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WDC660- Movement 9

2009-01-05-Movement 9
Woods Cross #660


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Movement
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Movement
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am impressed by the knowledge shared in this room this evening. You have brought up some great topics that are of interest also to us. Your careers that you have led up to this point may not have included science or politics and yet, you have done your research and can speak freely on these subjects. I learn a great deal each time we meet. Your interests become my interests and I am compelled to research these things. I am driven to study. I am grateful for that.


ABRAHAM:   Some years ago your teacher, Ham, said you would be forerunners in the Correcting Time or points of light. The knowledge that you continue to attain helps you to be a trusted source to your fellows. It is important that you try to maintain a positive outlook. Yes, environmental travesties may be occurring, yet on the other hand, science is moving forward with new breakthrough technologies. Like a child who must be lovingly nudged, that is what Father is doing to His beloved planet of Urantia. You are being nudged forward into evolution.

If you are feeling driven to learn and research or study it is for a good reason. You each, being points of light, will engage in many conversations with your fellows and to be current on certain topics will be a positive help to those you speak to. You each having had your spiritual studies, have a spiritual outlook. When injustices are brought up in conversation you can lead the topic towards a spiritual resolution. I am honored to be among deep thinkers. That is why you continue on in this Teaching Mission. That is why you stay in touch with one another, study the papers of the Urantia Book and continue to strive each day for the ultimate truth.

If you could see how we operate on our side, you would see all of us working non-stop. You could say all of those participating in the Urantian Correcting Time are working overtime. We are lit up, so to speak, moving with positive thought, enthusiasm, being about the Father’s business. In your world we see your energy as worry and burning up with negativity. The talk of the global economy is not near as bad as the media makes it out to be. Each individual is being called to step up, take responsibility, take care of themselves and their families. Quit coming forward with excuses. Quit looking for escape.


ABRAHAM:   Each individual, no matter what status of life they are in, are being called to step up. We have, on our side, no problem. We know you that participate in the Teaching Mission also have no qualms about taking responsibility and stepping up to do your part as a universal citizen. We know that you are each well trained in the art of speaking and can impart words that encourage individuals to go within and find their Father. Let us not be overwhelmed by information, but through our own research, be enlightened. Again, I am with honor to be among you truth lovers. Mary sends her regards and will attend the next meeting. Know that we stand by with love and support for each one of you. Carry on. Until next time, shalom.

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