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DTX8- Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 8

1993-04-09-Dallas Collection Part 1-Session 8
Dallas TX #8


o 1.1 Topic: Love Teachers
o 1.2 Group: Dallas TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
o 2.2 TR: Jeannie George

Topic: Love Teachers
Group: Dallas TeaM
Teachers: Anastacia, Ordon
TR: Jeannie George

Session 8
Anastacia & Ordon 4-9-93 April 9 1993
Lesson 8


Having faith in spite of what happens at the materialization.
You of our group who are going to the April 24th materialization have within you the power to grow in a greater way than before. You will have the ability to enhance your personal being your body. Yours will be the way to become more of the energy that will be produced at the event. Yours will be the action to take to improve that materialization of yourself in a more fitting way. We say this because you will have the opportunity to improve on your health by the healing power of this energy that will be available to you there.

Yes this will be available to those of like minds and bodies who desire to become more hardy and healthy. Yours will be the task of living longer so you can perform the tasks that are necessary for our mission to move forward in an orderly and purposely manner. You can then be alert to this happening to you as you will exchange the energy into your body and into your mind as part of the proceedings of this event. Ask not then what can be done for you but accept this in our processing of material. You see us we give you time to process this event in your minds as a happening of real consequence. Be assured that all events have more than what you can see with the eyes.

Yes be alert to what is going on around you and you will be able to understand more of what is available to you at this time. What could this be? Other energy available to you? Ask of us what this could be. Ask of us your questions on any ideas you might have about the materialization. Let us discuss these together. Let us draw conclusions together. Let us work together in our conclusions and let us help you look again. Now when you have for your base belief that you will not trust the mission if the materialization does not take place you will have to look again at what will be available for you to learn besides this conclusion. Of course you will continue in your belief of God for that is a private experience.

But what of Melchizedek. . . will you believe in him even if he doesn’t appear? Of course again you can still know that he is there. He is real for you have some experience of him by now as in our group meetings and from Urantia. Yes you know he is real too. But what will you believe of his word? Can he be trusted if he doesn’t keep his word to you? We would ask of you each to look at these questions and see what you really world feel in your hearts. Please be with us here with these thoughts. You are not asked to view this event with unreasonableness only with new vision. New expanded vision. Look at all the possibilities.

Be prepared for the lessons for the possibility of expanded energy. For all these things to happen. [

It is okay to stop for now and come back again. (Continued again on April 13 1993. )]

During our time together before the event let us discuss the event in detail as what is available to us. Let us really look at how you are going to experience it. And let us continue in our search for more knowledge of faith. Let us love each other with a new faith in their blessedness.

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