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DTX13- Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 13

1993-05-02-Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 13
Dallas TX #13

• 1 Headingo 1.1 Topic: Love Teachers
o 1.2 Group: Dallas TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
o 2.2 TR: Jeannie George

Topic: Love Teachers
Group: Dallas TeaM
Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
TR: Jeannie George

Anastacia & Ordon 5-2-93
Lesson 13


Place the rose of Love within the hearts of others. Our Father has extended to each has graciously given a part of himself to each child. He has placed a rose upon your heart to symbolize love. Dear ones be the love be the peace be beautiful and stand strong with the Father by your side. Be faithful to this trust. This gentle Guide will never fail you. Welcome his shining face. Turn all concerns over to the Father. Let the Father fight with you. After you have done your best, rest your troubles in the Father’s bosom. Gladly assent to this help and allow it to be your way of living. Happiness is for the faithful. You aren’t able to see all that goes on around you while we see it clearly. Trust our words that the Father waits in readiness to assist you everyday and in every way. His willingness to help you will be yours to acknowledge to accept and take up.

Our help is here but in the long run have faith in the Father’s help above all others. In his care you will know with a certainty that all is well. There will be no confusion, only peace. Devote yourself to the love that has been flowing through you. Let it flow ever so gently in wisdom to others. Your love moves in accordance with your freewill. You allow love. You allow yourself to be given in service for God. Even greater our working together in dedication to the mission of reaching out to our fellow men. Love has many aspects. Love makes beauty. Love seeks truth and goodness. Love can overcome all difficulty. The Father shares freely and gives love in abundance for your use. The love is there so return it to God by giving it to the needy souls who are seeking. Delight in being joyful givers. If we speak no more to you this is the message we would share with you.

Bring to the altar of worship your thanksgiving. When you are in thankfulness your blessed message from the Father comes forward. Bring from the Father his personal message to each individual. You in your blessedness give to others for it will come bubbling forth. You can’t stop love; it builds. The circle of love blooms. It grows. It is beautiful. It is active. The rose blooms even if it isn’t viewed. This is the rose’s innate journey in nature’s cycle. Have you ever heard a rose say Nobody’s looking so I won’t bloom ? The rose willingly blooms.

Now my children live in God’s love and bloom; this is your destiny. You will rejoice and grow in God’s love; you will become more than you are. You have the freewill choice to be this joyfulness as you work to blossom. So in this choice the Work you do is blessed and your work and effectiveness increases. The Father in all ways assists you in each step of your growth in service to be fruitful. He tenders his children with assets that they love and will benefit others. They who view these assets will want the Father by their side too. So be this wise gentle guide to others. Let them wonder what there is about you that is so pleasing. Be the example of merciful love for yourself first because you can be no other way. Even when alone bloom in beauty as the flower.

Bloom for you have found God’s love. In adoration you have tasted the Father’s love. Let it be as you wish. In the Father’s mercy you understand that love flows into existence largely when you share. Seek out your heart’s desire with the Father. All love comes from the Father. He shows us the way together dear ones. Thank you in your attention to our words. Let your faith strengthen your love with mercy. We are your faithful teachers and fellow sojourners. . . A & O.

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