GEO091106- A Little about the Borderland – Part 1
2009-11-06. A Little about the Borderland – Part 1 Illawarra District, Australia, November 6, 2009. Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC22). Subject: “A Little about the Borderland.”
2009-11-06. A Little about the Borderland – Part 1 Illawarra District, Australia, November 6, 2009. Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC22). Subject: “A Little about the Borderland.”
2009-11-07. A Little about the Borderland – Part 2 Illawarra District, Australia, November 7, 2009. Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC22). Subject: “A Little about the Borderland.”
2009-11-11. A Little About The Borderland – Part 3 A Little About The Borderland (Part Three). From the Desk of George Barnard – November 11,
2009-12-10. Special Status Illawarra District, Australia, December 10, 2009. Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22). Subject: “Special Status.” Received by George Barnard. Bzutu: “I want to speak with
2009-12-12. Midwayer Origins – Parts 1 & 2 Location: Michigan, USA Date: 14 Dec 2009 Teacher: Midwayer Chief Bzutu Chris Maurus Receiver: George Barnard Message from Chris 1111: I’m
2009-12-23. A Process of Balancing Illawarra District, Australia, December 23, 2009. Secondary Midwayer Sharmon (MNO-6). Subject: “A Process of Balancing.” Received by George Barnard. Sharmon: “Well
2010-04-01. Getting the Picture Illawarra District, Australia, April 1, 2010. Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22). Subject: “Getting the Picture.” (Déjà vu with a difference). Received by
2010-04-11. Talents and Healing Illawarra District, Australia, April 11, 2010. Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22). Samuel of Panoptia. Subject: “Talents and Healing.” Received by George Barnard.
2010-06-22. The Loss of Innocence – The Stones We Throw Illawarra District, Australia, June 22, 2010. Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22). Subject: “The Loss of Innocence
2010-06-23. Who Do You Think You Are? Illawarra District, Australia, June 23, 2010. Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22). Subject: “Who Do You Think You Are?” Received