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SPK39- Status and Security

1996-04-01-Status and Security
Spokane #39


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Status and Security
o 1.2 Group: Spokane TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Aaron, Lantarnek
o 2.2 TR: Jonathan
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Status
 3.2.2 Security
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Status and Security
Group: Spokane TeaM
Teacher: Aaron, Lantarnek
TR: Jonathan


AARON:  I would offer a short insight this evening. I am Aaron.


AARON:   Many often wonder personally, how they are progressing spiritually in the eyes of the universe. While we do not attempt to define the spiritual progress of an individual, we always love to utilize the question asked by the student and to take this opportunity to further offer yourselves the opportunity for your own inward reflection at higher levels.

As you go through life dealing with the encounters each day, you may realize that there are numerous opportunities to either share kindness, or love, or to look the other way. As one is pondering their spiritual status, perhaps we might take the moment to afford this insight personally. As you have split second opportunities continuously to either share or not, one who is increasing in spiritual status will, of course, share more often than not.

If you recognize that the ever present opportunities are more often shied away from, then the inward reflection to understand this consistent reaction might be necessary to further bolster one’s spiritual enthusiasm and confidence to the point where they are less afraid or reticent toward taking the moment to offer the light of love and truth to both themselves and the one they would share with. The attainment of light and life personally will be as the uncovering of the lamp and its placement on the shelf, bright enough to see in its full glory. Strive continuously for greater exposure of your ‘light bulb’, so to speak. This is my offering friends.


LANTARNEK: : I would speak about security. There are times when personalities become distressed over the uncertainty regarding status when one feels inadequate or insufficiently ready to reach new levels. All unique situations, local and specific conditions, are factors which you are, by needs of the value of experience, required to solve on your own, but I encourage you to establish the foundation of assurance in the understanding of the great grasp that God has upon you that will prevent your failure to achieve your spirit longings.

Two circuits engulf you, two dimensions which secure your placement. Firstly, if there were no planets, no energy systems, not even minds, who you are, your personality, would be securely held by the Father even if all infinity was a void but personalities and that alone. You are securely held by the Father.

Everything which is divine, valuable spiritually, the true, the beautiful, and the good, are suspended in the energy fields of our Son. These values are, in a sense, magnetized and able to exist as autonomously as you do in personhood. For you ascending creatures, the emergence of your being with spirit value experience doubly secures your value in the universe and intensifies the reality of your presence.

I say this in order to instill in your mind a reflex consideration when you are, in your moment by moment life, perplexed. The simple faith realization of your sonship with God, your simple acknowledgment of the reality, the ever eternal reality of divine values, are your very balancing coordinators which will help you sort the specific factors of the pressing moment. You cannot stumble with this assurance, for even in the stumbling you will increase your wisdom and broaden your experience and gain in greater realization of the significance of real and meaningful eternal values. The divine grasp of your being is certain and assured, making it possible for you all to range widely the universe field of possibilities.


AARON:   Take confidence in this assurance as you make the great adventure across the fields of space.

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