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CDT6 – Evergreen

2008-01-04  Evergreen Co-Creative Design Team, – CDT#6
Evergreen, Colorado

Celestial teacher: Monjoronson & Sondjah

TR: Daniel Raphael

January 4, 2008

MONJORONSON: Good evening, this is Monjoronson.

Group: Welcome!

MONJORONSON: Thank you for your welcome. What this group has been going through is in measure, a huge example set for the rest of the teams that are to come. You have an incredibly conscious process and engagement with the co-creative design teams. Your relationship with Sondjah Melchizedek is remarkable; many of you see him as your friend, as a friend, neighbor and consultant, one of high regard. Know that we are in the process of replicating this team process throughout the world. Just as we have moved forward very rapidly, since the Co-Creative Design Team seminar and retreat in Utah, to replicate that several times over this year, so too you are making history and making shortcuts for those ahead, who will engage this process.

You have an awareness of the magnitude of this journey, of this mission; we hope you have the patience to walk this path as diligently as those in the past, who walked it through faith. Your faith though now, is engaged with the real personalities of myself, Sondjah and many other individuals, whom you will come to know by name in the near future.

We are here to assist you, and you assist all others in your consciousness, through the pattern of your thinking, through the concepts you have of this process. You, consciously or unconsciously are setting a pattern that will be replicated by others. You are not aware of that, but we will use this pattern and set it upon other groups for them to adopt and to adapt. Not every team will be similar as yours, though many thousands in the future will be almost identical. Your operation now is hither, thither, and fairly scattered, but soon you will become to be centered upon the tasks at hand and become very productive. And even in your productiveness, this chore will last for decades.

You can take one project at a time, and work it through a few weeks at a time, to see accomplishment, purpose, goals being met and achievements, which you had not thought of before. You are connected to the mind line of the universe. You are also connected to the mind line of every individual in this group. You have a shared consciousness. So too, are your hearts united and joined together in this heartfelt exercise of love, work and dedication. You are remarkable individuals, and I hold you high and remember, though you cannot see it, your faces will be seen in the halls and archives of our morontial world. We thank you for your time, and now I release this time to Sondjah.

SONDJAH: This is Sondjah. Well, back to work! We have observed you during these last two weeks, and have remarked about your interaction, your fervor, your dedication and your zeal; your enthusiasm fairly sparks like fireworks that many have seen these past few days. You now are set to begin a new round of work in these paradigms of relationships. You have the opportunity to now focus upon a much more narrow task. Tonight I ask only one thing of you to do, and that is, for each paradigm of relationship that you work with and identify, your only chore is to write—actually write—an intention for being a part of this relationship.

In other words, if you were an individual who is 50 or older, who wanted to be in companionship with another, you would write your intention. What is my intention for being in relationship with this person, and we are not talking neighbors or friends, we are talking about an intimate, personal relationship where you share a home together, or some residence, where you are in close interaction with this person, many hours of every day, of every week, through many years. Do you understand this so far?

Group: Yes.

SONDJAH: Then I will ask you to adjourn to your groups, and remember that this is a fluid process now, that we have new members who have not been here before, and we have members who were here last time, but who are not here today. You will need to move about and find the teams that you work in, and we may need to have placards that you hold up, so you can join together more quickly. We anticipate that you will explain to the newcomers, what these paradigms are. We will share this with them through this one, and through email, the journal that is kept by this one and shared with you all.

Please take 20 minutes in this coming process, where upon we will rejoin in this larger group. You can have a few minutes—we will allow 2 minutes for each group, 3 at the most—to report and then this one will go into stillness and be available. I will be available through him, to answer your questions, inquiries or statements that you wish to make, after which we can come to a closure, unless there is more work that you wish to do. I will now wait for you to meet.

* * * * * * *
Daniel: I want to take just a few minutes to get centered, okay, and that’s my process and when my consciousness is way up, the quality I don’t think is very good, and so the farther and deeper I get into this semi-trance state, the better it works for me. Okay?

SONDJAH: Well, my friends, you have come together and have met, shared your ideas, you have written your own intentions and you have come to a collective intention. You have begun the most elemental step of devising and designing sustainable relationships. You have worked on two particular relationships at this time. You will find that working on one will give you much leverage for working on others, even though you may not have an interest in that one for yourself. You are workers now; you are people who are in the line of responsibility for developing designs.

We would ask you, when you come together again, to make sure/ensure that you address, all the various levels of a relationship, that we were building a diagram for you that as our weeks progress, you are seeing a diagram becoming more and more specific, until we get down to the bottom layers. This is essential and you will find that as tedious as this may seem, this is exactly what will be done for all elements of sustainability, material, social and civilizational.

There are so many parallels between all these layers that are addressed together, separately, and have so many similarities. You will remark about how much progress you can make later on, as you work with different paradigms of relationships and social issues. You are taking the first elemental steps of learning to work together, and then how to produce together, in a design team setting. You have had discussions, you have had sharings of opinions, you have had differences, you have had compromise, you have had insights, to see new layers of work that you have before you, and in your own thinking. Further, you each as we heard, are aware of your consciousness as having an impact on your world. Your consciousness here is elevating the world tremendously; you are sharing an idea, a pattern, a vibration that is higher than many others in your world. Your pattern will go forward to help others.

Now, when you write the paradigms, write the designs for relationships, make sure that you address all levels and layers of that relationship. One is, “What does it do for the individual?” We heard here, how much this individual could do for the other partner in the relationship. Even if you are a single person, you live in a society living consciously, you can present yourself to the world as a paradigm of a single person, who seeks and is becoming fulfilled, in relationship to society. So the layers here would be many more; it would be your singleness in relationship to your neighbors; it would be in relationship to your work group, to your social groups, to your communities, to your society at large.

You have this as a service; you serve your society, your community, your family, your world, and in so doing consciously, you have an immense impact upon your world. Many upon your world now are seeking to raise the elevation, the vibration of the world: this is how you do it; you think in higher terms—not idealistic, unreachable terms, but realistic, reachable terms. You are writing the fundamentals for each relationship paradigm. Soon you will be building a model on a page for this relationship.

You will then come to another layer, which are values. What are the values that you seek, [that] are there inherent and underlie the existence of this relationship, whether you are single, whether you are in your 70s with your companion; what are the shared values that you have that sustain this relationship? This is specific: What are the values? Everything always goes back to values, and so you must begin to examine that. Values always are in a relationship to others. Values provide a commonality among others and yourself; values underwrite your existence as a meaningful and fulfilling individual. Your values are immensely important. This is the bedrock and eventually we will get there.

Now, after the intentions, we come to beliefs. Beliefs are the next layer above values, then your enactment is the intentions, and then the things that you do are above that. Do you see that? These four levels?

Student: Could you repeat that—the four levels?

SONDJAH: Certainly.

At the bedrock level are values; then your beliefs, as you interpret those values onto your life, as you interact with yourself and with others. Above that is the layer of intentions: I believe these things, therefore I intend to (da,da,da,dah).

Above that level is the fourth layer of doing; this is the level of living out your beliefs. This is where you see the demonstration of consistency or inconsistency between the doing and the beliefs. Doing also is verbal, it is language, it is how you present your intentions, your beliefs and your values through your words.

And behind that is your thinking; of course this is where we want to go with everyone; everyone’s inner vibration and pattern is that of love. Love is the combination of all—many, many, many dozens upon dozens of behaviors—patience, tolerance, forgiveness, earnestness, forbearance and so on. So you see that these commonalities are necessary for the sustainability of your world, as a meaningful, contributing addition to universe, where good souls, powerful souls, grow from your societies. Other questions? Think of them as I speak and I will provide you with a time to ask your questions.

You are in relationship here; we asked you to make an intention when you first began this service tonight, this work tonight. This is your declaration of why you are here, and this will give you food for thought for the week ahead, as you go home, to think about your intentions for your life, your intentions for being here, your intentions for having children—or not—your intentions and beliefs and values, you have for all those paradigms of relationship. This will give you a great deal to think upon and be able to contribute or ask further questions next week. Now, the questions if you have any?

Casey: Sondjah, I’d like to ask, is unconditional love possible in this world?

SONDJAH: Most certainly!

Student: Thank you.

SONDJAH: This is demonstrated every day, through loving couples who have children, who earnestly and dearly love their children, who want to be there to model for them, to care for them, to nurture them and to assist that child, even as young as it is, only weeks old, to fulfill its life to the greatest extent of its potential. This is truly unconditional love. It is made more difficult when that individual takes on their own beliefs, their own thinking, their own language and their own discussions with you—teenagers are an issue in point! (Chuckling from group.)

Mike: Sondjah, would it be correct to say that nothing in the universe is sustainable, unless it—or people in relationships, if that’s what we’re focusing on—unless they are able to see and feel and know themselves as love?

SONDJAH: Let us put the answer to your question this way: There are sustainable relationships that exist on your world. As we have seen, many, many millions of them come and go, through individuals who do not have within them the beliefs that they value in themselves, for themselves, though they know they must express those values to others, to their children or to their subordinates or to those in power. Sustainable relationships exist best when they are clearly invested in the individual, those beliefs of sustainability, of worthiness. You may find another answer if you rephrase your question.

Mike: Well, I guess my assumption in the question is that sustainability is the ongoing, forever and ever energy of love, and in relationships, that includes the ongoing love even after one or both bodies dissipate and go away. And to me, the sustainability in that sense can exist only if there is an abiding sense that each person is in fact, essentially only love, as the product of the Creator.

[[This is Daniel: He’s going to pull a Jesus on you now.]]

Mike: That’s okay, he’s…?…

SONDJAH: You know these things to be true, is that right?

Student: Yes.

SONDJAH: Do you express them in your life?

Student: Yes.

SONDJAH: And are you love—total love?

Student: Yes.

SONDJAH: And do you express that totally in your thinking towards yourself and towards all other people, all the time?

Student: No, not all the time.

SONDJAH: This ideal that we have presented to you is a workable objective to attain. You can attain it in your life, a sustainable relationship between yourself and with God and your higher self, the God within. This provides you with hope, [and] though you may never achieve a sustainable relationship even with yourself, there is the hope that you can.

It is the intentions that you write upon your heart, which live always through your infinite career. You write those intentions now, for the rest of your existence into Paradise. This may mean thousands, if not millions of years, before you are embraced by the Creator in Paradise, but your intentions for living give you hope, give you purpose, give you meaning, the potential of fulfillment and satisfaction, and eventually of unlimited love and harmony in the universe, in yourself, with others and with God.

What is essential that you learn here is that there is hope, that this is neither a hopeless planet to live on, nor one that is impossible to learn lessons to help you achieve the infinite life that you desire. You are all here, knowing that there is an afterlife, an infinite career that ascends towards Paradise, through many eons and many, many lives. You have begun a journey that begins with your intentions for your life.

Student: Thank you.

SONDJAH: Hearing no further questions, I will adjourn and you are welcome to reconvene in your groups if there is time, until you dismiss yourselves to work on the values, beliefs, intentions and behaviors. Though this perhaps may be better put aside to another day next week; it is your choice. I bless you, as Monjoronson blesses you, and which Christ Michael blesses you now as well. Know that you have received an anointing, otherwise you would not have been called, and you would not have responded. Know that you are beloved of God, of Christ Michael and us. Nebadonia radiates her love through your lives in all regards. Good night.

Group: Good night and thank you.

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