Tag: Midwayer Jack

RIO71.1- My Unseen Friends

2003-10-12.  My Unseen Friends Rio Rancho #71.1 Topic: My Unseen Friends Group: Rio Rancho TeaM Teacher: Tomas, Anatolia, Merium, 0802-AB-Jack TR: Gerdean, Matthew Opening MUSIC: Elena on Piano: “Our Precious Jesus” PRAYER:Matthew: Let

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RIO147- Be Firm In Your Faith

2007-06-03. Be Firm In Your Faith Rio Rancho #147 Topic: Be Firm In Your Faith Group: Rio Rancho TeaM Teacher: Merium, 0802-AB-Jack, Dani TR: Gerdean Opening Drumming & Cherokee Prayer: Almighty

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LLN116- Politics of Planetary Government

2007-04-03.  Politics of Planetary Government Lightline #116 Topic: Politics of Planetary Government Group: Lightline TeaM Teacher: Gabriel, 0802-AB-Jack, What About Bob TR: Gerdean Note 1.Gabriel reveals that we are engaged in

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LLN124- Sedona, Part of TM

2007-05-03.  Sedona, Part of TM Lightline #124 Topic: Sedona, Part of TM Group: Lightline TeaM Teacher: Gabriel, What About Bob, 0802-AB-Jack TR: Gerdean Note GABRIEL reveals that we are engaged in

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LLN134- Process of Supremacy

2007-07-12.  Process of Supremacy Lightline #134 Topic: Process of Supremacy Group: Lightline TeaM Teacher: Tomas, 0802-AB-Jack, Andromadeus, Athena, Merium TR: Gerdean Opening Gerdean: As is my wont, I will verbalize that I am

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BUT51- Motivating Motivators

1999-02-25.  Motivating Motivators Butler PA #51 Topic: Motivating Motivators Group: Butler TeaM Teacher: 0802-AB-JAck (MIDWAYER JACK), Tomas TR: Alan GROUP: Are you with us this evening, Tomas? TOMAS:

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BUT52- Baring Your Chest

1999-03-02.  Baring Your Chest Butler PA #52 Topic: Baring Your Chest Group: Butler TeaM Teachers: Tomas, Midwayer Jack (0802-AB-Jack) and Merium T/R’s: Gerdean, Alan and Hunnah TOMAS: Tap. Tap. Tap. That

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LLN307- Stirring Things Up

2011-05-05-Stirring Things Up Lightline #307 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Stirring Things Up a Bit 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: 0802-AB-Jack 2TR: Gerdean 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson 2.1Stillness 2.2Teaching

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LLN310- Love and Earth Changes 2

2011-06-02-Love and Earth Changes 2 Lightline #310 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Love and Earth Changes 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Adam, Midwayer Jack 2TR: Gerdean 3Session 1Opening

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LLN315- Free Will, Worship, Urantia

2011-07-07-Free Will, Worship, Urantia Lightline #315 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Free will, Worship, etc. 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: 0802-AB Jack 2TR: Gerdean 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson 2.1Free

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