VAL190715- Let Come to Me the Little Children
2019-07-15. Let Come to Me the Little Children São Carlos – SP-, Brazil, July 15, 2019. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “Let Come to Me the Little
2019-07-15. Let Come to Me the Little Children São Carlos – SP-, Brazil, July 15, 2019. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “Let Come to Me the Little
2019-09-02. About Mass Shootings or Evil Sprees São Carlos (SP), Brazil, September 2, 2019. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “About Mass Shootings or Evil Sprees.” Message received
2020-02-001. The Most Highs of the Constellations Elgin (IL), US of A, February 1st, 2020. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “The Most Highs of the Constellations.” Message
2017-11-21. ¿Cómo Podrá Urantia Alcanzar la Paz Global y Duradera? Chicago, Estados Unidos, 21 de noviembre de 2017. Maestro: Prolotheos. Tema: “¿Cómo Podrá Urantia Alcanzar
2017-11-10. Ascensión Hacia la Perfección. Chicago, Estados Unidos, 10 de noviembre de 2017. Maestro: Prolotheos. Tema: “Ascensión Hacia la Perfección”. Mensaje recibido por Valdir Soares.
2017-11-03. Discriminación contra la Raza, el Género y los Puntos de Vista. Chicago, Estados Unidos, 3 de noviembre de 2017. Maestro: Prolotheos. Tema: “Discriminación contra
2017-11-03. Discrimination against Race, Gender, and Views. Chicago, US of A, November 3, 2017. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “Discrimination against Race, Gender, and Views.” Received by
2017-11-10. Ascension towards Perfection. Chicago, US of A, November 10, 2017. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “Ascension towards Perfection.” Message received by Valdir Soares. Prolotheos: “Perfection is a
2017-11-21. How Can Urantia Ever Reach Global and Enduring Peace? Chicago, US of A, November 21, 2017. Teacher: Prolotheos. Subject: “How Can Urantia Ever Reach
2013-02-11-Where Do You Want To Go? School Light & Life #11 Contents • 1 Heading o 1.1 Topic: Where Do You Want To Go? o