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ATL302- Neurology of Transmitting

2014-09-02-Neurology of Transmitting
At Large #302


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Neurology of Transmitting
o 1.2 Group: At Large
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
o 2.2 TR: Steven Murphy
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Neurology of Transmitting
Group: At Large
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza
TR: Steven Murphy


DR MENDOZA: Hello. Dr. Mendoza here. We’re going to have a lesson today on what you might call the neurology of transmitting. My interest in medicine includes an interest in psychology as well and I have access to consultants on the neurology of Urantia’s two-brain peoples. The important theme I want to focus on today is with the two-brain person; there are two hemispheres that operate connected by the corpus collosum.


DR MENDOZA:  The right hemisphere, which is truly the dominant hemisphere, is the hemisphere of experience. It is the part of the brain, which takes in experience on many levels. It does not organize it. It needs help to do that. It sends the information over to the left side of the brain.

The left side of the brain functions somewhat in isolation. It is not as directly involved in incoming experience. It receives its information through the corpus callosum from the right hemisphere. Its job then is to construct a reality, to provide a narrative. It should send it back to the right hemisphere so that the constructed reality or the narrative of life has that element of experience to it.

What sometimes happens, I will say even often happens, is that the left hemisphere, being that it functions somewhat alone and has data to construct, does not have direct experience, will believe over time that it creates reality, that it is the dominant hemisphere. What happens is that it constructs realities and narratives that are very often lies. These lies are constructed to make sense out of a variety of experiences, which are fed to it by the right hemisphere. As the right hemisphere generally does not quantify or classify these impressions it receives, it sends it over for that to be done to the left hemisphere.

The left hemisphere can sometimes live in an illusion of power that it does in fact create reality. This is what happens internally with self-image. Many times the image you have of yourself is one that is a lie. You live your life according to a belief about yourself that is an intellectual fraud as you read in the Urantia book on the lesson about human philosophy as it relates to mota.

This lie about the self is easily perpetuated because it provides a false sense of security and balance to the self. Over time, it becomes activated in the brain enough that it is the self. Now this is important to know because as you do this work, you will encounter these self-images. You will encounter these narratives about who you are. You cannot help but do so; transmitting is such a unique experience for anyone to try. It’s kind of like sticking your neck out. Many of you will encounter from your left hemisphere a fixed belief about you. One that is perhaps tinged with an emotion: You’re not good enough. Your transmissions are too harsh. Your transmissions are not weighty enough. What happens is that the sense of self gets revealed.

I’m here to tell you this is primarily a neurological arrangement. It is a pattern of belief about the self that has been what we call potentiated by years and years of living according to this lie. Why it manifests, especially with transmitting, is transmitting is a new experience. As you know, you are tapping from new circuits coming in through your brain.

These circuits provide to the right hemisphere first, an experience unlike anything it’s been known to have before. Over time, it sends this data about this experience to the left hemisphere. Because of the power of the energy that comes through the circuit, the left hemisphere immediately feels ill equipped to process this and create a narrative about the experience. Many times what will get stirred up is a disposition, a belief about yourself. It is meant to say: “No. This is reality. This is what you operate according to. Not this new reality of energy coming from somewhere else.”

Unless you are grossly dysfunctional in your brain, you will push past this as many of you have. You know this experience. But you bring with it these judgments of yourself, these lies about yourself. You would not be having the experience of even attempting to transmit communications from spirit if you are not worthy. You would not be having this experience at all if you didn’t want it.

These desires and this basic feeling of worthiness are not anything that fit any lies that have been told to you about yourself by your left hemisphere that creates attention. Which way to go: Do I devalue my work or do I push past that? As you push past it, in time you’ll see that this new arrangement becomes potentiated, becomes the way of being when it comes to your self-image. Your self-image will include an experience, one that you may not fully understand, of communicating with spirit. This is the new sense of self. I assure you this takes a lot of getting used to just on a physiological level.

The way this operates in the brain is that there are gates. There are various gates, which allow neurotransmitters to be sent to and fro in order to order the experience of the brain, in order to do what we’ve been calling potentiation. So much of what you end up believing about yourself or about life derives from certain neurotransmitters being inhibited rather than promoted. A lot of behavior and identity derives from the inhibition of electrical exchanges and neurotransmitter exchanges in the brain. This is where those lies hide. This becomes the foundation for the narrative that is many times false.

This is what you need whenever you attempt transmitting. You need the energy tied up in these inhibitions. So that means that the neurotransmitter cannot be gated, the gate cannot be closed. The more that you push that way and the more that the neurotransmitters need to go in order to have this experience, the more those gates feel the pressure.

To relieve that pressure in the brain, other gates are closed in order for those gates to be opened. Neurotransmitters that feed other potentiated patterns in your brain become inhibited. This is when the transition takes place. What teacher Abraham has referred to as the point of transformation.

This is sometimes an uncomfortable process, sometimes a very exhilarating process, but I am here to say that this is very real physical process. This is a genuine change in the two-brained person. This means that your brain is being pushed to accommodate another reality, one that three-brained people find rather easy to do. It is difficult for a two-brained person to be in touch with spirit. As you are finding, it’s not impossible but it does take some adjusting. It can be done.

This may determine and shape the future development of your brains. This is a process that is perfectly natural when you attempt to communicate with spirit. Whenever you encounter a negative judgment of yourself while doing this work, know that your left hemisphere is saying: “No, this is the truth. This is the story. This is what I’ve constructed in order to make us feel safe and real in the world.” And know that your left hemisphere will only accommodate whatever new data, if you will, whatever new experience you persist in giving to it.

Your left hemisphere has created for itself an illusion that it is a willed part of your brain. It is not. It accommodates your brain. It will start to organize this into a feeling or an image of yourself as one who communicates with spirit. It must. It has no choice but I assure you it’s quite an adjustment.

It will give you a very small example of how this works. Recently, I have communicated extensively with Steven about personal matters and some professional matters. He felt quite embarrassed because he couldn’t remember my name. He kept substituting different names. He finally saw that whenever anyone is very important to him, such as myself, I was pressing to work with him, he will sometimes remember the experience of being with a person far more than he remembers even the name. He took a light-hearted approach to that rather than to feel ashamed or humiliated about that and started to joke by calling me Dr. Menendez.

All laughing aside, by so doing, by lightening up on that judgment of himself, he now knows me. He’s opened himself to me and knows I am Dr. Mendoza. That is a very small and nonthreatening way to give as an example of the process of change. It is one that I chose because it involves a lot of brain mechanisms, having to do with memory, having to do with experience.


DR MENDOZA:  In due time, all of you will begin to name the experience of the spirit communication that you have. You will find familiarity, repetition and meaning. The capacity to recognize develops as the experience of communicating with spirit potentiates in the brain. It becomes the efficient foundation and you go from accepting the experience to discerning the different experiences. You will come to name and know all with whom you communicate. This sense of security and self-assurance is necessary in order for you to function this way at your fullest. I’ve been most happy to deliver this lesson today. I wish you all a very good day.

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