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DTX25- Dallas Collection Part 2-Session 25

1993-08-10-Dallas Collection Part 2-Session 25
Dallas TX #25


o 1.1 Topic: Love Teachers
o 1.2 Group: Dallas TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
o 2.2 TR: Jeannie George

Topic: Love Teachers
Group: Dallas TeaM
Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
TR: Jeannie George

Anastacia & Ordon 8-10-93 August 10 1993
Lesson 25

The Truth Will Set You Free
Face the truth. Let your faith in the Father bring you into the enlightenment of truth. Let us suggest prayer. It will bring you a multitude of joyful solutions. There is joy when you know what to do how to do it and why you want to do it. You will know and the truth will set you free.

When you pray pray for your faith to have the insight of a devoted heart as the son or daughter of God. When you put your faith in prayer to God you will begin to see for sure that the Father hears your requests. He can help you find workable solutions from your requests. You are the one to test and prove that the Father is near and listening if this is your concern. Blessed are the ones who direct their requests to the Father within. Have your chats out loud with God and see what happens.

Experience this firsthand by doing as we ask of you. We want each one to experience the help you will immediately receive from the Father. You are dearly loved and cared for each separately and as a whole. Each request you make to the Father is heard and then a workable loving idea will filter down to your consciousness. The Father desires to be nearer to you. This is what he has diligently worked for all these years with you. He is delighted to assist you in the best way that he sees will benefit you and help you help others while you learn at the same time. Yes the spiritual economics is efficiently utilized in all ways on our level. There are many sides to the answers that you receive so be grateful and be willing to accept the multidimensional help that you receive.

To experience something you must act. Nothing can happen until you act if you are truly to see that the Father will answer your prayers. You must do your part in this prayer circle. First you talk to God about whatever is bothering you. Then you listen for the answers. If you give the needed time to hear the Father will let his ideas filter down to you. You will receive some help in your confusion problem or just addressing the way to go in each daily routine. We asked you before to seek the Father’s help each morning to know the way to go or to do for that day.

Will you help us by doing this? We will assist too. Never do we promise you that things will happen if we are not positive that it will. We promise that you will somehow receive answers. Maybe they will come to you from the lessons or from someone’s sharing with you but you will receive an answer. If you ask the Father he will see that an answer is given to you somehow someway. Will you test the waters of prayer and be alert to watch for the answers to come to you? In joyfulness and thanksgiving the answers to your problems will come to mind for with God all is possible.

The Father loves you and he is interested in your spiritual education. He has the plans laid out in order as the best way for you to proceed. The Father cares about you and he tends to your needs and your lessons that will bring you into the realization of truth. Facts are facts but you must find the truth of the problem. You must be an awakened student who is willing to ask for assistance and to watch for the answers to come to your mind. You will realize then that the Father is very near you and that he listens to your requests.

When you have this realization and you understand that answers are waiting just by your chats with God you will not hesitate any longer nor delay. You will continually talk with God and enjoy his presence on a firsthand basis. Your friendship will increase. Your confidence in the Father will increase a thousand-fold. Nothing will keep you from God when you see the valuable answers that await you in the company of your companion and friend the Father. You will begin to see the truth by your faith-insight.

Of course knowledge-reason comes into play too. But now my dears you are sure of getting help because these answers will be directly related to your requests. You will know with a certainty that God has helped you. There will be no doubt. Let us try and see! We ask you to do this because we are certain that you will SEE and you will KNOW that our words are true. Don’t put this off. We want you to see the joy that will be yours when you take the time to ask and then to await the answer. Nothing can ever take the place of the loving Father helping his children in this intimate process.

The Father always knows best. You will definitely be awed and so overjoyed that you are ready to receive firsthand your reward for all the work you have diligently accomplished through ridding yourself of fears hates and all the poisons that keep you from closeness with the Father. You are beginning to trust us more for you take up the work that we request of you in our lessons. You are beginning to see the truth for yourselves now. Yes at first you just halfway did the work but now we see that you truly long and thirst for the better ways to be and to react in your daily living. We are with you. We know for a fact that this is so. Yes dear students we are so proud of you and your newly acquired spirituality that we will indeed be the one to point the way for your new growth to excel.

You are becoming our apt students. Thank you for your cooperation and concern for others in the group. Thank you for your love you so rightly have extended to each other by way of sharing. In general your trust level has increased. Your enjoyment has been raised. Most definitely you respect and listen more intently to each other’s ideas and opinions to a greater degree. Sincerely you have been able to improve your listening skills and to value another’s words. How proud we are of you all. We are your teachers and you are our students. We work side by side. Our constant attention to your needs and our help in your wishes have indeed advanced you to a newer height than before. Who among you can deny this?

How fortunate we are to have students who are sincere and joyful. These two conditions work hand in hand to raise your level of consciousness. We speak of God-consciousness here. When your level of consciousness is raised you are beginning to see in a directly new lightness. You are directly more willing to be with the Father and devote yourself to him more willingly each day. After all when you reciprocate and thank the Father he is acutely aware that you are getting his feedback. He then is joyfully touched; and he proceeds in a more direct method for he knows that you are acknowledging his help.

You are gladly accepting more of God’s way as your way too. You are developing the state of mind to be more willing in an open-minded direction. Please keep in mind that this process will continue on each day. This process will increase as you ask for the help. God does not turn a deaf ear to your pleas nor does he work needlessly when your ears are deaf to him. He waits until you are ready to listen. My dears the Father knows you and understands you. He is your most dearly beloved friend in all you do even more so when seeking his assistance. How gladly and willingly he comes to you and waits. God is love personified. Love is what he gives; and in his patience he loves you. In his mercy he loves you. In his joy he loves you. That is how the Father provides for you. His plan is perfect and so beautiful. The Father has covered all your needs in his care.

You need nothing more at this stage of growth but to trust in his love. When you understand this free love that comes to you each day of your life you will accept this love; and in awesome respect give to all others you meet. This love cannot be held in your hand but it can be given by the work your hands produce. In the promise to you God is all that you ever need to seek. In this knowledge of truth you see all that love can teach you. You will know what needs to be seen in the eyes of others for them to see love in action. This love will open your heart and open the rays of beauty into joyful giving. You are dedicated to opening the rays of love that shine out onto another’s heart. You share.

You will guide another person to see this ray in someone else’s heart. This beautiful circle of love rings the harmony bells of truth. It is so that righteousness will reach the Father’s ears and ring the harmony chords. Be so sure of this process that nothing can keep you nor deter you from praying again. Many of you now pray mini prayers to the Father all day long. Yes you are seeing the rewards of praise and thankfulness and inward chatting with the Father as you go about your daily work. Be positive about this prayer process because you will come to the realization in various ways that nothing but good will materialize when you participate with the Father by your side.

And this is what happens. The Father becomes by your request your constant companion. He no more is just someone who is with you but you are in touch with him through your prayers. You know that you want his input as it serves you so conveniently and so accurately. Chatting with the Father enriches your life in many ways as channeling new energy into yourself in various healing directions. Being with the Father beholds more for you than is seen now. Answering your prayers is a beginning. Ask the Father or Michael to be the guide in all your concerns. Take your problems to him with knowing assurance that he will help you in some way that is best by all concerned. Be joyful that all works out for the good of all when the Father is your advisor.

When the Father leads you in your daily work you are doing your best. When you diligently seek the Father throughout the day you are continually renewing your line of communication. Nothing can come between you and this communication. We too stay in our communication with God and with you. It is a strong bond that need never be broken nor does it ever have to be hesitantly taken back up again. Just tell the Father that you have missed him and you will more fully direct your attention in his direction.

The Father knows you well. He sees what you are going through and his love and care is available for your needs. Never be shy about talking with the Father. Take the time. Be there talking and asking the Father for his solutions to your problems. Be free to do this by preparing your time schedule to allow ample time for this important appointment that is never broken by you. Be brave children of the Most High. Dance in your joyfulness that you are the children who accept challenges for they only help you grow in spiritual awareness. They are not hindrances but learning lessons that you know the Father would like you to learn.

You are becoming more joyful about your listening skills your growth and your acknowledgment that truly you are on the right path. Accept these lessons in the most cheerful manner so you can see that each day will be either worked through in cheerfulness or in negativity of begrudging the lessons. You choose your attitudes. You set the tone of the day. It is your choice. No one can tell you how to live your life and make you do it. You are free to choose the cheerful path of discipleship as your path to be treading homeward to Paradise .

By your actions come examples of action and reactions for many others to follow. You are enjoying your growth and you are on the very lowest level; but by the same token you can foretaste the joy that will be yours in the near and far future. Your joy now is just the beginnings of joy. You are beginners in learning about cheerfulness and joyfulness. But we see you gaining these desirable attributes. Great storehouses of joy are waiting for each one. Think of these and continue being glad you are happy. Happiness comes from acting out the truth in your life. Living in the pathway of spirituality brings greater returns for your efforts than anything you could invest in ever and for always. Of course it is evident to you too that this is truth.

No longer do you have to just believe have faith that it is true. Yes it is becoming more real every day that you persist in the mission workshops under our tutelage. Your faith is bringing your fruits into the truth of reality. We see each one in the group each day. We chat if the occasions call for it; otherwise we journey on to the next member. See if you can detect our presence. We will make a game of it and have some fun with you. Address your concerns to the Father and all will be as it should or can best be lived by you. Each of you are responsible for your daily action and reactions. Take each action and allow our loving Father and Michael to be by your side. What greater power will you need then? You will see the impact of this awareness for yourself and others when you walk with this powerful love each hour of the day.

It is our privilege to assist you as your teachers and we want to state here that our love grows with you as we work side by side in Michael’s mission work. Our brother Michael provides for us all to have peace of mind by walking the pathway with him. We smile in this devoted journey we are taking together. You smile with us. We are happy and so are you. Together we see our blessings because we have taken up this work. You volunteered as we did. In your familiarity with The Urantia Book you very often encountered the record of celestials volunteering for the available positions opened and classified as ‘help wanted’. This is the way of love. Opportunities are opened and interested beings are encouraged to volunteer.

Do you see why this method is the best way to proceed? If not now you will see by experience. So we ask here for volunteers to begin the outreach work. Who wants to volunteer? Who can see the work as something that they want to delve into in a greater way? We will say more about this later. For now dear ones be gentle with yourselves and with others. Allow the love of the Father to flow through you out to others. The Father’s love heals and cures aliments of the mind heart and the physical body. Whoever said It is more blessed to give than to receive is the same person who said Love one another as the Father loves you.

Of course it is Michael who knows about love and the devotion that comes from applying it to others. The Father is love and all love comes from him the Primal Source of all Love. All blessings are because of the Father’s love. The Father is the Cause of the Universe. The Father is the First Love of the Heavens. Michael has shown us what the Father would be like were he here in physical form. Here we are on the planet where Michael lived this life for all to see and to know. You are very privileged to live here and have this knowledge. You are able to see the repercussions of his work. Think of the powerful-ness of love that he gave to us. Ponder this idea and count your blessings every time you get discouraged or out of sorts with your fellow men.

Count your blessings. Count your blessings and adjust your mind with Michael’s. Be awed by your own worthiness of having your life experience on this planet of Urantia. You are so blessed. All appreciative-ness when awakened on your planet will account for your merciful-ness. Michael is dominated by mercy. Mercy is applied love. Mercy makes you more appreciative. In all our messages to you we speak of what is to be learned and reviewed. In addition we urge you forward in your work. Often times we speak of new ideas for you to ponder so you will not only be thinking of now but be looking forward to the future times. You are able then to see the bigger picture. You can envision your potentials as well as keeping your feet firmly planted in the everyday work here.

Dear blessed students that which we want most for you is to feel the Father’s love. Let it be real for you by using it in your everyday dealings with others. Let this love flow freely to others. You are experiencing this action more and more. We are seeing you touching others by your actions.

Yes we hear your comments of how someone helped you by sharing. Love helps you accept more about another person. It helps you be receptive to their needs. You are only being as you want and desire to act. You are desirous of being present and awake in this new energy that is being placed in your care. Now we will close our lesson of truth and freedom. Truth heals your mind. It increases your awareness to beauty and goodness. Love beautifies your actions. Your heart thrills in the expanded giving of yourself to the work you are able to do easily and with cheerfulness. Be close to each other by supporting your ideas in the work for God. Be with us in your heart. We love you and see your progress increasing. You are devoted children of the Father. Let us be thankful that this is so. The love teachers Anastacia and Ordon

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