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NID888- Spirit Influence

2015-10-25-Spirit Influence
No Idaho #888


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Spirit Influence
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Charles, Dr. Mendoza, Serena
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Spirit Influence
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Charles, Dr. Mendoza, Serena
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris


Prayer: [Mary] Father of all, of the many blessing we experience in this life, one of the most poignant and beautiful we seek is the blessing of relationship with other persons. We pause in this moment to savor that peace of association through You, in You and with You. Continue to bless this particular association, this particular configuration of personalities, continue to bless us with the insights and understandings that are developed in association. We are grateful for this point in time where we find ourselves in communal embrace.


CHARLES:  [Mark] I am pleased to accept your invitation, I am Charles to join you as we come together in this scenario and in so doing we in fact change our very reality. We choose to operate in this mode of spirit, to listen with the ears of spirit, to see with the eyes of spirit, to hear what spirit would bring to us. This is all accomplished as with the flip of a switch, this choosing to “poof” yourself into a new dimension. So if this is the case, then, what an opportunity it represents to carry this same dynamic and principle over and look for different ways and opportunities to flip this switch that you have just flipped. When you choose to flip all the other switches you are in charge of throughout your day you can bring spirit influence, spirit insight, spirit awareness and spirit conditioning into any other equation that you are involved in.

You may overlay spiritual principles over any circumstance and you may rely on spirit direction when the time comes to pick and choose and implement your choice. It has often been recognized about those who pursue their religious faith and beliefs, that they devote and allocate certain time frames on certain days and under certain circumstances wherein they will devote themselves to this practice and yet the rest of the week may go by and they never think to transpose their current circumstances with the addition of spirit influence. Again, it is a decision to act in a mode, in a level of operation and to impose this mode over your other circumstances is simply a matter of you desiring to have it so and thus flipping the switch you have just flipped.

This is what is so full of potential. All of your life circumstances and situations may be changed by your simple desire to look at it through your spirit dimension, to sense it through your spiritual perception, to make observation from your highest self. In this way you will certainly view circumstances differently and have available to you a wider array and variety of options made available to you simply because as your level of awareness has expanded, so will your options, so will your choices and so will your level of participation.

Having enjoyed this mornings session of flipping this common switch with you which connected us, which brought us to this place which we enjoy now, having greatly benefitted from this mornings exercise, I now take my leave to allow this common space for use by others. And, just as I arrived, I will take my leave, “poof.”

DR MENDOZA: [Mark] Greetings to you all once again, I am Dr. Mendoza and I take great pleasure in feeling welcome to join your powerful and potent circuitry. I come among you again to remind you of our association, of our common desire to work for the benefit of others and thus in effect, to work for our Divine Parents and their desires. This is our common alignment, this is what provides us our strength, our source, our sustenance and our ability to be instruments of peace.

It is a joy to be on a team with those such as yourselves who truly are the boots on the ground and through whom any efforts at ministering will be channeled and delivered. In many cases it will be through you, the faces, the hands, the hearts that you are which will be the spark and the conduit that will transfer this energy from on high out of thin air. It is true enough that it is a force which is contained all around you in the very atmosphere you have felt it. It is true that this grace flows to you and it is true that it flows through you. It is true that you may be an instrument of this grace made real. You are regularly this to others.

You are the transformer which gathers the energy from around you and transfers it to the point of need, gathering these resources from seeming thin air. But to those who are spiritually aware, the air is charged, the atmosphere is replete with energy. It is simply your desire to gather as an antennae this energy and to transmit that which is there and is available to a specific point in time and space. This is all you are asking to do as those who would minister to others, as those who would call themselves healers, is to simply do that which your Divine Parents desire. Bring this available love energy into focus for your brothers and sisters.

This spark of delivery and focus is what you have to offer to the process which is in place all around you. Your desire to be a part of this connection is all that is required for your services to be rendered as you so desire. And when your services are rendered, all of our services are rendered, our entire staff and team succeeds when any one member succeeds. To the degree we are able to help even in the smallest way, we have succeeded in fulfilling the will of our Divine Parents, that we minister to their children.

I accept the grace that this opportunity provides to join you once again, to breathe deeply with you these breaths of spirit, to feel with you this fellowship that we have in spirit and to offer my gratitude for all of these gifts of grace we recognize. I invite you to recall as you are able, the opportunity to circle up your attendant passengers and allow these Thought Adjuster circuits to activate in coordination with you thereby adding another dimension altogether. It is pleasing to watch you learn to wield these principles more and more easily. I look forward to working with you as the needs arise and our efforts come together. Thank you all for your efforts thus far. We are building quite a team, I hope you have a sense of this as well as I do. I look forward to working with you, farewell.


SERENA:  [Cathy] I also wish to comment on the potentials of deciding to overlay spirit in the situations encountered during the day. Never underestimate the availability of action you have available with spirit. As the spirit circuits increase in frequency you will be able to access even greater quantities of assistance as you desire. You are a point of contact with situations of need. You have the ability to direct potentials to increase our effectiveness during these correcting times. Use your intention freely and be confidant in the effective result. Step forward in enthusiasm and confidence. We are in support of all your efforts and the good it can bring.

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