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DTX7- Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 7

1993-04-03-Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 7
Dallas TX #7


o 1.1 Topic: Love Teachers
o 1.2 Group: Dallas TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
o 2.2 TR: Jeannie George

Topic: Love Teachers
Group: Dallas TeaM
Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
TR: Jeannie George

Session 7
Anastacia & Ordon 4-3-93
Lesson 7


Getting ready for the materialization[1] [Written message to Jeannie from A & O]
This lesson has to do with courage, faith, and endurance. You the faithful ones will continue in the mission but others will consider backing out. When we say these words we are not insinuating that there will not be materialized beings that will appear. We are talking about the resulting energy that will fill the room fill the persons there and will be available for others to fulfill their missions of materialization. All these words now don’t have much meaning for you nor will they have real meaning for you until you have experienced these things we speak of here. Our words are not to frighten you only to set up for you a path of traveling. A path of remaining in the mission in spite of the consequences.

Yes there will be lingering consequences. Of these consequences that will linger the longest with you will be different than those who live closer to the event. How can we teach you about contemplating the results if you refuse to discuss or even consider what could happen. Will you be good thinkers and list what could happen after a materialization of which we speak? This does not happen everyday on your planet. This does not happen at all on your planet. Could there be repercussions? Could outsiders make it difficult for you being Urantians? Could it cause you to walk more carefully in life when speaking to others about God? Could your comments then be related only to issues that the unawakened could take up and readily put into practice because your word pictures are created of God’s love and comfort?

Be of good cheer. Do think about this journey you are taking. Will you stand steadfast in the face of disappointment or will you let down and return as you were before? Will you continue in the mission in the group and with your teachers? Pass on to yourself the habit of thinking the process of looking before you leap; thinking about the possible results of this event. In preparing you will have time to react with a more decisive opinion. Is it desirable to look before you go headlong into something?

By looking you will learn much more. You will have prepared your mind to process more accurately what happens there and then consider these probable results with what you predetermined could happen. You will have processed in your mind the thinking necessary to culminate the outcome according to your judgment. Isn’t this worthwhile to consider to think about. To have the ability to look at situations with an accurate eye as to the outcome this ability is well worth developing. Your judgment comes into play everyday when things happen. You often use your imagination to depict what really happened and why.

You could ask why of a person when people are involved. Why did you do that? Other times you are left wondering. Now let us look let us learn to think out the why’s and what for’s of this event. Stretch your minds. Let the ideas flow out. Before we close here let us say that you are all learning to process more thoughts that will truly benefit you if you will help us help you. Do your part by being brave enough to look and prepare. Don’t put it off. This is an assignment.

Socially speaking you have not even begun to hash around ideas that could happen. Okay? You are still dreaming of living a life in the flesh with relatively little happening to you. We say that you are dreamers if you do not foresee that many things will be different after the materialization. Sign us off here with love from your teachers A & O.

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