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SEI160- Trinity, the First Family

2008-08-10-Trinity, the First Family
SE Idaho #160


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Trinity, The First Family
o 1.2 Group: SE Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Daniel, Minearsia, Iruka, Klarixiska
o 2.2 TR: Unknown
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Trinity, The First Family
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Minearsia, Iruka, Klarixiska
TR: Unknown


Prayer: Father, we thank you that Your truth comes from many sources. We thank You that You indwell each person on this planet. We thank You that they do not have to remain as strangers but we can greet them as one of your children. Help us to do that very thing. May we support one another. May we support those that perhaps tonight we do not know. May we desire the very best for all Your children everywhere. Amen.

DANIEL: Greetings my friends, my students, my colleagues on the road to perfection. This is your friend and teacher Daniel here to kick off tonight’s meeting. We again thoroughly enjoyed your conversations earlier and thank you for your openness and willingness to share.


DANIEL: The lesson we have prepared for you tonight falls under the umbrella of family experience, which we have been pursuing the last few months. We trust you are getting the ideas and the underlying principles that we are seeking to teach as you enter into cosmic citizenship. With those words of introduction, I now turn the time over to tonight’s lesson giver.

MINEARSIA: Greetings, I am Minearsia, your instructor in residence here at this Southeast Idaho Teaching Mission Base. We are delighted to once again have the group in Idaho Falls. We perceive a rotating format as having its own set of benefits. One aspect is that through this rotation, you experience your family members differently than you do in other settings. And so, by mixing it up, you get to understand one another in new and unique ways.

And this is true on a broader level as well. As you travel across the globe of Urantia either first hand or through a media experience such as that provided by the Olympics, you come to appreciate and know your Urantian brothers and sisters in new and unique ways. As your appreciation and knowledge of one another develop, so does your sense of family and so do the necessary foundations for the healing of this planet, the correcting of its institutions.

However, dear friends, this is not the aspect of family that I wish to focus in upon this evening. Tonight I wish to talk about the first family, the Trinity. A side note here to assist in calming PamElla: As a TR, she feels her study of the Urantia book is wholly inadequate for her to be of service to me as a TR on this topic. I wish to calm her and to proceed. PamElla, my dear, you must trust that I would not put you into a situation that you are incapable of handling any more than our parents, the Trinity, would leave any of us bereft of the assistance we each need to accomplish the tasks at the level at which we function. And so let us proceed.

I refer to the Trinity as the First Family for it takes three members to form a family. This is in your Urantia text. A couple is not a family.

(Lengthy pause—exceeding three minutes—while the TR struggled with fear.)

Let us pick up with the phrase “Tonight I wish to talk about the first family, the Trinity,” for in the Trinity you find the fullness of relationship: sequential, lover-like, parental, friend-based, distinct personality but one in function, complimentary, and so on.

In the text of the Urantia book, Trinity is expressed and understood using the human family to assist in understanding the relationships between the members of the Trinity in order to underscore the loving parental relationship to you, that all positive relationships are embodied in the Trinity. And so, the Second Source and Center is understood as both the Mother and the Son, the Mother-Son. In this way, the Second Source and Center is related to the First Source and Center, as offspring, yes, but also as spouse in co-creating… being co-creator of the Conjoint Actor, the Spirit.

Why do I introduce to you the complexities of the relationships found within the Trinity tonight? Why do I complicate what the authors of the Urantia text chose to keep simple? The answer lies in the complexity of the relationships of Urantian life. In the Trinity is the ultimate pattern of perfected relationships.

The topic tonight is not intended to provide balm for the heart necessarily. It is an intellectual topic that over time, through contemplation, will help you to understand that God is precisely who you most need God to be or who you are most uncomfortable with God being. Developing a relationship with God is both nurturing and challenging. To fully relate to God in your fullness, requires an understanding of yourself in your many relationships and requires health in these relationships, so that you may relate to God as friend, father, mother, beloved, to Michael as brother, father, and, yes, there is a sister component, grandfather, grandmother, and so on.

If you have difficulty with God as loving father, then God as loving mother is available to you. However, it will become necessary to know God as loving father as well as loving mother and vice versa – to know God as your betrothed, your beloved, your future. And so this is why I raised the complexity of the relationships that are embodied in the three-in-one, so that your intellectual exploration can lead you to personal experience in addressing and healing those aspects within your being that keep you from knowing God in God’s fullness.

PamElla wishes me to apologize for the partial portrayal of all that I intended. I assure her that we did well enough and will open to questions following words from Iruka who will bring this discussion down to a more accessible level. Iruka, dear friend, the floor is yours.

IRUKA: Thank you Minearsia. It is my delight to address you all this evening. I am always glad to be here and I am especially delighted when I can have the microphone. In tonight’s presentation there are spaces that may have been confusing to you or not quite understandable, and we fully expect this, actually welcome it, so that we can pinpoint and address the parts that you are confused about and may have questions. We forget many times that you have not had all the assistance of a normal planet, and we forget to look at things from your perspective. Indeed it is difficult at times when we think something is so obvious, so easy to understand. And yet when we look at it again from your reality, we are amazed you grasp some of the ideas you do grasp. So, we learn so much from you, and in turn wish you can learn from us.

The Trinity, the first family, indeed, seems so far away, so mysterious, and, yet, it is the pattern for your relationships. Perhaps you didn’t realize there was a pattern. This pattern of mutual love, respect, concern, allows the individual to still grow and maintain their own identity and yet come together to form a family of unity. This forms a bond, a security, a place where you can be safe, a place that you trust, that you can hide from the world when you need to.

The Trinity is of course perfect. Life here on this planet is not. But, you can still gain all of the benefits that you need for living from the source of your family. And when I say family, it can be relatives; it can be a work group; it can be this study group; it can be a neighborhood; it can be any kind of group you are a part of. It’s whatever you put the time into to develop the relationships, the trust, the love. It is really up to you.

I encourage you to recognize your family, whoever they are, and give to them what you would like to receive. I am not listing all the things that are possible as I want you to think of the things you would like to receive. And it may be different, or it may be the same among each of you. I am asking you to be that which you want from someone else, because as you are also feeding them, you will feed yourself, and you will be strengthening your family.

I hope, indeed, I have brought it down a level. And yet, it’s all the same. It’s all the same throughout all the universes, from this planet to Paradise. You will be applying this for the rest of eternity. And you will get better and better and better at it as you go along. This is like anything else that you practice. So, cling to your family, and at the same time strengthen it. And this will bring security and love and very much joy to you. And now I am open for questions, but we all are open for questions at this time at any level that you wish to ask.


Student #1: Personal question and answer by Daniel not transcribed.

Student #2: Iruka, I just reflect on what you have said “to do to others what you would want done to you” and what popped into my mind when I heard that is Gandhi’s statement to “become the change you want to see in the world.” Become the change you want to see in who you are trying to relate to. And that’s so much harder to do than say. I don’t say it well. It’s very difficult.

IRUKA:: My dear friend, this is Iruka, and you said it just fine. It has been said before on your planet. And some have even heard it. However, it is going to be something that needs to be said many, many times, for a long time. But as to a first-grader or kindergartner, how many times have you had to repeat something because they forget? And this whole planet forgets. And so we are repeating things, not new things but many old things, or we restate it in ways that may mean more, you may remember them better. So think of yourself as a kindergartner or a first-grader.

Student #2: I don’t know who said this, but when I was teaching, someone told me that if a child was taught incorrectly, the correction must be repeated a hundred times. And I guess that’s where I feel I am. Maybe I only have eighty-eight to go.

IRUKA:: My dear, you are doing very well.

Student #2: Thank you.

IRUKA: You are welcome.

Student #3: This is for any you. I am wondering how our unknown friend is doing and if we are getting any closer to knowing who that being might be? I just reread our anniversary papers when he introduced himself.

DANIEL: It is Daniel. I am back. Your unseen friend has been studying life on this planet and is preparing lessons for the future. He is delighted that he has tantalized and teased you into wondering and doing research on who he could be. And of course, that was the idea—to spark your interest and make you inquisitive and think about life beyond your universe. Does this answer?

Student #3: Yes, thank you.

DANIEL:  You are welcome.


DANIEL: My friends, we have had a full evening and I thank you for your questions. We will adjourn by standing up and someone else will pray.

KLARIXISKA: This is Klarixiska. Father, we come to You with love, admiration, admiration because You accept us where we are. You will know where we will be and what we will become. I pray for these, our students, as well as the teachers, that we all be patient, and that You are working in our hearts and in our lives to bring about Your will. Help each of us both seen and unseen to trust Your love in the universe. Amen

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