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WDC603- Stepwise Nature of Progress2

2007-09-10-Stepwise Nature of Progress2
Woods Cross #603


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Stepwise Nature of Progress
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Stepwise Nature of Progress
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, my friends, I have missed you. I am feeling quite content at this moment having our family security. Our time apart has increased our appetite for the spirit. Tonight we are empty vessels waiting to be filled by Father’s all encompassing love. Each day is always a new adventure. At this point in my eternal career, I am not obsessing over where the path is going. I am more enjoying what is set before me, feeling our Father’s confidence in me, knowing that He empowers me to make change.


As a mortal I was always so focused on the end results of any goal that I was always in a mode of scrambling. My health then was deteriorating because my mind was tormented by anxiety and worry, self-imposed, of course. I lived not with balance. I was mostly about my work. That was my identity and how I measured success. I thought myself to be ruthlessly successful. My mental and physical state did indeed take its toll. It took a great deal of experience and hard falls before I simply wore myself out.

Machiventa, my mentor, was pure rejuvenation. He taught me how to start small and make effort to live a little in each area of life everyday, work, family, play. Yes, my priorities slowly changed to a spiritual level. I became closer with my children and really got to know them for who they were. It was difficult for me to remain quiet and not to pounce upon a problem that needed to be fixed. I had to simply sit with acceptance of what was. Machiventa always said,” If change is meant to happen by the power of your hand, then step back and allow the unfolding of God’s will.” He always brought me back to a firm foundation of spiritual reality. It made sense to me. It had to be logical for me and Machiventa knew that and taught accordingly.

I learned that as I could remain in a mode of observation, time would not be a factor for me and I could have some clarity in my mind to open up my spiritual capacity. Today your world always seems to be in a mad rush. It is so easy to be pulled into that confusion. Your mental and physical well-being will feel the affects of this common energy. Sometimes you just have to sit with what is. I am in full understanding that life can bring with it such brutality. Your ever-increasing capacity for faith will help to bring meaning to it all. In every situation Father’s ultimate good prevails. He does indeed work through us and we will not see the outcome.

As ministers we are open to follow Father’s guidance and keep your minds open to what may be next. Obsess not. Stay with those small steps. Remember how important rest and reversion are. All that make such effort every day to work hard must have a reason why they are working. There is joy to be had. There are feelings of contentment and satisfaction. There is inner peace and serenity. Your study and stillness should help you to defend yourself against that energy of confusion, that everyday rush of life.

As you take time to envision yourselves as empty vessels be careful to not allow the negative within.
Our strength comes from Father. His power is beyond our imagination. Every day I spend with Him I feel the closeness of a creative team. I have not fear. As you move about in your daily living try to find that creative team feeling. He is not some unreachable authority figure in the sky. He is shoulder to shoulder with you, working with your hands and your mouth. We do what we can in this ministry and always keep our eyes forward. Father’s plan is not some hidden ideal. To us He makes it reachable and uncomplicated. His love is never-ending fuel for the soul.


ABRAHAM:   Mary sends her love. That is all. Always it is a pleasure to be with you. I am grateful you have me each week without hesitation. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.

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