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TMC2- On Money & Poverty

2002-02-03-On Money & Poverty
Temple City #2


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: On Money & Poverty
o 1.2 Group: Temple City TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Sid, Andrew, Michael, Nebadonia
o 2.2 TR: Donna, Larry
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Note
o 3.2 Opening
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: On Money & Poverty
Group: Temple City TeaM
Teacher: Sid, Andrew, Michael, Nebadonia
TR: Donna, Larry

Larry: The Temple City Teaching Mission Group is reading, studying, and discussing the words of Jesus from Glenda Green’s book: “Love Without End, Jesus Speaks”. Quotes of Jesus from Glenda’s Book are in Italics. Members of the study group are: Larry, Donna, Andrew, Nebadonia and Michael plus anyone else who would like to join in. The book can be ordered from the web site at Or by calling . . . . We welcome any comments or questions.

SID:  (TR, Donna:) Dear Father who is always here with us in the stillness, Michael, Nebadonia, Andrew, and any other celestial friends, welcome to the Temple City Study Group. Please adorn our hearts with your presence of love and help our ears to hear your sweet words of truth, beauty, and goodness. Let this be a joyful time of learning in the spirit of prayer for all of us. Let us be of service in this endeavor to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. Thank you for this opportunity. Amen

ANDREW: (TR, Larry). Good morning Larry and Donna, it is good to be together again. Thank you for welcoming us into your hearts and home. There are many celestial beings in attendance today. Shall we begin?

Larry: Yes Andrew, thank you for your guidance and help in this project, let’s get started.

JESUS:  When a man’s heart has become attuned to scarcity, his mind will work overtime to generate ways and means of making money. There’s a certain logic to this in relation to survival pressures, but it never solves the problem or changes the basic belief. The man just copes, or grows rich, to finance and perpetuate poverty consciousness in himself or others. And so he overworks to support a kind of material wealth which dominates his life but never results in a deep and true sense of prosperity. There is only compensation for lack, for the mind only solves problems of logic or balance never problems of life.

Larry: I can relate to this quote, in that I have always had a poverty consciousness up until this last year when I read Glenda’s Book. Even though, as a Fire Battalion Chief, I was in the top percentage of wage earners and was in fact wealthy, I never really felt like it. Now, after losing half of my wealth and income due to my divorce and after reading the above truths, I feel wealthy beyond my needs. I am so very blessed and grateful for everything in my life now. Thank you Father for opening my eyes, ears, heart and mind.

Donna: I can also relate to this quote in a different way. I have never felt poor. But since my divorce, long ago, have lived my life going on faith that whatever good objective was up ahead for me to pursue the way would be made clear for me to continue in that direction. I have leaned heavily on the wings of prayer many times in following where I believe I was led, and the Father has blessed me abundantly. I am now completely self-employed and semi-retired, only working three afternoon/evenings a week in my home office by appointment, yet I have felt literally rich and wealthy for many years now even though I have been in the bottom percentage of wage earners for these last few years.

CHRIST MICHAEL: (TR, Larry). Thank you Larry and Donna for sharing your personal examples of poverty consciousness and prosperity consciousness. Your heart is now in charge of your mind and this has brought about prosperity consciousness for you Larry just as Donna has had all of her life even though she was married, long ago, to a man with poverty consciousness.

Donna: So I can now so clearly see that this is just another way that Larry and I can complement each other and another reason, perhaps, why we were brought together?

JESUS: The man’s poverty consciousness resulted from wearing so many blinders to the abundance of life that he eventually believed in scarcity and then invested in it. Now by comparison, there was another man who beheld the wondrous universe with awe as he expressed his gratitude for the infinite supply. This man has given his mind a positive impulse, and so his mind will seek ways to make that abundance real in his life.”

CHRIST MICHAEL: (TR, Larry). Just as the heart rules your mind and your mind starts thinking with positive impulses, the abundance of life becomes a reality in your life. Just as you understand the meaning of “God is LOVE” and that you are love, you have come to realize that there is an unlimited supply of LOVE in the Universe. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and commands everything. By this means Larry, you have changed from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness. Well done my child.

Larry: Thank you Michael for being of assistance to me and for allowing me to take on your mind. It’s as if I now see for the first time and hear for the first time. You have truly blessed my life and I am very thankful.

NEBADONIA: (TR, Donna): My dear and special children, what good students you are. How pleased I am to see you teaching, helping and learning from one another. Yes, as the old hymn goes “This is my Father’s world”…and the Father is a generous and good Father. He takes delight in his children’s good pleasure as well as their fine, honorable and loving actions towards each other. Continue to be the good students (and teachers) that you are so that your brothers and sisters may also learn and live fuller and richer lives.

Larry: Thank you Mother for your kind words. Donna and I are so blessed to have you and Michael working with us. We are grateful and will strive to continue working in the Father’s LOVE. Thank you for being with us and leading us in the right direction. I love you Michael. I love you Nebadonia. I can feel your love for

Donna and me in ever increasing amounts. Thank you Andrew for being here and thank you Sid for being here, God bless both of you. Good afternoon and live in the Father’s LOVE.

Donna: Dear ones, thank you all for attending our little meeting here in Temple City. And, Trina, if that was you instead of Sid, I am giving you mention here just in case. Yes we feel blessed and, yes, I love you all as well. I second everything my dear partner Larry has said up above. Good afternoon until we all meet again.

CHRIST MICHAEL: (TR, Larry): Good afternoon my children. Nebadonia and I love you each very much. Peace be with you. Be the love that you are and live in our Father’s LOVE.

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