SEI46- The Satisfaction of Living Water
2003-02-28. The Satisfaction of Living Water SE Idaho #46 Topic: The Satisfaction of Living Water Group: SE Idaho TeaM Teacher: Michael TR: Bill K. Opening Prayer by unknown entity (Virginia): .
2003-02-28. The Satisfaction of Living Water SE Idaho #46 Topic: The Satisfaction of Living Water Group: SE Idaho TeaM Teacher: Michael TR: Bill K. Opening Prayer by unknown entity (Virginia): .
2003-04-04. Use & Need For Humor SE Idaho #50 Topic: Use & Need for Humor Group: SE Idaho TeaM Teacher: Michael, Daniel, Aaron, Heclechora TR: Bob S., Bill K. Opening Michael (Bob S.):
2003-04-29. Group Graduation SE Idaho #55 Topic: Group Graduation Group: SE Idaho TeaM Teacher: Daniel, Michael, Minearsia, Klarixiska TR: Bob S., Bill K. Opening Opening prayer by unknown being (Bill): Lift up your hearts on
2003-05-13. Prayer & Communion As I Learned And Practiced It SE Idaho #56 Topic: Prayer & Communion As I Learned and Practiced It Group: SE Idaho TeaM
2003-08-19. Personal Teacher Night SE Idaho #65 Topic: Personal Teacher Night Group: SE Idaho TeaM Teacher: Daniel, Michael, Cora, Klarixiska, Lorenzo, Loretta, Heclechora, Aaron TR: Bob S., Bill K., Virginia Opening Michael(Bob S.): My children, hear these words
2003-09-21. Experience of Loss SE Idaho #67 Topic: Experience of Loss Group: SE Idaho TeaM Teacher: Michael, Daniel, Minearsia TR: Simeon, Bob S. Opening Prayer(Bob D.): Dear Father, thank You for being
2005-03-07. Remember To Use Stillness Arcadia #205 Topic: Remember To Use Stillness Group: Arcadia TeaM Teacher: JarEl TR: George B. Opening Prayer: Larry: Dear Father thank you for bringing
2005-03-21. Events Are Quickening; Sessions 1-3 Arcadia #206 Topic: Events Are Quickening Group: Arcadia TeaM Teacher: JarEl, Michael TR: George B., Lucille Session 1 Opening Larry: Dear Father thank you for
2005-08-22. Message To The World Arcadia #215 Topic: Message to the World Group: Arcadia TeaM Teacher: Michael, JarEl, Corelli TR: Stella, George B. Opening Prayer: Donna: Dear Heavenly Father thank you for
2021-08-26. Democracies, Censorship, Free Press, Participation Michael on August 26, 2021. Michael – T/R – JL (Beginning of political organization) (Evolution of democracy) (The “Forth