2023-01-09, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #48, Machiventa
Planetary Manager’s Group #48 – (Find this and previous PMG’s at: https://bigmacspeaks.life Group = NET-PMG)
Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager
A new era has begun
War is outdated
Providence is the guiding consciousness
We will begin afresh
We stand at the door and knock
Imagination and the role of suffering
Experience with a Thought Controller
Quivering on the very brink
TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD
Invocation: JT
A new era has begun
Machiventa: Good morning, dear friends, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. We thank you for being here today. Once again, we are in celebration as we are aware that the new era of this planet has begun. The rise of consciousness across this planet has increased. It is not something that is going to disappear. Just as a speeding car has a great inertia, so too does the consciousness of a planet carry its own inertia. It exists particularly in the minds of those individuals who are already prepared for the new era around them. I’m speaking not just of this era now in the 21st century, but in all centuries in the past, whether it was in Rome, Byzantine, the Ottoman Empire, or any other nation. The inertia moves forward. And so too, there is the work of Providence that is involved in this. I’m going to try to explain Providence to you in much more tactile means or examples if that’s possible in this language.
Providence is ethereal. It is unknowable except by its actions. You may call this by many other names, but it is the very real expression of the design and the plan that was established for a planet—whether it is this one or any other planet—during its creation. There was an intent for the creation of this planet, particularly as an experimental, decimal planet, to progress; meaning that it would support and augment those human efforts to make social, political, and economic progress—social stability and evolution in those three areas plus all other areas, whether it is art in its various forms, whether it is industry, and so on.
I’ll give you the example of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began as a part of the consciousness of this era of the planet when it was ready. You might look to an earlier phase when the age of awakening, enlightenment, and the Renaissance began to appear. What were the causes that initiated those eras? This was Providence working out the plan of the planet and of this civilization in the necessity of its progress and particularly of its development.
[Daniel’s connection to the call was interrupted for a short time.]
So, Providence is involved in the development, the developmental stages that will eventually bring about growth and evolution in all respective areas. The physical sciences are evidence of that as they have progressed into the mechanics of industry and now into the scientific mechanics of fusion energy and so on. Microscope technologies have increased incredibly so that they can now report or show those elements down to the size of one micron. And so, there is progress. But as in any development that becomes overmature, it becomes destructive, and that is the signal that there is a need for a change of consciousness. In that regard, Providence seems to arrange what is needed. It draws in the population to the next phase. People begin to awaken in large numbers. As you are aware now, peace is on the lips of many people as the necessity for war and aggression have outworn their usefulness. At one time, it was a desirable feature of progress—by taking over the terrain of a neighbor or invading them and destroying their population, this rising nation or political entity could expand itself for more resources whether it was human capital or the minerals in the earth.
War is outdated
And so, war has become outmoded. It is no longer a necessity of the expression of the four basic primary values of the human genome. It has outworn its usefulness and therefore it is now time, as you can see, for peace to become in vogue. Prior to that happening, there must be the technologies—these thoughtful theories and concepts—that introduce peace as a viable option for the progress of humanity. Thus, you have seen the illustration of the seven values that are at the basic foundation of the human genome. The four primary values have outworn themselves for the physical survival and expansion of your civilization. Now there must become much more highly mature theories of social progress and evolution. These will be forthcoming in the years and decades ahead. Many people wonder about the unemployment now, however, when we help you create a new industry based on the social needs of people (and social in this definition includes two or more people, whether it’s in a corporation or whether it’s in a homeowner’s association, family, community, neighborhood, or any other association of more than one person) we will be involved in that and assisting Providence to fill in the blanks that are necessary for the progress and development of this new industry. There will be many positions available for new era philosophers. Philosophies of social sciences are distinctly, belatedly primitive and immature, and there is great need for thoughtful discernment along a philosophical basis which would guide those social enterprises, policies of organizations, and of human civilization.
Providence is that wonderful feature of a planet and its spirituality. You might say it is Gaia’s expression for progress along social and other lines. It is something that is discernible by its actions, and if you are prescient enough, you understand what will be coming next. The unfortunate business for your planet and for humanity on this planet is that there is much social retardation due to overpopulation, war, aggression, and so on. Therefore, war must decrease.
Population will decrease naturally through the factors that inhibit further growth of populations—whether it is gerbils in a limited cage, or whether it is lemmings. It is a natural process that limits the population so it can get a fresh start in new territories with fewer inhabitants in its area of control. Humans are no different except that they have consciousness—a conscious will—and are able to make decisions. And as you have just heard from our friend Jeff about the continued growth of homes in Southern California and Arizona where there is eventually going to be extreme drought and extreme heat, the thoughtfulness of making those decisions is absent or seems to be absent. Therefore, that element will be eliminated in time. This is not a review of what we will do. We will do everything in our efforts to augment, assist, and enhance all efforts to bring about peace and social evolution whether in philosophy or in medical practice policies. The spectrum for growth in the social field is immense. It covers all of humanity. For those people who are thinking ahead, they will be needed in these industries.
Providence is the guiding consciousness
So, Providence is the guiding consciousness that brings the planet forward into its maturity. We are of a mind to be of great assistance to those who are inclined to help us help humanity—not for selfish reasons, but for altruistic reasons—for those reasons which assist humanity to mature and to grow. You may say, “Well, Machiventa, you know that teachers are benevolent individuals who seek to enhance the potentials of their students.” This is true. We agree with that. However, the field of education as a whole is very immature. It does not have a developed or evolved intention for its existence to humanity and civilization over the course of centuries and millennia. And that is what needs to be corrected in all of the basic social institutions that exist for human, social existence.
We will begin afresh
As you can see from this, much work needs to be done. We have sufficient experiential evidence to indicate that there will be large populations of highly resistant professionals in all of these fields who will not be accepting of what will be forthcoming, and in most likelihood will be reticent to institute changed policies, directions, and philosophies in their respective fields. We will, in other words, begin afresh. We will introduce these concepts through a fresh and new social institution. There will be at least two of these which will attract much speculation by old-timers and much interest by new-timers—meaning young populations or older populations who are enlightened to the spiritual metaphysics of your planet and who want to make a contribution to future generations which would hopefully include their own children.
We stand at the door and knock
We are quite literally at the figurative doorstep knocking on your civilization to awaken it to open the door to new possibilities for its survival. Thank you. I’m open for questions if there are any concerning this or any past issues. Thank you.
Imagination and the role of suffering
John: Thanks James. Good morning, Machiventa. Thank you for your attentiveness and your willingness to speak with us and to share the viewpoint of planetary management. I want to share some thoughts and then ask a question. I’ve been reading this book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, and it’s an interesting read of the history of humanity from his point of view. One of the things that he talks a lot about is imagination—how, as humanity evolved, once groups got to be more than 150 individuals or larger, they had to create, using their imagination, social structures that would allow them to function as a cohesive whole. It seems that he’s looking at this from the outside in where the social structure basically provides the individual with the information that they need to function within that culture. It seems like in our Urantia text and in these transcripts, the thing that’s going to help humanity move into a socially sustainable order is that this support has to come from within spiritually mature individuals, and that they can generate the morality and the ethics from within in order to contribute to and to create social sustainability. So, along that line, I had this thought that it’s quite a leap from maybe where we’re at right now to get to the point where there’s enough socially mature individuals to create and sustain a socially sustainable society. And it seems like the near future is going to be a fairly rough ride. So, my question is: What is the role of suffering in preparing humanity to be receptive to the morals, the ethics, the teaching, and the guidance that it will take to bring social sustainability about? Because without real effort, it seems, on the spiritual side of teaching and the acknowledgement of The Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, I don’t know how social sustainability is going to come about. So anyway, that’s kind of what I have been thinking about the last couple of weeks, and I would appreciate anything that you would care to comment on in that regard. Thank you.
MM: This is Machiventa. Certainly, and we are most thankful for your thoughtful question and statement. Ironically, what will help humanity overcome the external orientation is Buddhism and the inquisitiveness of thoughtful Buddhists who question suffering. Now, in traditional Buddhism, one must be at ease and peace with suffering. It is the way to enlightenment. Once you discover that your suffering is your own business, then you can disown your suffering and the circumstances outside of that. Now the inquisitive Buddhist, Christian, Jew, Hindu, or anyone else may say, “How can we lead people into not suffering through inventive means in our social environment?” You see, this gets to the same point as what Professor Harari is saying. So, it requires more than just patience, abiding by suffering, and being oblivious to suffering to gain a higher-minded perspective of life. You are nonetheless human—you have a body, you have hungers, you have physical pains—and so you would want to know how to help others overcome that. It may be that you in your thoughtful mind you have overcome suffering and you are able to, not only tolerate it, but can thrive from it. And that you know, as an enlightened person, that there are millions, if not billions, of others who are not in the same developed, evolved position as you are. And so, you would advise others how to use their imagination to develop the social structures needed to alleviate a great deal of social suffering. And my friend, you are aware of tremendous social suffering, whether it is from gender bigotry, racial, or ethnic bigotry, and so on. There is much need for evolved social structures to alleviate that.
The imagination is that wonderful aspect of your humaneness which also is reserved in your genetic structure. Sometimes it is activated in some people, and sometimes it is not. It depends upon the enlightenment of the individual and how much of the blue race that they have in the genetic structure. It is not that all descendants of the blue race are imaginative inventors of new processes which is evident in many races—it can exist in anyone—and it is particularly activated by the individual’s plea to God within to assist them to discover, enhance, and develop the practices of inventiveness, of imagination, and so on. Inventiveness gets to its core through the gene structure that supports human motivation which is key and core to all human progress. So, your question is vital to what we are doing and to the close association of co-creativity between spirit and individuals and whole associations of individuals. We encourage you to pursue this in how you can be of assistance to us in this regard. I already see among my team that there are individuals who are most willing to assist you in this process. We are excited for you. Thank you.
John: Thank you, Machiventa. I appreciate that so much.
Experience with a Thought Controller
JT: Okay. I’ll give it just a minute here. I’ll say that I could connect with what’s been in our conversation the last couple of sessions about Thought Controllers. There have been times where my mental processes became obsessive and not in a healthy way. And I said “Look, I can’t do this anymore. I need some help here.” I remember one specific time after saying this I lay down, took a short nap, and when I awoke it (all the noise) had stopped. So, I have had experience appealing to the Thought Adjuster for help in that regard and received it.
MM: Wonderful.
JT: We don’t have any more people in the queue or with their hands up. Do you have a closing for us Machiventa?
Quivering on the very brink
MM: Yes. Your humanity is now at the precipice, the brink that is mentioned in the last few pages of The Urantia Book, of tremendous change. All of humanity itself is now rocking on the edge of this cliff, and it will only take the winds of time to off-balance humanity for it to fall to its demise. However, through the beneficence of Providence, the winds of time can also push from the cliff face onto the face of humanity and push it backwards into more reasoned existence. And the choice is yours at the individual level. You, your Thought Adjuster, and your Thought Controller can assist you greatly to help humanity move forward into the ascension mode which takes you from the precipice and the abyss upwards into the higher evolved reasons of your evolutionary expression for you to become the greatest examples and samples of your species; that you are ascending in your thoughtfulness, in the constructiveness of your thinking, and using your imagination in profitable ways for yourself and for humanity. This is where the individual is a partial determiner of what humanity does in the near future. We are here to assist you in your thinking to help you grow into the maturity of an evolved individual who is ready and prepared to enter the Days of Light and Life.
In this state of new existence for yourself, you will be entering into the lower regions of the morontial existence, and you become a radiant being of peaceful creation creating peace around you wherever you go whether you’re aware of it or not. You are much like that wonderful example of static electricity where the individual puts their hand on the electrode and their hair stands on end, but as in this case, as a morontial-mortal being, your whole being radiates that energy from within you—from your God Presence within you in union with you. And so, with these thoughts we bring you into the new future of the next phase of humanity and its adventure on this rocky planet. We thank you for your attendance, for your thoughtfulness, and for your unvoiced contributions to humanity similarly [to] and just as we do ourselves. Good day.
JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.
Daniel: You’re most welcome. Good question, John.
John: Thank you, Daniel. Thank you so much for your contribution and your hard work.
Daniel: Oh, you’re most welcome. Glad to do it.