dealing in awareness. That is more growth down the road. Do you understand this? We are starting at step one and that is personal awareness of the body’s reaction to an outside situation, stimulus. Before we can move to that area, this has to be learned.

E1: So I am like at three or four, somewhere?

IRUKA: Yes, when the person learns….when you are aware of what is happening, and learn to change it, then your outside appearance changes. The way you walk, the way you carry yourself, yes it changes. But right now we are dealing with awareness on the inside. It is like the very first lessons we learned about…you receive love from the Father, and then when you feel safe and loved, then you give it out to others. Then if they reject you, you are strong. So we are at the beginning of another learning process. So yes, you have jumped ahead a few steps, and that is OK but be aware that, that is further along in the process. Does this answer?

E1: yes, and thank you.

M1: Hello Iruka, I am glad you have started on the subject that you began today, because I have….I consider myself to be healthy even though there could be some underlying ailment that I may not know about within my body…but I have been experiencing the thing which you had mentioned about neck pain, and headaches lately and I have been wondering what was causing them, perhaps I am doing something wrong, and what I may do to prevent them. I was wondering if you could give me any help on that.

IRUKA: Just what my assignment is. Being conscious of your body and being aware of how you are responding to negative input. Check that first and see if there is a relationship there. If not, then you need to move on to other things, but at this point check your physical reaction to an outside situation. It may take a while, one week may not be enough. This is a growing awareness that could take months. You get better and better and better at it and then realize when something is happening and you don’t have to practice being conscious because you already are. That is the best I can do for now, to get you started.

S1: Hello Iruka, I have a question that was asked of my by B in Delaware. He says that they have a lady there who is a very spiritually motivated person. She believes that she has a teacher already. Can you confirm this, one, and two if it is true can you give them some insight or maybe a name, as to what this teacher is or what to do next?

IRUKA: She does indeed have a teacher. You want the name of the teacher?

S1: I believe they have asked that of me.

IRUKA: That is something that the T/R and I can work on this week. We have not yet reached the point where we can get names quickly, but it has improved and so we will work on it.

S1: OK, I will relay that to B and company. Any suggestions for them as a group, any words of advice or just play it by ear?

IRUKA: The same advice I always give. Practice, spend time quietly, and learn to trust themselves, that they are indeed making contact. This takes practice. [OK, thank you much]

E1: It is me again Iruka. Last week you told me to get back in touch with you about the topic for ‘One People’s Day’ do you have anything yet?

IIRUKA: Yes. I have a few suggestions. You can change them or combine them, or reject them, it is up to you, but I do have a few. One could be the wholeness of humanity. What I mean by that is that there are many different types of humans. They are divided up differently. Obviously in this country, on this planet is male and female, and the confusion or lack of understanding between them; the differences of race and the confusion and lack of understanding.

We can break that into cultures, into countries, but they must all be brought together in wholeness. One group cannot be excluded, one nation, one sex, one race; your lives, your histories, intertwine to make a whole. The collective consciousness is made up of all humans, and there is no difference in the collective consciousness. That the ideas, the feelings, the growth that comes from that has no division attached to it. The ideas just come without any reference or framework, or stigma attached to them.

That is one idea..
Another idea is archetypes of humans. Even though there are different cultures, different races, different countries, different geographical areas, all humans work to solve the same problems, at whatever level of development they are. Problems may not be a good word, but challenges; who raises the children, who teaches the children, who teaches the children culture besides the knowledge of the group. That can be answered in many different ways, but the same problems are there. How do you structure the family, what is considered a family, what is acceptable, what is not acceptable.

How many generations do you keep in your family, how do you live. Do you live under the same tepee or roof, or do you live in the same valley, along the same river, or do you send the children somewhere else and they live on another piece of land several miles away. Every culture answers these problems differently. Who does what work, who teaches, who becomes the spiritual leader, how do you buy and sell and trade goods and services? When do you go to war, what is worth fighting over, what is not worth fighting over. All these questions, and there are others, that have to be answered by every group. In that way, it is the same every group has to answer these questions. What is different is that every group answers them differently, for whatever works for them.

Another topic could be….one moment….another topic could be individuals who have contributed much to the world’s history. Whether politically, with a special talent, music, art, a way to live spiritually. These individuals come from everywhere and there have been many who have contributed much and their names have been lost. So emphasizing that it doesn’t matter who they were or where they came from, they tapped in to resources and led the way in growth in whatever area that they were in. This topic you could research famous people, say a few words of what they did or how they contributed, and then give their background, their race, their sex, their age, their culture, their continent. So, these are the topics I have come up with and you can use them or not, or incorporate ideas that this gives you. Does this help?

E1: Very much so Iruka and I appreciate it. Are these done by the group or this is what you have come up with, or should I ask next week for what the group has.

IRUKA: The group did this. We discussed this and came up with these ideas. Of course, there was much discussion how we could narrow the topics down because as you look at them, they can be combined in many different ways. So, we decided to let you decide how you wanted to do this. Of course, this is your topic and your day.

E1: Well again I appreciate this very much and being that everyone has heard the topics you might want to ponder them in your mind so we can come up with a consensus on a theme. I can think of one right now, but I don’t want to taint anybody’s ideas. We will discuss something next week. I appreciate it very much, Iruka. Thank you.

IRUKA: You are very welcome.

Free will
S1: Iruka, I have a question regarding future development. Sometimes I dose off here and I am not sure if it is because I am tired or because I am not interested in what is going on. I am sure everyone who stays awake is probably interested in what is happening. I am curious as to future plans, what you have planned for us as far as the group. I feel I am not deriving as much as I should or can, with this time I am spending. I would be encouraged to know what kind of future plans, what kind of goals you have for us, for me, coming on down the road. That is the question.

IRUKA: We do not have specific individual plans. First of all that is entirely up to you as individuals, and not just you but everyone. You are aware that we are very careful about your will. If you wish to do something that is great, that is wonderful, but if you choose not to do it, that is your decision. We try to lead you toward the Father, to become obedient to Him, to be in touch with Him, and through that relationship to chose your future action, what you want to do, what you don’t want to do. So, we look mainly for opportunities to spread the news.

Each of you has areas of influence, people who you associate with, who might be hungry, who might be searching. But to say that we plan to do this and we plan to do that; we cannot make those kinds of plans. Whatever you decide to do is up to you and your Thought Adjuster. We, after we realize the decision that you have made, then we go from there and try to make that decision work in the best possible interest of the Father and of spreading the good news that He loves His children. Does this answer?

S1: Yes, that explains where you stand very well. Thank you very much.

IRUKA: You are welcome and so if there are no more questions…of course…

Teacher Contact
A2: Hi, I have a question about how well do you know me.

IRUKA: Not as well as you think. If you choose to be a member of this group, I will drop in on you several times a week to see what your life is like, to see what kinds of issues you are facing, dealing with. Then I focus my teachings and try to incorporate the needs that I perceive.

Sometimes I can give a talk on a subject that is affecting say four of you out of the group. This is how I gather my information. As far as personal history, I have none, but if you choose to come to this group I try to get to know you and understand what you need, and I try to help, truly be a teacher. Teachers need to understand their students, so I do my best to understand. Does this help?

A2: Yeah it does, I was wondering how well you knew me and my history, because I have a second question. I have been a long term Urantia Book study group member and student. I have several friends on the West Coast who may or may not be involved in the Teaching Mission and I want to find out if they were. I have been living on the East Coast now for about four years and I have lost touch with a lot of them, I don’t know where they are, or if they are involved in the Teaching Mission. I just wanted to find out. Can you find out for me?

IRUKA: That would be best left up to you. I have my area of work, my focus is here. I know it is hard to imagine what we do and what we are able to do. I suggest you seek out your friends, your old friends because I focus on this group and their association and this area on the East Coast. Does this help explain.

A2: It does, just one more quick question. Are you familiar with other languages? Can you speak other languages?

IRUKA: I myself cannot. I speak Americanized English and I could not understand a Spanish speaking person. I might be able to detect something from the emotions, but to understand words like I can understand English, no.

A2: thank you.

M1: Hello Iruka, back to the health question. I remember when G and his wife were expecting a baby, you had mentioned to us that her pregnancy was fine, that she was having no problems. I was wondering are you all able to see inside of our bodies to know what type of conditions we are in, what ailments we may have.

IRUKA: In general, no. I cannot perceive say a cancer cell, but her question was ‘at this number of weeks along in her pregnancy, did the fetus look right’ and it was the right size, and it looked normal from what I can perceive. So I said yes, it looks fine, but to say that I could look into your kidneys and see a diseased part of them, no I can’t do that. She needed reassurance that it was progressing the way it should be, and the size looked to be right. Does this help you understand what I can and cannot perceive.

M1: Yes it does. I was just wondering in general terms were you able to detect health problems or things like that in order to maybe give us advice on what we should or should not do as far as being healthy.

IRUKA: I cannot pick up a disease by looking. Your medical science has progressed, and has excellent tools to do this. If there is something that you are concerned about, I would refer you to your own doctor and their ways of detection. What I am trying to do with this topic is to start at the beginning and show you how your thoughts and your actions affect your body. I see them as two different things. Does this answer your question?

M1: Yes it does, thank you.

E1: Iruka, anything on the Melchizedek newsletter? Do you have a current copy or anything, of what is going on.

IRUKA: Not much. When there is news, you will hear about it on your side, so nothing.

E1: OK, when you say from our side, would it be like a newsflash or something?

IRUKA: You would hear it from other groups who have news, is what I mean.

E1: Do you know of anything that is getting ready to occur? Like should we be looking forward to something soon.

IRUKA: No, not really. Our job right now is to grow and to develop ourselves.

E1: So I can cease asking the question for a while, is that right?

IRUKA: I don’t think I will have any news, but you can certainly ask it.

E1: I will wait another 30 days or so, let you get some more information.

IRUKA: Actually this may take much longer than that, but go ahead.

IRUKA: I certainly enjoyed today, and look forward to seeing you next Sunday. Good bye.

Group: Good bye.

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