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CRC020729- Pleasure & Mastery of Mind

2002-07-29.  Pleasure & Mastery of Mind

Costa Rica #101

Topic: Pleasure & Mastery of Mind

Group: Jungle Group

Teacher: Alana, Legion, Irivina, Davina

TR: S. Butterfield


Alana : Yes, my beloveds, this is Alana.

Student : Welcome, Alana.

Alana : With Legion by my side.

Student : Welcome, Legion.


Alana : And I would have you breathe, breathe into the heart room now, with me, knowing I am here, breathing in the center of your heart room, Legion caressing the walls of the heart room as he steps from one to the other, blowing love into your spines. Breathe the love. Allow the love. Share the love.

Legion : Yes, this is Legion. Allow the love to enter through your spines into your hearts. Breathe it in up through your minds, strengthening the mind¹s ability to discipline thought. Breathe it in now, allowing the love to fill your bodies and flow up through your minds, refreshing thought.

Allow the love. Breathe it in through your spines, up into your hearts, into your minds, pouring through your minds into the center of the heart room, pouring thoughts of loved ones into the heart room, pouring troubles into the heart room, the love flowing into the center of the heart room and lifting up, lifting up. Surrendering now. Surrendering your fears, your doubts. Love lifting up. Thank you.

Irivina : This is Irivina. Keep the light clear. Clearly focused in the direction you have chosen, to learn to love and to allow love to heal. The straight, brilliant line of the focused light enters into your life like the facet of a diamond draws on glass. No wasted energy. No confusion. A straight open line into the center of joy, which is the heart of love. Do not allow distractions to turn the mind away from that central purpose, to love. In this loving is the joyful reflections that bring to you awareness of your true being, which is a being of love, a being loved, a being able to give love away. So, my beloved, polish the diamond of your mind to always set down upon the center of the heart room in the still point of your stillness where love will guide you on your way, pleasure becoming the grace note to the joy, peace and understanding of love¹s harmony that dwells within you and is your companion in me, and your communion always with Father, Mother, Jesus/Michael, your guardian angels, your teachers. Thank you.

Student : Thank you.

Alana : So! this is Alana. It is good, this discussion you shared of the inner life you experience as you practice, uniquely to yourself, the teachings given to all. And here we are now, in what you call your group heart room, your group stillness. As you rest with me in this  wholesome experience of love and saturate yourselves in this communion pool of love and forgiveness, you allow love to enter into the pattern that is you, and you alone, in full communion with God and God¹s will of good will to all. You strengthen that understanding within. When you break apart and go your separate ways, you know your heart has been lifted by your own will to do God’s will, which is to lift your will up to His love, the Mother¹s truth, Michael¹s watch care. By the group will to share, God¹s love belongs to all and is not confined to any one way, although always you enter through the door of love. God¹s kingdom is within, where you must turn with mind and heart to open to love, God¹s love, Mother-Father¹s love, Michael¹s love, and allow, allow yourselves, each one of you, to learn to love. Love who you are. Love your humanity. To love your self is to love others as well, to seek to share what you have come to know, which is that you are loved and all will be well if you but surrender to love. Love first. Love now.

So is there anyone who would step into the center of the heart room, or shall I gather you all at once into my lap?

Student:  Yes. Yes.

Alana : Allow the heart room to lift up your hearts, to embrace your loved ones, to increase the love and forgiveness in your lives. (long stillness) Are there any questions?


Student : I have no questions now, but I would like a lesson in the future on steps to the mastery of the mind. You suggested awhile ago that the mastery of the mind was one of the keys to the spiritual life. So maybe we could have some lessons on that in the future, Alana?

Alana : Yes, beloved. There is always the difficulty of human language to be considered when we speak of such a phenomena as “mastery.” You conjure up wrestling with alligators, struggle. Or the war against time and control to dominate that which is seen as objectionable. So, it is odd, I suppose, to tell you that the first step to the mastery of the mind is love, to love the mind, to embrace the thoughts, to allow the mind all its curiosity and boisterousness. For you see, in loving is the surrender of all that stands in the way of loving more. But certainly, we shall have more conversations on this valuable topic. (Yes, Thank you.) Each time, by the way, you create and step into the heart room, you have altered the mental design that would prevent love from giving you mastery. So you could write that down as step number one, and present it to your scientists, and ask them, “Do you get it?” this first step, to create the heart room, step in it, and know love. Does this make sense to them? Can they give it a formula? And yet you know it to be real? Yes?

Student:  Yes.

Alana : I welcome you into my heart room always. I blow love upon your mind. I embrace it. Thank you.

Student : Thank you.

Alana : Focus your attention now. Allow my love. Allow the love in the heart room. Blow love upon your beloveds. Blow love upon those you would love more. Blow love upon those you do not know. Embrace your world in the heart room. Expand your minds, expand your hearts, embrace your world into the heart room. Rest in love. Thank you.


Davina : See yourselves filled with light, surrounded by light. I lift you up into the light and blow love upon you.

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