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ICC-MM 191027-Melchizedek Training Ground and Values Change

2019-10-27. Melchizedek Training Ground and Values Change

Planetary Seraphic Collaboration Conference Call

Institute of Christ Consciousness

October 27, 2019

Topic:  Melchizedek Training Ground and Values Change

T/R:     Donna D’Ingillo

PRAYER:  Mother and Father, we settle into our hearts as you prepare us to focus where we are guided by our Seraphim.  May we all be connected as one in your circuits of love, joining us together in the Personality, Adjuster and mindal circuits that originate within your beings and in the Father in Paradise.  Let our intentions to be of service be put to good use today as we collaborate with our Seraphim to build in these circuits of correction for our planet to outgrow the rebellion agenda and move forward in the divine plan for Urantian life.  Thank you, and may your WILL be done now.

NEBADONIA:  Greetings, my precious children!  This is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks.  There is much anticipation in the realms of Spirit that engage with the circuits of mind all throughout your Urantian consciousness.  Truly you are now at the brink of great change, and your Father and I wish to fortify you for the changes that are now in full preparation for this world to be healed of this scourge of rebellion.

We invite you today to set your heart gaze on the desire for the Melchizedek training schools to become more firmly and fully established upon Urantia.  This type of focus may engage your curiosity and I am sure many of you have questions about what this means.  To state briefly, you are now at the phase in your planet’s evolution to learn the very important lessons of life that come from the Melchizedek training schools to teach you certain universe principles that will help to restructure your social institutions that more change may be evoked within them of a higher order and help this planet on its evolution toward Light and Life.

The focus today is very simple.  And we ask you to simply sit in that heart space where your desire for these training schools to be more fully infused throughout the circuits of consciousness, especially in your social and cultural institutions.  What we invite you to focus on are these words MELCHIZEDEK TRAINING GROUND.  There is multiplicity of meaning in these words, and one of them has to do with a particular type of earth plane grounding of what these schools are here to teach you.

Part of this is moving out of the planetary-centric concept of this world into more of the universe-centric dynamic of knowing that you are indeed a family member and citizen of the universe of Nebadon and all that it entails.  You may imagine that this is quite a departure from what your planetary system of consciousness has been long mired in separation from Nebadon and the principles that you need to learn as a planetary culture that fosters the evolution toward Light and Life.

The Seraphim of your world are ready to take your focus and to move in the circuits of mind for this MELCHIZEDEK TRAINING GROUND to be more firmly established; that human thought would begin to perceive what is contained within these schools.  It is a redirection of focus to these higher principles and spiritual values of life and how they impact you at a collective level.   There will be more to speak about this in future sessions.  For now, all we ask of you is to sit in that heart space with your desire for the Melchizedek schools to become from more firmly and implanted here, grounded, if you will, into the circuits of planetary consciousness.  Your Seraphim will do the rest.

Take some deep breaths now.  Allow the words MELCHIZEDEK TRAINING GROUND to be perceived in your mental screen.  Drop those energies over your heart center and then send that into the globe to encircle the globe as the Seraphim moves in this now.  Thank you, my children, for your efforts in supporting this mighty energetic dynamic to unfold.

Many areas around the globe and many social institutions are now receiving these circuits that will foster the orientation to a higher universe consciousness and the principles and values you need to make the necessary changes in the Urantian social order for more of the divine plans to progress as part of the Correcting Time program.  Much has been seeded in many areas over the years of evolution and during this concentrated time-space for the Correcting Time to unfold.  It is as if to say the soil of the human mind has been fertilized with much spiritual energy that contains information that you need as a collective society to manifest these changes.

Many people are being prompted or sparked with these energies to perceive the information necessary for these changes to continue to take deep root in your consciousness.  As the rebellion mindset is outworked what is now being in-worked, you might say, is this desire for higher information to help you regain your rightful place in the family of Nebadon, and to learn what it means to be a responsible family member, not only a member of this planetary culture but a member of the family of Nebadon.

These are important concepts for this world to learn and the Melchizedek schools that are now forming in various dimensions and areas will help you steer through this course of change and build you in a way of thinking that is aligned in divine WILL and action.  Let these words settle in and allow your heart energies to continue to stream into the globe, with the desire for the MELCHIZEDEK TRAINING GROUND to become more firmly rooted throughout the circuits of consciousness streaming through all of the social institutions, cultural traditions and even into the mores that are all part of life here.

This world is immersed in outworking all of its many eons of spiritual stagnation.  Part of what this represents of coming out of this phase is a change in your values, and the systems that contain these values of human degradation and demoralization are now being altered so that you remember that you all are children of God and have divine dignity because of that status.  What this imparts then to you is and hearts is the relinquishment those feelings of unworthiness that have worked to fragment the value of humans as part of the Father’s plan of evolution.

So in this time of change what is also being reconstructed for you is a change in your value system.  Now many cultures have different values.  What we are talking about is a more collective planetary mindset of what the rebellion did to devalue human life.

This has had a great impact all throughout your system of planetary consciousness and it is still a factor at play.  So as this MELCHIZEDEK TRAINING GROUND becomes more encircuited throughout the globe, feel your desire for a values change to also occur that more people may perceive their divine dignity, their value and worth-fullness.  For when people are operating from this state of their divine dignity, minds are much more able to perceive the divine leadings of the Indwelling Spirit who is conveying these higher values and principles of life to help you form a greater healthy and positive planetary culture.

If you wish, you may shift focus slightly and allow the words VALUES CHANGE to also stream into your hearts from your Indwelling Spirits and to send that out into the globe where your Seraphim will take this desire and add it to what they are doing now.

Your Urantia text makes mention of this world “quivering on the brink of a spiritual renaissance” and you have been carefully, lovingly, devotedly moved in that direction.  Now the time is upon you for the world to take that step forward.  I know your minds are all wondering what this means and how it will look, what actions will be precipitated for this step to be taken.  You must experience this, but know that your Father and I are supporting you and every action of faith, every thought of faith, every step of faith is supported.

This is the time to move from what you think should happen to trusting in us as your Parents.  For after all, we love this world.  It is an integral part of the family of Nebadon regardless of how many years you may have felt isolated from the rest of our family.  You have always been a part, and it is now the time for this part to reflect the whole, and this is now a collective step forward.  Let these words settle in.  Let the meaning and the value of what this means resonate within you that you may be further fortified in faith and be guided by your Spirits more consistently each day.  (Pause)

In our final moments together in this way, feel your desire for the MELCHIZEDEK TRAINING GROUND to be more deeply encircuited throughout the planet’s system of consciousness and for this VALUES CHANGE to reverberate throughout the globe.  It is time for you to remember who you are and what your loyalties are and where they lie.  Christ Michael is the Sovereign of Nebadon and your loyalty is to Him as your Father and Creator.

The Melchizedek schools are here to help you acclimate to these higher principles and values, and you are being prepared to help your brothers and sisters adjust to this new dynamic that is growing within them.  There will be confusion for a time but we look to you who have been prepared to help them with your love and patience, compassion and understanding.  And we will support you in every effort you make at being of service to your brothers and sisters.

In the coming days pay attention to the changes you perceive within you and know that you are all being guided to move into this time of reconciliation, redemption, and reclamation of this world as a full member of the universe of Nebadon.  Play your parts well each day as best you can.  Come to your Father and me when you need upliftment and security.  It is always given to you.

The Seraphim have now completed their objectives.  Know that these energetic endowments will continue to be seeded and be distributed throughout the circuits of mind.  We ask you to focus on this in the interval before our next time together as humans and celestial personalities collaborate to support this planet on her trajectory toward Light and Life.

Thank you for your faith and your participation, my children.  It is greatly appreciated and valued.  And whether you recognize it or not, what you have done today becomes a part of your soul and adds to the growing fabric of LOVE and LIGHT upon Urantia.  I embrace you in my LOVE and I bid you a good day as you go about the rest of your daily activities.

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