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WDC729- Motivation

Woods Cross #729


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Motivation
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Motivation
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I find it wonderful to see you in your balanced mindset. Watching you converse with one another I see your conversation builds something beautiful. You have concern and yet logic, heartfelt sorrow and yet, hope. You have the wide range of emotions and yet, balance it with humor. I say you make me happy.


ABRAHAM:   This is a time of year where many focus on the birth of Jesus and the joy He would bring in salvation. When I say salvation, I mean in short—the ability to master the self. Salvation to many religious foundations has a different definition and that is acceptable and for the most part on the side of hope.

This month we have been learning a bit about personal motivation, especially on the part of mortals and how we can help them. You can each see for yourselves how greed has played out in the world and the ever-growing desire for more. When we view the life of the Master we can see His motivation was to serve the Father in heaven. Therefore, He had ‘desire to not have desire’ so that the channel could be free and clear for Father to communicate. This mindset put Him more into the spirit instead of so much of the flesh.

We know that the Master loved people and wanted to be of help and I believe His motivation was love—simply to give it, not to worry about receiving. He found all of life on this planet miraculous, somewhat magical. He had real enjoyment from awareness. Even when the pettiness of living got Him concerned, He would pray to Father for understanding and that would direct Him to see a larger picture or to open His mind.

Sometimes He had struggle with His mother, Mary, and I do know at times He thought of escape. He thought of avoiding her and she tested Him frequently. However, this only helped to strengthen the connection between Father and Jesus because most of all He wanted to do no harm; he wanted to bring peace and resolution.

His ability to have a broad outlook helped Him when He most needed it. He kept His desire to do the Father’s will and not worry about bodily discomfort, mental irritations. And in this personal motivation Father had granted Him with the tools He needed to act with the situation at the time. Whether the Master was speaking to the crowds or dealing with a sibling, He was giving into His motivation to the Father’s will. In this desire the Master was strengthened to put His mind to work where it would serve best. He many times forgot to eat. He could withstand tremendous amount of pain.

It was through His desire to do the Father’s will that opened a mindal channel for Him to overcome many negative circumstances. He had not motivation from the ego to have more riches or self-comfort. He had love for His family and wanted for their well-being, but His motivation was always to serve the Father. Even as He waited for His hour to come He was practicing patience and making effort to wait on the will of the Father. This patience for mortals seems to be a challenge, but because of the Master’s first thought–to serve the Father–He was made to feel calm and confident.

It is understood that mortals are sometimes giving into depression or nervousness and it is well understood. I do understand, believe me. What my suggestion is that to examine your motivation in everyday life. If you are able to want for the Father’s will, it will happen. Simply wanting to exert a spiritual life will help to bring ease to the mind and strengthen that channel between you and Father.

The Master’s motivation was to keep clear-headed to receive Father’s words and this was a protection against spirit poisons. He could be patient with His mother and see her as a child of God and indeed learn to treat her with love. He worked for a long time in the building of boats waiting upon His hour to come. Jesus knew His mission task was great and a lot had to happen in little time. He could not allow Himself to be anxious or concerned. He crafted his boats and kept His mind on the moment.

When you can keep the Father’s will at the forefront of your thinking then is the spirit going to overcome the worries of the mind, the pain of the body. We see in some cultures that there is such mindal training that many things can be withstood, it is a real occurrence. When you can keep your mind on Father, peace follows. Let us celebrate this season with the motivation of better communication with our Father. Allow His peace to cure worrisome ailments and irritations. It is the season to show your faith is alive in a simple way.


ABRAHAM:  Mary sends her regards and our lesson is kept short this evening. Again I thank you for the joy you bring to me and also helping me to learn how to be a better teacher. Know that my love is ever growing for you each. Until next time, Shalom.

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