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CRV5- Courage-Fear

Corvalis #5


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Courage
o 1.2 Group: Corvallis TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: LinEl
o 2.2 TR: Unknown
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Courage, Fear
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Courage
Group: Corvallis TeaM
Teacher: LinEl
TR: Thea Hardy


LIN-EL: The love of God surrounds you, the light of God strengthens you, His goodness inspires you. Wherever you are, he forever is. Greetings, I am LinEL, your teacher. I am delighted to send you this message for your meeting this evening. Thea has done too much this week and is ill. She must take better care of herself. But this form of message is suitable for this occasion.

Courage, Fear

LIN-EL:  I want to talk to you tonight about courage. This is a quality that many people lack, true spiritual courage. It takes a great deal of wisdom and commitment to develop spiritual courage. It is a quality well esteemed here on this plane as it is there on yours. It can be more difficult to face the struggles with self than to face the outward battles of war, even though that seems impossible. There is much to conquer when dealing with fear, and this is what constitutes courage the facing and dealing with fear.
There are many things you humans fear that we no longer fear at this level.

One of those things, of course, is physical death. After experiencing the awakening on the Mansion worlds, the fear of transition sleep is virtually absent in the terms that you would understand. It is replaced with the natural trepidation that occurs when facing great change, and even that diminishes as new levels are attained. But on your world, where you are Agondonters and beleaguered with negative legacies of the rebellion, such fear can be extreme.

We hope you are all experiencing a lessening of some of these fears as a result of contact through this mission. A clearer sense of the realities ahead is very helpful in this matter. Your trust and faith in the outworkings of the Father’s will in regards to this mission is noted and we consider it touching and inspiring to watch as you are learning to see ahead on the path. You will find that as you progress in your understanding and faith, your fear of mere physical death will be diminished to be replaced with a degree of joy and anticipation for the life ahead.

I know that some of you long deeply to be part of this mission on your own planet and the thought of death now seems even worse. No one can say what the exact future holds for you, or in any event, this is not something that we are at liberty to divulge to you even where we may occasionally know. But fear not; what we can assure you is that you all have roles in this undertaking and the moving on to the mansion worlds will not necessarily prevent your participation. Remember this is no longer a current dispensation, therefore limitations that obtained priorly are in many cases no longer a problem. We refer, for example, to restrictions as to the particular presence of ascendant beings on this world.

Many can come here now who were unable before. Who knows what interesting partnerships will occur in this experiment in which many former regulations will be altered? Again, fear not! Michael has called you to this adventure and the Father has willed it. Do not think he will let you down when your wish to serve is so great. One way or another, you will indeed see, and participate in, the events to come, whether some of you have joined us on this side or not. Trust in the Father; he will never fail you.

Courage is also to be cultivated for your participation in this mission. It will take much courage, sometimes all that you have, to speak out and say things up ahead that will be required of you if you wish to continue. Loving others as Michael has loved you, and now asks you to begin practicing, not only with each other here, but out in the world of your daily lives, is a truly daring and courageous act. Michael did not go about doing good without boldly going where his Adjuster led him in his dedication to the will of the Father. Loving others in a Father-like manner is the great adventure of all time; it is being like the Father, being perfect in your sphere as he is in his. You will be asked to do many things that you fear, in the name of serving Him whose will you seek to follow.

Some of this fear will consist in revealing yourself to others, not just your convictions about this mission and the affairs of your brother Michael, but also sharing your self-ness of personality with others. Many shrink from this task of self-revelation because they were raised to disregard it or were even directly attacked for such revelations. It will take courage to overcome your early training in these regards, all of you. It will take courage to overcome the fear of striking up conversations with strangers, of directing your energies towards the things of the Father instead of the things of your material life, of learning to work side by side, learning to be entirely honest and open with one another in order to become the versatile team that we know you will eventually become.

Remember, using the courage derived from faith to overcome fears is one of the most exhilarating experiences you will ever have. This form of risk-taking has all the zest of driving a fast vehicle or scaling a dangerous peak, but it serves the Father’s purposes, and not a mere animal interest. Those of you for whom this risk seems impossible, yes even you will learn to eagerly anticipate the thrill of each act of such courageous faith. Try it and see! Try loving and speaking forth what is in your heart, and watch the results.

There will be trials and conflicts at first as you discover that indeed you are each individual, none has the same opinions. But soon you will learn to relish that fact and see that such a thing is an essential element in the great mosaic of the Supreme. It requires all of your different viewpoints, all of the viewpoints of all personalities, to form the Supreme Being. So work courageously to express your part, that you may advance the Supreme on his path. The practice of this courage will soon become as meat and drink to you, and when you find ways to harmoniously work together with all your diversity intact, you will laugh as you look back on what it was that you feared so at this time.

Rejoice! The adventure is before you, and I assure you, you will not be disappointed in the end. So take your courage, drawing freely from the Father’s love, and begin to act on this adventure. You have not truly begun until you begin to act. Do not fear, begin action now. Dare to love, to live the Father’s will. It will be difficult to begin, but it is simple when you learn how.


LIN-EL: We will be with you this week as you attempt to act on your faith. Know that we send our love, that Michael’s love and appreciation are with you, that the Father Himself is joyous to share this adventure by your side, always strengthening you in all that you do if you but knew. Keep the faith! Talk about this among yourselves, enjoy sharing your experiences with this adventure. We will have a message, in one form or another for you next week. That is all. Farewell.

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