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SLL1- On Being a Spiritual Teacher

2013-02-11-On Being a Spiritual Teacher
School Light & Life #1


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: On Being a Spiritual Teacher
o 1.2 Group: School of Light and Life
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Unknown
o 2.2 TR: Leon
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: On Being a Spiritual Teacher
Group: School of Light and Life
Teacher: Unknown
TR: Leon


  • Today’s lesson is on spiritual teaching.

UNKNOWN: The spirit world unseen to you has legions of teachers on hand to support the blossoming student to know more of the world and of the Infinite Father. There is much we can teach and desire to teach. What we need more of is people willing to hear the word of spirit and to share that word with their fellows. What does it mean to be a teacher of spirit?

It means that you have dedicated your heart and mind to the leading of your indwelling spirit and are willing to abide by its directions for the dissemination of spiritual material into the world.
When you are called upon to be a spiritual teacher you are undertaking a most sacred act. It is not one to be taken lightly. Many spiritual teachers take advantage of their position and exploit the frailties and vulnerabilities of those who come for counsel and ministry.

Your function as a spiritual teacher is to open a space within the heart of your fellow man so that they may turn inward to spirit more frequently, in trust and in faith. You are an opener of greater realities, demonstrating to the world what is possible when man chooses to live in concert with the indwelling spirit of God. This is your function as a teacher.

The best way to teach is to live it first. When you demonstrate the very acts of which you speak, your words carry credence and authority. There cannot be a gap between what you say and what you do. As a spiritual teacher then, your own practice is integral to your ministry. The closer you live to the tenets of which you speak, the more weight your words carry. Leaders are needed who are alive with spirit and are capable of demonstrating that such a life is not only possible, but necessary for your advancement.

How else will the world come to know of the magnificence of a life lived with spirit unless brave and hearty souls are willing to exemplify the path? To be a teacher of spirit is a sacred calling. The time where such a position was license to abuse is over. The world must be cleansed of these types of spiritual teachers, for they are frauds. Spiritual teachers must now arise not out of institutions but out of the masses.

As candles are lit in the souls of men and women around the world, there will be those wiling to step higher and lead the path to the Father. All roads lead to the Father, the First Source and Center. What a gift you have if others gather to at your feet to hear you speak of spirit. Do not squander this opportunity and allow your ego to take control. Rely on spirit to be your guide, and you shall never fail. For spirit lives in you, gently and consistently guiding you ever higher to the plains of light and life.

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