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CRV4- 2nd Coming, Attitude, UB, Change

1992-10-11-2nd Coming, Attitude, UB, Change
Corvalis #4


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Working Together
o 1.2 Group: Corvallis TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: LinEl
o 2.2 TR: Thea Hardy
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Confidence, Change
 3.2.2 Second Coming
 3.2.3 Attitude
 3.2.4 Urantia Book
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Working Together
Group: Corvallis TeaM
Teacher: LinEl
TR: Thea Hardy


TheaH; The love of God surrounds you, the love of God enfolds you and strengthens you, wherever you are, He is.

LINEL:  Greetings I am Lin-El. I am your teacher. I have chosen tonight to send you a message (on audiotape)through your receiver who cannot be present tonight. She is doing well to go with her friends and enjoy God’s beautiful ocean.

Confidence, Change

LIN-EL: You are wondering what will happen as we begin working together. I know this is exciting and maybe puzzling as well. You are ready to begin this process of working together. It will be a very different experience from any you have had. Do not think that because you have read other teachings you will understand all of what transpires/happens. We want you to know that we are very pleased with your progress. You have come together willingly to seek your place in this mission. We are very pleased and touched by your willingness.

Your receiver is fortunate to have again joined your group and you are fortunate as well. She is nervous about this process but she is doing well and we have no worries about long term outcomes. There are others of you who can learn to do this as well. We would encourage you to practice listening for any messages that come to mind. Pay attention to sudden thoughts. Please speak freely when these thoughts occur in your meetings. Do not fear others’ reactions. Do not fear mistakes.. You are human. Mistakes will occur but we can take care of all this and nothing will be harmed.

You are entering upon a new stage of your lives and nothing will ever be the same again. This is exciting for you but also sometimes fearful because in a short time you will change many of your previous thoughts and reactions about your lives. This degree of change is always accompanied by discomfort, sometimes mild and sometimes severe. This is one reason why we encourage you to turn to Father in silence. Because in this way you are strengthened and your fears diminished. The Father’s love is there for each of you in any moment you seek it.

He is always sustaining and always ready to be of help to all his children. If you open your hearts to him and seek to do his will, there are no obstacles that you cannot overcome, now and forever.
As you adjust to this new way of living, please learn to discuss your problems in this with your fellows because you will strengthen each other for the tasks ahead.

It is not easy to do at first because each will have his own fears, but you will come to see in time that fears which seem so different are not always as different as that. You share many things as well. Rejoice in your differences and your similarities, for both are important. Seek to love one another and be patient together with each other as you go through this transformation, for surely it will be a time which transforms your lives if you choose to continue to follow the Father’s will.

Second Coming

LIN-EL: Michael is coming soon, but it is difficult to explain what “soon” means in your terms. You have completely different reactions to time than is the case on this side. You will discover that even your teachers do not know every detail of plans for the future. We ourselves do not know exactly when these events will take place, nor exactly how/ exactly what way things will occur.

This is part of the faith adventure with the Father. When you choose to do his will, you enter upon an adventure that will take you far and wide. Knowing you are safe with Him, you can face any uncertainties and even learn to take pleasure in not knowing. It is common for humans to wish to know; also to wish to plan and have complete (receiver struggling with the words here). You like to know more before you venture forth.

This is a necessary part of evolving mortals, but in time you must learn to trust the Father’s will and let go of excess planning. You cannot know where you are going because you will not fully understand until you arrive, since there are many things for you to learn along the way. Think of this like taking a trip through beautiful countryside you have never seen before, and allowing everything to unfold as you approach it. This can become a very pleasant experience, with much good excitement and learning. If you knew many things beforehand, there are understandings you could not possibly gain in this way. So if you trust the Father, you can let go and enjoy the ride.


LIN-EL:  This is an attitude very difficult for mortals. Many of your have been taught that worry and anxiety are the only way you can control outcomes in your life. These attitudes actually stand in the way of your progress even in the material sense because they do not allow you to remain open to possibilities. If you have an attitude that all will be well, many more things will go well, and you will seek to take obstacles and turn them into stepping stones.

This attitude is greatly assisted by practicing your quiet times. As you feel the Father’s love, you become secure to go out into the world just as any child who knows his parent loves him (receiver would like me to include (the word) “her”) Just as any child perceives that their parent loves them…When they perceive that they are loved, they will step forward with confidence. Many of your did not receive this degree of love as children because your parents before you also did not receive this. Therefore, you must now gain this feeling of being precious children of your Heavenly Father, who loves each of you.

If you could but see the Father’s love for you and his joy as you each begin to walk his path, you would know how special each of you is to Him. If you seek Him, and open your hearts to his love, you will become secure in this adventure. We ask you to try daily to sit in silence with the Father. You will be amazed at the results if you persist. Do not feel badly if this process does not run smoothly for some time. It takes time for your minds to be attuned and to become used to recognizing His voice. Your intent is what counts. Do not judge yourselves by your failures, but rather by your true heartfelt desires. You know this already from your Urantia Book.

Urantia Book

LIN-EL: Please try to study in the book, daily if possible, because everything that we teach is there for you. Try to remember this book is more than a collection of facts, it is a guideline for living your daily lives. Life is lived only one day at a time, therefore try to make each day a gift to the Father of your willing His will. You do not need to worry about what comes in the next weeks or months, but only to loyally live today and to seek to love yourself through your openness to love for and from the Father, and then to become a channel of love to your fellows. Whenever you meet someone, any day, be they be stranger, or friend, or foe, please remember this is a child of the Father.


LIN-EL: This is the end of this message. We wish you to know that we will be here and your receiver will need to practice so this will not yet be a regular part of your meetings for a few weeks yet. Please be supportive of her so that she can become comfortable with this process and we can begin our regular lessons. We would like you to think together about what you wish to learn. You can use the Urantia book to seek topics; this will work best if you can find ways together to decide what all are most desirous of hearing about.

Please rejoice with us at this wonderful opportunity for us to work with you as a team and for the future great events that will take place. But remember that your daily lives are the most important at this time. Try to live more loyally each day, and also that your group here in Corvallis must learn to become close as family so that you have always support from your group as you prepare to do the next stage. Please be honest and open with each other and do not fear the results.

We will help you resolve any difficulties and your Thought Adjusters will always lead you if you ask. Know that we love you, the Father’s love is with you always, and Michael’s love is here in your midst as he expresses his great appreciation for your willingness to answer his call to his service at this time. You will see many changes in the world even now if you remain aware. We will return as soon as your receiver is more practiced in this process. Be loving to one another. Farewell.

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