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CDT31 – Evergreen – Sustainability

Evergreen/Conifer Co-Creative Design Team, – CDT#31
Evergreen, Colorado

Celestial Teacher: Monjoronson, an Avonal Son of Paradise Origin

Topics: Sustainable Businesses and Corporations
Overview of plans due to the elections
Breaking down barriers of separation
The importance of equality
The destruction of our global economy
Further financial difficulties are ahead
Building the world’s consciousness through prayer
The new positive environment is friendly to celestial help
The new era is compatible now for healing the world
Q & A: Clarification on cataclysmic events
Q & A: Clarification on population issue
Sustainable business and the global economy
Life, Equity and Growth are essential
Global issues of business practices
What went wrong for Global corporations?
An example of a sustainable business
Q&A: What are we doing that is right, wrong and how do we make money?
Q&A: Disparity of compensation

TR: Daniel Raphael

November 11, 2008

[Note from Daniel: Your presence, your connected-ness, your awareness, helps support the energy here. I have gone to some groups where I am TRing, and I’m the only person holding the presence. The energy just goes right over a cliff. So with your help, we can maintain this circle of energy, which helps me out a great deal. Otherwise, it kind of sucks the tar out of me.]

MONJORONSON: Good evening, this is Monjoronson, and I am accompanied by many of your friends and my friends. Thank you for your welcome. This evening I will speak to you in broad generalities: What is occurring on your world and where it is going. This will lead into the topic that has prompted this meeting tonight, which has to do with business—sustainable business.

Your world is in transition—no news to you, huh? The vibration of your world has increased tremendously; its frequency has elevated immensely, and each one of you is affected. Even those who resist, who live in darkness, are also being raised in their vibration. This is the movement towards oneness. Your world is now fully populated, as we have said before. This is the opportune time to bring your species, your consciousness, into active participation with a course and future of your world.

Prior to this millennium, your world was not fully populated enough to affect the consciousness and direction of your world, but now it is. We, the Administrators of your world, have increased the energetic vibration of your world, so that it moves much more swiftly. Separation gives way to unity, harmony and oneness. Of course you are seeing an immense dissonance or disharmony, a lack of harmony, in the processes of your world, as it moves forward into this harmonic. This is the nature of growth. This is the nature of breaking down barriers of separation, so that there is equality, the very essence that we will be speaking of this evening, for this is a process of supporting life, so that each has an equal opportunity to grow, to live, as any other person or being on this planet.

It is no coincidence that the medium of greatest flow of activity is your financial mechanisms on your world. It is grimly disappointing to see how separation and inequality is causing the destruction of your global economy. You—meaning you as a civilization—must begin to appreciate and ask for the resources to develop a sustainable global economy. Your world will continue to be rocked by financial crisises, recessions, growth, deflation, inflation and all the other machinations of an unsustainable global economy.

The key to developing a keen and personal interest in a sustainable global economy will develop when each of you understands that you have more to gain by sharing, than by hoarding or withholding from others. Those individuals in the world, who are worth billions, are finding that it is necessary to have you, the individual, the smallest economic unit of your world, within the playing field. For, when you withdraw even a small portion of your wealth, the collapse is near. What you are seeing now is the beginning to further difficulties in the financial and business sectors of your world.

Yet—and however—there is much good going on. There is truly an abundance of resources on your world. Farms have not withered and blown away; there is still water to be used; there are the resources of individual help, patience and participation and a willingness to involve themselves as individuals in the larger scheme. It is necessary for you to see yourself as individuals within the larger scheme of humanity. Each of you has a consciousness that is valuable to contribute to the larger consciousness of your world. You are not separate; you are no longer individuals in the sea of humanity, for each of your individual consciousness contributes to the race and global consciousness of your world.

What you have seen within the last ten days, with the election that occurred in this nation, is a change of consciousness. This began decades and centuries ago. It has been building to the point where individuals can project their consciousness into the world for the good of all concerned, and have a powerful effect. You can become much more powerful when you become more direct and conscious of your individual power, your individual intention and your consciousness, which you can direct. This is much like prayer, but not passive. This is active, intentional, powerful prayer that you can use to direct and build the growing consciousness of light in your world. You can no longer afford to be passive in your participation in your world, but must actively maintain a daily moment-by-moment awareness and consciousness of your being in your world, and your appreciation of all others in your world.

Many of you have been doing this diligently — and you doing so, you have been awakening the consciousness of sleepers—those who are sleeping in consciousness—on your world. This struggle that you have seen in this nation in the last few years has awakened many from their lethargy. This is good. You must see yourself in the light, and what I mean by “the light,” I mean by your energetic connection with Paradise, that strand of energy that runs through you to earth center, through all your chakra to earth center. This is your life energy, your universal energy. Use this. See this as you go about your day. You are in touch with Paradise each moment; be aware of that. As you become an observer of your life, this life becomes a means by which you can grow and act as a catalyst for growth and enlightenment in your world, and when we say “enlightenment,” we mean actually the “enlightening” of your world, so that it glows with vibrancy, wholeness, and light.

We have spoken to some of you during these past few days about what has occurred in our plans for your world, which now we can activate. You have entered a new era of light that is compatible with the plans for the healing of your planet. We find that there is a friendlier environment for us to work in now, in this nation, and in the world as a whole. We are not political beings, we have no interest in your politics or your parties, but we are, however, very interested in the direction and development of your world’s consciousness and its healing, and the enlightening of each individual. We can work much more easily in an environment that is positive and friendly, and is not bent on separation, but the unification of all people. Where you see diversity as an opportunity to explore friendly relations with those who are different, in truth, there are no differences in each of you except for how you are alive with your consciousness, your presence with the Creator, and your capacity to let that energy flow through you.

You are beginning to see a much friendlier environment for the healing of your world, and we can be much more active at this time. Had this gone the other way, these plans of gradual development, which we now have initiated, would have not been possible. An unfriendly environment does not allow us easily to act overtly with individuals who are like-thinkers and like-believers, as we. There was too much opposition to our work, and the focus of your attention as a nation was swayed greatly by the media and by those in power to direct you to negative ends, towards wars, separation, disharmony, and crises. We appreciate news that is positive and engenders the best participation, mindedness, and heart centered-ness of individuals in your world. We hope your media will be more influential of a much more positive and enlightening message, fleshing out and brightening the message that is coming forward.

The second plan could have only been effectively initiated in the case of a major cataclysm or some massive problem or event in your world, and then it would have been too late to lead many people easily into a new mindedness, a new way of participating in their world as effective, powerful individuals. That is the overview I have for you this evening. Are there any questions about this, before I launch into the discussion of sustainable business?

Mike: I want to clarify what I was hearing, and I recognize you were emphasizing the shift to a more positive environment, that has occurred very recently, and that that is helpful to you and those who are doing this work. Did I also hear you say that the other path, which might well have included what we would term cataclysmic events, is not to happen, or has been delayed or put off or …. Could you clarify that?

MONJORONSON: Certainly. The plan that has now been implemented is more easily done within this positive environment, without naming the President elect. We are more able to positively help individuals understand, appreciate, and grow in and through the events that will come. There are no attempts by us to alleviate or forestall the difficulties or cataclysms, as you call them, into the future. The energetic managers of this planet have been doing that, forestalling those events for decades and centuries, and now it is time to “pay the piper,” so to speak, for these delays. The inherent energies of a material world can be ameliorated and dissipated, but they cannot be eliminated. By assisting millions of individuals within the next few years to grow, and to see their world in positive ways, we are more capably able to help them understand the difficulties that their world will be going through.

For instance, to understand a cataclysm is not an act of God is essential. Cataclysms bring destruction to the civilization of a world, not because of any wrong of any individual or nation, but simply as an event of the mechanical outworking of a planet that is still physical, dimensional, with existent forces of its development. Does this answer your question?

Mike: Yes, thank you.

MONJORONSON: Other questions?

Dick: Monjoronson, I heard you say we have reached a population that we’ve been striving to reach, and now we can work better with this full population on the earth, yet in previous discussions, you have said that we are over-populated.

MONJORONSON: You misunderstood what I said, sir. Your world is truly over-populated; what I said was that your world is now “fully populated,” meaning that there are populations in every continent and every region geographically, even in Antarctica, on your world. It is not necessary that there be seven or eight or ten or fifteen billion people, to do so. This could as easily be done with two or three billion people, distributed around your world as it is now. The discovery of the New World, so to speak, which was not new, was partially populated; now it is more densely populated. So are other regions, nations and geographies of your world.

There is now the capacity to have a linking of consciousness around your world. The essence of this is that you are no longer separate, no longer isolated; and, you can no longer do what you want in your world without affect on others, for now it is just the opposite. Now you are so interlinked and interdependent that what you do in one place, affects others on the rest of your world. This provides an opportunity for us, at this threshold of population distribution, to now assist you in linking your combined consciousness for the upliftment and enlightenment of your world. When coordinated intentionally, and consciously, in concert with others, the increased vibration of your world also affects your bodies, minds, and all other spheres of human existence. Does this clarify for you, sir?

Dick: Yes it does. Thank you.

MONJORONSON: You are welcome. Other questions? (None.) Let us proceed then.

You have an interest in sustainable business and it is a delicious morsel for us to chew on tonight and in weeks following, for this is linked to your global economy, and also to the economy of a single company, which you reference as the “Kids Can Do Anything” organization or company. The sustainability of any economy, whether it is the economy of a sole proprietorship, or the economy of a multinational global economy, which is based in all nations of the world, involving hundreds of thousands of businesses, corporations and their affiliates and associates. The principles of sustainability are the same; they only operate in larger scope, with larger amounts of money. The principles are all the same

As Sondjah shared the three values underlying sustainability, the;
first is that an economy, or a business big or small, must honor life. It must sustain life in its philosophies, in its principles and its intention. We will go into each of these in more detail soon.

Second, there must be equality, dealt with and implemented within an economy, or a company, whether it is a sole proprietorship or a multinational corporation. The huge disparities of value given monetarily to the CEO principals of corporations and that of workers on the line, producing the goods for that company, are grossly disproportionate. This is an inequity of grand proportions, which cannot be sustained. The equality of salary or wage must be addressed eventually. It must come into a balance, so that there is harmony.

Third, the economy of a sole proprietorship or a global economy must allow for—not only allow for, but encourage and instill and emplace—policies and procedures for growth. Growth, as we have discussed in the past, deals almost solely with growth of the individual and groups of individuals—communities and societies of individuals.

I will give you a negative illustration, first: You are well aware of the word “Neo-colonialism,” the new colonialism of large corporations, where they go to a foreign nation and “buy” the economy, so to speak, so that they can reap the wealth of natural resources of that nation. This, without doing anything other than purchasing the materials from the national government, and paying wages to the individuals who live there and work there for them. Historically, this has been the way of doing business, which is not sustainable. Eventually, these resources will be used up, leaving the host country and its population without an apparent resource to sell.

A company with policies of sustainability in place would provide partial funding for schools and the resources for schools. Money alone is insufficient to provide the “heart connection,” which we know so well, that is necessary for sustainable organization, whether it is a business or a government or a non-profit organization. There must as well be good will; there must be a means of providing equity in the face of such huge financial inequity. People yearn for growth, and hope. When there is no hope, yearning stops and the soul and heart connection of individuals withers no matter how strong or capable their minds are. Growth is essential for your world to come into the era of light and life. Growth of individuals is essential. I know that I could sermonize on this at length, but I think you get the point.

Let us talk about other growth that interests corporations, its bottom-line, its market dominance and so on. In a sustainable global economy, sustainable growth is miniscule; it is at the level of one or two percent, at most. In this scenario, your global economies, companies and corporations have maximized their growth. You will find in the not too distant future that the world will be dominated by only a handful—ten to twenty corporations, if perhaps half of that. How big is big enough? The question must be asked and the question must be answered. When one corporation, as an illustration, dominates the total global economy, then where do you grow? How do you grow? These questions must be answered. Further, when the population of the world declines significantly, how will growth then be measured?

What you have not seen globally, or at least very few of you have seen—even in your intellectual community—is the eventuality of the end-places that your global economy will grow to. Growth is not indefinitely sustainable. Remember that! Growth is not sustainable. There comes a point where growth falters, and if you look upon your global economy now, it is illustrated painfully in the downturn of corporate profits, the tremendous losses, and the loss of jobs to individuals, all to the detriment of communities. The growth that began several years ago was at an unsustainable rate, meaning it was growing wildly out of control, and was fed by greed, avarice, by necessity of acquisition, dominance, and control for more, and this infected individuals at the local level. Individuals began to re-finance, as you say, the equity in their house, so that they could have access to that money and spend it, which they did, which further inflated the economy.

How far can an economy grow? There are limits and you have seen the limits in your world. Now your global financial leaders are scrambling in all nations to bring back the prosperity that they once had. They realize that there have been tremendous losses and loss of confidence and power and capacity of individuals to spend. It is a vicious spiral downward that will not see its end for two or three years. You will find that this spiraling down will exacerbate further problems that will come about as we have discussed and disclosed to you in prior sessions.

When you speak about a sustainable business, we understand this to mean a business within your grasp, your capacity to manage and to direct, and to develop. Is this correct?

Dick: Yes.

MONJORONSON: Thank you. To develop a sustainable company then, a sole proprietorship or a small company of partners or a limited corporation, you must begin, as we have said before in our discussion of sustainability principles with the underlying values of sustainability. This is something that is almost never done in the development of many corporations or businesses.

We are not talking about intention or intent for establishing a company; we are talking now about the values that you will have in place in your company that are the vital signs, the element of life, the elements that give life to this company. The “Kids Can Do Anything” company is almost an unfair example, because it is so well developed in its values, its beliefs and its intentions. Our directing your attention to that company and its founder—and its operation—was instructional for you. It provides a microcosm for examining a sustainable company.

Where does one begin with growth? It again begins with the values that you have for it and from those values emanate or spiral out beliefs that you have about those values as they come to play in the business functions of the company. Now, in the case of this small company, we are very pleased and even can say excited about its possibilities, because the growth factor for it is only limited to the population of the world. Its reason for existence is not the aggrandizement of the material wealth of its founder, or his family for they truly have adequate means as they live now.

Its motivation is one of service, and the service population is truly all the population of your world. This small company has the potential of growing into a multinational corporation with thousands of employees. If you were to take it to its last stage of development, which we hope does occur, it will be a vital element in the ushering in of the days of light and life, of a sustainable civilization. It was no coincidence that this fellow came into your lives, and his project, which you have invested yourselves in, has taken on a life of its own.

We fully believe that by using the values and just a dozen or so beliefs that emanate from the three values, that you can develop this company into a large organization for the benefit of millions. You have the three values that you can use in your marketing. There is a genuine concern for parents about their children; they want to see their children as having a life of quality. Quality! Quality of life is the most important belief emanating from the value of life, that life has quality. Children need a life of quality, so that they have a life that develops more equitably, peacefully, harmoniously, joyously.

You can use this as well for equality: Equality is a wonderful marketing word to use because it gives everyone an even playing field in the world. When children are happy they grow, develop, bloom, and prosper in many ways. They become able to explore their given purpose in life to find meaning, and give life meaning through that purpose, and then grow. And that is the last value, is it not, is to grow?

The equality issue will be most difficult for you, as equality is in the essence of your Declaration of Independence, and this has to do with the equal access to the development of their innate potential [and] equal access to resources. When this occurs, individuals grow, bloom, develop, and become fulfilled and joyous. There are so many aspects and perspectives from this work, this company, that could give a marketer months and years to work on, and still have it undeveloped totally. The essence is, in all regards in a sustainable civilization, individuals have a quality of life equal to others.

Those “with,” see those “without” and choose to assist them to become more prosperous, whether that means having a larger garden, whether it has access to education, or a better public transportation system, or safe and clean water distribution in their neighborhood. There are fundamentals for sustaining a planetary civilization, which are elementary, and which you know so well; you need to have safe water, abundant water, and that it can be recycled. You must have the capacity for families to grow their own produce, if they wish, and the opportunity to sell it.

Now let us go back to the original question: How do you design a sustainable business? You begin with the values to provide a service of quality to individuals that better their life. With this in mind, you will eventually discover that many companies, products, and even services have no contribution to make to a sustainable society. They are superfluous and are irrelevant add-ons.

A sustainable business tries to maximize the potential of its employees. It expresses the policies, beliefs, and values for its employees, as it does for its product, for its service, and for its clientele or service population. Happy workers are productive workers. Applying the same principles as this for the small company—“Kids Can Do Anything”—to employees, is prudent, wise and beneficial to the sustainability of a company. We are not saying that a company should afford a college education for every employee—certainly not—but it is beneficial to have an educational program that is available to employees that is aided by the company or the corporation.

There is a quid pro quo that is necessary where gifts and benefits have return, either to the company, to the community or to a service agency for the individual’s growth and his or her family. It is not unreasonable to pay a young person’s way through college to become a medical doctor and anticipate that they would be of service to that community or to that organization, or to some organization in another country.

Profit, you will find, is only one of several criterion that are necessary to establish whether a company is sustainable or not. The bottom-line has become too awkwardly selfish in your nation and many other nations, and that is unsustainable. As you examine the underlying values and beliefs for sustainability, you will find other bottom-lines necessary to design, devise, and then establish and set the parameters for performance.

Even successful companies often times have years without profit, financially, but eventually this must be alleviated; the bottom-line financially must grow to sustain the organization. In the case of this small company, “Kids Can Do Anything,” it too must have a growth factor financially, and it must know the limits of its growth to sustain itself and to fulfill its mission, for if it had a service office in every nation, in every community, in every region of the world, and then wanted to grow more, it would become unsustainable.

What are the limits of growth? This question must be answered for every organization and company. Is it healthy, for instance, that there only be one corporation in the world that would own everything? And produce everything? And serve everyone? Certainly not, for that is unsustainable as well. Truly wise businesses understand the necessity of competition and co-partnering with other companies that have a like interest. Having total market dominance is not sustainable; it is not healthy; it is not good for that dominating corporation. It might seem a paradox, an irony, but this is so. The wisdom of thousands of other global economies on other worlds has shown this to be so. Your world is simply going through a phase of immense, rapid growth, which is unsustainable on its current course, although growth in many realms could be sustainable for decades, as in this small company.

I am not trying to put over-emphasis upon this small company, but it is an advantageous example for us to use. It could very well fail for reasons that are not apparent now, and that would be most unfortunate. It would be enjoyable to see this become manifest, evident and developed in many nations.

I am open for questions, if you have any?

Cayce:  Monjoronson, first I would like to say “thank you” for being here and to tell you that you must have visited my consciousness as I was thinking of these questions this week, because you’ve answered quite a few of them. I do have some questions—and they may be yeses or noes—but you might be able to elaborate a little bit. Would you say the current business practices and forms need to be or will be re-thought differently, going forward?

MONJORONSON: They will need to be re-thought, or they will fail. It is as simple as that. The many, many contemporary models of business in your world now are simply unsustainable and will fail, even against the best options and minds that may be applied to them to keep them going. They simply must re-think how they are doing business and why they are doing business. Thank you and I thank you for raising the question for this session tonight, for us to be here. It is appreciated by us, very much, and you have our sincere regards and blessings.

Cayce: Can it be expected that viable businesses will be sustained or supported or not, upon this scheme of universal support? If they were formed with the intention of the good of the whole?

MONJORONSON: I can give you a flat “yes,” but qualify that with the decision-making that goes on within those organizations. Even now there are sustainable businesses that exist on your world. This is not something new, they are existent and we support them, we assist them in ways which are unseen and which do not violate the self-will expression and decisions of individuals. Most certainly the Most Highs have been very influential in business affairs of human kind, and will continue to do so. Thank you.

Cayce: And one more.

MONJORONSON: Certainly, ask away.

Cayce: Will it be suggested that we work upon these issues in individual groups, like we have in the past? Such as values and those types of things?

MONJORONSON: Yes. You are urged and encouraged to do so, to explore the various aspects that sustain organizations into an unknown future. Were we able to do so, we would provide a stipend to several of you to do the research globally now, to find examples of sustainable corporations, sole proprietorships, and other businesses, whether they are in manufacturing or service, or other. They do exist, and they do need to be discovered to understand what makes them to be sustainable. This is important to discover because it is in the realm of human behavior and decisions and psychology that you will find the associations for sustainable organizations, sustainable businesses.

Just as this serendipity of events brought Patrick McMillan and “Kids Can Do Anything” to you, there are other organizations that have very similar structures that are not service oriented. We do know that eventually there will exist a means for doing this research on an ongoing basis, though it is premature to disclose that now. Does this answer your question?

Cayce: Yes, thank you.

Mike: I have a comment and a question and would invite your feedback. You said earlier that growth is not sustainable and I think that’s understandable, however we live with a current dilemma, which may be breaking down, as viewed through the economic crises we’ve been looking at. That dilemma is this, and I would say that the dilemma is that we have only one measurement system that takes on only one aspect of any enterprise, and living, organic enterprise. The only aspect of measurement of success or failure is basically economic—money—so when we turn on investment for its revenue or its earnings or its market share, or market penetration, or whatever, they are all economically based.

That would seem to be extremely limited in terms of sustainability, because we are dealing with enterprises that are living, that are organic, that are—if you will—mined by spirit, and we are only dealing with one measure of that, in terms of how we view success. It seems intuitively that the breakdown in the global economic environment, may well be necessary for us to actually transform the way we view value and reward enterprises, so that the reward system takes into account more than the economic elements involved, i.e. being of service; growing spirits; contributing to awareness and consciousness …?…. And as dramatic and as “woo woo” as that may sound, it seems to me there is a direction, a portrait being painted here, that’s taking us down a road of what will be effectively a tremendous breakdown in the institutions within our social and cultural environment, in order that there may be a breakthrough to a whole new dimensionality of valuing and determining growth, and determining reward.

MONJORONSON: You are correct. Your global economy, the housing bubble, mortgage bubble, is like a teeter-totter—a very large teeter-totter—where everyone who had property was elevated in value, and it went past the equilibrium point, or sustainability point, and now it is shifted the other way where everything is sliding down the wrong side. When that happens the teeter-totter will be out of balance and it will take it a sincere, concerted, long term effort by many millions of people to right that teeter-totter.

You are very correct that your institutions and your leaders, and even share holders do not appreciate what they have to gain by thoughtful contributions of these other measurements, until their institution collapses and falls apart and there is a tremendous crises, such as is now occurring in your financial realm right now. The financial leaders of these corporations and financial institutions will strive to re-instate the old paradigm, but the frequency of your world, the vibration of your world as it moves into light, does not support these deadening, inequitable, separatist paradigms of finance that move money towards the few, rather than using the organization and the wealth to help many. You will go through an era, most difficult on your world, as the financial institutions wrestle and wrangle with the old paradigm until they evolve to more sustainable models.

Some will recognize that a new paradigm is necessary, and they can move towards it just simply [by] asking the question, “ What would a design for a sustainable global economy look like?” This is the primary question that must be asked, and it will eventually be answered, or your world will live in another dark ages for many, many centuries. A sustainable global economy is in the interest of Machiventa, the Planetary Manager, the Most Highs, Christ Michael, myself and particularly for every mortal on this planet now and in the millennia to come.

A sustainable global economy provides a fluid mechanism by which many billions of people are aided in the quality of their life, to develop their inherent potential, the capacity for growth in their soul, and become more deeply spiritual and connected with their Creator. These issues are not unrelated! They are intimately related, and your global economy is a vital, important part for your world to move into a state of sustainable civilization. It is the most obvious and evident one, where everyone has so much to gain and your world has so much to lose.

Are there other questions?

David: I appreciate your time and attention to “Kids Can Do Anything.”

MONJORONSON: We are glad you are here.

David: I have a three-part question:

• So far, what are we doing right for “Kids Can Do Anything?”
• Second, what are we doing wrong?
• Third, what the heck do I need to do to get this thing to the point that it supports its participants?

MONJORONSON: (Laughing.) Your first question again, please?

David: What are we doing right?

MONJORONSON: You are doing right by investing your heart energy into this organization. You would be doing right by doing that even if this company never showed a profit and never supported anyone. You are doing right by putting your self-interest aside, by seeing the interests of children and of parents and grandparents foremost in your scheme of thinking for this company. You are doing right because you are thinking of the individual child.

You are doing right because you are thinking of their parents and grandparents, and most of all, their community, for this must make a contribution to the community. You are doing right by expanding the awareness of this company and its function and its philosophies and its procedures, to larger communities.

We would not say you are doing anything wrong, other than there are areas, which need attention. What is doing wrong—I will develop this a bit—is if you go into question number three.

You can anticipate that you will go wrong, if your self-interests begin to dominate, for this organization and the way it operates cannot function and prosper with that intention. Examine the intentions: By doing “good” and helping all, you will be sustained. Your being sustained is a by-product of the good of this company. We suggest that you not divert or direct your attention to the good of yourself, for when you do that, you will do so out of fear; you will do so out of self- interest and self-embellishment. Yet, we do not ask you to sacrifice yourself at this challenge, at this goal, at this company. We simply ask you to pursue this.

You would be wise to tie this into current social developments in your nation. The materialism is grossly over embellished in your society and other western societies. Materialism is rampant, it is destructive, it is hurtful, it is a me-ism that is cancerous to the good of your society. By looking to the good of individuals, to individuals being happy and pursuing, then they are prospered in ways that are not material, which are intimate to their heart, to their minds, to their spirit and to their soul. You have begun. We applaud you, we salute you, we have you in mind for what is coming. You have begun an earnest point of light in the vast sea of darkness. That is necessary to enlighten millions. We will do what is necessary to sustain this point of light, and we with you will co-create its greater luminescence, its brilliance, to enlighten others.

When there is disappointment in the economy, then minds turn to higher values. This is a premium time for this small company to begin its journey of growth and service. You will not be capitalizing on the misery of individuals, but assisting them to re-direct their goals towards higher values within themselves, and for the expression of their potential, away from material goods that are then out of their reach. I do not mean to be circumspect with your questions, but hope these comments will help you and guide you. Know that this is not the last session where I am available to you to ask questions for the guidance of this small and brilliant little company.

David: Thank you.

Mike: My question is really rather pragmatic and goes back to something you said earlier when you referred to the obvious disparity in compensation that we see in corporate America, where CEOs are often paid gargantuan salaries and those others in the corporation—oftentimes very large corporations—are making what could be viewed as salaries that are certainly not, who are certainly not able to say there is equality. However, there are instances that come to mind, where they may not be predominant, but there are obvious exceptions to the CEO who gets paid gargantuan bucks—even when the company is failing, or the company fails anyway, and they get great parachutes and get great bonuses, and we see a lot of that in the press.

There are also examples—for example Warren Buffet and Bill Gates—I don’t know what Bill and Warren’s motivations were 10, 15, 20 years ago, but I can certainly look at the actions they’ve taken to establish a $28 Billion fund to help folks and be of service in their world, and say regardless of past motivations for, or perhaps because of them, they’ve reached a point where they are able to contribute an enormous amount of wealth, well managed and focused, to be of service to others, and there are many, many other companies, where similar things are taking place.

I sort of view this as a leakage from the top; we get a lot of wealth at the top, and those people from time-to-time, choose to spread that wealth out, and focus it on being of service and being of good. I would much rather see a model where the wealth—whether it be dollars or ideas, or being of service—leaked out throughout the organization, through the hearts of everybody who participated, but at least at this point in time, it would seem to be a wonderful example of what is possible, as opposed to what always gets the press. Can you comment on that, or is it just truly the perspective that that kind of inequality, as it was labeled, is not serving the best interests of the highest good?

MONJORONSON: You are correct on your last statement. The disparities are egregious and they can be corrected. Let me tie together your statement here, with a prior statement that you made, and that the qualifications of the measurements, the qualifying measurements of a corporation’s performance, must be tied as well to the CEO. The bottom-line helps sustain the company, to grow and to acquire other companies, but it is a sole, singular and selfish measurement. It is insufficient to guide the development of a corporation.

We have no complaints about rewarding CEOs abundantly, even to huge extents as they have been, but their performance must be spread to other measurements. The quality of life of their employees must be examined. Their carbon footprint, as the words you were saying, must be measured. They must measure as well the harm or goodness given and shared with the people who worked in their resource acquisition areas—in the copper mines in South America, and the bauxite mines in Indonesia—how are these people being compensated? Is there health care?

What you have raised in both questions and statements is a vital part of your future. Performance must be rewarded, it is required that it be rewarded, and exceptional performance must be rewarded grandly. We are asking that you—meaning you of the business communities—step out of your box of performance and enlighten yourselves for these new measurements of performance, and apply them to your CEOs and to your Board of Directors. This is a “must” for your world to evolve, for corporations and companies, small or large, to become sustainable. Your statements are well taken and well made, and they are appreciated.

Mike: Thank you.

MONJORONSON: If there are no further questions, I will withdraw. Thank you. This has been a wonderful evening with you. Know that you are making an imprint of consciousness upon your world. By allowing your conscious participation here and engaging the larger parameters of your existence, your shared existence on a small world, you have expanded yourselves in great capability, and potential.

Know that there have been many beside myself in attendance here with you. Your thoughts, though silent, are appreciated and known to us, where it is of our business. We thank you for the decisions you have made tonight to be here, and the decisions and content of your decisions that you will make in the future, regarding your planet.

It is essential—please know this—that sustainable businesses are an essential element of a sustainable civilization and an integral part of an era of light and life on every planet in that stage. They look a good deal differently than your businesses here, but they are viable businesses, which aid to the good of all humankind that they serve and produce for. Know that you are here in our presence and we are blessed with your presence, and you are blessed as well by us. Know that you have a light within you, which is most incredible. Appreciate that, respect it and share it.

(Group gives thanks.)

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