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WDC611- Movement 4

2007-11-26-Movement 4
Woods Cross #611


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Movement
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham, Mary
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is such a feeling of comfort and warmth when we visit. I feel somehow I am one step closer to Father when we are together. You each have the same light in your faces and that is indeed an anchor in the sea of everything. It is interesting when you take into account that your personal lives seem to be such a struggle and it is always something you have to work on. Many times it is actually a relief when you can take the focus off our own issues and help somebody else.


ABRAHAM:   Many times there is some hesitation toward getting involved in somebody else’s life. It would seem there is always a price to pay, but when you actually begin the good deed, then you are with the feeling that you are one step closer to Father. There are so many issues in daily living that would pull our attention away from the joy of living. As you learn to become responsible adults, your minds are focused on your priorities and your awareness is busy and joy seems to go by the wayside.

Without the healing from happiness, one can lose hope and think, “What is the point? What am I working for? Why do I struggle and seem to go nowhere?” It is wonderful that you each are dedicated to doing the right thing, being responsible citizens, good parents, employees, spouses, friends, siblings, children. That is a worthy goal, of course, but it means nothing without joy. There are so many things to be grateful for and many times we forget to have gratitude because we are so focused on keeping every day afloat. This imbalance leads us to more struggle with less results.

MARY:  I am MARY. Greetings to you, friends. I am finding your holidays to be interesting and very busy. It would seem as if individuals try to find more meaning in life at this time. I am amazed to see the self-reflection and deep thought. I do wonder why this time of year would be different than trying to find meanings and values all year long. I am enthralled to study the minds of mortals. It is interesting to find what brings them joy.

Money always seems to be at the top of the list. It is a temporary joy and yet, being brutally honest, it is important to know that your physical needs will be accommodated. I am in understanding of that, having known poverty in my mortal life. I do believe the times when I was the most joyful in my time in the flesh was when I was with my fellow Kingdom believers. Life was always a balancing act and to spend time with them set me upon a correct path. We, having spent time with the Master, learned of His general beliefs and we would use that as a light to live by. Spending time with one another was a reminder of that light. It was fuel to go back into the community and serve with abundant energy.

I had a friend who was always seemingly ill. She had one ailment or another and was always with a complaining countenance. She would make me feel as if I was drained of energy. She was with no joy or any outlook of possible joy. One day I had taken about as much as I could of her constant complaining and became angry with her. Right or wrong, I was indeed angry. I expressed my anger to her and told her there are individuals who are really sick and see not the world as crumbling down around them, but are grateful for the times when they feel well enough to sit up or to speak with loved ones.
My poor friend was certainly shocked and did not speak to me for quite some time. I felt bad and yet relieved I did not have to deal with her energy draining ways. I spoke to the Master about this situation and I was with remorseful and asked His advice. He told me to have not worry and that He thought I was led to speak the truth. Sometimes brothers and sisters need to know your truth and it is acceptable for you to put a stop to this draining and constant call for your attention. The Master told me to begin to make eye contact with her and small greetings.

She would not look at me at first, but then slowly came around to having short conversations. It was miraculous how her health had improved. While my words were harsh, she knows now that they were spoken out of love, concern and frustration. What an excellent lesson for the both of us. Our time spent learning together was certainly bonding us together and from that time after, we were like sisters. So many hours spent in laughter and conversation, sharing weaknesses, sharing strength or hope and joy. My friend and I had learned too much focus on the self can lead to negative places. There are always opportunities in daily living to pull yourself from the busyness of life to talk to those around you. You let them know they are worth talking to. What a beautiful beginning to the ripple affect of kindness. A few words can change a person’s whole day. That is really quite powerful. It is acceptable to go beyond a businesslike attitude toward a loving friendship. This was the Master’s attitude.

He could meet individuals and completely change their attitudes with a few words and possibly never see them again in His mortal life. The point of His mission was that He shared love as He passed by. He was always with a wonderful attitude because He was so outside Himself. He was with the joy of knowledge that the material life extended so far beyond what seemed to be the reality at that time. Our joy is in our ministry. Our healing is in the kind words we have for others. We are powerful when we can show another they are worth our time.


MARY:   You are wonderful, so patient, so good to us. We thank you. This week find reasons to be joyful. Answer the question, “What are you working for?” How can we remove our focus from feeling sorry for ourselves, for the joy of knowing life extends beyond what we can see. We send you with our love. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.

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